Farage: Why I might be FORCED to leave the UK.

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hello there now you would think in the light of this that I'd be pretty happy I mean you know news presenter of the year the trick Awards was pretty cool and a massive thanks to all of those people out there that voted for me the establishment were of course appalled because they in their little London bubble think that I'm incredibly unpopular well in Notting Hill I might be maybe not quite so in the rest of the country but actually truth is I'm not full of the joys of spring I'll be living with something for the last couple of months that may well fundamentally affect my future career going on from here and whether I can even stay living in this country I have been with the same banking group since 1980. I've had my personal accounts with them since that date and my business accounts right through the 1990s what it worked in the city of London and in recent years too I'm with one of the subsidiaries of this big banking group one with a very prestigious name but I won't name them just yet I got a phone call a couple of months ago to say we are closing your accounts I ask why no reason was given I was told unless it would come which would explain everything the letter came through and simply said we are closing your accounts we want to finish it all by a date which is around about now I didn't quite know what to make of it I complained that I emailed the chairman a Lackey phoned me uh to say that it was a commercial decision which I have to say I don't believe a single moment so I thought well there we are I'll have to go and find a different bank I've been to six uh no seven Banks actually um asked them all could I have a personal and a business account and the answer has been no in every single case there is nothing irregular or unusual about what I do the payments that go in and come out every month are pretty much the same I maintain in my business account quite a big positive cash balance which I guess with interest rates where they are is pretty good for the bank too so why is this happening to me well one explanation is this a few years ago the European Union came up with a definition of somebody called a pep a politically exposed person now this could range from anybody from a prime minister down to a local counselor I think the reason for it was you know were people in politics open to bribery could foreign governments from Ukraine or China or wherever else it may be could they be pumping money into the you know the accounts of corrupt politicians so I kind of understand that and get that but it's all about interpretation isn't it and what the banks argue is that to maintain an account for a politically exposed person gives them increase costs of compliance now I have spoken to the city minister in this country and there is some hope that this EU definition which came into British law may be moderated in some way will have to see but of course any bankheady organization can choose to interpret a pet and whether they want the account in any way they choose to my knowledge I don't think anybody has been treated like me in the world of politics but then the banks you see themselves are part of the big corporate structures in this country these are the organizations who did not want brexit to happen and I think in my case probably the corporate world will never ever forgive me because they know if I hadn't done what I did with the help of thousands of people in in our People's Army there never would have been a referendum let alone a victory I'm the one that is to carry the blame so that's the second possible reason why I can't get a bank account Prejudice that comes from our institutions but I think there's a third reason few months ago in the House of Commons sir Chris Bryant chairman of the Privileges committee said using parliamentary privilege that I had received large sums of money directly from the Russian government and he named the calendar year in which it had happened truth is I didn't receive a penny from any source with even any link to Russia and yet because he said it it stands I wrote to the speaker I demanded an apology nothing has been forthcoming from Sir Chris Brown well I wonder whether that is what's given me part of the problem I have employed a top firm of London lawyers I'm going through a series of subject access requests to find out what is held on me by the international agencies and by the bank that wants to close me down but think about it without a bank account you would think to become a non-person you don't actually exist it's like the worst regimes of the mid 20th century be they in Russia or Germany you literally become a non-person and you don't anymore you did in the past but you don't anymore actually had a right to be entitled to a bank account now there is a possibility through a fintech company that I could find some means of receiving and paying money which could be a little bit of a Lifeline but it's not a bank account because I won't be able to earn any interest on positive cash balances I won't be able to borrow money if I need to at any point or take out a mortgage should I so designer that will be completely denied to me I won't be to have a debit card linked directly to my account I won't really be able to exist and function in a modern 21st century Britain so I will tell you more about this on GB news at seven o'clock tonight as to what my decision is but I'm beginning to think that perhaps live in the United Kingdom is now becoming completely unlivable because of the levels are prejudice against me I'll give you more of my thoughts at seven o'clock tonight on GB news
Channel: Nigel Farage
Views: 557,084
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Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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