Your Flesh VS Your Spirit | Pastor Chad Veach

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oh it is great to be at bayside church do you love your church do you love your pastors come on let's clap and thank god for the pastors of this church anybody love pastor ray [Music] the bible says if you love your pastors to buy them starbucks gift cards and um this is my first time to bayside but just have been blown away by the faith and the excellence the mission the commitment to the next generation the commitment to marriages uh my wife and i had the privilege of being at the marriage conference and it was just such an honor i'm sorry my wife had to fly back to l.a to look after our church there but i'm honored to stay through the weekend my wife and i have been married for 12 years and he married people in the house and he happily married people in the house when i asked if they would marry people people were like oh we are happily married we've been married for 12 years [Music] she is blessed [Music] i don't know i don't know why you laughed we have the result of a great marriage we have four children and uh people are like you must love kids i said shoot i love my wife that's the result of loving her right there so we have four children we have nine seven five three y'all pray for my three-year-old though my three-year-old is not saved that man needs jesus today so somebody respond to the altar call for my son in jesus name but god's been good to us has god been good to you clap if god's been good to you let's thank god together um i want to mention this briefly this is my newest book it's called help i work with people [Laughter] and i i wrote this book because i think you can't do life well if you're doing people wrong and i'd love to blame my problems on others it's just that i am the common denominator in all of my problems and so i got to get good at working with people family friends co-workers i got to get good at working with people so if you work with people you're definitely going to want to pick up this book that just told me it sold out all the physical copies sold out here but you can get on and check it out but uh i hope that is a blessing to you does that sound good okay galatians chapter five are you there in your bible galatians 5 verse 19 i'm going to jump in in just a moment but i want to before i read i want to make sure we all understand this i don't care how many church services you've been in how many scriptures you know how much worship music you listen to none of us are exempt from this battle the battle between your flesh and your spirit there is a reality inside of you called your flesh that wants to sin some of you are like amen i was talking to somebody the other day and they say every night about 9 00 pm two angels appear on his shoulder one of them says eat the ice cream the other one says do not eat the ice cream i said which one do you listen to he said look at me which one do you think i listen to there was a flesh inside of you there is a spirit inside of you whichever dog you feed that's what's winning the war and god loved you so much that he did not die for your fire insurance alone i grew up i'm a pastor's kid any pk's in the house today well we made it the two of us this whole so i'm a pastor's kid when i was growing up in middle school my mom used to pack the minivan with all my friends and she'd take us to youth group and after youth group we get back in the minivan and my mom would turn around and ask all my friends if they got saved did you all get saved and based upon their answer we would get to go to dairy queen to get ice cream so i so i look back at my friends yes you got saved because we go we need a dilly bar so so but but if all my friends got saved she'd say to them but i don't want you just to get your fire insurance what she was saying is i don't want you just to get saved and live a life that's hell on earth no i want you to get saved and get filled with the power of the holy spirit to walk in your god-given potential i want to tell you today the future is so bright for you i want to tell you today you should look at your future and smile what god has in store for you no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind can conceive the things that god has in store for those who love him and are called according to his purposes come on anybody excited about the future hear me you will never walk in your god-given potential until you starve the flesh and feed the spirit watch what it says in galatians 5 19 the acts of the flesh they are obvious sexual immorality impurity debauchery idolatry witchcraft hatred discord jealousy fits of rage this is a description of los angeles clipper fans dissensions factions envy drunkenness orgies and the like i like that he said andrew like what he's saying is etc etc etc the flesh just keeps on going down this road just keeps on it sets it's not limited to one or three or five the flesh just goes down this road etc and the like watch what he says but i heard a preacher say one time christians have big butts what he was saying is there there's there's what we used to live in but god interrupted the thing and got a hold of us anybody thankful that when you were lost but god come on when you were broken but god when you were don't act like you so holy i said clap and thank god if you're grateful that he butted in to your situation and saved you when you couldn't save yourself but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentle self-control this sounds like the los angeles lakers right there come on self-control against such things there is no law those who belong to christ jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires those who who have those who have said yes to jesus they have put their flesh on the cross and they have crucified the flesh see what i want to encourage you to do and by the end of this service i'm believing that you're going to take your flesh up on that cross and you're going to die to yourself and you say god it's no longer i that live but is you that lives through me i'm dying to myself i'm dying to my selfishness i'm dying to my greed and i'm saying yes to who you are and what you have clap if you're willing to put yourself on the cross so that god can do a great thing i want to preach a message today write down the title it's called are you an actor or a producer are you an actor or are you a producer see notice what paul said the acts of the flesh see see some of us have been acting out or or acting i grew up with mr t anybody watch the a team member mr t said i pity the see some of us have been acting a fool and god is saying stop the act i want to produce fruit out of your life you will be known by your fruit by the way fruit comes from surrendering and submitting to the holy spirit it comes from yielding i'm not gonna the flesh wants to say whatever it wants to say do whatever it wants to do go wherever it wants to go spend whatever it wants to spend the spirit of the living god yields to what the spirit wants yeah listen i want to just tell you there is a flesh craving inside of you but there is a spirit inside of you your flesh wants to sin the spirit of god within you wants to pray wants to read the bible wants to walk in truth wants to walk in righteousness i'm tired of living this way i want to live this way anybody else let me give you four keys to overcoming the flesh walking in the spirit four keys to stop being an actor and start being a producer write down the first one block the intruder you you and i we need to block the intruder watch these verses let me explain romans 7 and now i realize that it is no longer my true self doing it but the unwelcome intruder of sin in my humanity for i know that nothing good lives within the flesh of my fallen humanity the longings to do what is right are within me but the willpower is not enough to accomplish it my lofty desires to do what is good are dashed when i do the things i want to avoid so if my behavior contradicts my desires to do good i must conclude that it's not my true identity doing it but the unwelcome intruder of sin hindering me from being who i really am listen to me this side is who you really are this is your true identity the jesus thing the god thing this this is who you really are this thing you ever do a sin you're like huh why i do i said i would never do that again i said no ice cream at night you ever feel like there's an intruder taking over your body you ever get a marital disagreement and you say something and you want to get the words back right away there's an intruder in my body i hope you had a great easter we had a phenomenal easter we got in the pastels we had a great time we uh easter evening we we we drove from l.a to palm springs jesus lives in palm springs people i found jesus i know where he lives we got in the pool for christ we ate the froyo for god we had the best week of our life spring break we drove from from from palm springs back to l.a when we got back to our house in l.a that we i saw some droppings in our hallway i went to our boys room more droppings i went to the to my daughter's room to my room we found out when we were gone rats came into our house so there's two types of people in life there are people that can solve problems themselves and people that need to make a phone call for the problem to go away so i called the guy and i said you need to get right here right away bro so he came in he he looked in the attic he said good news they're not in the attic he went in the crawl space he said good news they're not in the crawl space he walked around the house he came in my living room he dropped this huge invoice he said for a large sum of money i can get this problem to go away i will close every crack every opening in your house everywhere i think the rats are getting in i can get them out some of you need to close the cracks of your character some of you need to block the intruder and stop letting someone come in and mess with your destiny and your future and your calling who's down to block the intruder come on you got to stop watch this romans 6 11 in the same way count yourself dead to sin but alive to god in christ i am dead to this side i am not a slave to unrighteousness i am a slave to righteousness i'm not living by every impulsive decision i'm not living by every whim everything i feel no i don't go by feelings feelings come and feelings go i'm living by the word of god the grass may wither the flower may fade but the word of the lord will last forever people clap that means everybody has to clap come on guys let's all clap [Applause] but my my my question to you is are you allowing an intruder to overwhelm your body and get you to do all kinds of things that you swore these are the things i'm going to avoid these are the things i'm going to stop doing i'm not going to talk like that i'm not going to act like that i'm not going to spend like that some of us are so led and ruled by the flesh watch what the bible says in galatians 6 it says sow to the flesh and reap corruption sow to the spirit and reap everlasting life some of you have corruption in your relationships corruption in your mind corruption in your soul why because you've sold to the flesh we're going to stop it today and we're gonna start sowing to the spirit and being led by the spirit and we're gonna reap an abundance of life write down number two today the more i yield to the positive the more i don't fight the negative the more i yield to the holy spirit i yield to the positive i don't even want the negative i don't even want that stuff see you need to realize hear me today you have an appetite for whatever you feed yourself whatever you're feeding yourself you crave more of so if i walk in the flesh i crave more sin more deviance more more just more more corrupt behavior i feed myself i want more of that stuff the more i feed my spirit i crave worship music i crave the word of god i crave small group i crave truth you have an appetite for whatever you feed yourself now i don't know what you uh ate during the quarantine but colvin 19 some of us is a coven 19. we it was it was it was a hard time people okay so when i was stuck in my home i started eating the gyms were closed i'm stuck with my children i'm just eating any eaters in the house you ate way more than you usually would so i made it a decision because we had to stay at home when we first started i felt like god was calling me to eat every day a peanut butter and jelly sandwich this is a holy act so and i want to tell you how god eats these sandwiches because there's a lot of opinions about pb and j's but i just want to give you a word god eats crunchy peanut butter all you creamy folk that's the flesh and he would never use strawberry jelly ever it's grape his name is god he is great he has grapes so i started eating these things every day every day about day 10 or day 14 i posted on social media i'm eating these things every day i started every single day having peanut butter jelly time every day every day out and i listen i wake up in the morning just dreaming about the crunchy peanut butter thinking about the grapes from god just thinking about the wheat things that are going to go on my plate and just this i just whatever you feed yourself you crave the more i say yes to the positive i don't even want it's like that looks gross that is negative that is nasty that's my old life that's my old idea i don't want anything to do with that because i'm feeding my spirit watch what it says here in second corinthians 7. therefore having these promises beloved let us cleanse ourself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god what is he saying there cleanse cleanse our self from all unholiness in the flesh and the spirit that launder i call these the dirty dozen the clippers details this is the dirty dozen he says the flesh and the spirit in other words we need to cleanse ourself from the negative we need to wash that stuff out of the flesh the stuff that's obvious and the spirit the stuff that's hidden you can't see jealousy you can't see envy you can't see racism you can't see lust we need to get cleansed from all unrighteousness get that negativity purged from us oh i love acts 3 it says repent therefore and be converted so that your sins may be washed away and times of refreshing can come from the presence of the lord i need to get the negative out because i'm a person that's addicted to the positive spirit side clap today if you're down to let the holy spirit cleanse you from the bad side so i get cleansed and i get right and i get righteous and i get set on fire for god and and then as i as i do this i gotta go to my license and read what it says write down number three look at your license look at your license no one by the way in all of bayside has a good license photo no one's gone to tsa put their license down and the tsa worker goes wow the tsa worker is only there to judge you between the difference of your photo and what you look like at the airport they all look at you like look at your license this is my license it tells you my address it tells you my my eye color my hair color height weight it gives a description of my this is my id it's my identity jesus did not die on a cross so that you could live a life full of sin jesus died on a cross so you can have the identity of righteousness it literally says god made him who knew no sin to become sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god in christ jesus our lord anybody thankful that you're righteous today [Applause] the next time you walk in the flesh the next time you indulge the flesh because it's gonna happen because you and i we're sinners saved by grace the next time you indulge in the flesh you ought to say to yourself i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus my license say i know i acted this way but i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus i'm not using grace as a license to sin i'm using grace as a license for freedom watch what he says look at this romans 6 so what do we do keep on acting keep on sinning so god can keep on forgiving i should hope not if we've left the country where sin is sovereign how can we still live in our old houses there or didn't you realize we packed up and left there for good sounds like some of the californians during the pandemic we've left there for good you'll be back suckers watch okay that is what happened come on that is what happened in baptism when we went under the water watch back listen if you've never been baptized you need to get baptized watch what baptism is when when we get baptized when we went under the water we left the old country of sin behind when we came up out of the water we entered into the new country of grace a new life in a new land new life in a new land see your license reads that you're dead to this stuff your license reads that it's no longer you that lives your license reads that you have been given grace now i love the bible listen to the scriptures for the grace of god has appeared to all men teaching us to deny ungodliness grace is not there as a license to sin grace is there is teaching you how to walk in the spirit how to obey the cravings of god how to walk in truth how to walk in righteousness if you don't if you don't have the model of a good parent growing up don't worry the holy spirit will teach you how to be a good parent if you don't know how to be a good spouse don't worry the holy spirit will teach you and lead you how to be a good spouse the holy spirit is the greatest pastor on the planet the holy spirit is your comforter your convictor your reminder your teacher anything anybody thankful today that i've got the great holy spirit living on the inside of me showing me where to go [Applause] and when i get baptized it is saying oh oh no no no no i am not an actor anymore i'm a producer i don't act by the flesh i am led by the spirit it's no longer me that lives it's christ that lives in me and now i am addicted to what god wants you ought to make a decision in your life you say you know what i am no longer going to make jesus be upon the cross and i am the lord i put myself up on the cross jesus is lord he is the boss he is the shepherd he is the shot caller i'll do whatever he wants me to do i'll go wherever he wants me to go i'll live wherever he wants me to live i'll spend my money any which way you've got my time you've got my treasure you've got my talent all my time is yours all my money is yours all my talent is yours i'm not gonna use my talent for my gain i'm gonna use my talent for your glory i'm not gonna use my money for my legacy i'm going to use my money for your kingdom i'm not going to use my time for what i get i'm going to use my time to glorify your name somebody clap today and thank god i'm not an actor i'm a producer see some of us we come to church were like churches boring you're boring you're boring because when the holy spirit gets a hold of you he'll lead you he'll guide you you get divine appointments you get god god given you a word for somebody you get the power of the holy spirit showing you you think the people in acts were born see some of us we want the church to solve our problems it's not a church problem it's a flesh problem and when we get led by the spirit of god all of a sudden the holy spirit just starts leading us and guiding us and talking to us and convicting us and comforting us i don't know about you but i want to live a spirit-filled spirit-led life i'm tired of some intruder i got rats in my house i got rats in my life like who says that last thing i want to tell you write down number four keyboard player you can come up make me sound awesome write down the last one taste the abundance taste the abundance i don't know if you got covered 19. i got coveted in june and when i got covered the thing that i didn't like the most was that i lost my taste and my smell and mainly because like do you know how terrible it is to drink coffee every morning and not taste it here i am with the nectar of heaven and i can't taste it but i knew my smell was back because my my nine-year-old my daughter she's special needs and so she has diapers and so one day i walk by her bedroom and i go smell's back but hear me today hear me i want you to taste the abundance because a lot of us the problem is that you've tasted the bitterness you've tasted one of my favorite worship leaders in the whole world is a lady named brook frazier brooke frazier wrote the song beautiful name if you ever watch her lead worship she looks like she's about to tackle somebody and she's got her hair and she's flowing and she's going and she's you have no rival you have no equal just i said there were one time where did you learn to lead worship like that he said every time i leave worship i think about my 12 year old self walking into church for the first time experiencing the presence of god for the first time she said i can still taste the metallic taste of sin in my mouth and i'm leaving worship like it's me at 12 years old walking into that room experiencing the power of god some of you are like all i've tasted is bitterness all i've tasted is disappointment all i've tasted is failure all i've tasted is pain but the bible says taste and see that the lord is good so how come you ain't tasting it how come if god is so good why does life taste so bad watch what paul says so then beloved ones the flesh has no claims on us at all then we have no further obligation to live in obedience to it for when you live controlled by the flesh you are about to die but if the life of the spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh we then taste his abundant life see i need you to understand something the more you sow to the spirit the more you're gonna drink in his goodness the more you sow to what god wants the more you're gonna drink in and taste that god is faithful god is love god is pure god is peace god is faithfulness anybody thankful today that you're about to taste and see that the lord is good see i need you to understand that the lie of the enemy is to sow that you could sow to the flesh and you can taste all the good stuff no no sin costs you more than you ever want to pay takes you further than you ever wanted to go and makes you stay longer than you ever wanted to stay sin writes checks it cannot cash sin promises fulfillment promises adventure promises satisfaction and never delivers but the spirit of god promises things that he comes through every single time and now i'll know about you but i want to produce the right things out of my life not the wrong things it's kind of simple when you think about it and all of this goes back to a relationship with jesus because you can't produce fruit on your own you got to have a source jesus is inviting you into a relationship with him and in this relationship he talks to me about my time about my treasure about my talent he talks to me about my life so that i'm not led and ruled by the flesh but i'm led and ruled by my relationship with jesus amen to that come on let's clap together if you're willing to stop being an actor start being a producer bow your heads together bow your heads jesus we are aware today of the war for some of us it feels like we're warring even right now our flesh doesn't want to repent our flesh doesn't want to apologize our flesh does not want to confess our secret sin our flesh does not want to live for you we want to live for ourself now i'm praying right now there's some of you right now you're in the war even as i'm talking and even as jesus said to peter we're praying for you god right now is praying for you because it's your decision are you going to act in the flesh you're going to sow to the spirit you're going to use grace as a license to do whatever you want to do are you going to use grace as a license to deny your sin nature to say yes to your spirit nature i'm just going to ask because it takes a lot of strength it's not enough willpower you need holy spirit power that if you're here today you say you know what i don't want to act i want to produce i want to produce fruit in my life i want to taste the abundant life that's been promised to me in jesus if you'd commit right now say god i'm gonna die to the flesh and i will be led by the spirit if that's your prayer lift your hand high lift that high right now just tell god make it a commitment lord that's my hand i'm going from actor to producer right now lord you see every hand you see every commandment you see every heart right now we just declare we are dead to sin we're alive to christ we thank you for your power in jesus name you can put your hands down still eyes closed if you're here and you've never said yes to grace you've never said yes to jesus jesus loves you so much he brought you here to this service he loves you so much that he died on a cross for your sins he loves you so much that right now he's speaking to you he's standing at the door and knocking and he's saying if you'll let me in the father and i will come in and we will make our home in you if you want to say yes to grace for the first time when i count to three lift up your hand and surrender to jesus one two three lift it up right now come on shoot up your hand you want to get saved for the first time hands just shut up all around this room come on from the front the back side to side so many hands come on if that's you you're thinking about it put your hand up now surrender your life to god beautiful so many hands let's all say this prayer out loud say this with me if you said the first time or your 100th time let's all say it together say father god thank you today for the gift of salvation i say i love you jesus i will follow you i will serve you i am yours you are mine come on let's clap right now for every person that just said yes to jesus i think we can be louder than that for people that just got saved [Applause] i i want to tell you i know a lot of a lot of people got saved right now let me just tell you if you raise your hand we can't see it because of the ceiling but you just set heaven off all the angels are walking around with pinatas right now they bringing out the horchata for jesus and we're going crazy because you just got saved amen if you just got saved let me tell you three things number one tell somebody i gave my life to jesus today text him or tell him after the service i surrendered to god number two keep coming keep showing up in fact i always say give god one year if you come to church for one year and your life's not changed we'll give you all your money back if you end up given and the third thing is go get a bible download the bible app or go to barnes noble and buy a bible start reading the bible start in the gospels start reading matthew mark luke and john and watch what god will do with your life come on let's clap one more time for everybody that just got saved you
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 2,185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Ray Johnston, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, God
Id: 7TrcfKlJjRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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