Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement

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the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur rabbinic literature just known as Yama the day the most sacred day on the Jewish calendar and the biblical dating it is the tenth day of the seventh month it culminates superior in rabbinic tradition known as yummy no hyeme the Days of Awe it begins with Rosh Hashanah and traditional Judaism in the Bible yom teruah the sounding of the shofar the blowing of the shofar the wake-up call then 10 days of repentance introspection seeking God asking for forgiveness and then the day of atonement when traditional Jews and even secular Jews will fast for more than 24 hours we'll spend many hours in the synagogue in the evening of Yom Kippur and then during that day asking for forgiveness confessing sin and when you reach Scripture the scripture calls on the children of Israel as a whole to afflict themselves to humble themselves which has been understood almost universally through the centuries as meaning to fast and then of course it is understood that there is a turning from sin that is part of this but the heart and soul of the biblical ceremony focuses on the high priest and different animals of sacrifice and in particular two goats this is absolutely central we read it in Leviticus the sixteenth chapter verses 7 through 10 lay out these two goats and then it says this beginning in verse 15 then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people and bring its blood inside the veil and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bull sprinkled over the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat the sea shall make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions all their sins and so shall he do for the tent of meeting which dwells with them in the midst of their uncleanness so there is one goat that is sacrificed and this goat is for atonement and cleansing actually the the cleansing of the holy place itself which is defiled the tabernacle and then the temple because it's in the midst of the people of Israel it gets defiled it gets unclaimed it would be just like if you're in the midst of a group of smokers you don't smoke yourself but when leave you smell like smoke do you smell like cigarettes because you're around it so the concept is Israel sin would then pollute the holy place which needed to be cleansed because of Israel's sin so one goat for atonement for cleansing of sin and then the other goat which is sent into the wilderness we read about it beginning in verse 20 and we when he has made an end of atoning for the holy place and the tent of meeting and the altar he shall present the live goat and Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel and all their transgressions all their sins and he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who was in readiness the goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness this is a picture of substitution it's a picture that we see throughout the scriptures substitutionary atonement the innocent taking the place of the guilty with some of the animals sacrifices the worshiper himself would lay his hand on the animal confess his sins over the animal and then that animal would be killed what a clear picture of one life being substituted for another that's what happens on atonement they have atonement one goat dying the other goat carrying the sins iniquities transgressions of the children of Israel carrying it away into the wilderness it ended up being called the scapegoat because it was the goat that escaped into the wilderness now here's the problem with a destruction of the temple which God tells us explicitly in 2nd Corinthians 7 would be because of Israel's transgressions and the destruction of the temple would be a rejection of God of his people God's rejection of his people it would be a judgment on that whole system that temple the second temple has been destroyed since 70 AD almost 2000 years traditional Jews think about it and mourn over it every single day traditional Jews from as 2000 years have not been able to carry out the command it of the Day of Atonement which means either there is no National atonement for Israel or God has brought about a better way and declared judgment on our sin and our guilt and yet displayed his mercy and that's what we need to see our repentance is important but without a substitute carrying our sins away without a substitute cleansing us without a substitute taking our place there is no atonement according to the Hebrew Scriptures you can read them from beginning to end and you'll see that God never instituted anything to take the place of the sacrifices and the goats on the day of atonement ah but he did provide us with a better way he did provide us with the fulfillment that which the goats that which the day of atonement was pointing to that which the sacrificial system was pointing to namely that the Messiah would come the perfectly righteous one and he would be as it says in Isaiah 53 and I Shaam a guilt offering to take our sins he would be our substitute he the perfectly righteous one whose merit was enough to pay for the sins of the whole world he would take our place dying on the cross and thereby carrying away our sins and fulfilling the images of both of these goats now here's what it says in Matthew chapter 26 as Jesus is having the last supper with his disciples he says as they're drinking the wine for this is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins he was saying that his blood provided the atonement the animal sacrifice has had their place but they were only pointing to something much more important and lasting in fact Ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 says this in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace I mean a forgiveness that takes away the guilt I mean the forgiveness that comes with absolute assurance that you are in right relationship with God and that if you were to die at this moment your slate would be absolutely clean I'm talking about a forgiveness that comes with a love for holiness and a love for purity because having been forgiven much you love much and here's something fascinating the Talmud actually points to something that could confirm what I'm saying you say the Talmud that's rabbinic tradition the rabbi's didn't believe in Jesus being the Messiah of course I understand that not pretending they did but we learned this from the Talmud that there were various traditions that arose around the day of atonement for example the priests would cast lots we know this from the Vatican 16 he would cast lots for the goats and and if the the goat for the Lord that would be the sacrificial goat if that came up in the right hand that was a good sign but but if instead the goat it was called for Oz's el the goat that would be cast off into the wilderness if that came up in his right hand ooh that was a bad sign and and then the that the temple the the oil stand the the oil lamps they would be they would be lit from the westernmost across to the others and and according to tradition if God accepted the the sacrifices on the day of atonement if he was pleased with the repentance of the people and he accepted the intercession of the high priest then the candle that was lit first would would be the oil lamp that was lit first would be the last one to go out the opposite of what should have happened and then also that goat that was sent out into the wilderness a scarlet thread would be would be tied to its horns ultimately they they just threw the goat off a cliff and then there would be a scarlet thread that would be that would be tied around the doors of the temple and if if the accept the sacrifices were accepted the scarlet thread returned white as as in Isaiah 1:18 there who sins be as scarlet I'll make them as white as snow and the Talmud says that there was a godly high priest shimon hatzadik simeon the righteous and for all the forty years of his high priesthood every single year all of the atonement signs came up positive and that meant that the sacrifices were accepted and God forgave the people and then after his priesthood he was a couple under ears whatever before the time of Yeshua afterwards some years it would be positive some negative and was negative everyone would be ashamed and grieved but then it says this and listen I want to reach you from the Talmud yo ma 39b listen to this 40 years before the temple was destroyed the lot never came into the right hand meaning the the lot for the goat for the Lord never came up in the right hand the red wall did not become white the Western light did not burn and the gates of the temple opened of themselves till the time that robbery oaken on ben zakai rebuked him saying temple temple why do you alarm us we know that you were destined to be destroyed for a view has prophesized Zakaria Ben Edo opened your doors o Lebanon and the fire shall eat your cedars isn't this fascinating Yeshua dies and 30 AD the temples destroyed in 70 and the Talmud says the last 40 years before the destruction of the temple the sacrifices on the day of atonement were not accepted and the New Testament records that that the veil that was separated from the the holiest place that that was torn in two from the top down when the Messiah died on the cross for us God showing that a new and better way was opened up could that be reflected in the the temple doors the the temple doors opening of themselves so what do we make of this again those who recorded this did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah but to me this is a confirmation that once he died on the cross god was saying no more no more of these sacrifices and offerings because I have provided the one who fulfills the purpose of the sacrifices and offerings the end of the old is here the beginning of the new is here so my Jewish friends either you have no atonement because the essential elements of the ton of atonement are not available to you and have been since the year 70 where God has provided a better way through the Messiah the righteous one who took our place when you turn to Him with repentance and faith God will forgive you and give you a brand new heart in the beginning it be the beginning of an amazing new life
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Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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