Ye | Ty Dolla $ign | Big Boy EXCLUSIVE Vultures Video | 2024 Interview

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[Music] all righty big boy here this uh I've been waiting for this one and I think the world's been waiting on this one man it's great to come together sit down Tai dollar sign welcome yay welcome vultures first off man there is no rhythm to this man there's no choreography I just want to S I just want to talk we haven't had a chance to sit down especially like this if ever with us together but we haven't had a chance to even sit down individually for a while first off man when we think about vultures one vultures 2 and we understand as vultures 3 as well what exactly is vultures like we we got our own perception what does vultures mean to yay and to taisan so vultures is a us as a group it's uh the number one album in the world say that again number one number one album in the world number one single uh we've been talking about doing the album for a long time and uh last year I went by his birthday party and uh we talked about just getting in the studio and uh I went out to Japan I had a show out there he was out there at the same time I came at him like yo I want you to Executive produce my album we end up doing the song that we got called burn and uh we was like [ __ ] it let's just do a whole thing you know but you know now we're here you get that in Crossing where and and not that a lot of artists say that to each other oh we need to work together we need to work together you get those kind of things yeah but you guys are no strangers with working with each other anyway when it com and TI doar sign when you think about a body of Music they're not just one body of music that you guys could create so much together that y'all can say we not just doing one we not just doing two we're doing three yeah so when you guys come together and you say I want you to Executive produce that album or y'all really think we could put something together at the moment yay how realistic is that to you with how busy the world is we think we want to see something but we don't know if we're really going to see it how did that come across to you when you say you know what let's stop let's stop the world and let's work on this you know you know time made it where I was able to make music because he just didn't bring none of the music industry [ __ ] to the table it's just a lot lot of sometimes I feel like people get into music cuz they they don't want to have to actually work like even we did dond I had people show up at 8:00 a.m. because I thought like when people are in the league they got to they got to show up they got to work no matter how famous they are no matter how much money they get but music is something where you know we'll be working at 3:00 a.m. or sleeping in and um you know I got to a point where I was you know re recalibrating my whole life uh frustrated with a lot of the positions I been in and you know my my focus over the past year and a half was uh the music and then the clothing mostly the shoes so I put everything I had left into both of those both and both of those channels and they they end up supporting each other at the same time but Tai even like how Like Mike didn't work on this project Mike ding is the kind of person that you can hand him something and he'll hand you a finished product back that you could decide I like this I like that that's like how Tai you can give them something even like just a murmur of something he can bring it back with the words he can fix all the the notes on it he can bring the the you know the drum some music but more than anything on this project you know he brought somebody he brought his as someone who Stood Beside Me When a million people told him to not stand beside me and he also brought hit records like you know people had this joke like oh man this is Jay's first number one hit in 17 years and this is Tai's first number one hit in two years right but we've seen a lot of like really like a lot of number ones for artist it to VES you know what I'm saying and I don't know Ty if you hear what we say on air but I don't think people understand how talented you are and how you can get in there and pretty much do do everything in the studio with your eyes closed and you know what I'm saying and bring in an orchestra and we think that it's just one sound but you're really orchestrating this this musical Ensemble and working hard and people don't get a chance to really see that we hear it but we don't know what goes into it I just say you better ask somebody yeah and if and if you don't ask sometimes you got to tell people what you do and how great you do the things that you do because sometimes this it sounds so not simple but so beautiful to us that we don't understand what goes into it you know what I'm saying the Blood Sweat and the real tears that going into making a project such as this and the anointing it's like you said Talent is like like on some Prince like he can do what other people can do and other people can't do what he could do like I I I can't play instruments I can't halfway even sing you know what you do you know what I'm saying that's that's called confidence this called delusion hey man but be singing and the thing about it man is not only do you sing yay you get a whole crowd to sing with you and the one thing that we do know is that when we hear you we know it's you you know what I'm saying and there's a difference between well when you can put your own imprint into something and people know exactly what it is then you have created something that's dear to us you know and so when we look at music bro this is when we say music is a soundtrack to our lives my daughter is 15 years of age right this vultures one and I told her I said two is ridiculous cuz I I've I've heard two this is a soundtrack to her life and there's decades between our births but there's something in that music that brings us together no matter how much clutter is going on outside there's a safe zone or something that's in music that you and especially what you guys created and the people that y'all brought to the table that I felt like not it's so cliche and easy to say oh man we were missing this we were missing this but we Miss in this were you guys did you guys feel like not that y'all feeling in a void but we needed this vultures or we needed this collaboration and not egotistically well you said uh to not speak egotistically so I'm not going to talk right well speak egotistically we definitely needed it and uh yeah I could play all the instruments I could put all the stuff together but coming you know in the studio with him it was like taking it to a whole another level picking them parts I'll come with a song for instance and uh the song will be fully done as far as I'm concerned he come back man change that [ __ ] like 20 times no and like it go from like a dance music song to back to me like if you would have heard the first back to me it was like completely different took my song put it in the asr1 which is a keyboard with a sampler slowed it down rocked the sample like that then we get that was in Japan then we get to Italy we play it again we got some words to it then we going through some drums he pick a whole different thing I'm like thinking it's not it all of a sudden it's crazy so yeah it it does get worse before it gets better it's like when girls have like plastic surgery like that when they get like the BBL they got to like Drive in the car and like uh what they kind of like sit on pads hurting each other they can't even sit on pad and they definitely can't get on Spirit they got a yes sir so it get that like that moment right there but then waking up and she gorgeous I'm like you know I like tell Ty like a song like the BBL is almost ready right it's almost ready for the summer does he say that to you like has it do y'all also not only compliment each other can you tell each other what's not working and can you put yay back in the booth booth and can can y put you back in I tried to remove the cursing a bunch of times and he was like I was like oh what do you think at the last one I'm like what do you think we make this thing all clean like no not this what is the difference though when you hear and music is like life you know what I'm saying and life you're you're kind of like this you know what I'm saying and some people try to put you into a yesterday mode you know at one point yay we hear and this is all you we hear you know Jesus is King we hear this but that's all you then there sometimes you just want to say man not [ __ ] it but you just want to say man this is what I'm feeling right now are you in that space where you're comfortable enough to say this is where I am right now I'm still a man of God Jesus still is King but this is vultures right now this is where I am it is but I you know I I have my issues with Jesus there's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I didn't see Jesus show up so I had to put my uh my experience in this world my experience with my children my experience other people my experience with my account my experience with my brand and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands like a lot of times I just feel like in our society in America you know people Christians we depend on Jesus so much that we won't put the word in oursel and the main thing that really that I don't rock with it's like it's just always like I'mma pray for you and it's just like you can actually physically do something yourself too more than just pray and we're so in this mentality that's that's all that needs to happen but we ain't we ain't praying our way out of prison M we ain't praying our way out of the abortion clinics we ain't praying our way to get our land back that was always ours after gingerification after the Harlem uh Renaissance and Black Wall Street was burned to the ground them prayers ain't working we going we have to apply actual physical building Partnerships and and it don't start unless we could really be real with each other and say this is what I did this is what I did like I mean look at this I know I'm not going to third rail y interview but look at the power of what happened when me and Kyrie was on the same page see that's what's scary but what they do is they put us each in a silent and say your grandmother going to lose her crib and this going to you know how many threats we've been dealt dealt with and I didn't pray my way through them threats either I had to get up and do it myself I had so much to do I a't had time to pray not only are we talking about music but we're three men here with families we're we're three men here with obligations responsibilities and that is some of the some of the stuff that we do supersedes our entertain like I had a responsibility all the people that stealing from me speak on it respons family members yeah all that got a lot to do with the pain and keep going is music where you are right now yay do you enjoy music where you are right now yeah I love you know I love the art of it I like man there's songs like do it I love the song and I hadn't loved a song like that at that Tempo since back that thing up so that's what made me think I was like man I love Juvenile and Manny fresh and cash money like this is are like they used to be playing like house music and hip-hop music in the club and like me and my guys are come in and make them play Cash Money whoa whoa Kimo saav big big balling is my hobby like and like juvenile the H video and just a 400° album and you know just leaning into things I believe the music came across cuz I leaned into the things that I like when I like what I liked and [ __ ] you know whether it was like looking at pornography or listening to juvenile or buying my first chain from Jacob or wherever I got and I had like I had a real chain but then I had like a fake roling and fake earring but I had to get the kit cuz the allstar game was coming up I couldn't go with just a chain we got to had a costume you know what I'm saying I and I had to get the the the Range Rover 4.0 and try to cover the O and make it a six cuz Jay-Z had like wiped that out but all of these subject you know I remember sitting with North in Italy and playing her uh back to me and asking her you know what do you think about this line in the middle of a song and I was like do you think I should change this and she's like you know it's a good song Sometimes I feel like my mom speaks through her wow so I'm like she's like it's a good song this is just a this is just a banger like you got to say what you feel you know a lot of times when go into the whole Jesus devout Paul love fell off a donkey level religious you have thoughts in your mind and that you hiding them from yourself and then you sitting there and the whole choir is [ __ ] y'all thinking about that [ __ ] the [ __ ] are stealing from me from the church and like man like I I swear it's just you can only see what's in what's immediately in front of you like when they say the Lulu is like we lean on a lot of delusional Concepts and then it's just actual real Concepts like say like you know a big big topic right now is uh are we going to sell the album and the concept that you know the streaming companies have made a deal with the people that were in ownership of our contract and decided to give us you know a percentage of a penny and people aren't getting paid properly and you got people that are fans saying oh you know I don't have the money for this I don't have that we used to just getting it for free so they've lowered the value of of what we do and what we make like our our music part of the reason why it's so much better is like obviously you got super mega talents but it cost a lot to make this album too we Us in Saudi Italy flights car service strippers you know it was expensive I had that it's a lifestyle yeah yeah and do you feel like how will the album go out you know what I'm saying the next one yeah um you know we talked about like how a movie like Dune we went to go see Dune and they um they keep that movie a month two months before it goes to uh a Disney streaming Netflix Hulu or something like that with our music they acting like this ain't even luxury like it don't deserve to have this moment where people who truly appreciate the people come out to the theater the people who you know talk about every line and want to hear here and see the you know see the listening sessions those early adopters uh like it's just supposed to be like uh just free like even like here's an example somebody I was working with put the album for $5 on my site everyone know my site at uh is a $20 for everything then my album Like This Album cost millions of dollars to make hardship over coming like personal threats to everyone that was on it like people was threatening Our Lives threatening our wellbeing and actually not even playing with the money canceling bank accounts I got I got cousins whose Chase accounts SC fight this is this is real Black Mirror things that happen so when it went number one you know I called it from people I know like yo you think Universal was capping my last albums ever since the Taylor Swift moment and no one could deny that that was happening like not showing real numbers and the power of just limiting turn it down turn that boy down that boy that went on stage and said Beyonce had the best video turn that down all the lights is like number 28 all the lights a runaway you know [ __ ] in Paris was not a number one record what do you think when people say that can't happen what can't happen oh no that that that's too big there that's a conspir like people like what you're saying right now there's probably somebody that think nah that can't happen but it can happen it for sure it can happen and it does happen and it did happen my whole thing it be in front of y'all face that's what I like when people drop this mental health [ __ ] it makes it seem like oh it's like your family member that's seeing ghost and y'all can't see it what I love the most is y'all seen multiple ghost y'all seen the ghost of wow they counts y'all seeing the ghosta wow they're selling his shoes against his wheel with his name on it y'all seeing the ghosta wow that man went independent and went number one these these are a lot of like um myths and then when the album came out it's like they kept on taking it down if you didn't notice yeah it went back up and then it's like when Carnival's number one on spotifi number one on Apple number one on everything something else went number one on Billboard you know and it took a for that but now we number one on everything you can't and you can't deny it bro how do you not beat your brain up knowing that there that if you are you're working and then you feel like something's not right here there there's a machine that's that's trying to suppress or hold it down like how does that feel not even just as an artist bro as a person that's like really putting music out there and really that's that's really talented and you and when you hand something up to somebody you did your work now it's up to these other services or somebody to pick up and put the same passion in as you I feel like you just is that another reason to just say man straight to straight to our our fan base yeah and you know just look at the I'm just I'm just talk billionaire math I'm leave you know it's like billionaires they they just didn't accept the indoctrination from school that makes you overthink stuff stuff is right in front of you I looked at the math when I went to Adidas they wasn't giving me a percentage of Nike I went to Adidas I looked at that math now I'm looking at just the conversion rates like we dropped the we dropped the Pods at $200 uh right before Christmas and we got like 3,000 sales and between the merch maybe made a million that that one day on that website which is um low for the amount of sales and the audience that we had with with the Yeezys so then I always had this vision of doing everything $20 it's like my grandfather jumped through my body because he used to take me to the flea market when I was young when I was lower than the table and he had his house and he had his store across the lawn on the same property and he had his Cadillac in the in the in the driveway and he would go and teach me how to hustle and say you know and then go to stores in Chicago you go to story selling everything some some baby dolls some toys some fireworks some other like just whatever someone might need like a Home Depot or QVC kind of thing but it's his job as a merchant to do that so it's like that Merchant is inside of me that's why I always think of all kind of products from like house to shoes to the music or like even when I was dealing with Balenciaga and gab this time with the deal which just my grandfather just hopping through the phone like speaking on my behalf like what will my grandfather doing the situation I got the head designer Balenciaga doing Gap so in this situation where I mean Apple you know I ain't never met with Tim Cook they always send Larry Jackson or Eddie Q or E bro to come talk to you and so and I'm like bro I'm Steve how I ain't gonna meet with I'm the new Steve how I'm not going to meet with Tim Cook you was employed to Steve I'm Steve so and of this music game I am but not under Lucian I invented every style of music of the past 20 years I created the genre I created weekend genre Trav Drake you know every I'm going ahead and say with all love future and Thug also because the autotune album A A Wast if you think about no think everybody think about tribe weekend and Drake but no one thinks about futuring Thug also autotune album now everyone they added what it was to it but here's a new genre it's called making your own money genre at this music is called like take that middleman out because they ain't giving us money they giving us acknowledgement I don't want your acknowledgement and I went so far past any level of knowledgement you I was banished I was exiled I was cancelled multiple times so what I don't had like my kids not show up to Sunday service right in front of everybody and you know what I mean like I'm crying to see my daughter and all of the The Usual Suspects the handlers Dave Chappelle Meek Mills Diddy uh all these people aren't in position for us as celebrities they got to call and put a leash on them what we going to do with yay oh he delusion that's the best Dave give him a call didy give him a call tell them tell them we Ain like the T-shirt tell them like right now the agenda is this is this is the voting agenda for the celebrities to the black make them do exactly what LeBron would do make them do exactly what Drake would do and y'all know yeah y'all know my stance on this I want to say something about the number one what's so good is the [ __ ] you of here if for everybody that's working at a a normal ass job like a fast food restaurant or somebody girlfriend that left them for some [ __ ] with more money or whatever the [ __ ] it is all [ __ ] want to do is just like pull up in that so they can pull her right in front of this [ __ ] and be like [ __ ] you now I just pulled up on everybody from last year cancellation like [ __ ] all you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Fu [ __ ] hey man was that where the the social media I don't know if it was it a tweet that you had put up what's that with what just with the the [ __ ] you was that like is that what you're speaking on when you say man I was pulled this way I was pulled this way I was shut down I was denied and it feels good to inhale and just say [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] y'all that's that's what you don't know that's the exhale right right ain't like I would like to thank I ain't thankful it's [ __ ] everyone about this [ __ ] like can't nobody tell me [ __ ] La wait till and you got the money right you know what's so cool about that cuz [ __ ] it's like Aidan Ross had to apologize N I was like two months from bankruptcy from like hundreds of millions of dollars just getting like just like raped Michael Jackson by like uh you know the people around like how people was taking Mike's money Michael Tyson Michael Jackson celebrities prints whatever and [ __ ] people you got new employees you got all that and we cleaning all them employees up doing industry standards industry rates got my spotifi got my Shopify account right then I said boom we're going to do this $20 then we did the Super Bowl and the fact that I was able to show factual $19.3 million of sale in one day the next day is 15 million the next day was 11 Milli but in one day at the same time when the music was coming out this was just us and the people at the end of the day but even with the streams it's like on one end you be like it's like stay away from the light cuz oh we're number one we as streams how many [ __ ] went number one and never made made a billion dollars they Dr still ain't made a billion this Bigg as are Bad Bunny they they not going to set that man Bad Bunny up to make a billion they going to give him the same pack that they gave break that Lucien pack whatever it is everybody in the everybody that does music maybe this is not a outside but anyone in the music industry knows that Drake and Bad Bunny got that same you know that loose that that push we gonna push this radio we gonna push this we GNA push that and that pack was removed from me you know ever since the Taylor Swift thing so to hit this number one is such a [ __ ] you and people need to understand how valuable it is to be able to be able to tell people fck and you did that y'all did that for you what did what the you know the music everything that's for you and sometimes when something comes with it like even with in with with my situations right radio so on and so forth whatever I did to leave one and go to the other it wasn't about elevating like oh it was about me doing my thing and if a f you came with it if a [ __ ] you came with it it came with it I wasn't out for but I was like I don't want to l a job but [ __ ] that [ __ ] at the gate to ask you for idea you the face of this [ __ ] you're the face of this building big boy can I see your ID I said [ __ ] that's why I hate America right hey man when we pulled up he was like he asked you for your ID I'm like he pulling you over like you're a cop like every time a [ __ ] had a nice car [ __ ] what's the point of getting a car that go uh 160 mph in Chicago when you got to drive even slower cuz they going to constantly pulling you over for being in car mhm you know what I'm saying that's that's where we are 2024 today now take this interview as as always play this [ __ ] in 2034 and see was this [ __ ] factual hey man we sat down at one of your spots and I showed you a video and I said yeah I said this I think this was from 10 years ago and we were watching it live and it was like it was you talking about where you were going to be in 10 years for now Jesus is King and we're sitting there literally in that area what you were talking about 10 years later it was exactly what you said 10 years before said to me bro even if I thought that [ __ ] sound crazy as [ __ ] he made that [ __ ] happen I remember it was like a couple new years ago he called me like early in the morning like yo we need to sing for God we need to you know start a whole D then the whole you know Sunday happened and he was building these big ass domes in the backyard where you walk in there you go like this and you're like crazy [ __ ] just whatever comes to mind even like player like that's one of the stem players we got close people be like yo this is like Don the two and he going to do this like third times a like we did workout plan Up Tempo then we did addiction second album Up Tempo then third time to tr my biggest album of my career is that don't let no never let nobody you out man title still up and running at the end of the day like when this when a a black man came and said I'm going to do my own streaming Network you ain't never I never seen Jay-Z so-called take a public L until he did that until he stepped out and said this is what I'm going to do now they putting up like 80% of the fans won't buy the album are you sure it's it's $20 I got 20 million Instagram uh uh follow and that that's cap you know it's like [ __ ] walking around with million they ain't that much more famous than me um so but if you just take the conversion rate 5% of that 20 million would be a million records think about this they be having I don't play wax no knock to the fans it's beautiful to do got the [ __ ] adid this record and everything but I a I don't play records I don't play CDs so we be spending half of our time as artist focus on the music the other half trying to do the Trav and Taylor Swift numbers what amount of work and then Adele or whoever they got to hand in the album This Much early and it's all for the accolades the numbers is not really adding up to real Financial numbers and it's not converting really the amount of fans they have so say I get a 5% conversion rate on my Instagram followers what's that going to mean to Taylor Swift or somebody what's that going to mean to people with like 500 million in Instagram followers you know what I'm saying they try to pit me against Taylor Swift me against whoever in the music industry and it's like yeah get that man talking back and forth on the phone with Dell get that man like making songs sub songs to Drake get that man tell say Taylor Swift uh kicked him out or Shaq said this and that I'm just like man I'm here for everybody in this lifetime I feel like a lot of [ __ ] that like do you know who's do with our contracts and [ __ ] just come from fear of losing control and mugs just don't play fair they put information in there they pay off the lawyers and they put you in a situation where you ain't going to make no money from it but now you got Tik Tok you got streaming everyone's afraid of how they going to still support their families and there's some kind of like simpler way through honest honesty which is hard but engineering to make you know people say you can't make everybody happy but I've seen situation where song makes everybody happy I've seen you know water pipe like La they got the the LA River closed off and [ __ ] that's the first thing that's the first open up the river but everybody here with a show of hands it's like wasn't it a time when we didn't have water then we got too much water like but uh yeah go ahead I'm hey Ty when when kind of re putting in reverse and rewinding what what yay just said about you know there's certain ways people get painted there's certain things that happen at any point you know did you feel was anybody telling you like man don't don't do this album don't you know don't put your brand next to yay don't you know what I'm saying like tell them tell them what Mike Kaiser said right but you know what I'm saying because like and and for Real where somebody because I'm I'm keep it I'm Gonna Keep It One th with you guys they was telling free tie dollar the whole project there was a free tie dollar like like like let them out the my homies at the label was like let this man kidnap you man free tie dollar they all laughing and [ __ ] and then my manager Manny told him like yo when that [ __ ] go number one I want to see the same energy you feel me keep that same Energy Colman said he Ain had nothing to do with the project people wasn't clearing samples as to be expected as to be know I'm not saying it's like everything is like to be expected yeah and you knew that it was going to be a hard Hard Road yeah you know what I'm saying and I'm pretty sure yay you understood like hey bro you know you probably may get some things that you you haven't gotten in your career not just the number ones there's some beautiful accolades but there's probably some things that you hadn't gotten in your career before being aligned because there's there's always been work with you guys yeah but when you align like that like how you say you heard you know free Tha dollar you know were not were you ever concerned about it but you did hear it yeah I wasn't tripping I knew what I was doing I knew what we was going to do and uh a lot of [ __ ] just be drama people could tell you anything you know people can have their own opinion off of what they think it is but this is what it is we number one stop playing with us and you know it's a trip man and even real talk on my end you know what I'm saying even just sitting down people were like you sure you want to do that like I can sit down with you all day we we we've sat down but when I when they knew I was doing this you do get people that are say man you sure you want to do that I'm like man I've known this dude for what two decades easy yeah you know what I'm saying and why wouldn't I do it why would I can tell you why because [ __ ] is like we're going to take your money we going to block you we're going to do this we're going to take your life like a lot of like it the my life has been th I wake up every day just surprised to be alive like because of how many threats I got from political to you know Twitter com commentary to all that just like going through just be like boom I'm exposed because the first thing the first step to cleaning up some is like people be like man it's something smell it just smell like that it's like have you checked under that couch nobody want to lift up that couch and you go to lift up the couch the whole industry is like stay away from that couch do not if you lift up that couch that's going to be we're going to call you anti-semitic if you lift up that couch we're going to call you anti-semitic if you say this is literally you can read it and you know this where y can do y edits whatever y want to do um if you say that the lawyer is talking to the manager is talking to the label and all you are is a cow like the meat packages should come in and out all you are is a a a supermodel showing up at the club and bringing the celebrities around like just the new models around and when they get older they put they bring in a new batch that's who the artists are you know there's a joke this why I be like surprised I'm still alive there's an industry joke there's two jokes one joke uh that a friend of I'm not going to you know put on blast this because it's just about the joke more than it's about the name um he says you he he is a manager he said you know what I hate about artists um they take 80% of my money wow and the other joke they had is um what will we do if artists figured out without their own distribution and the punchline is we'd have to kill them so I'll be surprised and I'm still alive every day how did you not socalled disappear like cuz that's a hell of a fight cuz you know cuz I'm God and anyone to disagree I'm the god of me and you can't tell me who I am I can't tell y'all I could tell y'all it's y'all job to listen I'm the god of me I don't know if I'm in heaven already and [ __ ] I got number one from that for all you know I might be in like a fourth dimension version of the lifestyle you know I don't know like I said I must have died in this accident this must be happen I feel like you know there's people Tech Guys and [ __ ] like shervin or Elon Elon always says whatever would be the fun outcome is what should happen he's just thinking like what is the most insane version of something and that's the version that should happen my boy shervin said God or alien or Universal whatever happens it feels like uh Victory favors the brave like the people that lean into it that give because it's all like ear it just threats at the end of the day it's like why should you fear you know it's another thing I don't like in Christianity the fear of God if God is love why should you fear him because you place one fear and you get another fear you get another fear what do you have that point you're easily controllable you're easily sellable you're easily contracted because you have this fear on you like everybody going to die eventually but I'm going to live my entire life with zero fear fear of a contract fear of perception fear of getting my black card denied fear I'm not going to jump in front of a train right right right be conscious right you know ain't nobody F to tell me [ __ ] call me [ __ ] call tell nobody around me [ __ ] play with me play with nobody around me none of that it's from straight from pink Polo I got a chip on my I'm the lawyer from Caro way I'm I'm fried at this point [ __ ] every label [ __ ] every contract [ __ ] any type of uh phone calls we number one it's [ __ ] everybody you better not bring your [ __ ] around right and what do you think numers what do you think voes two and three look like more [ __ ] you okay n but but real talk on that talk like it's if you get something where you say man we we really put the work in on this and the people chose this album to be number one you know what I'm saying so that right there shows you that it's totally up to the people people all the consumer whatever it is but if you make good product people will find that you know what I'm saying and now yay with everything that goes on now I see North you know what I'm saying do you Shield your baby girl from the tuition into the school of experience that you paid with the business man you know it's so beautiful about just the timing the fact that I done figured out at least some aspect of the label she ain't got to sell her name and her rights and and she can communicate directly with her her fan base she got a huge she run she run the grammar schools she definitely a number one artist in all her age bracket and I just my age bracket there you go I'm like let me look at them contracts and we got to simplify the contracts that that them contracts is in and we don't we don't we don't we don't really know who we are we so separated you know you you know tala got Indian his family my grandmother is named chick she was half Indian but when is the last time you heard of that oh was that Politically Incorrect to say I got India I can say India I'm a black I black person I could say I could say uh [ __ ] you know so all of that when you remove all that information you remove you remove the fathers every father the grandfather your father and the father of the current child the baby daddy remove all them fathers and then they removed God they removed Jesus too out of uh and they give they they give us quanan Martin Luther King no contract study nothing Financial none that even one of my favorite ones that Deion Sanders like pointed out it's like all the people that's recruited to the to the app you know this story right if they got a father they don't even look at them they going to hands off it has to be only the mother the story The hardship the only mother because that recruit is more and the thing in general women are protectors so a a a a man will go out to war and give his life for a vision sit there like rapping like Whoop That Trick you what I'm saying for a vision of something all of the men have been strategically removed and there's immediate like Instagram immediate gratification immediate acknowledgement and with that immediacy you can't rebuild the communities and create the position when the you know who's give us the contract it's not a meat it's seven years it's 10 years it's a lifetime and you get 30 of them you're like oh I got these contracts that got all these artists what's the value what's the value Universal you got a Drake as a lifetime deal what's the value of the vendy and this is me I don't know about this [ __ ] as well as I know about it 10 years from now right me willing I'll be still alive because it's up to me if I'm still I would kill myself yeah if I felt like it it's up to me and people say God willing me willing but I'm still alive uh I will understand this better and I'm going to provide things for y'all that simplify that simplify contracts right now I have no say so over Yeezy over the shoes and Broad day Adidas Harvey Weinstein one of the biggest artists and people just sit back and look at the Michael Jackson video of him saying they looked at my butttocks and they just go make jokes and go on with they day that's why this number one is a [ __ ] everybody yo we you know one of the greatest things that we at you know we in World War II Instagram is World War III it's digital we exist in the mental and The Meta I'm say we have a famous One Instagram got your bit you know what I'm saying we already existing in World War II it's a digital meta mind war of perception cancellation this many numbers oh it's a raap this they t in ain't doing good let's turn down they touring let's turn this down oh we like this artist now we can to turn this down like you know what I'm saying right and this we can turn up and everybody's like well I want you to be smiling your photo [ __ ] we are in war right now 50% of black deaths is abortion we kill ourselves that's psychological warfare we don't buy no land we doped out we fried out everything that we promote is about the destruction of what we doing we are at War don't think World War III is you know who told me the [ __ ] trainer told me that Harley why he told me that cuz he thought I was a monkey he thought I wouldn't understand what he was saying he thought he's talking to a chimpanzee cuz he a MK Ultra educated person and I'm a College Dropout that dedicated my life to Art and music but there's some kind of gut sight Beyond sight there's leaders Chiefs Kings why do you think so many rappers be called Kings they call Kings because they are truly that but our kingdom has been sold by contracts look I know y'all want to say something positive right now man let's talk about like uh [ __ ] man I told you this this is this is conversation but I was asking about even with with North in elementary school dropout you gave us College Dropout which was you know amazing for us how close to your daughter daughters really in not just in fatherhood but in business will y'all remain next to your babies so they don't have to go through this business cuz you could love the music y'all love the music but sometimes it's different time I went to say I love the music business correct yeah as a father you got to like your dad was in a music bus yeah manide hello you know I learned more outside but he definitely gave me that that first step yeah I feel like as a father you got to like whatever you learn teach you know if you don't do that you ain't a good father so everything I went y afraid of y'all kids getting into this business or you feel like I got I got my babies because like I say I I paid a lot of tuition into the school of experience I'm not afraid if that's what she wanted to do I would just coach right you know what about with with North as well you know she going to be like them you know with them four kids right there I'm working on Mo kids but with them four kids right there it's like the first two got to see and know they daddy they got to know a black person that wasn't only an employee that Dynamic is so the effect that it has on The Meta stage of a uh no Theta sorry stage of a child's life between five and you know 12 to only see your color as an employee and never see your color cuz you're taught the color in the school you would wouldn't even be knowing it was about a color unless that was taught to you so I will say color because it's taught this is red is this right the effect that it has to not see a person of your color be able to make a final decision will make you feel that you're never able to make a final decision I asked nor I said how many times are you in a situation where it's people that don't look like you telling you how you need to sell something to people people that look like you you know if I was a farmer or cow herder or like a hunter if I took my 10-year-old out I got to show them where the snakes is I got to show them how to him or her how to protect the self and this is the things where I can stand up proudly and say you know what I lost $8 billion Adidas is raping me right in front of everybody's face and ain't nobody doing nothing about it as usual and we still going to get that money back and still be in a better position than Adidas someday you know as people who work I got friends I got Jewish friends that'll say like I got this friend udy he works in the shoe shoe industry and he's like man I don't never want my kids you know people always say I never want my kids to have to do what I had to do what I had to do but some of that they got to do it's interesting I think about my relationships like I do not have the best relationships in the music industry I do not I do not harness them I do not Foster them I don't give a [ __ ] about them and then it's like that and then my daughter going to pull up to all these backstage areas I'll be back again oh my God I'm back again and it's going to be like I got to be there for like my not get to be there right for my daughter yeah you know what I mean cuz she she going to want to like we got a TV performance and some [ __ ] like that you know that I just thought about that I was like man did I tell you about that t you n say some [ __ ] halfway through T like oh okay we got that that's like a [ __ ] that owe you money and they tell you they show you their new jacket like man I just got this from my cousin you know I just oh yeah I won't get that to you though everything is tax time though man taxes coming man you don't I don't get that back to you with vultures and we see you know we see rolling loud we see shows that's coming we see and we had a chance to briefly talk about this too yay but these are also like experiences I wouldn't like we we went to and I saw a listening party but there's experiences where it's like you say man we don't even really touch a mic right now at this and I call it an experience because that's one of them things where you say man I don't know what I was doing there but I walked out of it and I enjoyed it and I never seen anything like that before is that what those experiences are right now it's not just getting on stage check check and and doing the song what does that vulture experience look like to you it's still better than other people shows that have a mic but what I noticed a while ago is like there could be a band on a a festival and they go up there and kill it and then there's a DJ that just goes out there solo never grabs a mic they paying way more and like you know what I mean so you can still do it without grabbing a mic was away and we found a new way and just from either even the way that the lights are to the way that the smoke is coming out all that is the show you know like it's you going to see tonight what I saw Yes Yes uh was that yes two days ago we in San FR we were sitting there and we turned on the smoke and the lights I was like wow the smoke is like a opener yeah just the way we could the lights itself is like a opener something to bring people into just a different experience I remember sitting in front of uh this we had an opening at our mail roll store and we were giving away these t-shirts that we had uh uh I was happy about the fabric it's like a real interesting cut it was like a one- siiz fitall uh unisex and I'm sitting in a car in front of it and I'm I'm feeling like anxious like man are people getting enough out of this I going to walk away and my boy DP came up to me and said man you know people they just came for the experience they just came for the experience for us to understand what is really needed it's like give me look at this style of architecture behind us like in our the mcms stuff we got all this crown molding gold faucets extra bedrooms and like themed it's a fendy bedroom or something like like all this stuff that you know we don't need and I'm like the like the best t tattoo artist with the worst tattoos or something like I I have been through all okay this is I would not suggest this for anyone kind of things point at the wall to be able to make a suggestion even talking about the process with uh music also like I remember doing like um Encore for Jay-Z and because I had had some experience on stage I could help him make a hologram in his mind to Envision exactly what would happen when he plays it like right now we need a vulture chant because people sitting there waiting and the crowd wants to hear their voice together like they hear on Carnival so just have some vur V cuz right now they just saying [ __ ] Adidas [Laughter] right and would you is that something that you thinking yeah yeah I know I know hey man when you when you hear that right and you see that that there is a support even if it is you know [ __ ] Adidas you know what I'm saying when you when you see that are you afraid are y'all afraid of the power too always uh change the beginning that are you afraid part let's reword that because the answer will always be no if the beginning of the question is all you're afraid right does that scare you it will always be know if it has to do with scare or fear and and just just the power of of that do you know how powerful like power is also a gift in a curse do you know how powerful you guys are not just in entertainment but period mainly because of the independent stance even more so now for sure yeah yeah we up there yeah man because he he he didn't take none of the you know [ __ ] talk and threads to his career uh and one it's like a movie you know did you ever think Tai maybe not and keep it not all keep it real but it's got a way on you like you know especially people that you feel look are looking out for you did you ever question like man maybe maybe I shouldn't N I always like saw just watch him as a fan going to the top doing something to come down here going to the Top Again doing something to come down and every time you go back to the top everybody starts sucking dick again so I already knew it was going to happen you know now I'm swinging my dick right hey man and when you say man like damn it's a it's it's a real it's a real [ __ ] you and that that's the exhale you know and before we had a chance to sit down man we were talking about the listen party that that I went to that night and and I'm going to put it out bro you told me and if you don't mind my talking about it you said man that it warmed your heart to see me there and I really took that like bro thank you for that and I got to ask you as well why I mean it just you know it's like Wizard of Oz like the same people the exact characters that were in Dorothy's life in real life were also there when she traveled to O's o and were also there when she came back from the dream and it felt like when I was sitting there it was like and you were there and you were there and you were there it just felt like I had come back from this a string think I'm in like in a foreign country walking around with no shoes on no bank account like I remember the day and also because of I mean you were there the night before I went to the hospital you were there at Sunday services and we serving food afterwards um you you were you were there when I was like um super religious at Sierra Canyon saying like man these soccer moms they don't need to be wearing all these tights yeah yeah so me like I I hit you up I'm like everything I ever did in La you always been there with me radio is my job you know what I'm saying I'm a human being first you know and yay with you bro we've had some amazing quiet times you know the interviews that people can just go and you can look at fine I take those but we have a lot of quiet times you know I've been at the house you've been at my house we've sat and had long conversations we've sat in silence and our silence speaks volumes you know and so at one point bro me and you had what I felt was a Mis not even a misunderstanding I felt a certain way towards our relationship and I'm not sure if you felt that same way towards our relationship and we've never and this is isn't the place to talk about it cuz we never talked about it really but I [ __ ] with you and I continue to [ __ ] with you on a personal level and that's totally different from man when does the album come out when do the such and such come out you know what I'm saying like so at one point when and and just to keep it real with you at one point when we did have you know a conversation that that I didn't we both didn't feel comfortable with and can I explain what happened okay so we're at a listening party and this is for all these fake ass bloggers out there and the I don't I don't go on social media I never been on Facebook in my life none of that [ __ ] right but [ __ ] when [ __ ] hit your radar it penetrate your radar and then that's when you you got to address [ __ ] I don't talk about nothing even when we had a situation I didn't go on there to speak about it I didn't say drop a record I all right cool I know that I'll sit with my guy my brother once again I don't even know if you know what went down TI No we're at the listening party not even the listening party it's just a small little listening thing right and without going into details details details I value my relationship with you there were some things that were being said in the room that I was like do everybody feel the same way about this brother that I do and I didn't think so maybe I was out of out of place to even think that I was closer to this man than other people in this room so things were being said and I told my guy that I've said to him many a times before you know and yay you know there's been time we talking I say yeah oh you probably don't want to say that yeah I'm glad you said that to me instead of somebody else this is just at the house or whatever right so when I'm hearing these things I tell my guy I said hey man don't let nobody knock you off your Square you remember that conversation don't let nobody knock you off your Square all right boom it's still being said I'm looking I like you know because we're in a good place we listening to music all this [ __ ] don't let nobody knock you off your Square so then it becomes this this thing I don't need advice you know and it gets a little loud I get asked to leave my guy his spot I get asked to leave Doc and I we leave Jose we leave I'm sure that I'm going to talk to him again you know what I'm saying it took a minute we talked there was no hate there's no [ __ ] his record [ __ ] him [ __ ] that even in your lowest bro when people thought you're at your lowest I sent you energy my kids love you my wife love you so when I said man don't let nobody knock you off your Square I'm looking out after my brother so for me to be asked to leave I feel like damn man but I never said [ __ ] Kanye because if I say [ __ ] Kanye that's forever I'll just just like damn that [ __ ] felt crazy talk to my wife talk to my homies all right we'll catch up that's why when I saw you that night and when you said to me man thank you for coming I don't think you know what that meant to me because these and this is me when my [ __ ] you I don't know if you saw when I left that day I left but then I'm hearing oh yeah you know they made big do this and they I'm a man bro I'm a man with [ __ ] kids homie I'm a man from La a black man that's not defensive that's not offensive but my defense is [ __ ] Immaculate and no man on this planet scares me no man I'm looking at some [ __ ] somebody s to me I didn't even watch the whole thing yeah I heard gay people snatched them up and they grabbed them and they threw them out and they did this No One Touch me people ask you bro they going to tell you anything like I was saying earlier yeah no one touched me and I just want to go on record to let people know as I'm sitting here with you today and I'm glad you gave me this this chance to speak about it bro no one touched me ain't no [ __ ] in me ain't no coward in me I left out I was asked to leave what am I supposed to do all right cool this your spot I'm out I was on I was never on no [ __ ] y [ __ ] but we had a chance to talk about it and I'm glad we have a chance to talk about it now now and this is my [ __ ] you to everybody that thought this couldn't happen this is my [ __ ] you to everybody that thought there's no man that ever touched me and didn't feel a Wrath of Kurt Alexander Ida's [ __ ] son and that's real [ __ ] so to the person that's or people I don't know how many people said it [ __ ] you it never happened and it never will and if you think it happened you do it M thank you yeah exactly you know [ __ ] with you bro but I had to get that off of me bro I had to and I've been waiting you know what I'm saying and thank you for giving me that opportunity too homie because I'm going to tell you straight up man I was a little pissed you know what I'm saying I was a little pissed but but we grown we grown men bro and I sure a that felt good now that's going we all and and and and that's man and that's real and and even people was like man you going to bring it all like and my [ __ ] is small you know what I'm saying I don't talk to everybody bro I don't trust everybody I ain't [ __ ] with people you know what I'm saying as you're talking about as I'm reflecting I feel that me asking y'all to leave was from a place of Love meaning like yo I'm I'm on one this I'm dealing with this right here I don't want y'all to deal with it to see it to be in between it to have to give me no advice on it to sneer me left or right on it that's that's that's what I was thinking about at this time that because it's like what I say is like I am the leader this the reason why I made so many I said this to I said this to norga I said it's like everybody knows I'm I'm the leader I am the king but then it be people who don't want to see it that way or have other people that are control their bank account or control their job or control my kids or control my all of this and people say oh he's crazy he's this he's that it's volatile but at a certain point I be in a situation like I we had the Brazilian producer yesterday and I was just telling them stuff about things I wanted Chang and he started telling me why it was good I was like wait a second the reason why the albs are number one the reason why is this is because I specifically say this is this is this is this is this and there's certain type of situations where I like I said my grandfather jumps to my body I start channeling something and it's more like a LeBron like get out the hole I'm about to dunk kind of thing than than it is like anything cuz you know like I said one of the reasons why I was just I was like thrilled that you were there is because of all those situations but it wasn't that situation I talking about I was talking about when you was at my house right the day before I went to the hospital and I was raising my voice at that point I don't remember exactly what it was about but is that at the house yeah yeah yeah I don't know exact but you got to understand whether it's like Britney Spears the TMZ the 30 m Zone you know I'm like Hannah Lector Hannah Lector can explain to you why he's locked up while he's locked up and he also can break out whenever you feel like it obviously I can break out whenever I feel like it a big thing I had to learn over this past year and a half is to not expect anything from anyone but also [ __ ] better not expect nothing from mehm you go be like man you ain't do this you ain't do yeah yeah whatever you want it's like you should do I'm like no you know we are all our own person you know so Heen I do want to ask something about the music as well when we think about vultures now we've seen Playboy we seen Rich the kid which I [ __ ] love Rich the kid in a position that he's in right now and possibly you know from what I'm hearing there's going to be executive prod producing from you guys as well but what's next on two and three and it's almost like with you it's like there's people I know that want to [ __ ] with yay but you know sometime you you push somebody else to go and then when they clear the minds then you can just come through you know second or third when y'all did vultures and the collaborations that you have on that are those by Design and what happens in the next installments with features and [ __ ] like that how I look at it I don't know what he thinks but I always looked at features and how I use features is the same way I would use a drum sound or I would use a [ __ ] a bass sound or a synth sound or whatever you know whatever fits the song that's what I'm going to call Whatever frequency they got that I feel that would match the song that's how you know what I'm saying uh with Rich it was like we was in Saudi he called me he was like I'm in Dubai what's up what y'all got going I'm like we just out here recording and [ __ ] he was like I got a off day I'm like pull up he pulled up we got all these different Villas in the city called alula he comes in my room we do two songs that day two of them is uh I mean one of them is Carnival I was hesitant playing Carnival for him because at the time he was like no high hats on the whole album no 808 yeah and this song was like fully like turned up so it wasn't until we got to Vegas where we pressed play and he loved it immediately got on the mic did his verse which is one of my favorite verses and then uh it went from that to taking the beat changing the whole Melody whole Melody to where he laid this crazy one and then it went from there to getting the Hooligans to do that part and then cardi got on the record and now it's like something new so I would say that's what the goal is for vultures 2 and vultures 3 always elevating always taking like if you ask me the question what I think about music I feel like uh I don't want to diss anybody but at the same time it's like y'all [ __ ] got to get better it's like people always copy right the next [ __ ] it's like so many like 10 songs of the same thing of each different we always think we looking for the next or the sloppy carbon copy every copy is a sloppy carbon copy bro yeah so to me it's about elevating and I don't want to do nothing that I ever did before you know man and that's another one of them things man when we say the whole [ __ ] you thing the F you thing it's like just just trust trust the process too sometimes and then just watch just trust the process and watch you know have you been start the song with that the trust the process I be talking about [ __ ] should do that [ __ ] you need me to come in and do that part hey man like I told you bro I thought I was yeah I thought I was on Pablo I was in that studio I was like oh man I'm on Pablo and I and you know and I tell people even on air I'm like man I love to watch you create a song Because there' be a song and and even with a like 30 hours like I love how with that you left things that you probably seen in the studio for a long time with just like and but 30 hours we got a people got a chance to hear it but others had a chance to kind of see it and I remember one time bro I was in the studio with you like yeah and you was my name came up and then and I was like oh [ __ ] I'm on Pablo man I got Pablo I was nowhere on Pablo you know what I'm saying but also bro I was talking with your engineers at the listening party that night and somebody was like yeah man I think I got a beat on I probably on two but you never know if you actually made the project until the project is out you know what I'm saying that [ __ ] man I didn't even make the cover of vter one you know what I'm saying but but it's a nice cover though you know what I'm saying imagine going to him and say okay so uh I know we did this group album for like a year right yeah blood sweating tears you know and he he he accepted to do this cover without we didn't even have the concept of what the next cover was we were like I believe this is I said we were like I I believe this is the strongest image for that and then uh we're sitting in Paris and uh I'm sitting with my wife and I'm sitting with my visual director o and we sitting in the rits and I think it's like forel um he pulled up a few people was hanging out and we're just drawing and there's a sketch original sketch we should put this sketch out and came to this idea like Ty um holding TC his brother that's locked up and when that cover that idea came it just it impacted our approach to what we were going to do mu musically a visual the big word now is like sentiment the sentiment made even the first cover stronger and and the vultures project stronger and the music that to you know that it it helped guide the direction of Music on where we're going on vultures two and three and we still haven't decided to cover for three that's where we're in like you talk about something making it or not making it at the last minute I told my boy uh Dove Charney who's our head of production that created American Apparel now he has Law Essentials apparel and I remember being on the phone with him one time and saying man I know it's last minute and he said it's always the best minute yeah it's always the best like what we did the last week like the first on um problematic like CU it'll be time we got different writers we work with a bunch of talented people and I'll be like yo Ty you got to help finish this you got to finish this up because he going to say hot [ __ ] like he said you know she just want to [ __ ] the BGA store huh I was like man we need to make a challenge for people to see if they can [ __ ] in a BGA store make a BGA store challenge but who even GNA think or some [ __ ] like that she just want to [ __ ] the BGA store it's like something as simple as that I remember when I work with uh um party what's it what's the guy's name that used to date megaion writer party par Fon partis Fon I heard on cardi B's album he said I gotta stay out the Gucci store I'm F to run out of hangers but I liked those thoughts together so it could be something as simple as like like say ties verse on vultures and so said I I just bought a bag and I filled it with Loose Change like this do y'all compliment each other not in a battle wise but do y'all know y'all compliment each other when it comes to to music like do you know like oh yeah this gonna get them with this this gonna get them wait a second man I was just thinking we might have to say some more rap lines cuz I'm not F to have that you know that thing where they got Swiss beats where he like talking he say a rap line what he say but the rap line is real bad Angel G she like take a sip to keep from laughing when he said the love he said he said what he say he said like oh what he said I'm pois on so I can Poise on oh yeah you know and then Angel was like hey man what what's did you ever catch the one with with Safari when he was rapping for Charlamagne and then charag go Noah that's not it bro he used should be staying fresh uh he was there with like you know it's so messed up it's like he a really know they was together so he's down doing Dark Fantasy and he in the studio I'm just thinking he she was a bad [ __ ] I'm like yo Saar you think Nikki let me and Amber H like what she said this her this her man like you got to make these raps true think me you and am sh Friday I'm like hey man I'm glad we did hey send send your girl ask your girl can I get a number hey bro I can't wait to see what's next you know what I'm saying of course one two three you know what I'm saying and and Beyond bro but it was very necessary for us to sit down bro this felt so good I appreciate now Ty bro you know way back Similac hello same with you yet I appreciate y'all man thank y'all for giving G me this chance and this opportunity to just sit down and I know y'all could have sat down with anyone in the world and I mean because that's what I'm telling you bro like there's times when I look up and y'all treat the world like it's [ __ ] a city over I look up and you guys are like oh yeah man you know they're right here and you just flew in from Italy you flew in from Paris so y'all could have really been anywhere in the world bro and sat with anyone and I thank you guys for sitting down with with me man this is my 30- year anniversary you guys made this so special to me this is like my kickoff like my real kickoff interview for like my 30th year bro and I couldn't think of anyone else to sit down with and this one made sense you know what I'm saying so let's continue to shock the world bro and I see you don't have no real hands to hold your tongue so don't hold it you know what I'm saying best believe that man all I got the titani brother and I'll say I appreciate you and I I appreciate doc he he he over there you know yes sir so I appreciate both y'all man do you remember one time I was at a con you you you was calling me and I was looking I was like oh [ __ ] yay damn yay I answer the phone and I'm at Coachella and you hear then you like B I need you out here I'm like where you at he was like man I'm in Africa I'm like you're in Africa I'm like bro I'm at Coachella you know what I'm saying he like no I need you all I'm like yay I don't have I can't go to Africa you like I'm put a plane and come on out here I'm like bro to Africa I don't have nothing I'm saying everything not to go I'm not pack where sh when you get here you know what I'm saying like I got a plane man other [ __ ] like an everybody was like oh I would have jumped on that plane you know what I'm saying no I didn't go but you know what that is too bro that's what you're talking about right now too man and no disrespect doc that's the freedom now I don't want to leave my family but that's the freedom of not being able to go cuz I had to be at work okay can I just sit in this seat right I'm going just trange seats right now and I'mma Be You from what you just said okay I just want to say you know I sat down with yay and I want just tell all y'all [ __ ] here [ __ ] all of y'all I'm headed to Africa hello man I appreciate you bro leave it up here yay yay that a sign there it is y'all boom what did y'all learn today a lot of [ __ ] [Music] Dr [Music] Dr
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 751,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BigBoyTV, Big Boy TV, Hip Hop, Big Boys Neighborhood, Interview, Full Interview, Radio Big Boy, Big Boy DJ, Real 92.3, Real 923, Big Boy Radio, Big Boy YouTube, vultures 2, Kanye, Kanye West, Ty Dolla $ign, North West, Vultures, Exclusive, Vultures interview, Ye interview, Ty interview, Exclusive interview, Ye, Exclusive Kanye interview, Exclusive ye interview, New ye, New ye interview, New vultures, New vultures music
Id: Z_mk_u24tP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 11sec (4751 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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