LEARN to swim FREESTYLE / Front Crawl in 3 Steps *Tutorial for BEGINNERS Kids or Adults
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Channel: SwimtoFly - Swim in 3 steps
Views: 1,736,051
Rating: 4.8764629 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Anseaume, Swim, to, Fly, Swimming, Results, tutorial, water, safe, life, skill, relax, glide, breathe, lessons, classes, no, stress, fly, bubbles, blow, easy, fast, simple, method, program, tutorials, students, student, learn, swimming, pool, child, kid, kids, children, childrens, teach, explain, show, babies, school, education, results, performance, underwater, safety, Champion, incredible, amazing, wonderful, Kids, SAFE, FAST, EF…, lesson, diving, coaching, industry, training, class, teacher, teachers
Id: fXgh56kisTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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