Yosi Dina's secret $700,000 watch!

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we are back at the Yossi Deena collection or Deena collection you guys might remember Yossi is the person that showed me the f40 he told me to come here look at the f-14 it turned out to be a miniature car he called me this morning tell me he's got some amazing watches so who knows let's go see what they are it might be fun push I'm pulling oh that's why you got a purse I'm looking broken it you know really yeah I did not you have to pay its weight like I say I have amazing watches for you I want to see him what if you are you feel like I want just I remember the last time you choked we kept looking at 40 turned out to be a miniature are these real watches are you for real I am honestly I mean I love this you know if I knew you want this one there's no price for that seriously I like it how much I can get for that you know it's like a conversation piece let me get you the watch I really have custom body Bailey's been extremely busy you know July almost the way but somehow the tutors in here you know lovely girls have a lot of allowed what was good for business right complain okay so I'm excited to see what you've got tell me but what l me or does you want besides watch is again I'll really really a lot of this time you know me a long time you know what I like this what's happening when you're waiting for you there's Snickers there for other vices you know what they have no sneaker have the shoes for no Snickers no just not Snickers Snickers he said who's gonna Punk me about to me definitely buzzer I stick it snake thought you were later you got Lady Gaga shoes what do you think if you shipped it you have to be crazy to wear something like that you know all this artist you know honestly I heard the story about those shoes yeah then they actually want to cut them off her feet is that right some of the shoes but not least once can the connection can I see one okay the shoes lady Lady Gaga shoes it's pretty cool right come on Lady Gaga I tell you I make a deal with you if you have one of your girlfriend word this one for three days I give it as a gift how do you get your foot in here and you tell me you know money I think you saw this form of law in that you love that no it's crazy this is where they cut them off can you imagine where this yeah insane you put in perspective I'm a big dude that's that's how big it is right what do you think about it let me see the rainbow white-walled oh that's nice you know you cannot get it you know this this was retail I think like 70 or 80 thousand dollars they made so many of them people pay over 200,000 for this one you have a little trade let me borrow one of those it's imagine I quite like this sure you like it I know why I'm calling you you know what they do when I get pcs I call my customer I know what they're like how much are you asking for it we made a deal usually you don't like that they always like to do the Shred okay so that's not gonna work it took me a yeah I'm thankful link okay sure let's quit on see you know I can't put it on it won't go over my hand but it's beautiful it is good no it's beautiful everything yellow gold oh I like the matching you see I get watches like nobody can get it shop all over Europe United States you look through this stuff and you cannot get them turn the back no no okay listen I update the guys is small you know you're a small guy the guy up I got it from him which you like better both of them if you buy you have to buy pot without their major because if you buy one then you want the other one then you cannot get it I'll make you a deal for both of them amazing watches now would have to be a heck of a deal okay something you don't need this is and I will I will put this watches and they Internet I will sell it like in two seconds I will have a hundred people calling me it's kind of a watch what everybody wanted and I think diamond I don't think it's it's like it's a point it's not expensive to make it it's called the rainbow but the very rep has image so many of them you know a limit is not limited it's all they stopped making that right but it's not limited but they're very hard to get it's no don't make that you cannot get it all in so much maybe just watch it so anymore no no but what I'm saying is it wasn't a limited edition piece they just didn't make many of you see these how smart they are they always come with the new watches and they make it like so many of them saying everybody wanted their wallets become like we so which do you want how much do you want for them both of them I will send you both of the icd bottle number 300 that's you know I can get Michael there's 75 80 thousand dollars each list let me I said wait let me ask you are you doing drug seriously you think it's insane you think it's Deena Saint to sell it for 150 each one I can't see how much you want to be get insulted is so much fun well yeah Saul to me you tell me 300 for these two watches I didn't tell you anything now to take registered insane this is insane I know it's a lot of money these are worth about a hundred and ten hundred twenty thousand dollars each okay I'll watch it that way to 20 to 30 today that I'll tell you what I'll make you a different deal all right you bring me one for 145 each one and I will lie to you that's a foot 180 to 200 if you get it I did not know that well let's give that yeah let's do this so if these do in fact sell 480 282 harbor's I don't get a story you know me I know you but if you cannot you can write let me finish let me finish if that's the case let me do my research and and if I find out to be 300 we're making a deal and I think what's it do you bind them now for 300 if you find them cheaper if you find them cheaper I get it back and if it's not you give me extra $20,000 you have nothing to lose I think yeah gambler is that but before me beautiful if you find them before we do crazy deals okay what else should we go you know I have a limited budget I switch prints like 700,000 look at these I'm moving Lady Gaga's shoes $700,000 I tell you what I have another watch we ignore yeah look look at you don't forget about I don't want the Soviets watch I don't like that one all these releases but I don't want to sell them here but I will sell you this one what do you think about this one you know it's a limited edition you cannot get Music Factory yes of it like you Commission basically I will sell you this for 75 there's not a bad price take about five why is it so small because the guy there were that it's a little guy but I can write very look it's amazing watch come on you cannot get this watches anywhere you go to a Rolex store you cannot find what I have you know my store it's very special because you get stuff you don't see anyplace else you know that I do it's a beautiful watch I really do like this watch let me see what else I tell you what I don't want to make it look good if he's done no no no you will go I give it to you like I hold this for 24 hours you check it out if you tell me you you don't you're not happy with the price don't buy that's fair this I don't want to sell you these are the watches but I want the kid let me see it why do you want to keep it your Shores if I sell you this one I will deserve this two other people have a lot of customers just abusing my business I want either cuz I'm the customer and you're a because I have a credit card if I move right in if you buy this one I don't want to send you five watches so say what if I don't buy there is no want one of these you know what trust check this one then come two more which we talked about this one can we look at the $700,000 watch over there he will not fight it's okay I don't want to burn it it's not free my father would let me see it anyway I know that I would like to see I don't want because I want to put it in auction if I put in auction your Vernon I'm sure it's a very important watch it's a 2497 rosewood it's important watch forgive it but I want a protein option I guarantee you to the people watching this video we want to see that okay cool 2497 teleport special burgers food it's very rare I think it's only ten of them made you know Patek Phillipe they make so many of them they go for millions of dollars on watches this one worth about seven to eight hundred I appreciate it but it would never be something I would it's not you I know this why don't call you from that yes I'll tell you why I don't think you're really a buyer to therefore watches I don't think in a good mood well you have a bad day yesterday had a great day yesterday this more no date you see you Sunday here we go here we go I'll tell you what I have couple rings I got maybe you buy it for one of your girls you will always sell me stuff to give to pee hey listen we need to borrow your watch first before he buys any girls anything you don't like any watches everything I just pointed out four watches - you said you didn't like any of them this is true you did say that there's no no because it don't move my scoop i watch who blow yeah I think what if you work for me I will get you blow all right perfect I'll tell you what I got a new security I got this we work here you have a new way you have a new employees make it behind our back it's getting crazy I'll tell you what I got this wing just now hold it an amazing price it's by Van Cleef listen Jeff horrible salesman it's by Van Cleve into F column VVS Luke please it's a bit yes it's a G I believe this one right there it's a PBS it's clean I would like what you got to see what they look like examine it each man - unbelievable impossible leave you I want to look at the way that the face yeah yeah it's amazing I'm not buying a piece of paper and buying a diamond iron right that's right I wish not to examine the piece of paper with the Luthor's I did not usually sell wreath like that and the telephone clipper don't have to see it with the center stone might be vs the insights that videos the side stones are not listen to me it's by Bentley it's definitely perfect that lip will not it's been cliff it's a sign it's pepper haha no big deal no but like you say those shadows are not important not important but it's vaguely sign number everything the lady pay crazy money sure Hamlet sure how much is it how much old solitaire for solid you for 300 300 at least vaguely if you have to pay probably seven eight hundred that would have to be a heck of a girlfriend wouldn't it you know three hundred thousand dollars it's actually not a bad price give anybody you like for three hundred life to love for three hundred honestly can I give to a girlfriend at three hundred thousand or gift if I find the right woman I will give her a blue diamond a million dollar I don't if she's existing you know in my agent blue gun in my in my age and I'm still single I hate by that you're a party animal Yoshi no I'm the good guy you're the right one you know you're looking a long China eight years he's relieved knowing that leads very hard to find them they'll kill for looking for a good girl I do like that you like this one I don't have anyone to give it to no girlfriends my husband where it was an hour ago yeah where were you an hour ago good question where were you an hour ago Yoshi I went to Domenico because cuz I'm a jeweler have to watch you didn't do a manicure that's a manicure yes I don't like shiny curtain my surely you shine your nails I used to do that when I was 25 I was flashy but you plush you always drive in this flashy it's called clean it's clean it's called manicure really yes what do you think it's not clean women like clean but not shiny let's do a survey let's do a survey doctor Dominique question please as a woman do you like shiny buffed or do you like play do you like bitten and broken yeah which wish you think most women avoid the like dirtiest thing that's sick they're like you know the old kind you have to be a man I love coming here to like you I hate you on this watch if you had ten woman nine were like my nail one we like you know that's not true real women don't like shy in the comments and this only applies to women please comment whether shiny or not shiny and I'm not talking about polish if talking about Blazers these things mostly clean no sign but you're the real man what type of conversation is this silence even a new title for this video going to talk about nails with your CD no that's found in Indies do you know when I was younger was at when I was 28 that was a virgin because I was shy near 28 I don't want it for a second I find out maybe didn't look at it with the loop woman look obviously boys secure strong man like me I don't find the right one but I know what's wonderful relationship advice with your CD that he came to my house to look at a painting how much are for you twelve million novice nursing at mama gives it was it was a large it was like two or three million house more than that I was both really so that doesn't matter but essentially a media war hoes my plan I stood by an article and really yeah and solid ice bought for 10 so for 25 today they go for 186 three ability if I kept one piece one piece every time did you make a mistake I don't think you should you know what my paintings that is something I don't think I think I believe everything happens in the region that no accident yeah you wanted me to have it if I could I'd be a bit I'd be very happy that but God want me to be a slave I'm still working I bought some of my pieces incredibly inexpensively I'm incredibly long time ago and they've gone up and up enough like watch your sake thing somebody that goes and buys this for $75,000 a lot of money but guess what it's what two hundred thousand they're using but you can just send something I buy in self by yourself when I have this one when I got it a year ago I saw you a thousand if I kept it I sell it for 180 I don't keep I sold the watch for 1.8 million dollar but I want to keep but I need the money I offered the guy $17 and you will not sell it to me but its life I cannot think this way see I make painting you make big money but you keep it smart people don't sell they keep it and maybe not so maybe you display I'm not smart enough by keeping your 40s yeah yeah you think it would be good okay yeah she said I will do my homework on these two pieces because I like them okay you know check it out this one you don't have any girlfriend - what okay okay I will sell it to someone so this you want how much 75 and that's a real quite special I don't want to sell looking Andrew not now not now later later listen I don't need to sell everything okay are we not good any deals gave me 24 hours yeah 24 hours if I buy this and possibly this one you have to throw it Lady Gaga's no shoes you knew no but that t1 I like to make the deal with my masterpiece I knew you are the walleyes give it you have just different how much mm oh no they're masterpieces of 40,000 you watch was about 75 and I think it's a fair deal you know no I just need to be fair you're you I know you need to resell it and make money you got much I'm making every deal if I make two or three thousand sometime I'm very happy I'm not trying to kill well I just know I don't know that's why that's why I enjoy buying things from you give me 24 hours on this okay and then we'll see what happens so this is my son putting your glasses back on call me tomorrow let me know if you want to make it yes 24 and if you want to do a trade with a masterpiece I will do it now I don't have it with me okay but we can continue that conversation tomorrow mate your saintliness thank you very very much thanks for sharing this great senior but you will have to throw these in because they would look good on display if you would this want to give it as a gift if you want to get my play there okay go outside leave this three five minutes without its use I can you put it on anything what do you think no I don't think it's what do you think the size it's got pretty big fraidy no no she's Chinese and you know these are series let's see smugly five in our six it is but it's not something you want to win something you put it in the closet oh you like I certainly would do a beautiful frame that's what tomorrow okay talk to you thank you thank you know by the watch I'm holding this only poi day one day one you know you're there for bait what kind of lady do you got see you later bye let's get out of here see you later thank you by I will I'll pull it this time because I think last time I broke it kallu once again a very interesting encounter with Yosi I love that dude he's hilarious I said some very strange things nice sounding card Colombo where was I oh yes talking about Yoshie yeah I love him to death he's hilarious strange I guess I'm straight super that's okay anyway hit that button subscribe hit the bell and we'll see you soon Dena collection [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 2,033,911
Rating: 4.6749115 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, yosi dina, beverly hills pawn, pawn shop, celebrity memorabilia, lady gaga, lady gaga shoes, watch collector, rolex rainbow diamond, dina collection
Id: trSslQRTqmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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