Wilderness Shakers | Carter Conlon

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I want to talk to you this morning about wilderness shakers wilderness shakers so father thank you God as your word opens I'm asking you for the anointing that only you can give Lord you are the one who you have to move Holy Spirit in unison with the Word of God if you don't Lord there's such an element missing when we simply open the scriptures and if you're not moving upon our hearts God we we accumulate knowledge but it takes us nowhere and so god I'm asking you for divine life I'm asking you for an enablement in my mind and my spirit I'm asking you God for your people that we would be able to hear what you are speaking to your church at this time in this moment of history that we're now living in you have a word for us Lord so help us to hear it help me to speak it oh god help our hearts to respond to it god bless everyone who's here today Lord those who understand and those who just have a little bit of light god bless everyone Lord with the knowledge of who you are and we ask it in Jesus name Psalm 29 in the psalm of David given to the Lord oh you mighty ones given to the Lord glory and strength given to the Lord the glory due to his name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness the voice of the Lord is over the waters the god of glory thunders the Lord is over many waters the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars yes the Lord splinters the Cedars of Lebanon he makes them also skip like a calf Lebanon in Syria on like a young wild dogs the voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire the voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh the voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare and in his temple everyone says glory the Lord sat enthroned at the flood and the Lord sits his King forever the Lord will give strength to his people the Lord will bless his people with peace if you go right back to the beginning of the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis right in the first verses the first really the first three verses of Genesis it the Bible tells us that everything that exists in this world began with the Spirit of God moving and God speaking now I want you to stay let that sink down date the Spirit of God moved and God spoke and when those two characteristics or persons of God the Word of God we know to be Jesus Christ defined as the Word of God in the New Testament and the Spirit of God moved together miracles started to happen darkness turned to light confusion suddenly yielded to divine order and ultimately even dust yielded life when God spoke to it it's it's truly amazing and that's what happens to you and I when we come to Christ isn't it suddenly our our darkness turns to light those who know Christ as Savior you remember the day that light dawned on your soul but suddenly that's you were taken out of one place and into another you couldn't fully explain it but something had happened to you and you know in your heart I remember in my in my life and I remember the date that was the day after I had opened my heart and asked Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior in May that happened on May 12th 1978 and I the next morning it was the next morning when I woke up and and I remember my feet touching the floor and I can't explain it to you but something had happened to me I felt like a different man I felt like the old ways of thinking and living and somehow been given a death sentence and something new had begun in matter I couldn't put it into words I didn't know the Bible but something happened to me when the Spirit of God came into my life my darkness yielded to light my confusion began to move towards that order of God now not instantaneously obviously but it began moving in that direction and the death in my life started yielding to life that Christ himself only could give us now in the beginning God created man and woman Adam and Eve and they were created in the image of God and being in the image of God they were given the power of speech there's there's incredible power in speech speech reason and free will nothing else in nature has that geese don't speak African Gray parrots can imitate speech but they can't fake they don't have a free will we are the only thing in creation that can speak because we're created in the image of God now I want you to picture Adam and Eve walking through the Garden of Eden and in a sense they're co-laborers with God tending to this world that God had created in the capacity or speaking in the capacity that God had given to them because they're created in His image to carry on and work in unison with him in his creation I'm trying to just simply paint a picture as as clearly as I can but speech would have been in accord with the heart and mind of God it's assumed that what God was thinking and saying that's what Adam was thinking and saying what what God was thinking and saying even was thinking and saying and and there was this unison between mankind created in the image of God and God and and because of it the the order the light the divine order life everything was carrying on as it should because man kind was working in unison with God until sin entered the human race and so Adam and Eve got it in their heads that apart from God they could be godly that maybe they could use their own voices to do things that perhaps they thought God hadn't thought of or maybe God's ways weren't the only way or the best way maybe there's a better way to do things and they somehow they succumb to the temptation that Satan sowed into them that apart from God I can do what God does and I can be godly and I can become a judge in a sense of what's good and what's evil and human speech through sin became corrupt who can debate that now you just turn on the news listen to listen to much of what's being said by so many people and you realize how how corrupted human speech is and a vile it can actually become and when sin entered the human race and human speech became corrupted human ears began to be closed to the voice of God that's why for example John the Baptist when the Pharisees came out to his baptism he said old brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come in other words the seed of the serpent is in you and a snake has no ears do you understand this they can't hear and is guided by his tongue in other words you're not you can't hear the voice of God anymore and you are being guided by your own speech does that not describe our generation that we're living in today close to truth close to that which really does have life close to the one who holds everything in the palm of his hand actually close to the judge one day of every person who's ever lived on the earth closed to an understanding that there really is a heaven and a hell folks and that is the eternal destiny of every person based on their choice in this world to receive a reject Christ but mankind in his sin and arrogance they stood by his own speech somehow he can govern his own life he can be as God he can be the arbitrator of what's good and what's evil and everything will come to this utopian end not knowing the Bible tells us in one portion of Scripture that humankind is on a parade marching into the mouth of Hell itself and has no idea that where they're headed to now you take a nun surrendered human spirit and you combine it with man's corrupted tongue perverted in a sense the image of the who created him so we were created in the image of God but when we're not hearing from God when we're not surrendered to God we pervert that image of God and mankind with his words having turned from God this is exactly what happens when speech coming from our mouse is not in accordance with the Word of God when we're not hearing from God when we're not moving with the Spirit of God we succeed in turning light to darkness we turn divine order into confusion now who can debate that now with a sound mind that we're not living in a time of confusion where light is turning to darkness and we're trying to proclaim darkness to be light the folks you turn to switch out from the room and you can you can try to recreate reality all you want it's still dark all you've done is create darkness call it whatever you want to call it it's still darkness and ultimately humankind and surrender to God has succeeded in turning the earth back to that time that was dominated by emptiness a lack of purpose or a lack of meaning in the beginning says the earth was void and darkness covered the face of the deep the original translation says it was confused there was no meaning to it until the Spirit of God moved and God began to speak and when men are no longer moving in unison with God they're not agreeing with God they're not moving with the Spirit of God the end result is we start turning the world back to that place where it was before God began to speak to it and that's what's happening in our generation right before our eyes all the arrogance the arrogance of puny man to defy the Living God one day one day you mark my words every knee is going to bow every tongue is going to confess now for many it would be too late the decision to reject God was made before they stood before the throne of God they would suddenly realize the folly of their condition and so darkness when mankind sinned the Bible says the death reigned in a sense from Adam to Moses I don't have time to explain it but let's just let's just leave it at that that there was there was a reign a sense of spiritual death until God began to mercifully start to lead men again and this death that reigned this darkness this confusion lasted until God came to this earth as a man the Word of God spoke again the Spirit of God began to move again Jesus Christ dying on that cross what he said it is finished when he took captivity captive and gave gifts on the man he made a way for every human heart to hear and to know the voice of God again oh thank god oh thank god oh thank god oh thank God one hymn writer said it this way he's at all for a thousand tongues to praise him all for a thousand lives to live for him all for a thousand more years to tell people who he is and what he has done and what he can do oh god oh god it's been the cry of my heart lately Lord increased the borders of my tent God increased the understanding of my mind increased oh god my confidence in your word and let the presence and power of your Holy Spirit begin to radiate everywhere we travel everywhere we speak God let us be in unison with your voice I had a chance to speak to a group of pastors lately and I said to the pastors who are in the room I said gentlemen in essence for too long we built churches with thoughts about God as good as that is you can build things with thoughts about God but I said the time has come in our society where we need to speak for God there's a huge difference we need to with the Spirit of God we we need the word that God is speaking to this generation and when you and I came to Christ even though we were dark and confused God spoke to us again and he called us new creations oh thank god suddenly it's just I'm hoping this is exploding in some measure in your mind because through sin we we kind of devolved back to the beginning again where we were darkened and without meaning and confused and and borderless when I put it that way because boundaries were created after God began to speak in and there was no life and there was no meaning to anything and then suddenly God spoke into our darkness that's why you're here you didn't find him he's never been lost you were lost he found you he's the one who came to you he whispered to you he moved upon the person who invited you to church today or last week or last month or last year you didn't find him he's never been lost he revealed himself to you and he started speaking to you in your darkness and he called you something phenomenal he said if my spirit is in you you become a new creation a new brand new born again by the Spirit of God no longer part of the old order of death and darkness and confusion and lack of understanding and purposeless living you became a new creation the old things in your life passed away said behold all things are become new not by human effort you can't change yourself by human effort and God knows how many times a lot of us tried before we were Christians right New Year's Eve you know you're having the tank and you're making all these promises about how you're gonna change and what kind of a nice person you're going to be and then you know about 10 minutes after 12 years and somebody out everything has gone to the wind yeah but you were sincere you were sincere just powerless like a dead man in a coffin if he couldn't make promises all he's gonna do tomorrow but he's dead he's not gonna be able to get up nothing's gonna change his daddy's buried is going back into the dust from where he came only the Spirit of God can bring you an eye back to life again and God we opened the Word of God and what happens is is just as in the beginning God speaks and the spirit moves God speaks that's why you have to get in your Bible folks you can't live on sermon tapes you have to get into our little do tapes in whatever they do I don't even know what they do it's like Joe Biden said recently listen have your kids at night listen to the record player I understood that I understood that I thought of people might not but I understood it but you have to get into the Word of God yourself you've got to begin to read because it's the Word of God you see it you read it you want it you believe it's yours through the sacrifice of the son of God on the cross and you said God I I want this I want to be a person who loves I I want to have meaning in life I want my life to make a difference I I want to believe as as we sang that I can go in the enemy's camp and take back what's been stolen from me and suddenly the Spirit of God moves in your heart you feel this this this the surge of faith and confidence that that you know is not your own and and that's God moving again in his new creation just as he did when creation first happened and suddenly you begin to hear the voice of God again Oh Lord thank you God Almighty you know I it's occurred to me over the years in my words my words can't do anything but God's words can create a universe I'm telling you when I stand in this problem you don't want to hear from me and I don't want you to hear from me you need to hear from God I need a word from God every every week I every every week at home I go like this so here's the basket it's empty and your people are coming and they need a word from you they don't need to hear from me I've got nothing to say but God what would you have to say to your people that are going to gather in your name and there's nothing more beautiful than when your ears begin to open to the Word of God listen to what David says King David he says in verse 1 of chapter 29 he says give unto the Lord all you mighty ones now God calls you monkey but you don't feel mighty remember when he appeared to Gideon when the messenger appeared to Gideon he said greetings men of man of Valor in other words he would say greetings man of incredible resource Gideon says what were you kidding you got the right address like I'm just threshing wheat in the backyard and trying to hide it from our enemies and my dad's got an idol in the backyard of my father's house is the smallest house and we're the smallest tribe but I'm the smallest guy said you saw the greeting was you're a man of incredible resource because I'm calling you to do something that can only be done by the presence and the Spirit of God that's what David says give to the Lord all you mighty ones give to the Lord glory and strength in other words live in a way that God is brought to glory through you you can't do this in your own strength and don't try to do it in your own strength don't strategize it go into the Word of God go into a place of prayer let God speak get up and let God through you begin to do what God is going to do give him the glory that's what David said that's due to his name then he goes on to talk about the voice of the Lord and verse 2 verse 3 rather he says the voice of the Lord is over the waters the god of glory thunders the Lord is over many waters the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty in other words all those places of confusion everything that has tried to attach itself to you the voice of God is above it he's above yourself view he's above the words that others have spoken over you he's above the critics that will want to surround he's above the all of the doomsayers of our present day the voice of the Lord is above all of that give glory to him let him speak to your heart again the god of glory thunders the urgency in the heart of God for you and I to begin to hear his voice and to discover what we are called to do as parts of this new creation in Christ Jesus just as Adam and Eve at one time walked in unison with God in his original creation we are called by God to be parts and to walk with him in this new creation verse 5 and 6 says the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars the Lord splinters the Cedars of Lebanon other words there are certain things in our lives that seem to be rooted deep and one thing about seniors it seems to last forever if you're a farmer here there's not many farmers in New York but if you were a farmer I used to be you put any other kind of post in the ground other than cedar and it will literally rot off and break in probably two three years or less you put cedar in the ground it seems to last forever you you build a fence with cedar posts and it probably lasts long enough that you're when your son or daughter takes over your farm it'll still be there and that's what he talks about so I uses this illustration these there are certain things that are just entrenched they've been there a long time and you wonder oh god this is so part of my character how's it ever going to change but the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars not just breaks them he splinters them he splinters them like just simply dissolves them like fluff on a dandelion it just blows it away the things that would try to entrench themselves and he and out of that he says he makes them skip like a calf Lebanon and Syria on like a young wild ox and he breaks these old strongholds and brings new life new life I wish elder Vicki could testify while she sings because I know her story I know what God's done for you I know he's done for your family when she's talking about going into the enemy's camp she knows exactly what she's talking about the voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire those places that stand before all of us where there's this prohibitive sign of darkness as you can't go through here you're gonna get burned it's not possible to go through this and but it's the voice of God that opens this opens this window through everything before us that we think is impossible everything that we think we can't do God says no hear my voice and let my spirit lead you and you watch where I will take you the voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh the voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare and here's where it gets interesting to me because as a cold laborer now with Christ called to speak for him I want you to think about this for a moment God doesn't need me but he's chosen to need us right I mean he could have Angels floating through the air preaching the gospel in New York City he could do it he could have Katz preaching on the street corner he could do whatever he wants to do but he's chosen to speak through us we are his body on the earth and he's chosen to call us to speak again to this barren lifeless wilderness called planet Earth or this lifeless barren wilderness called New York City or your block or your workplace or whatever it is you go or whatever country you live in and he says I'm calling you to allow my spirit and my word to speak through you to this barren lifeless world your part is to speak and to believe and to move in the Holy Ghost and my part is to cause new birth to come my part is to bring new life and strip bare those things that try to hide people from the presence of God that's the part of God that's what God will do speaking to this world not about just about God but God speaking through us amen I agree with you thanks God Bible says unless you become like a little child you'll not enter the kingdom of God that's the only Amen I got in that in that that thought Acts chapter 2 120 people weak failures I'm gonna keep saying this to you get it made promises they couldn't keep talked of a love and loyalty that failed them at the time when Christ needed them the most in a place waiting they had a word from God the word was wait there and what you will be given power the Holy Spirit will come upon you to be given power at the time so again we see the word and the spirit moving together I want you to see this because we're right back to the creation again there was an old system created it failed it died in a sense in sin dominated it died in Christ life came again the desert began to blossom as the scripture tells us the Spirit of God and the Word of God began moving together again in unison as it did at the beginning and so here they are in this upper room and they're believing the Word of God and they're in obedience to the Word of God and they're believing they're going to give be given power to be witnesses because they don't have enough power to be witnesses and they know it and suddenly as they prayed the sound of a rushing mighty wind filled the room and cloven tongues of fire which is a representative of the presence of God's Holy Spirit sat upon each of them and these former cowards these former people who more or less lived by their own promises but couldn't keep them said things that that they were not able to perform suddenly by the Spirit of God they step out of that place of hiding in the upper room and they're standing in the open marketplace and enabled by the Spirit of God and with the word of God they're speaking about the power of God available to all men to every man to every woman and they're speaking about it with an enablement of God that is obvious because people from other countries are hearing them speak these mysteries in the languages that they know that these Jewish people have never learned they understand that so they not only a declaration but there's a demonstration in their lives of the power of God at this time 3,000 or more probably 5000 and more people are coming home from the temple there they are most likely sincere seekers of God and so they've they've gone into the temple and they've they've read they probably on they probably unrolled the scroll of Isaiah and other scriptures and they've heard things that are true there it's not like they were getting up speaking lies they were true but they were just thoughts about God and suddenly 5,000 people on their way home having been in a place of hearing thoughts about God are suddenly confronted by 120 people that are speaking for God or God is speaking through them to a generation this is where we need to go again in our generation thoughts about God are not going to win the moment as wonderful as thoughts about God are I'm not downplaying that at all but what I'm saying is this generation needs to one more time hear the voice of God through a people who are walking in unison with God and empowered by the Spirit of God now it's it's a it's a whole realm of God that you you can't you can't get through that door unless you're willing to be the person that God calls you to be you can't drag your wagon of sin is too wide it can't fit through you got to leave it behind you you understand you're always of thinking can't go through that door the proud man can't go through because the door is low and he hits his forehead can't get through requires the humility say God I need you I need your spirit I need your word to govern me I need this new life I need to turn away from sin I want to glorify your life on you on the earth through my life I want you to speak through me to this generation and when we begin to move in unison with him again he begins through us to strip away the falseness he said he strips the forest bear he strips away the false coverings to this world strips away the the ideologies that in ourselves we can be as God is there somehow our speech can create a reality what hogwash and through people are speaking for God suddenly the the forest is stripped bare you can see all these these people coming home and many of them have long robes and they've got tassels and they've got things on their forehead and the whole deal and it's it's really sincere in a sense they're seeking of God and suddenly they just meet 120 ordinary people empowered by God and you see that's the only thing that will turn this generation it's a spirit lead spirit filled word centered Church of Jesus Christ again speaking what God speaks and as the scripture says bringing forth the voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth thank God bringing forth new life and everyone coming together in worship what do they say glory glory sometimes it's just another words to say that glory even if you don't know what it means even not fully under of its context how are you just committed say hallelujah I don't even know why it sounds like I didn't even know what it meant at the beginning highway means glory the you in the middle means to ya' is God when you say hallelujah saying glory to God your coming in and say all the glory to God all the honor to God all that I have all that I am all that I ever will be every victory that's been won every fire I've walked through every trial have been able to endure every person I've been able to share with glory to God for his power his mercy his strength and his life and there's something about it when you get to know the glory of God that there's a cry comes into the heart oh God used my life for your glory even more use me Oh God in a deeper way than I've ever known speak through me in a way such as you never have let me discover your voice again and let there be no resistance in me this is the key this is what I want to close with this thought let there be no resistance in me you see in Genesis chapter 1 there was nothing there that could resist God there was nobody in this purposeless world as it was then that had the power to say no and God knew that when he created man in His image he was creating something that had the power to say no to him when there was no resistance than suddenly when he said to the seas this is where your borders are that's where the borders were when he told the birds to fly they just flew nobody said how do we do you sure this is gonna work nobody said anything like that they just did what they were told to do when he commanded the Sun to shine at Sean when he commanded light to permeate the darkness that's what happened to everything that God said as the word of God moved in unison with the Spirit of God happened that humankind comes on the scene something created the image of God which he foreknew I won't even get into the the depth of that but he foreknew we'd have to die for humankind before he even created Adam and Eve and suddenly you have somebody in creation that says no to God and everything that's being created starts going backwards in a sense it started like they the light start the tunnel starts getting dark and it starts getting smaller until we end up in places like we are today with conversations like we have to endure in this present reality but in Acts chapter two we have a Genesis one moment again where you have 120 people and what what is the similarity between those two moments there is no resistance in that room to the Word of God and the Spirit of God and those hundred and twenty people stepped out of that room and changed the world those 120 people stepped out of that room and brought even Rome to its knees eventually those 120 people passed a torch and that's why you and I are here today [Applause] and so when the Lord finds a heart that won't resist him when he finds a mind that doesn't have to reason absolutely everything out and figure it out before undertaking the journey when he when he finds a man or woman he can speak to and his spirit can move upon there is no limit to what God can do through that life we look at our present day and we see the debauchery we see this procession of evil being called good we we look at the culture in our present country and and we realized that as I shared in Washington recently I said the culture is we're not losing it we've lost it the battle is already lost darkness already has our children in this grasp but all God needs is one person to turn it all around all God needs in your community is one person all God needs in your family is one person all God needs in your neighborhood is one person all God needs in your town is one person you understand all God needs all God needs you say how do you know that the Book of Ezekiel II said the Lord said it had become so corrupt the society I had to judge it but I sought for a man that I could give it a moment of pardon and mercy I sought for a man that I should not have to judge it not for a hundred not for a per meeting with a thousand not for a 10,000 gathering in the streets not for a political petition or not for a court to make a new judgment I sought for a man I saw for one person to stand in the gap and yes in your family there might you might look and say god this place is this whole family is such a mess it's I don't even know what's gonna happen I fear for the future God says I'm looking for one person to stop the judgment I'm looking for one person in your neighborhood one person one person one person who move in unison with my word in my spirit one person who still believes that I'm God one person [Applause] years ago in the United Kingdom it had gotten so dark that people were fornicating in the streets people lying drunk in their vomit in the gutters the society had degenerated into an almost unthinkable condition that's what happens when sin is unchecked and God found the people he was looking for I don't need to go into the history but there weren't many but he found them and they trusted him and believed him again and they stood up and England became a dominant force from that point onward throughout the world and became a mission sending country and enabled the gospel of Jesus Christ to gain root in many places that may not have had the Lord not found these people and so what about you what about me we can all have our excuses right I could say well I'm too old the Lord looks back says what about Moses I'm just a girl what about Esther I'm just a teenager the Lord says what about David in other words it's all there if you want to see it well I'm so captive what and I feel so mediocre in my career what could I do what about the little girl that was in the home of naman the Syria and the captain of an army who said to her captain when he got sick I know where Healing is to see this so much that God can do through a surrendered vessel who's not ashamed and could hear his voice and so I want to pray today for those who just like me like me I want to be a wilderness shaker but the rest of my days I prayed this prayer recently I said God maybe I've only got 10 strong years left maybe but I'm asking you to spend wisely what you've deposited in my life you've been you've been putting coins in this in this vessel for since I was 24 years of age and there's a there's a buildup and so I'm asking God for you to reach in and draw it out and spend it for your kingdom sake and spend it wisely and I feel smile on the face of God I want to be a wilderness shaker we're living in the wilderness now but oh god what an opportunity to see the kingdom of God advance with great glory so father I thank you with all my heart today Lord there are mighty men and women of God here there are there just so many who don't know what they are yet and I pray Lord Jesus Christ you would give us that willingness to hear your voice and to trust your Holy Spirit to make us into a force for good in this world that we never believed we could be Lord give us the grace to believe you will give us the grace to walk in your word give us the grace to have the courage that we need to make the difference we're called to make in our time Oh God Almighty God Almighty God Almighty I pray Lord for those who are willing to say here am I send me in Jesus name and so that's my altar call them what elder called me is just coming forward to the front of this church just to agree here in the sanctuary here am I send me it's as simple as that you've heard the Word of God the Spirit of God is moving on you now you can either head to the parking garage or the altar that's your choice I guess I can't do anything about that but here is the altar for people to say here am i Lord send me to the righteous one hallelujah father in Jesus name god I ask you for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit again upon your church and upon your people thank you Lord that you are more than willing to be merciful we've seen it in your word time and again we've experienced a day after day in our own lives but Oh Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of what you did on the cross and for the sake of the people you died to save give us your holy spirit again give us your power again O God take us out of our places of hiding and bring us into the marketplace filled with your spirit God filled with faith filled with joy give us a supernatural anointing God to speak to this generation in a way like they've never heard it we yield our bodies to this purpose we yield our lives we held our futures we yield our all o God that men and women may come to know you as Lord and Savior Oh God let it be let it be I pray Lord for sixty million souls in America and the days ahead sixty million people to turn to you O God ask you for a turning so great that it can't be numbered I asked for all churches Lord all churches Methodist Baptist Lutheran Presbyterian God have returns Lord in the country that there be a sudden infusion of life that your Holy Spirit would come your word would come alive O God and people begin to seek you again o Lord call a whole army back into this endtime battle God Almighty God Almighty God Almighty I pray for the men and women here Lord that everyone would receive the word o give thanks to the Lord give glory to God you mighty once thank you lord thank you God for what you're going to do we give you praise and we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 47,574
Rating: 4.8938994 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: AZwBazW1XuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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