This Caused Dr. Jordan Peterson to Change His Political Thinking

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foreign I'll tell you a story about what what changed my political thinking when I was very young when I was 16 to 16 I worked with a Socialist Party in the province of Alberta which is where I grew up and uh and I I was fortunate enough to know the leader of the Socialist Party in in my Province home province of Alberta who was the only opposition Member of Parliament in the whole Province it was like 36 conservatives and one socialist and the only reason the people in my home District voted for this man was because he was a good man he was a labor leader and most of the socialists at that time in Canada were former labor leaders and they did stand at least in part for the genuine interest of the working class anyways I worked with them for a few years and I got this Enchanted in part because when I went to the conventions of the party I met the radical types and they were the same as they are now and like they just I thought what the hell's up with you people you're just bitter and resentful like you claim to be caring for the poor but that's just a lie you're just bitter and resentful and you think morality consists of praying in public right it's like you hold a sign that says I'm against poverty it's like well who the hell isn't against poverty you know that's not a I'm for poverty it's like you know you know more homeless so because I because it makes me feel better by comparison it's like nobody thinks that nobody thinks that and so that set up a cognitive dissonance in my imagination I thought well if this end of the political distribution has the moral upper hand why the hell is it producing all these resentful activists and now well that's a question that we're asking ourselves in Spades now but then I was nominated I served on the Board of Governors of this little college that I went to Grand Prairie Regional college and uh all of the people who were on the board were people I presume people like you they were all owners of small businesses and they'd been successful and the towns that I grew up in in Northern Alberta were like 50 years old you know they just been scraped out of the pro Prairie it was the last of the frontier and everyone there was an immigrant so most of the people who had started these small businessmen were immigrants who came there with nothing and built something and even though I didn't share their political views I found them individually admirable and I also found that the same applied to the small businessmen that I worked for at that point you know I thought well you've actually done something with your life you know and you're there's a solidity there a productive solidity exactly and so it was at that point that I realized I didn't know anything and just stopped working on the political front altogether I decided that that point to become a psychologist rather than a lawyer or a politician which is kind of where I was heading it at that point in my life and I realized that I realized that it was the people who had built productively that had the moral upper hand they might not have been very good at expressing their ethos intellectually or explicitly but in terms of their character they had they had established a victory and I think this is actually the problem on the conservative front broadly across the world is that they're people of solid character but they're not good at articulating the foundations of their ethos and then when the radical leftists come along and take them apart ethically they don't know what to do they throw up their hands because I mean think about it this way someone comes up to you on the street says justify marriage and you think well I thought we sorted that out like 25 000 years ago you don't know what to say you have no idea how Justified marriage you know a lot of the things we do in our life that are ethical we do we act out we don't think through like I presume the vast majority of you put up a Christmas tree but you have no idea why you know like and if someone Anthropologist came over to your house and said well why do you put up a Christmas tree you'd say well everyone does it something like that and it's beautiful and it's part of it but you have no idea why I mean there are reasons for the Christmas tree that's a place where you put the light that shines in the dark darkness at the darkest time of the year and that light signifies in the Christian tradition that light signifies Christ and that signifies the service of the highest to the lowest and you're acting that out but you don't know it and when you're married you're acting out a very deep ethos as well and you don't know what it is and but everyone's agreed on it and a lot of your conservative virtues are things that everybody's already agreed on and so when an intellectual comes along it says justify that you don't know what the hell to say and then you can be picked apart you know well isn't the isn't your ideal of marriage heterosexual long-term stable child-centered couples isn't that exclusionary and isn't the exclusion wrong well you think well exclusion yeah well that's wrong and uh well I don't know and then you're guilty and it isn't because you're wrong it's just that you don't know how to articulate that traditional value and well that's a huge problem that's a huge problem but that doesn't mean you're wrong and and the same thing applies on the profit front it's like it's hard to articulate why that's acceptable also because it does seem like if you're generating profit it's obviously the case that that can be used by you for narrow personal reasons right you can buy a you can buy a yacht and fill it with super models and cocaine if you want and and that but people don't and most wealthy people in the United States by the way are like you they're they're they're the owners of not immense businesses you know small to moderate businesses and they're very conservative in their consumerist habits and careful in their distribution of their resources they're not like Hollywood hedonists you know or or or the Wall Street psychopath types not at all Wall Street people are psychopath types but you know the kind that are parodied in movies you know people you're people who are very careful with your capital and you live moderately that's also a sign of that ethos but it's hard for conservatives to articulate that doesn't mean you're wrong it doesn't mean that you should be guilty one of the ways you combat those kinds of things if you don't have number one don't have to have an argument you just have to be right and just keep moving yeah but the uh I don't have to defend I don't have to enter into that conversation like yeah you're a nut and I'm moving on yeah well but probably hardly we're in a situation where you probably do have to learn to articulate it because what's happening is that that Central ethos that traditional ethos even voluntary exchange it's under such vicious attack that if you don't learn to defend it and articulate it it's going to be taken from you and that probably means I suspect that means that each of you is going to have to think to some degree about how to involve yourself in at least the local political landscape it's like you know what the school boards are doing or maybe you don't and you should I mean these these low-level political positions have been occupied by radical types and the only real solution to that is to take them away and occupy them with people who have some sense and the problem is you probably have something better to do but but it just doesn't matter because at the moment if you abdicate that responsibility then the radicals are going to take it and then they're going to take what you have that already happened in the universities we abdicated our responsibility as professors and the radicals took the the institutions from us and as far as I'm concerned they're gone we're not getting them back they're done so what happened in the universities is the administration took over the faculty The Faculty retreated 3 000 steps the administration took over the faculty and then the Dei radicals took over the administration and the same things happening on the corporate front and the way that you're enabling that I don't know how relevant this is to everyone in the room but you hire an HR person you hire Dei consultant you start playing that game maybe to keep the critics off your back they will take you out don't do that that's a big mistake you think well you know we have to play the public relations game we have to look like we're appeasing the radicals is you do you can't appease a snake it's a big mistake
Channel: EntreLeadership
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Keywords: entreleadership, dave ramsey, This Caused Dr. Jordan Peterson to Change His Political Thinking
Id: CNzpriXhAJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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