Kanye West Justin Laboy Interview! full free

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uhuh uhhuh uhhuh we here just Le boy the king of toxic himself I'm back man I'm feeling good yall know when yall see me it's a [ __ ] problem you know what I'm saying y thought I wasn't going to ever come back speak it's my first [ __ ] episode I got my brother with me co-hosting this ain't no interview we ain't ask him [ __ ] we talking about y' y know when y'all see us together it gets scary what saying it's a scary moment really dope what up we here Chicago in here what's up yay I don't even got to introduce you we not even going to do all this [ __ ] we just going to get straight into it the hottest [ __ ] in the world right now let's Jump Right In we saw you and your wife out at Disney next we see reports of a battery charge as a result of your wife being sexually assaulted wifey okay what happened how important is it for you to protect your loved ones yeah I mean it's I mean it's just what's the question you want how important it is or what happened no what happened what's the what's the story cuz you got security and you a Shel [ __ ] yeah it's like my wife is walking to the bathroom at the sh and then the this guy so this wasn't a Disney I think everybody think this happened at Disney oh well let's not let's not kill the magic this happen there Disney yeah well well let's um well we don't have to make it as specific then we say you know this this guy just grab my wife and then she just I didn't see it directly and she started just explaining to me what happened so then I walked over and found them and then I'm talking to security different security like not not just the security that be with me but other security like okay let's get this guy just escorted out or something you know it's like look man I just don't want to um and then I talk to the guy say yo I need you to just you just need to leave right now he's like oh it's okay it's okay it it's like no it's not okay it wasn't okay then he saw it wasn't okay he had to go to bed early tuck this [ __ ] in okay um so is he might still be sleep though yeah sh I tell I can't I don't know what happened he still he just sleep though he had to go to bed early all right man we going to take it over to this rap beef man this the most entertaining rap beef in a few years you got few future Metro Drake Kendrick jcole Ross Chris Brown quo the weekend yeah what the weekend doing what happened I mean Drake and his people taking shots at the weekend they not really feeling how he's [ __ ] with Metro you know what I'm saying cuz they all from Canada yeah um I feel like you started this [ __ ] though it all started from I feel like your Instagram post when you was just like [ __ ] everybody and everybody's like you know what it's up we all just going at each other we all the friendly [ __ ] what's your thoughts on the state of hip-hop right now it's great it's great for me you know like I'm always on that time you know sometimes I you know you see I put the Instagram up I there's nobody F to play with me I I hav been through too much of this [ __ ] I made more money than anybody ever make at this [ __ ] had more like hits made my own Jordan [ __ ] every [ __ ] like so it's like I don't I don't care I invented like I said I invented every style and [ __ ] so it's [ __ ] this [ __ ] fun to me you know but I'm I'm really into the idea you know it's with Drake that's the whole thing it's like morality and likeability are not uh not connected they're usually the opposite usually the most immoral people are the ones that are the most likable so if I say I like Drake it's not because he's a good person it's because I like him you understand I like I like I got like for everybody you I'm not going to say love cuz you got the love that that's going to weaken you that compromises you so I got like for everyone right and it's just I think this is a beautiful time you know it's like we saving a world like you take Drake and Lucian out that just Alters everything because that's such a control thing they had the algorithm the way that they work together to fix the numbers and all that you know they they so them two working together absolutely like we're going to name this [ __ ] after a dragon some demonic [ __ ] like Drake and all this type of [ __ ] like we're going to change your name actor and do this and [ __ ] cuz it's like you know in they heart of hearts like whether it's like tubs and this and that all the Canada they love yay and [ __ ] and I and I'm I'm Invincible like even if I died I wouldn't die and [ __ ] I'm like so and as I'm tired of this [ __ ] [ __ ] with me and all this [ __ ] man so the fact that these [ __ ] is coming other finally cuz it's not just about the elimination of Drake you know it's like like we're going to tear the head off whoever they got that they thought was in control of all [ __ ] like look at this like they running the numbers they running on radio they got the smash and then you know it's like now they not playing Lil Wayne no more cuz he ain't um you know he's not directly connected with Lucen then they go and like buy the Cash Money [ __ ] out then they like pick and choose who they want oh we're going to have Amigos one week and then we're going to have uh future this thing we have two chains this that and they always pick somebody and we G have 21 savath you know what I'm saying it's like they always pick somebody from Atlanta I'm from I was born in Atlanta whatever you know how did that even happen though like I mean before we even get into what happened who is Lucian green like who is he because people don't know who he is and I feel like you have to be higher up to know exactly who he is and you've got to that level he's still higher he's still a hire gun he's just like a like a [ __ ] Handler like he just control like uh Universal he run it for him but he ain't like he ain't no overboss or nothing like that he not no billionaire [ __ ] like yeah yeah I mean yeah but he got billion you know what I'm saying his money is like infinite it's just it's a form of energy it's a tool and [ __ ] you know right it's like but he is someone who in the constructs of where uh where [ __ ] have been place you know Native Americans all the combination cuz my grandmother's Indian like you know what I'm saying they don't put that in schools that they indoctrinate or into because you know you Chief then you know you Chief they ain't going to teach you that you Chief they going to like give you a contract rap contract basketball contracts say you King but you only King to a certain limit as long as you don't get out of line okay you King type [ __ ] so no for sure I mean obviously Kendrick dropped the like that verse Drake dropped the push-ups just a minute ago he put it on all DSP so he's really standing on his disc yeah have you heard both of them yes I heard it what do you think Kendrick is going to do now do you think he got some [ __ ] for Drake who Do You Think wins that I win I got some [ __ ] for Drake and don't nobody wanton it with me hold up what you mean you got some [ __ ] for Drake that's for it's like right now like you got some [ __ ] ready for Drake until we listen to the [ __ ] you got I [ __ ] on him [ __ ] him like I told you I I I I put the [ __ ] in I said [ __ ] this [ __ ] is [ __ ] this [ __ ] and I like him you know what I'm saying but it's like it's it's it's always like [ __ ] this [ __ ] a little slick [ __ ] he be doing fu all that and that's what it is but I did do this uh like that remix though I think that's what you was want to lead into and [ __ ] let me see [ __ ] you got to like that REM I don't believe gay jumped on to like that remix you know he had to get the Hooligans up here he going to take this [ __ ] [ __ ] out yo dot I got you he was oh my God you hearing it first on the download just a boy respectfully gay [ __ ] oh my God it's up can't stop won stop I just [ __ ] your [ __ ] in the sh tank top [ __ ] hold up run that [ __ ] back know we had to get the Hooligans up here take the [ __ ] [ __ ] out yo dot I got you wow it's some real Avengers [ __ ] when yay come on some [ __ ] oh it's really up oh it's really up now oh my God if you like W can't stop won't stop I just [ __ ] your [ __ ] in the Shan John tank stop treat a bad [ __ ] like she average I treat a bad [ __ ] like a fat [ __ ] never let me get money again get funny again yeah you see they tried to count me out I like that we just hit a number one we right back up at the top titanian grill smile on the I had everything that you able to got I ain't been a drill too I ain't going to lie was chops hey another one it's Ando Dr and hit like Metro beats it's a rap for [ __ ] where as Lucen serve your master [ __ ] you c a little bag for your m s in you lifetime deal like a bing [ __ ] Bing [ __ ] y'all so out of sight out of mind my God you hear like that remix get the [ __ ] D [ __ ] back 130 times like kick [Music] backro drums are still hitting huh here it [Music] goow yeah oh my God you heard it here first on the download damn yay what yeah hold up hold how did this even come about who call who I I need the story behind this this [ __ ] is crazy oh yeah Pluto plut called me I went to the studio laid that and then we um you know went through the you know the creative process adding the course and call The Hooligans called them out in London to get on and Joint you know everybody was very very excited about the elimination of Drake yo you not excited we was energized I mean it's a lot to take in cuz like you said you like people you and Drake was neighbors Once Upon Time yeah that wasn't my choice okay [Laughter] oh y was friends he was your little bro at one point y y was I'm just as far as I seen from the outside looking in I need a massage somewhere on my neck so yeah y did the Hoover concert together me and the rest of the world thought y'all were back cool what happened after that like what happened after that to where y didn't because I thought once that concert happened it cuts Drake's Soul it's like he signed a his soul to the devil to not be cool with me to have to like this is his job to go against god wow wow and it cuts his soul but what is it specifically about Drake that everyone hates I just I just have to know that because it's like for everybody all of the great you weaken Pluto Metro Ross like Kendrick like there's something obviously wrong with this one individual that no one wants to speak about and I feel like you're the only person that's going to really put it out there he say Rich baby daddy is like Drake has a rich baby daddy named Lucien and Universal wow he's like you know like man my daddy got it you know what I'm saying it's like my daddy control the spins my daddy got the dsps my daddy has a rich baby daddy named Lucian so all of his streams in the number ones is controlled by someone named Lucian well Lucian work for people who control the banks in Africa who keep you know oh my God think about down we have Black Wall Street we had Harlem we've been gingeri and we ain't really been pulled together since other than to maintain what they call a black vote which you ain't really you don't have an opinion in that vote and then they get all these celebrities they go on TV like ah you know we uh we got a problem with his political opinion he's out of control he's bipolar he's anti-semite he's whatever they want to call somebody to try to get people to not listen or have you know take away the influence but look it's just I'm God you know what I'm saying I'm back here again I'm letting yall know what it is it's like it's not it ain't even [ __ ] it's like this is what it is I'm I've returned you know yeah there you have it yay is the goat you know what I'm saying like just changed the a t to a d hold up hold up he's God you on your real God level [ __ ] you standing on it so how you feel when people like Ross get involved in this [ __ ] like have you been keeping up with that part or you just on some [ __ ] like I'm God you know I said the like and love it's like I actually I would say I love Ross it's certain people I like and certain people I love I understand that says that's you know sort of you know Ross you know at that point i' I've extended that level of a branch to say like man I really got love for Ross and it's like you know I don't I haven't been keeping up like that they they call me you know I'm sitting up there sitting in heaven and [ __ ] and then they they say God come God come uh come hop on this and [ __ ] it's like here we go the voice of God yeah now how how how does that make you feel though like knowing you're that great because you had Carnival that was number one then the next number one after that then they call you to be a part of what I believe is going to be another number one cuz that make you yeah it if it feels good you know I had come you know I have to come I had to come and do my job right when I heard I was like yo Kendrick shifted the energy you know what I mean like we brought out vultures is number one Carnival's number one it was like it was our birthday every day yeah then they they had this like Metro what he did with the be you know you know feel about Pluto most influential and then you got Kendrick on it too like like people hit me like listen to this right here and I was like okay they shifted the energy like we had to get get to work so I'm up here working and I just get like the the back call or like like yo get on it's like word it's like it's up you know life is like life is made for me to win you no man we we we love that but you know before we change um subjects jco apologized to Kendrick [ __ ] all that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all that [ __ ] yeah you have it yo [ __ ] all that [ __ ] man because it's like that [ __ ] jco went on tour Drake he know it is it's like [ __ ] you can't run now it's you also all this like is up for cold too if you say cold you can't say up and cold in the same sentence and [ __ ] like it's apologies even allowed in rap beef though I don't know man I've never seen no [ __ ] like that before I don't I don't listen to J Co I wouldn't even know I just heard he had a song called false idols and told me somebody told me it's halfway about me so it's like that you know wow there you got it man when we talk about music we going to always talk about the goat yeah's the goat I mean the only one who got the raps the production just just everything that embodies this [ __ ] the money t oh the money yo why nobody hold up hold up why nobody ever beefed about like Ross and Drake arguing about money in houses why nobody ever came at you about money cuz I made the most make the most again you know it's like everybody leave your alone when it come to money and then it's like I G my mind they try to throw me out my they try to medicate me they tried to they really tried to physically take me off of this planet and I'm I'm here like you got the all that bipolar and the medication and turning me fat and all the reputation [ __ ] that's like Tupac shot up in the elevator so now looking healthy right now too though exactly exactly I'm you know you in shape [ __ ] yeah it's up man we going to move on to the next subject once again this is the download podcast my co-host today the greatest living artist the greatest living human yeah you [ __ ] cannot afford him to even do anything it's my brother though he pulled up we we we moving on now we got the NBA we got gambling gay doesn't really watch much TV but we're going to run this by him there's a Toronto Raptor player named jont T Porter he received a lifetime ban from the NBA for violating gambling rules is it hypocrisy that the NBA promotes gambling through platforms like prospects and fanduels but a ban a [ __ ] for trying to get his money up while he's on a NBA minimum contract imagine you get banned for life [ __ ] the NBA there you have it you know my feelings about that they just controlling [ __ ] they like you know um like the house in the hood where you learn to play basketball the same people that own that house own the house that you get if you make it to the NBA let you get out of line they're going to send you back to that old house but if you while you in line they like oh you could buy a house for your mom you could buy a house for your family and most people most people going to stay in in line on that they you know they canol by the the money I'm not you know that's what it is okay NBA is cool you know I'm happy to been able to see Michael Jordan when I was growing up and that was inspiring up to a certain level but you yeah there you have it yeah says [ __ ] the NBA I remember seeing Kobe at a ski resort after I made New Slaves he said that's all we are it's high price slaves wow you know what I'm saying but placebos and nobos you you what a man think he is so you know we not the slaves we we are the kingdom and I'm the head of the Kingdom yeah how does it feel to be the head of kingom it always felt good but you know just to like plant your feet there and know that we run this [ __ ] and Lucy don't run this [ __ ] and it's the same Spirit of of Mike and Prince Kendrick like this the spirit this this what we on you know this is what we on you know this what I'm on period ain't nobody scared or nothing we done been through everything and that's it nobody better play with me like for instance Dirk sent in a a verse and it said he said take my Yeezy shirt off and make it a doat and he said it four times Yeah Lil Dirk said this I hit him up I said you know you're breaking my heart wow who told you to do this I'm like I don't I don't know if it's a legal thing that happened and I'm trying to sit with the man I'm like man this is bad for the city who told you to do this bro it's just like when jcole did the diss track or whatever it's like it's one thing you got Drake it's like he's really paid to come and and do whatever he does and should come up my neck all this type of [ __ ] but it's another thing for somebody like that to come around you it's like why you that's all the whole friends enemy kind of talk and [ __ ] like but Dirk was on vultures though yeah he was rocking with you so you're telling me he really not rocking with you he must have never really liked me or what I don't know exactly what it is but I I spoke to this man a few times about you know the line then he changed the line then he changed the line to I take my Yeezy hat off and get my little hold that and I'm just like why y'all think y'all could play with me see they think I'mma like oh this he's going to get hyped up let's watch him like M people try to like take your kids and you know give you a rap bar say some lines yo it's like are you disappointed in Dirk honestly like let's let's speak real like you my brother you disappointed in Dirk I'm not disappointed it's like man [ __ ] is like yo y'all should meet up I don't really listen to that much rap no way I don't know nobody no [ __ ] I don't know nobody [ __ ] raps man I don't even know my own raps [ __ ] put a mask on he grab a microphone I I don't I don't listen to that [ __ ] man period I don't listen to nothing man I'm just God period that's what you want you standing on that cuz you had to feel it you know obviously we spoke about Drake earlier Dirk went from vultures to on tour with Drake you a you didn't feel no way about Dirk I mean you could be like we could be vulnerable with each other that [ __ ] was heartbreaking to you bro no it didn't break my I had enough heart into it for it to break my heart it wasn't that it wasn't that much but it didn't break my heart but when they sending over these verses and saying like I cut my yeast I can't even like I want to say it was unbelievable but at this point you know any and everything is possible anything and everything is possible so it's whatever man you know right okay so my next question is are industry plants really a thing cuz we hear about Illuminati industry plants are industry plants really a thing and if so can you give me an example cuz you be talking about people that are plant I need you to really describe what a industry plant is and who's like the head of the industry plants I don't really know who that they they never let me in on it it's like people do cocaine they go to the bathroom they don't they don't invite me because I don't do cocaine and [ __ ] you know so all the and it's like they probably see like oh this [ __ ] got the spirit of his dad this he not going to be controlled or moved by money it's like when people go to the league it's uh it's um if you if your dad is too far in your life and I know they promote the step Curry sh but they don't pick people whose fathers are too much in their life you know because they're less controllable because the thing about a a woman is a caretaker so they G to be like um more uh controlled by the idea of having the food on their plate now yeah so if you do the welfare system take the fathers out their home and then give welfare especially if you got five kids in the home now the welfare is in control now Instagram is in control now Tik Tok is in control now Reddit is a control now Snapchat is a control now just the idea of likes and all that is it has a certain amount of control right and you get the Kings and the Chiefs and all that you try to tear down their reputation you try to come and take them lock them up anybody who ain't play by the rules or play by the the game or whatever you know I'm saying right and when you say he wasn't invited to these parties obviously C Williams and talked about these parties people mention I don't know if it's a party I'm saying that metaphorically you know what I'm saying but but you've heard about the party that everyone are talking about but you've never got invited to them so you I don't know I don't know I don't even know what the part that's how far out of it I am I don't know but people call me Illuminati too it's like call me what okay cool I'm Illuminati whatever is it's like whatever the [ __ ] I don't care I really don't give a I really don't give a [ __ ] there you have it what made you drop vultures dur ring that time specifically and what was it about the whole situation because listen you can say what you want but I know there's a reason why you did that when you did it can we speak about that today fate astrology no not fate but astrology that was a good date it's like that you can't deny you just can't deny astrology people go give you like all these dates for whatever religion they want to shove on us and [ __ ] like that but you just can't just just follow the dates when God [ __ ] come God that's what it is yeah you know especially cuz it ain't wasn't on No Label where they could turn it down no more they've been turn they've been trying to turn it down since Taylor Swift right you know that's why I say since Taylor Swift since I had to roll on the WR I'm the new Jesus [ __ ] I turn water to Chris this for what they did to Chris they can't do [ __ ] with this WOW because Chris Chris is a God you know that's uh I mean Chris Chris Brown oh okay what they did to Chris that's I mean yeah you think you think we're going to ever just you we we could be honest is one of your goals to perform at the Super Bowl halftime at any point obviously you're not like nice enough to be like considered but is that like a childhood goal of yours to Performance who sets the goals who says you want to be like Christ or like Mike who sets those goals for you you know what I'm saying all of these are like forms of uh brainwashing I just lean lean into the opportunities you said you w to you want to run this this interview and you know what it is since the day we met we've been on that like always on that time yeah always on that time and we the programmers because humans is the real iPhones no for sure so the people that can you know say have you like saying a line over and over or singing something or you see a way somebody is dressed or colorway or even like the way a girl is shaped or something or a new car shaped that that that's the new form of programming now with this you know with the worldwide web it's like that International influence why somebody want to pull up why somebody want to go to Dubai why they want to go to Japan why they want to come to America all those ideas why they want to see something on Tik Tok all of those ideas that influence we sit in it and somehow some way I'm still sitting here at the head of IT the top number one albums number one singles the greatest number one [ __ ] you know my [ __ ] is my [ __ ] is the most influential [ __ ] on the planet wife is the is the best dress she's like the face best undressed oh [ __ ] I can't speak I cannot speak on that but okay your wife the best dressed Best undressed every woman you get with is the best dressed and undressed at that time am I right am I wrong I cannot deny okay cool if you take the two best dressed in undressed women that ever been in your life matter of fact [ __ ] that I'm a straight shooter you your wife who's one other woman yall going to have a threesome with you can pick anyone in the world there's just one person I I think I know what you're thinking but I'm not even G to say no names I just want to see what you would think Michelle [Laughter] Obama gotta [ __ ] the president's wife there you have it Michelle Obama I don't think that's the legit answer but that's the answer for today music festivals dying down I think the way you're doing these listening events are really destroying festivals I think they're destroying live concerts because people are really seeing something new and they're falling in love with it because I've been to a lot of concerts and performances and and the artists or whatever might say two or three random things but they don't finish the verse Coachella this is the first time I've ever seen no one speak about Coachella where how do you think Coachella has died down like what do these music festivals have to do to become more important to artists like yourself hand them over to me I'll take care of it wow imagine Coachella being ran by yay and then another thing Uzi performed that coach did you see him vogan and [ __ ] and dancing and doing what he do I know you [ __ ] with Uzi so like is that just like a form of like artist expression and and and and what is that about yeah I think it could be artist expression or something it's like people you know even think about like when I was growing up black people never did gay jokes and then but white dudes would do gay jokes and [ __ ] it' just be like a joke to them and [ __ ] so I don't know it's like [ __ ] could be judg I mean um joking or whatever it's like I'm not just I'm not you know God is placing no uh no judgment right right now no for sure no cuz I like work with gay people I like hire them and uh you know I had gay people that are my friends so it'd be funny because somebody you know they hang with gay people and they say something else it's like homophobic or you know we'll use the word [ __ ] to try to like right diss somebody to say [ __ ] to like um you know straight person like yeah [ __ ] but have you want to [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] your mother uh I just [ __ ] your [ __ ] whatever it is people want to say and it's just like I think a lot of that stuff is just it's having less impact the words all these words like people said look at us look at all the words that was said to me or you we're here able to talk look at all this [ __ ] they didn't froze my accounts they didn't you know I you know how how did you survive through the Frozen accounts like I always like go back to when it started to now I just had I just had way more money than they thought wow [ __ ] so they freezing [ __ ] at the bank but there's real life money going on yeah I just have way more money I could hold my breath longer I make money I have more money it's like I'm untouchable they can't [ __ ] stop me they can't kill me I got the people no matter there nothing I could do or say to lose the people in this lifetime and [ __ ] nothing no one could do or say against me this [ __ ] is just I like ice in the veins like when my son hit the three-pointers ice God I seen him too I seen him too the genetics is real genetics is a real thing when you see him you see your kids yeah do you they be talking all that [ __ ] like we get your no for real I mean me and you was on I don't mean the flex me and you was on the Jet and I asked you who was your favorite rapper not the greatest rapper but who is your favorite rapper but it it it it changes at that time you said 21 Savage who's your favorite rapper also Kodak uh let me let me see who who did I just hear recently I was like man oh it's this new rapper out of Baltimore named moose yeah we working with shout out to Moose Baltimore [Music] uh let me see yeah your favorite rapper right now but I told you I a even listen to music man I'm too busy like getting money and that's what you want say I like when you talking this funny [ __ ] talk this money [ __ ] I really really really am too busy getting money to Listen to Too Much music and [ __ ] you know sometimes I sit back enjoy myself after enough Money's been got yeah you that's where you at right now yeah but also it's not just the getting the money slide like we provide a service for the people that's that's how we get the money that's how we put oursel in like the Carlos slam Pablo Chapo Putin right position the Vatican position Black Rock position the government US Government Chinese government position that's that's how we do it and and it's even that was nothing so we might as well do that you're either the colonizer or you getting colonized period [ __ ] that's a download I mean you know obviously you're independent now nobody owns you nobody controls you no one could tell you what the [ __ ] to do how challenging is that because you know obviously me I like study the Yeezy religion I watch everything everybody's talking about and I feel like after the Super Bowl so much product was moved that [ __ ] can't get to you fast enough but that's part of being a startup that people got to understand what are some of the challenges that you face now you talking about you talking about like sending out yeah yeah like delivery shipping the new Factor we we'll be Amazon in a minute you know what I'm saying good things come to those that wait this is Art you know you part of a a startup uh you part you part of an investment into the future so people have even post something negative they part of the the there ain't no takedown it's just a Slowdown they did you just you just on the wrong side of the future if you posting something negative you just on the wrong side of the future cuz you know we we out here stepping away from Adidas like the [ __ ] that Kai sent somebody that's some industry plant [ __ ] he going he going to be talking so he's an industry plan he's an course he's opposite totally [ __ ] that exact genre is the most industry plants it's about like influence and mind control and then he going to mention my daughter's name a week later it's like [ __ ] that don't mention my daughter's name and then you you dissing what's paying a $200,000 a month child support wow that's the the billionaire child support is different yeah but it's like don't mention this and then mention my daughter name and it's like it be that kind of [ __ ] where I'm like that don't make God happy wow yeah I mean God don't like that man he don't like that I mean you know music vultures 2 is vultures 2 coming out when is it coming out it's coming it's coming out May 3rd May 3rd for sure St yeah there you have it vultures 2 coming out May [ __ ] third now I want to speak about relationships this is one of my favorite topics athletes rappers all the rich [ __ ] is [ __ ] the same 20 [ __ ] why do you think [ __ ] is [ __ ] all of the same [ __ ] is it because they understand lifestyle like what is that about and those [ __ ] is [ __ ] the same 20 [ __ ] oh my God man if you like that if you like that all right man we going to get on random hot topics now we on the download my co-host Y is here he's in the building shout out to codak Black he's slowed down on the drugs and he's feeling happier and gaining a sense of car a sense of clarity why don't none of the real ogs step in and help any of these young [ __ ] in the game that's doing whatever they want is it like like like what is that about I let really do into this really though why why [ __ ] like you don't step and help none of the young [ __ ] that's coming up I mean well we do from time to time I mean but I mean how can you control any of them right I mean majority of my brainwashed by the system right bar wow there you have it there you have it my shot Town [ __ ] Is Here Yeah God speaks yeah God has spoken wow man yay obviously we got to always speak about big farmer versus is real drugs on the streets that's always like a topic that you always you know like how's big former crippling Society with everybody being medicated and all of this [ __ ] like you know obviously you you have a story yeah I went through different kinds of medication that just wasn't accurate it's a matter like you know you send doctors out that's just stowing certain kind of pills of people getting addicted like I was F to be addicted to fentol basic based off of the drugs they was giving me so I had that experience and it's just having the sensitivity like us human beings are uh we the most you know complicated machines and if someone goes in to work on a jet engine or a computer people don't give that same kind of care and these are the doctors you know especially in uh lower income neighborhoods it's like they want to they want to tear through uh America weaken it then Reby it and take it back over so you got like spots with food insecurities where you know it could be a kid with a uh what is this food card and it's EBD card or something like that do you know about this it's like what do they call it's like this EBT card it's EBT card car L cars EBT cars and then like it's like one a family members somebody is drug addict go take that [ __ ] from then kids be out here homeless and [ __ ] it's just like but you know we have we have the plans and are working on the plans on just how to put together the best individuals to revitalize our land right you got to understand I say our land I'm talking about our land like native us as the natives our land had us run the right way it's all it's all beat up you know you know why it's beat up you know who beat it up you know it is like absolutely man my next topic is Young Jeezy obviously it's somebody you collaborated with and you [ __ ] with he's trying to get legal custody of his daughter he's only allowed to see her eight times a year as a dad I know you sympathize with him on this matter is there you know obviously you've been through this [ __ ] at the highest level yeah you know it's like we speak on it but we're not in a position to do anything about it or we haven't placed our we need to put ourselves in the power to be able to police ourselves better cuz right now we just running through the system like when I do things like I can't even believe he's alive like I'm taking you know life chances just to be myself just to express myself you know I could speak on him he could speak on me I know when I was having issues seeing my kids everyone speak up on my t-shirt white lives matter t-shirt they speak up on a red hat the pro Trump hat and then uh but ain't nobody speaking up on whether I'm seeing my kids and that so you know anybody that spoke up on those things you know it's that's what it is they was put up to do that but can't nobody pull me to the side period but it's uh you know uh we got to we have to put ourselves in a position to be able to control our families right yeah yeah the way Jewish people control their you know this this my thing is my um my relationship with the Jew I don't I'm friends with some Jews I'm not friends with some Jews what people come up to me talking ask me question tell me Shabbat dinner about 800 time and [ __ ] like nobody got no nobody got no problem like I said you know I said what I said I said what I said ain't nobody said nothing where where my apology or what I was saying was just completely non-factual so y'all can Gaslight me then but I'm I'm one of I'm one of many people that had the same issue no I we talk about why my accounts got a fro got frozen right that ain't that they just like oh re apologize re apologize re apologize you don't get the [ __ ] up out of bro I said what I said I'm standing on what I stand on and I'm not having none of that nobody playing with me nobody telling me what the [ __ ] apologize nobody [ __ ] coming you know trying to tax and all that [ __ ] like man let's have a conversation about what it really is how these contracts is too complicated how they running that's why I say [ __ ] the NBA it ain't [ __ ] the players in the NBA it's [ __ ] the construct of NBA and [ __ ] what we playing for you know what I'm saying it's like people made Jordan do a whole documentary and the main bar think about this what's the health the whole what's the health documentary it wasn't about you know meat it was about this idea of promoting sugar if you look at the documentary a moment when they say I don't see nothing wrong with sugar the whole Jordan documentary was just for him to say oh the worst thing I ever did was try to go to the Wizards that's when he went to B by the team they want to put that in your mind that's the best thing Jordan ever did did was going by that team because like faran said America's to be sold they going to talk us out of it buy these diamonds you know I'm saying before you buy your buy your land wow you understand what I'm saying buy these cars before you do this before you buy a ranch I got 13,000 Acres you say we didn't even get to that we ain't get to the $60 million Malibu house when they was trying to send me in a bankrupt so he had people in my own company selling stealing hundreds of millions of dollars right under my nose acting like they my friends and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but God sees everything God will expose you know and now I see now I see a lot now I see everything and you know I I win I won I've run this [ __ ] wow so now the way you talking that that the one thing that stood out was the real estate yeah you know if you somebody that's getting real money like how important was it for you everybody tried to play like you was crazy but you got that real estate yeah you got that money cuz the whole thing is like one of the things I liked about the money is it proves that people are controlling you with the idea crazy are you crazy for the red hat you crazy for going to Adidas you crazy for leaving Adidas you crazy for crazy that man no one on planet Earth could tell me [ __ ] about [ __ ] or [ __ ] about [ __ ] [ __ ] all you and I'm [ __ ] on anybody who ever say [ __ ] to me about anything oh might want no one's suggestion I think I am God no one suggest [ __ ] to me period wow you can't tell my daughter to say [ __ ] to me about Jesus you can't tell me it's [ __ ] everything I'mma I bought the land so I could rebuild the way we supposed to exist our city should look more like ant colonies it should be like and then run the run the video of the ant colony that that's the design the design is right there in front of us but all this other stuff has been designed by Industries and markets to make things more complicated they invented car industry invented the suburbs ripped up the train tracks you know it's all how to make money you ain't don't nothing good happened till midday nothing no way so why we like working at 6: a.m and at my at Yeezy we just made it people don't even come in to 12:00 now wow there there there you have it I mean how important is politics and all of this [ __ ] that got going on like who's the president what's the power the president have like do you vote do you give a [ __ ] who's running for president like what what does this [ __ ] even mean to the world because it's it's election year it's all like everything's entertainment this is all entertainment who's got the influence you know this idea of the black vote this both like what it means all the complication as entertainment that I'm just tell you some real simple [ __ ] God runs the world I am God I run the world let me make that very clear all right man we moving on the next hottest topic is one of you know somebody that you call why why that be so funny to you it's like I know it be like make you feel uncomfortable right it's like a [ __ ] came in and just like [ __ ] put the gun on the table and they start laughing they know the gun's on the table it's really there type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying this is really God this is really the whatever many times I don't have the information how many times I've been here but it's really that like all absolutely um something that I personally wanted to ask you about was the the disappointment or the hurt of push a te I mean you know you cooked you chopped you put the bees together you you you put them in position what's your whole thought to situation with push a to you I I I got to ask you bro like we we got to speak on that one where where do you stand with Pusher have y spoken lately what's the whole situation with with with Pusher T I just talked to Pusher the other day it was it was good to talk to him and I push is like your first time talking to him yeah the first time I talked to him a couple months and stuff but I mean we made good music together there was a thing like I love to chop for like this genre rapper whether it's Jay-Z what whatever it is like back in Chicago like payroll it was like a rapper I used to chop up for and I like to you know I would legal chop like chopping music legally and uh you know I thought that somehow because I like made beat to made music for somebody that when I couldn't see you know my children right that these people use their platform because I use my platform on their behalf I now I realize like no one owes me anything but there's more than enough people to still get what you need to get done without anyone wow it ain't no one person that's going to stop me from what I'm doing either so if you depend on somebody who is not giving you what you need you're the one that's in the wrong if you call on somebody they don't pick up they ain't pick up bro you going to just keep on you know and that's that attachment you got to get detached that's why he said by the time we got to like little Dirk sending those songs playing with me on that song like that I like detach that DK [ __ ] really bothering you no I'm it's not that my whole thing is it doesn't bother me as much I'm using it as an example if I was you know back then maybe it could have bothered me it's almost like he got sent over get out of here you bother me like it's almost like he got sent over to bother me like [ __ ] [ __ ] a me too [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] apologies [ __ ] Jamie Diamond and the and the Press [ __ ] all this idea the black vote [ __ ] people telling me who I could vote on when black people tell me I can vote on who we voting on if I if I go if I go to the polls I most likely I will I wouldn't vote on the Democrats you know obviously it would be it' be Trump for sure no for sure man um the state of Music in 2024 do album sales still matter to you because obviously this [ __ ] doesn't come across as like sales really matter anymore you know what I'm saying like once upon a time people were selling a million first week or 2 million first week or 500,000 that doesn't change the impact of the music what's your thoughts on first album sales and just album sales in general the um that [ __ ] fake think about the uh Taylor Swift got 300 million 500 million followers right like okay so when I put the Super Bowl commercial up and we got 3 million people came to the website this even the 20 million I had on Instagram or 500 million Cristiano Ronaldo Taylor Swift type numbers it's um I had a 7% conversion rate so let's say if we took I love when you do math 500 I love when yay does math y'all billionaire doing math on a calculator okay so say Taylor Swift has 500 million Instagram followers is that what she have some I don't keep up there yeah something if had a 7% conversion rate of people who bought her album whether it's for a dollar $10 $20 she was sell $35 million so that means 30 that's if she had a 7% conversion rate for people to buy her album at uh $1 $10 or $20 whatever the cost is that would be 35 million album sold so she's working her ass off making vinyl and all [ __ ] to even barely sell a a million and and they they they gas up the audiences dopamines and serotonin and the artists like they tell us these streams they came through I got off Instagram to not even hear about a stream again everybody know this stream is that why you deleted Instagram that ain't just one I I one of the reason I deleted it but I want to say that think about that Taylor Swift had a 7% conversion rate the way I do she would sell 35 million album like Thriller numbers now that's the whole thing for these all the celebrities to really be able to capitalized off of Their audience or is it a bunch of middlemen controlling the market wow there are middlemen saying this is what diamonds cost and everybody running around like every that's why every bar that Drake said means nothing anymore on a droing g drop and do [ __ ] your raps don't mean [ __ ] [ __ ] it nothing doesn't mean because the [ __ ] is artificial Lucy and Dr all this [ __ ] is artificial saying that's why Gods had to come it's like pack that boy up you know so wow that that that's that's what everybody on yeah and um you know the most viral tweet of the month someone says call yay crazy if you want but you never see his name in court documents where do you draw the line with your I hate to use this word with your crazy because you've never been in any of these situations like how do you be like I'm going to do this but I'm going to draw the line right here to where they could never do nothing to me it's just obviously you know just playing the game of life however however I want it just if I want to present a challenge for me whatever is like I feel like you always know the perfect thing to do but not too far like where where where too far what is too far as as you would say if you [ __ ] not going to kill me in the next 24 to 48 hours shut the [ __ ] up and they didn't kill me you know I'm still here so yeah I don't it's like I don't it's it's not a strategy it's a feeling it's like I feel this I gravity I feel this now let's do this this what it is like no one can do exactly what I'm the only person who can do it and just you know everybody should just be happy I'm doing they should be happy for what I did when I'm doing and what we F to do right and cut you know yeah to argue about it if you want it people be mad at God all the time no you want your real God [ __ ] today independent money versus label money obviously you've had number ones on both sides of the spectrum number one seven times the amount seven times in the singles yeah I'm not that good at you do the I mean you you you able to count the money independently now yeah you know it's still not it ain't money is all relative right it's like yeah quadrillion accounted for dolls on the planet Earth what's money to NBS out in Saudi right you know what's money to the Chinese government what's money to the Vatican what's money to Black Rock you know we argue among each other you know I just like went ahead and made the most money just to be like don't talk to me about money that was that and cut was next because we here really to build to build I said what we're building drone what we're building you know right here every day we're building towards simplifying uh our surroundings to provide a happier life for people you I just I talk [ __ ] about these and everything all this [ __ ] High School anything everything I said on this [ __ ] is high school to me and [ __ ] I'm like you're on a you on a whole different level but how do you st how do you stay inspired when you've done it all because like when you still getting on these records with everybody like you're better than them you're greater than them you're richer than them you've accomplished more than them what the [ __ ] keeps you still going to the booth going to the studio what what is that in you that it's like you just keep going like future in Metro called me to do it I was like sounds like fun to me you know it's like the future of Metro call me do it sound like fun I mean we we about to finish up now the download episode one of the podcast we going to talk about the music industry um what makes cardi so special to you like it's like on some like yay and like it's like the super young yay energy what is it about I saw it I saw it back when we did season 3 we had a concert afterwards right and season 3 fashion show we had a concert and we were in a smaller venue and you know he went to the stage and just all the kids lit up like it was a different level of energy that [ __ ] that was about 10 years ago nine 10 years ago and since then it's just you know the trajectory is just crazy he's getting better and better and just honing his skills and you know he's considered to be the best live performer yeah at this point Mo you be putting this [ __ ] on streaming services and go that's he he's definitely a different person who cheats more men or women I don't know you be online you can probably tell me better than that what you say what you done thatal with women cheat in a worst way like women be on some sneaky [ __ ] you think everything is all good they love a [ __ ] they building with a [ __ ] whole time you don't even know that's my take on it man I done really got crushed by these [ __ ] who like you know they just be bad people would they be sneaky have you been cheated on before absolutely as a young adult or recently my whole life examples from what I can you know next question do broke [ __ ] deserve [ __ ] yeah broke [ __ ] have you ever went through a [ __ ] phone and saw a naked picture she didn't send you yeah right how that make you feel I was was heartbroken yeah cuz I know somebody got him and it wasn't me she lied and said they was for herself I never seen a woman take a nude for herself before right have you ever went through a girl's phone before and seen nude she ain't sent you yes absolutely next question have you ever broke up with a girl and she came back sucking dick [Laughter] better I'm really thinking about this is this [ __ ] sucking dick better bit you where you where you learn that from yeah um have you ever had a threesome and a [ __ ] outp outperformed your girl yes my girl at the time yeah do you think a woman can have ho friends and not do ho [ __ ] hell no it makes them want to do ho [ __ ] wow so if you're if you're friend of ho we can't [ __ ] with you no more or you or you just or you just [ __ ] with ho is one woman and two men considered a train or a threeome i it it could go on any of those TRS no what would you call it would you protect women call it a threesome threesome that's spell the tr get rid of that uh uh uh I call that a gang bang and the last question we got here would you allow your girl to go to her ex's funeral you mean if I killed [Laughter] him there you have it download episode one my new co-host yay we here we done pop our [ __ ] it's the greatest episode ever man we get to talk our [ __ ] it's a billionaire co-hosting my show today man love you yay appreciate you for pulling up we neighbors now now [ __ ] next Friday make sure you pull up yeah we here to download episode one Justin Le boy yay respectfully
Channel: Slacker875
Views: 77,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e1U6DDZMSnk
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Length: 69min 10sec (4150 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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