You’ll Never Make Baked Potato Any Other Way | Chicken Stuffed Loaded Baked Potato

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I promise you this will be the best chicken stuffed baked potato recipe you'll ever tasted hi everyone welcome and welcome back to another recipe today I'm showing you guys how to make this super delicious baked potato recipe before I begin please take a moment to subscribe if you're new here also leave a like if you enjoyed today's recipe and let's jump right into the recipe okay guys let's begin before I get started I wanted to let you guys know I'm a little bit under the weather if I sound a little bit different that is why I'm using two russet potatoes I went ahead and washed and scrubbed them really well once I was done wipe them down now I'm using a fork to prick some holes on there to allow the heat to come out and then I am going to drizzle some olive oil make sure it's well coated with the olive oil also I am going to be adding some sea salt on there as well very heavy with the salt once done I am going to use a foil just wrap them up just like so once we have the potatoes nice and wrapped up we're going to place them to this pizza pan here or any baking dish and place it in a 400 degree oven for one hour next I'm going to be working on the chicken I'm using chicken breast for this recipe chicken thighs can be used as well I am going to slice it right in the middle then I am going to dice it into bite-sized pieces all right now that I have the chicken nice and diced up I am going to add some olive oil on there then we're going to season I wish I cut them smaller by the way if you want just cut them smaller it's better okay it's gonna sit perfect on top of the potatoes so I'm going to drizzle some olive oil on there make sure the chicken is nice and well coated with the oil then we're going to use these seasoning right here I'm using complete seasoning rinse the dry wrench seasoning mix paprika chili powder as well as some dry parsley mix that up together we're going to use not all but we want to leave about a teaspoon of that seasoning for later keep that in mind so I'm going to season the chicken now and save some of the seasoning for later I'll show you guys what to do with it after okay so I'm going to season the chicken very nicely once I'm done seasoning the chicken I am going to set it aside right when my potatoes about to be ready that's when I'm going to cook the chicken okay you want the chicken to marinate while your potatoes in the oven so now it's time to cook the chicken to a medium-high heat Skillet I am going to drizzle about two tablespoons of olive oil once that is nice and hot I am going to place the chicken in there cook your chicken for about two minutes per side or until until they're nice and golden brown because we're going to place this in the oven as well you don't want to overcook the chicken breast okay [Music] thank you [Music] all right my chicken is nice and done and it's looking juicy okay it's looking absolutely juicy that's what we're looking for so I'm going to transfer it to a bowl set it aside moving on in the same Skillet we were using for the chicken you are going to add some sweet bell peppers any color of your choice also I am going to be adding some diced onion in there we're going to cook that until all of the veggies are nice and translucent a few moments after I am going to add my minced garlic and when I tell you I love the smell of garlic when I'm cooking it is just make me feel like I'm cooking something that is so so tasty it's just the smell okay so we're going to cook that for about 30 seconds right after I am going to add about one cup of heavy cream stir that in just like that this is when you add the remaining of the seasoning add it to your sauce give it a nice stir and of course make sure you taste it if you need more salt or pepper you can but at this point I didn't have to add anything else right after I'm going to add some cheese I'm using for Mexican cheese however you can use mozzarella pepper jack whatever cheese that you do like give that a stir it should look something like this as you can see the heat is pretty low allow it to simmer for about a minute or two then and it's basically done remove set aside now my potatoes are nice and ready this is about one hour and 30 minutes by the way it took a little longer but that's okay I am going to remove the wrapping paper and discard that now I'm going to use a knife to cut the top portion of it you can cut your potatoes however you like but this way I find it more um like a bowl so just for the potatoes to just sit in so I am going to scoop out the potatoes inside oh this was so hot it was too hot I don't know why I was holding this thing with my bare fingers but okay now we have the Flesh of the potatoes into a bowl just like so I am going to make a lemon pepper butter okay so I melted about two tablespoons of butter unsalted then I added half tablespoon of lemon pepper in there give that a quick stir this is going to be so good and then we are going to pour that to our potatoes I'm going to basically make like a mashed potatoes but not really okay flavorful so I'm going to pour that in add some cheese and of course some more heavy cream and I'm using a hand mixer to mix this however you don't have to you can just use your potato masher for this I'm going to mix mix just like so give it a taste by the way if you need to add some more salt you can always taste your food that's one thing always taste everything you make if you don't taste it as you go how would you know how would you know if it tastes good okay so now I'm going to grab that potato and place it back into the potato shell I think that's how you call it and then you are going to grab that chicken that's Saucy looking chicken place it on top this is why I told you you need to dice your chicken smaller I wish I did I wish I did but at the same time a little bit bigger keep the chicken juicy too I don't know but anyways I'm going to place that Saucy sauce that creamy Saucy sauce on top and then we're going to add some cheese oh yes yes yes add the cheese and I'm going to do the other one now foreign [Music] how much would you pay for this let me know Down Below in the comment section I'm going to sprinkle some more cheese on there add some dry parsley bake it again on 400 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes and this is how we're looking like oh my gosh you guys this was one of the best loaded baked potatoes that I've ever tasted it tastes so so good it's giving southern style the sweet peppers the chicken tasted so amazing this is definitely 10 out of 10 in my book that I will make it again okay hope you enjoy let me know down below how do you feel about this recipe don't forget to subscribe if you're new here I will see you on the next one bye guys
Channel: Island Vibe Cooking
Views: 593,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loaded potato soup, loaded potatoes, loaded potato skins, loaded potato casserole, loaded potato recipe, loaded potato salad, loaded potato mukbang, loaded potato air fryer, loaded potato asmr, loaded potato appetizers, stuffed chickenpoatato, stuffed chicken potatoes, chicken stuffed potato recipe, stuffed chicken breast with potatoes, chicken stuffed potato rolls, chicken stuffed sweet potatoes, chicken and shrimp stuffed potatoes, potato stuffed chicken
Id: 0lSrFh81-0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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