You are 4 steps away from breathing like a pro swimmer!
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Channel: Skills N' Talents
Views: 1,087,983
Rating: 4.9359283 out of 5
Keywords: swimming, 접영, swimming tutorial, 水泳, swimming technique, swimming videos, learning to swim, Butterfly, Freestyle, Backstroke, stroke, Breastroke, Swimming, technique, tutorials, swim, Howto, videos, learning, improving, dive, start, flipturns, flip, turns, easy, steps, natacion, dorso, mariposa, crol, pecho, tecnica, nuoto, partenza, livre, nata, natation, schwimmen, virada, saida, olimpica, swimmers, swimmer, motivation, beginner, beginners, Skillsnt, Skills, NT, talents, ncaa, college, slow, motion, slomow, kick, improve, advanced, basic, crawl
Id: Ug9-LP7p08U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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