Freestyle Breathing - How to breathe while swimming

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we simply cannot breathe on the water so the moments we have to breathe are limited this limitation complicates swimming it adds a stressor to the body being relaxed and breathing properly delivers oxygen to your muscles and helps you swim more efficiently and comfortably the better your breathing technique the less impact it has on your stroke how to do it in freestyle the most efficient way to breathe is to decide lifting your head to breathe will drop your lower body which causes drag ideally leave one glass of your goggle in the water and one glass out of the water the water breaking over your head forms a bow wave which allows you to breathe in the air pocket that forms around your mouth breathing is coupled to body rotation turn your head in unison with your rotating body to create more space for your head to turn and timing is everything turn your head the moment you push off at the end of the pull through breathing quickly and turn your head back into the water halfway your recovery how to do it breathing out to keep your breathing common natural you need to breathe out underwater holding your breath will stress the lungs causing fatigue breathe out half your air on the water your lungs will be ready to breathe in during the next stroke make sure you don't breathe out all your air always keep some air inside your lungs it doesn't matter whether you breathe out through your mouth or nose choose whatever feels comfortable to you [Music] how to do it breathing frequency adjust your breathing rhythm depending on your speed when swimming easy long distances make sure the flow of oxygen to your lungs is constant by breathing every second or third stroke ideally breathe on both sides since this helps you establish a more balanced freestyle technique when speeding up breathe less this allows you to increase your stroke rhythm the focus points breathe to decide by using body rotation [Music] turn your head to the side without lifting it breathing quickly when you push off your stroke and bring back your head in the water halfway your recovery make sure to breathe out on the water for a balanced stroke breathe on both sides every third stroke [Music] learning to breathe in swimming take some time and effort but everybody can learn to breathe more easily by practicing regularly follow our breathing video course and watch all the breathing instruction videos at swim gym calm knowing how to breathe is the first step in knowing how to swim [Music]
Channel: SwimGym
Views: 285,003
Rating: 4.9480028 out of 5
Keywords: Swimming, tutorial, freestyle, triathlon, breaststroke, swimcoach, swimtraining, trililfe, borstcrawl, zwemles, schoolslag, swimrun, howto, Breathing, swimming, swimtutorial
Id: qMSP3cZzy-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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