What's the best way to install catch basins?

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here we are on a job in Winston and we're going to catch a few gutters and put in some catch basins so this gutter is fine this one's just going to drain onto the driveway this gutter we're going to catch this one and take it across here he's already got a drainage system but it's not working he's got a lot of corrugated we're gonna catch this gutter and we're gonna stub out on the end here and bring it across here catch basin catch basin send it down along the ball leg right there and just it's going to end right before those trees Yeah right between the trees with that riprap and then right here he's gonna put another downspout so we're just gonna stop out right here and then a gutter contractor will hook it up so we can either go along here or we can come out a little bit further we got to figure that out this right here is a sump pump line and we're going to catch that sump pump line and put it into our pipes and then over here guys so that's going to be one system three downspouts to catch basins the next system is going to be here there's a sewer line coming out right here so we got to be real careful with that going to the subject tank so catch basin here and you can see where the water's been falling and probably a catch basin here and then we're going to catch this gutter this is what we brought that dirt in for gonna fill that in for him catch this gutter here come on across and catch this gutter which again there's already a system in here but the system has failed and then we're going to take it out here to where this pipe is right here so this pipe here and the water in the gutter for probably 15 minutes before we got a little tiny barely trickle coming out of this thing so here's where we're going to dig a hole on the end here fill up with riprap you [Applause] you setting up these catch basins is key for them to work right and they come with these weird fittings but I don't like using the fittings so what we're doing here is we're just gonna block off these existing holes and then we're gonna take our four inch and I've got that four and a half inch hole saw that is a perfect diameter so that's gonna be a much better fit yeah drill my own holes in there yep it's just all cheap plastic that just all silicones together and so I don't like doing it that way that's a 12 inch yep and we set them on a bed of gravel put some gravel in the bottom drill some weep holes in there yep so you don't have a stagnant pool of water sitting in there yep the other thing the holes do is if you get a lot of surface water here and the catch basins not filling up it could potentially float out and so those holes let the water infiltrate to blue thing oh that's where we're going to trench so over here we're trenching already you this is a pretty substantial system we're doing for catch basins and catching five gutters but he's got a lot of water coming in here and he's got a lot of water coming in here and he's already waterproofed the basement so that's where they dig down like eight feet and he's still got water coming in so this is definitely a big system but it's going to protect his investment he's already had a lot of water in the basement causing a lot of problems and he already had a corrugated system put in here and that of course failed so that's why we don't use corrugated because it does not work for very long here we're putting in two catch basins in line with each other and so we've got that one set already coming down here and you don't ever want to take one catch basin into another catch basin and the reason is because the inlet coming into the catch basin has to be low enough to where you've got good fall from the first catch basin the outlet has to be lower than the inlet and so by doing it this way where you have basically a blind end here from this catch basin you can have a much higher outlet right there and give yourself a nice good fall right there so it's a little bit more work to put them like this instead of just stringing them all together but you get much much better results this way this was a little bit challenging to pipe all this got a couple of 45 there we've got a 22 and a half a 22 and a half a why I've got a 22 and a half a street 22 and a half 22 and a half sanitary tee and we had to shorten our pipe there so there's a coupling right there but we got it piped in pretty well everything's got great fall to it and we're gonna catch this gutter over here there's a water line over here it's we think it's pretty deep we've got some pictures of it before the dirt was all in here but Jeremy's still handing it just to be safe and then this side of the house will be done [Applause] [Music] you these 12-inch basins come with these pre-cut out holes in these fittings but they're too low first of all and so you have to dig your whole trench so low to get that to use that hole so what I like to do is I like to fill in this hole with the with the pad or with the the cover that comes with it and drill my own hole and so I use a four and a half inch hole saw and that is just about as tight of a fit you as you can get that also lets me angle it or set the pipe wherever it's going to land so that my catch basin can be exactly where I want it and my pipe can be exactly where I want it let's take a look at the other one we stubbed out right here and so he's going to put another gutter downspout right there and cut right there so you can see I did the same thing over here with this 12 inch catch basin and again you can see just how tight that four and a half inch hole saw does with that four and a half inch pipe or the four inch pipe these 20-inch catch basins don't come with any holes in them so you cut your own holes and there's the hole saw right there [Music] here we are about finished up with this job we've got one pipe coming out over here and we caught this gutter downspout packed it across here here we are finished with this job and I want to see how we did so we've got a catch basin their catch basin here we caught this gutter taking it across the yard here we caught this gutter and he had an existing corrugated system that failed which is why we're here and this was pretty close to where the original outfall was so we went ahead and did it right here as you can see we've got some rain going on - so we're catching a little bit off the gutter or off the roof - and there it is now that's how a gutter system is supposed to work yep [Music] [Applause] [Applause] again this customer had a corrugated drainage system all this was already done previously and that system failed because the corrugated clogged up and stopped flowing
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 60,439
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: best way to install catch basins, catch basins, yard drainage, drainage system, catch basins for drainage
Id: 8Qz3amVqHTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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