The Wolf is at The Door | Carter Conlon

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my message is entitled the wolf is at the door the wolf is at the door father I thank you God I thank you Lord for your word it's a lamp for our feet and a light for our paths I thank you Lord for the indwelling presence of your Holy Spirit that gives us new hearts Lord so that we can stretch out beyond our limitations and be ambassadors of you and your word to all who can still hear I thank you Lord for the anointing of your spirit I thank you for courage and compassion today god to speak things that need to be spoken in this generation help us Lord as a church never to back away from truth help us to go forward and let it fall word me and we thank you for it in Jesus name the wolf is at the door Isaiah chapter 53 prophet Isaiah says these words who has believed our report beginning at verse 1 and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed for you shall grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he's despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him surely he's borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray and we've turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all you know it's it's so important before we even begin to look at this passage of scripture to understand that it was a religious system that crucified Christ you know we understand that the Roman authorities were the instruments of his death but it was the religious order of the day created by God's own people that put the Son of God on a cross there were leaders in that generation and they had they had used their position over the people to garner titles for themselves they had adorned themselves in righteous robes as they saw it and they they loved to parade among the people as Jesus said and be called master teacher teacher teacher in the marketplace but Jesus himself came in a form that he did not take on this form of grandeur that men give to themselves and also to they created a system of salvation that was much wider and much more inclusive than the one that God had given to us matter of fact it was so narrow that Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through me they were so offended when he challenged their religious system because they had that created this wide door into eternal life in eternal bliss with God that doesn't exist all kinds of people were coming into the temple defiled and going out defiled they were living in manners in ways that the Bible clearly indicated would leave them excluded from the kingdom of God for ever and so in comes this man he's not interested in their system he's not trying to garner one of their titles he's not doing things their way the Bible says there was no beauty in him that we should desire him it's not dressed in righteous robes he's not God boxes on his forehead he's not walking around with tassels on his arms he's not parading like some rooster before the people talking about how close to God he actually is they despised him and rejected him because he challenged the religious system they had created a system of redemption that did not exist you understand and that's the propensity of humankind the original sin in the Garden of Eden is that we can be as God is remember we can we can become judges of what's good and what's evil and if you take that to its logical extension we can start declaring things that are that our God forgives when he doesn't we can start declaring behaviors righteous when they're not we can start telling people are going to heaven when they aren't that is the grave grave danger of religion when humankind in its sin nature is allowed to take it and so twist it and so pervert it that it becomes something that God never intended it to be can you imagine sitting in a place as a professor or supposed to believer in Christ only to end up with the throne of God one day to find out you've been outside the whole thing all along what a tragedy that's going to be for so many he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief there was a a heaviness in the heart of the Son of God as he looked on the people as sheep without a shepherd but we hid as our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him and we are of course reliving the scripture again in great measure in our day in many many places even where God's people are gathering the Word of God is despised and we are now gravitating to fancy preachers who have opened the door real wide to people who are not going to heaven given them false peace when they're not at peace with God the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 5:17 if anyone is in Christ he or she is a new creation the old things are what passed away and behold all things have become new if if we are in Christ if Christ is in us that means a new value system it means a new heart it means a new mind it means a new way of speaking thinking living it means that what God says is good is good and what God says is evil is evil we don't try to change that we accept that from the Word of God now this message is given to shepherds to bring us not only to the knowledge of our salvation but to the freedom which Christ bought for us it was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and by his beating as it is that he took on the cross we are healed the old things don't have power over us anymore unless we choose to let them the old ways of living speaking thinking doing are broken and we become new creations in Christ we are able to look back and say thank God I'm not what I used to be I'm not everything that I hope to be but thank God I'm not what I used to be and thank God I'm gonna be one day what Christ is calling me to be so there's this constant moving forward in the life of a genuine believer leaving an old way of thinking an old way of living an old way of speaking and moving to truth even when it's painful book of Proverbs says a righteous person swears to their own heart and doesn't change in other words I say I'm going to do this and I do it because God's Word says I should even if it causes me pain and I don't turn from it now Paul was this kind of a shepherd he he didn't hold back as I said earlier this is what he said in Acts chapter 20 verses 26 to 31 he said therefore I testify to you to stay I'm innocent of the blood of all men in other words and this is the cry of my heart if anyone here today hearing my voice ends up in hell that it not be my fault let it never be because I didn't declare it to you the whole counsel of God or I didn't warn you of something that had the power to drag you down into eternal darkness for I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to Shepherd the Church of God which he purchased with his own blood Paul says for this son know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after themselves therefore watch and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone he said day and night with tears paul said there's going to be wolves that are going to come and they're all already there's packs of them now it's not just a few there's many now in our generation and they're going to come to devour the sacrifice of Christ and the promise of new life through him they're going to promise you Liberty as the scripture says in the New Testament but they themselves are the slaves to corruption they're promising something they're not experiencing themselves and they can't deliver it listen to what Jude says the last book of the New Testament before the book of the revelation verse 3 says behold while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the Saints for certain men have crept in and unnoticed who long ago were marked out for this condemnation ungodly men who turned the grease of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ I want to remind you though you once knew this that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed those who did not believe and the angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities round about them in a similar manner to these having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh are set forth as an example suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire here's what the wolves do they teach that you can live a lifestyle against the Word of God and still claim heaven as your eternal home that is the wolf that's now at the door of the Christian Church in America listen to what the Apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God V do not be deceived neither fornicators that means people who engage in sexual intercourse outside of the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman fornicators are not going to inherit the kingdom of God settle it it's in the Word of God don't be deceived into thinking you can live in a moral lifestyle and heaven will still be your home so hard for this generation to hear when you've got preacher standing in pulpits saying well God understands your need and God is a God of love and God won't send anybody to hell no that's not true God is a God of love we know that but the Bible tells us that fornicators have no inheritance irritants in the kingdom of God nor idolaters people who have other lobs in there something that is in your life that that is is your whole obsession it churches or Christ is just a little part of your life there's something else in your life that you're pursuing nor adulterers people who engage who are married but engage and you know today we take words like adultery and we call it an extramarital affair as if it's a black-tie event you know you are invited to an extramarital affair next Friday at 5 o'clock Bible calls it adultery adultery settle it deal with it the sex out of sight of marriage will keep you outside of the kingdom of God and sex outside of the bonds of the person that you are married to the white the man or woman you're married to will also keep you outside of the kingdom of God unless it's repented of nor homosexuals nor sodomites in other words that's if both men and women folks I understand the dilemma in the sense that some might face in same-sex attraction but I'm telling you you can't give in to that lifestyle on any level because the Bible clearly says it would leave you outside the kingdom of God Jesus himself says some people are eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven so in other words some people just live their lives without any sexual activity for the kingdom of heaven's sake and he said whoever can hear this let them hear it you know you can you go to a funeral for example and you can dress it up with flowers all around and you can there's a death certificate and the preacher can get up and say nice words but the reality is that the corpse is still dead you can't make it live doesn't matter what you do but it's the same with homosexual marriage folks you gotta say it straight out today I'm not going to hold back on it you can adorn it with flowers you can get a certificate from City Hall you you can find some Baxter than preacher to say nice words about it but the wages of sin is still death you can't change that now listen I'll be called a hater for for this message today I understand that but I'm not a hater if I hated you I'd let you go to hell if I hated you I'd let you die on your sin if I walk down the street and your house is on fire and you're up in your bedroom window and I don't warn you am I really a good neighbor do I really love you do I really care about your eternal destiny you can curse me out of your bedroom window all you want but I will still warn you that your house is on fire for your soul sake nor thieves lest we should think that we're just going to focus on one thing nor thieves I means people to steal it's about simple people to steal people to steal them they have a contract maybe been steal a little bit more than they should income tax time is coming around folks are you going to pay your taxes nor covetous nor drunkards people who come to church this morning but you were out at a club last night you're drinking and dancing and this foolishness I'm out there to share the testimony of Christ who are you kidding if you really are there to do that stand on the sidewalk with pamphlets in your hand and give it to the drunks coming out of the club you don't need to be in there with them nor revilers you know especially in in this environment we're now living in in this country at this time where reviling as it is has become the speech of the day where it's it's fashionable just to curse everybody around you you know Paul said revilers don't inherit the kingdom of God we have a different heart we have a different spirit we're a different kind of people Jesus himself said blessed are the peacemakers yours is the kingdom of heaven nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you I love that would be to God that I can honestly say that of everybody here today such were some of you but you are sanctified that means you are set apart for the kingdom of God you are you you you you honestly repented you walked away you moved away from what God's Word says is wrong you can't make it right you can't change it it doesn't matter if a million people say those wonderful if God's Word says it's not it's not you are sanctified you walked away you walked away from this always of thinking these old behaviors and all of these things and you set yourself apart for the kingdom of God you're justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of God now you and I are living in an hour where the wolf is heading to the door of the church demanding in our generation that we bow down to this new definitions of good and evil this is where we're living the days of being able to say without penalty what I'm saying today are over if they're not if they're not over they're very close to over it's an amazing time that we're now living in Jesus said in John chapter 10 I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd gives his life for the Sheep but a hireling who is not the shepherd one who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them the hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep this is the point there's a lot of hirelings and a lot of pulpits in america today and they're there they don't necessarily leave the people but they leave biblical truth they flee the truth when the wolf is at the door when the wolf says if you don't bow down this is our golden statue this is what this generation is gonna look like this is what you'll preach these are the truths that you will espouse they will bow down when the music plays to save themselves because it's always been about themselves not about the people the hireling will flee and you will you are singing you will see a huge departure from biblical truths in the Christian Church in this last hour we're living in the Bible declares that there's going to be an apostasy a great falling away in the last days from biblical truth and the hirelings will lead the people not into the narrow way of eternal life but into that broad way of destruction and they flee because it's always done about them it's been about the robes it's been about the praises of man it's been about the titles it's been about the numbers it's been about the apparent evidences of success then when Christ comes and challenges them they hate him his own system hated him his own people hated him they pushed him away because he declared their definitions of salvation and truth to be bankrupt he told them they were full of dead men's bones he said you go cross land and sea to get one convert and you make him twice the child of hell that you've become these are the words of Christ he warned us in the last days there would be a great falling away he warned us he said you're going to be hated of all nations for my name's sake you can't escape that that's a promise the Word of God we're going to be hated it's starting now you're seeing it in society you you're seeing it in the workplace you can't even have an opinion on things anymore in this generation that we're now living in let me say it clearly now abortion for the cause of birth control or so that pio understand there are extenuating circumstances so please don't misquote me on this but for the cause of just birth controller for the cause of having sexual pleasure and not having to deal with the life that it can create is sin in the sight of a holy God it's a terrible sin in the sight of a holy God in America today the deliberate gender confusing of our children in grade school is sin in the sight of a holy God [Applause] in our high schools forbidding odd children to pray and creating this fictitious division between the state and the church which doesn't exist if you really study it you'll understand it never existed it was created by the godless forbidding our children to pray in our schools is sin in the sight of a holy God in our colleges allowing godless professors to rise up and mock God and radicalize a whole generation against even their own nation that was founded by God for the purpose of being able to worship according to the Word of God and freely by conscience is sin in the sight of a holy God and the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord praise be to God [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah so let this society despise him let them consider him ordinary let him rebel against his words but this day if us just will once said if it be hard to follow the Lord that's your choice choose this day but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord [Applause] by the grace of God we will not bow before the wolf in this generation by the grace of God we will stand for the truth of God by the grace of God we will pray again we will pray again as a church a by the grace of God we will stand up and ashamed for the truth of Jesus Christ we stand on the side of victory we stand on the side we stand on the side of eternal life in Jesus Christ [Applause] glory glory glory glory glory glory glory [Applause] when I was David the king watch did we will stand in this generation against the lion and the bear and everything that comes in to devour our children and to devour the people of God it's time for the Church of Jesus Christ to rise up it's time for the people of God to fight back it's time for us to begin to pray it's time to run for public office it's time for teachers to speak it's time it's time for the people of God say so gara gara gara glory [Applause] the true shepherds of God in this generation are going to care more for the people than for their own safety more than our own reputation it's not going to be an easy road but I don't know about you but I'm not giving up this generation to darkness I'm going to stand because the Word of God stands forever the opinions have been are like grains of sand on the seashore they'll fall into nowhere but the Word of God abides forever now here's where I conclude if you're living in sin I plead with you while there's still time turning turn from it and trust God for the strength I know there's some sitting here are listening online or they're in the Annex and they say you don't know how deep the bondages you know you don't know how powerful the draw is no I don't but I know the Spirit of God is more powerful than all of that put together and I know the promise of God is that we will have a new life an eternal life the days of living in Christian ease is over in America folks it's over we're about to join our brothers and sisters in China and other places who are being persecuted for what they believe in Iran who are being jailed and put to death for believing in Christ's we've lived a very comfortable very lazy Christianity in America but those days are over the wolf is now at the door pray for those of us who lead in any capacity that God would give us courage as I pray for you that God would give you a cleanness of life and practice and heart and give you the courage to speak up and whatever environment you find yourself in our children are starving for truth in this generation and they're wide open there's only a few Goliath's that claim that they have the power to keep us from being the people of God but they don't so I challenge you with all my heart turned from sin find that new life in Christ and rise up and be the person that God's called you to be we're going to sing for just a few moments you're going to worship I guess Melda call is just two-fold today for people to say oh god help me please to turn from this thing in my life I don't have to tell you what it is you already know help me to turn away from watching pornography help me to turn away from drink help me God to turn away from that flirtation in the office help me God help me God to stop railing get me off get me out of the seat of the scornful and helped me to walk with the righteous deliver me God from cowardice and put a love for people my heart that casts out all fear give me a voice to call this generation back to you again and God helped me not to cower under the fear of the repercussions that will come all of our weight you know I was in Washington than this an ex general there who really gives courage to my heart every time I meet him and talk with him and essentially what he would say if he were standing here is you have to fight for a cause higher than your own preservation if it's just about preserving yourself you'll flee when the enemy comes if it's about others you'll stand may God give us the courage in this generation to stand for those that don't have a voice for themselves for our children for the unborn for our high school students for college students for every mother every father every child in this country that needs to know there's a savior who died for them give us the grace to be kind and compassionate to all not judging anyone we leave that to God but reaching as far as we can reach into this massive fallen humanity with this message of incredible grace that belongs to every person who turns to it through Jesus Christ so father I thank you Lord God that you will today cause your kingdom to advance you will give us the strength and courage that we now need as a people to stand against the onslaught of wickedness that wants to extinguish the testimony of your life and word Lord Jesus Christ I pray for courage for your people as others throughout the world have had to have god deliver us Lord from this life of ease that so many of your people have known and bring us into the true fight for the souls then Thank You Lord Jesus Christ God we yield our bodies today to this purpose we thank you in Jesus name so we're gonna stand in a moment for those who just you just know you have to turn from something and for those who want to turn towards Christ maybe you don't have a struggle that I'm talking about in your life but you say God I'm stuck in neutral I'm not going anywhere I'm not going back and I'm not going forward but today you see I want to make a difference I want my life to count I want my voice to have authority if that's you we're gonna stand up and ask you to make your way here we're gonna pray together and believe God to answer our prayer in the annex you can make your way here we'll wait for you and the campus churches step between the screens if you will we'll be back in just a moment every time I look at people at this altar I see a mighty army of God I do I do so father I pray today Lord that you would give every man every woman every young person who was at this altar who are responding in our campus churches or at home courage courage Lord and compassion Lord your word speaks of a perfect love that casts out fear so God give us a love for people that we would not be afraid to speak truth without condemning them without railing just loving and speaking the truth father help those that are caught and sinned to turn from it help us as your people my god to be clean we who bear the treasure of Christ in these earthen vessels cleanse us god of impurity and mixture and things that caused your voice not to be heard or your heart not to be seen give us the grace we need to be the people of God lord help us help this nation give us a moment of mercy Lord to turn back to you again give us the grace to pray heal our homes our families our marriages our children my God deliver us Lord from those had crept in to our schools and our colleges and our high schools Lord took captive our children deliver us God from this moment as you delivered your people out of Egypt deliver us God from those who are throwing our children into the river of confusion forgive us Lord as a people as a nation for what we allowed in our laziness to come into our borders forgive us Lord God for abdicating the training of our children and giving it to others Lord who took advantage and began to steal them from your kingdom god help us now to take our rightful place help the father's here to take their place as the head of their home as the guide the spiritual guide of their families help the mothers to understand the incredible power that they have Lord it is truly said that the hand that rocks the cradle' shapes the nation that's true that's true I pray God for every every woman here god I asked today Lord that even from this meeting today people would rise up and find your will and walk into it Lord with faith whatever it is wherever you lead us take us Lord we dedicate our lives to you Lord we dedicate our futures to you we thank you for covering our past and our present failure and giving us the promise of new life into the future Lord we will not despise you we will not turn our faces from you or lightly esteem you your word is the truth Lord it is the only guide we have into eternal life so guide help the god help us lord help us to learn your word to study your word to know your word and a cherish Lord Father thank you for the great fruit that will be born into your kingdom just from the lives that are here at the altar and on their knees in their homes now just thank you for the great fruit that will be born for your kingdoms sake Lord we bless you and we praise you in Jesus name Amen and amen praise God
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 140,407
Rating: 4.9219804 out of 5
Id: XsGT7gr-HNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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