Mask Like A Pro Using This Time-Saving 3D Roto Hack | 3D Alpha Mattes

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in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to use 3D tracking to help assist your masking and after effects I use this all the time and of course this video is sponsored by Squarespace so I'm going to start with a quick fundamental of how this process works you can use things as an alpham mat for example if I grab the rectangle tool and I grab this big shape right here and I select my original clip and right here you'll see this one column called track mat and if I grab the pi whip of my original layer and I drag it onto my shape layer now my original clip is only going to show up where that uh shape layer is so I can move this around and it's going to reveal my clip underneath of it this is how you get that like cutout look where you see a video or something inside text and so I'm going to teach you how to use these track mats with 3D tracked solids okay if that makes sense so the example footage we're actually going to work with today is this clip I shot for a resort in the Mal Dives where it goes to this clip of me and my friend artez jumping on the bed but what I want to do is get rid of uh everything behind this little door frame and this is a super easy trick and let me show you how I do it so if I click on the original footage and I hit track camera and now you just wait and once it's done tracking you'll get all these incredible little track points and we're going to find one that's flush against this door frame this target right here looks looks like it's pretty flat up against the wall so what I'm going to do is right click and create solid and camera and if I lower the opacity of this track solid I am going to move it down and kind of roughly make it the same size as the door frame that I want to mask out and then if we play that back if it sticks there the whole time then you know you're going to have a really good track mask and so what we're going to do is turn the opacity back up and we're actually going to make this solid way bigger than the door frame and we can make the solid invisible and if we come up to the pin tool we're just going to create a mask where we want the um the door frame to be cut out and so now if we make our track solid visible again it's tracked to the door like this and now what we're going to do is if we grab our original footage and grab the track mat pick whip we'll select this solid and so now our video is cut out from where the door frame was and that looks really good with this trick you're still going to need to use the um pin tool at some point to make this more clear I'm going to add a red solid to the background if we duplicate our original footage and on the bottom layer we get rid of the track mat um we can select the solid on the top and go and check how good our mask is so you'll see that when we first show up on the mask it's not like perfectly on the side of the walls that we want so we're going to go to the point where the mask is like a lawless like right here and we're still selected on the track solid we'll create mask path key frame and like go forward in time I'll make this pink so then we'll grab our mask points and then just put them where we want it and because these mask key frames are assisted by a literal 3D track you're only going to need to do this a few times and once we've made those like slight adjustment to our masking key frames you have like a perfectly tracked hole in the wall let me get rid of this red solid and Bam that looks incredible and while we still needed to use key frames here this is like an 8sec shot we only needed 14 masking key frames to get this perfect mask and so now the elephant in the room is the fact that this guy right here the bed and the lamp uh are now in front of this hole by the time that we reach the end of the scene so now obviously the next step is going to be the bed frame that's currently missing and so what we'll do is we'll find a track solid that feels like it's flat up against the bed frame there we'll find a Target that we like and create solid in camera we'll lower the opacity of it and scale it down just to see does this track well to that backboard there so now we know what to do we'll scale this track solid up hit T to make it fully solid and make it invisible and so now we'll take the pin tool and we'll create a mask where the headboard of this bed is Bam and now if we uh make our track solid visible again we'll be able to see that our mask is pretty pretty accurate to where the bed is so now we can make the track solid invisible and we can work on our refinement so we'll create a mask path key frame uh from where we first created our mask and over like a few seconds we can just make the adjustments to our key frames like right here you'll see that it slipped off the side a little bit but that is okay this is way better than going frame by frame and fixing these pinpoint tools and so now we can make this visible and we'll take our room comp and grab our track mat layer right here and we'll pick whip it to the solid so now we have this beautiful isolated headboard and I will select a mask that's on this lampshade and I'll create a solid I'm going to scale it down and set the opacity to like 50 and I'll rotate it to be more flat and facing the camera and if we watch that back to see how well it's tracked on there and see this looks like a really good track and so you can see what I've done is I've masked out the lamp shade uh if I turn the opacity on this track solid back to 100 you can see that it's like perfectly tracked onto the lampshade this basically allowed me to only do like one key frame every like 10 frames and it's still perfectly tracked on there and so if I grab the original footage and I track mat whip it to this um lamp shade you can see that by default it just cuts out the lamp shade we can set this off of an inverted mask so now we just have the lamp shade and so if I solo the original layer that we've masked with the door we now have like a great lampshade floating in the middle of it and if we add that along with all the other masks bam we now have this entire scene right here perfectly masked out we've used a track solid to mask out the door a track solid to mask out the lamp and the beds headboard and if we play that back just look at this area it looks Lawless like imagine having to frame by frame mask out this um lamp shade all of our masks are just on track solids like if we made these track solids visible it would be pretty funny to look at so with none of the track Max applied this is what our footage looks like that's pretty incredible but all of these together turn into great masks and so here's what I was doing with the specific track mask I have the shot of me and my friend artez running I have my the shot and we run straight into this room where we're then jumping on the bed pretty cool right and if you liked this masking knowledge you're also going to love my sponsor Squarespace from online stores of 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Channel: Will Carmack
Views: 50,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Will Carmack, cinematic, Carmack, Canada Vs. America, Coffee, alpha mattes, how to mask in premiere pro, masking in after effects, masking in after effectsasking tutorial, alpha mattes in after effects, will carmack keto, african wildlife, bullet time after effects, super hero effects in after effects, mona monkeys
Id: lVn2Bdz2Y_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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