Yankum' Outta' The Snow!!! Another RoTator Triple Play!!!

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh we've still got winter going on here we just keep getting hit round after round after round of uh part of the systems revolving around this polar vortex so they're calling it anyway uh right now i've been called for a truck with a tank trailer stuck in a parking lot no injuries just uh common after a system like this they get off at a parking lot that hasn't been bladed or treated in any way and they can't get traction so quite common anyway here we go as you can see the interstate was clear the secondary roads are not and the back roads probably haven't even been touched at this point we just keep getting slammed with storm after storm after storm and the uh highway workers public public works modot crews you know everybody that takes care of the roads uh tow companies first responders emergency response people we just can't catch a break it seems it's just non-stop back after back after back back to back to back but a special thanks to everybody who is having to work out in this mess and special prayers for safety for all we still have more to come they're forecasting more tonight another four to six inches of snow possibly which i know some areas will laugh at that but down here we're not used to this kind of weather i saw something on facebook that said we got our seven day free trial of uh alaska we're not interested thank you you can have it back i had to laugh i don't know if you can see but like most of the parking lots even if they've been scraped off the temps have been down into single digits so what's left underneath is just a hard pack of uh really slick snow and ice this truck has full locking rears don't know that i'll need them on this road but gonna put them there just to be safe i'm gonna park out here on the road and see what he wants to do are you the one who called us sir all right are you needing to try to get to some place here or you just want out i need to pick them up but i mean i need that i can back around the front okay they haven't played anything back here it's just once i was committed to it i couldn't stop right yep i get you i was backing out and then it started to curve and then it yep every time i got unstuck i kept sliding that way right gravity takes effect on this slick stuff okay i don't know what to hook to these things are horrible for things to hook too yeah that's what i was looking at doesn't look like much here but we'll find something we'll find something even if we have to go underneath and just grab the axle or something is it loaded there's barely anything on it not much on it that's part of the problem man no way there's no weight on it no weight and close shoulder tires highway treads basically it's all it is that's it well let me get off this highway i'll get back into here and we'll get get you spun around we'll get you no big deal doing sir i'm afraid that even if i get him moving this way he's still not going to be able to make it back out here all the way to the road without assistance i guess we shall see you say there's not much weight in here all right okay oh perfect perfect perfect perfect come on go to miller frame grab chains that's what i was afraid of it's not a problem it's just me trying to get my arm in there to reach all right it's hot hooked good on solid frame there so no worries there um all your brakes locked the trailer brakes are released that's all right long as the tractor's set we'll be okay [Music] all right yeah before i get tension on her just set everything set all of them for now until i get it straightened out [Music] [Music] free spool white yes all right i'll pull forward some pull forward as close to the road as i can get and i'll uh i'll get my remote i've got a remote control and i'll come back and we'll guide you back as close to the road as we can get you all right because i can only go so far without blocking the road i'm hoping that once we get you up here on this pack you might be able to move on your own but okay let's get you back there first let me get pulled up and i'll come back and communicate with you sink hold on a second i see where someone has done this before and they've crinkled the back edge of it i see where someone has done this before and they've cranked crinkled the back edge i don't want to do that i'm going to take this snatch block and run it down low yeah i didn't know it looks like it looks like somebody's lifted a little bit too much i'll just put this snatch block down low so it doesn't do that ah now it won't lift up on it all right this time go ahead and release everything release your truck and trailer and then just guide it straight back towards me good starting to snow again on us so so i won't be able to bring you too much further back or else i'm not gonna be able to back up and get myself out see if you can go back on your own annie fire divider this ain't got nothing not quite sure what you're going to do from here so i'm not quite sure what you're going to do from here you're going to have to get back out on the road but how do we do that without blocking the road i'll let go of you but i don't think you're going to move do you i can bring you back i can bring you back another 10 feet or so if you want to try that [Music] that is all we got for that anyway not quite sure what we're going to do here unless i go around the building pulling front ways i really don't like the idea of that other option would be to just tie to the trailer like i was lion pulling with the oh shoot yank him rope but then i got no control over where he goes on these slick roads that's not my first choice i like slow controlled movement don't think he's going to be able to move but he might first i got to get out of the way there's really nowhere else for me to go without trapping myself and we're not gonna do that can you do anything at all there you go there you go go forward and then come back again this thing's an automatic ain't it an automatic isn't it no there you go come on come on come on he just done nothing okay [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so come on yeah it's just this it's cold and it's heavy and it's slick i'm starting to sweat in all this gear ah you're telling me if you had some weight on it might not be as bad but without any weight you're just that and if you had some chains but they're painting the butt to take on and off because you got primary roads are good and clear yeah then you got secondaries that are like this you'll be taking them on and off all the time ugh uh all right just put her in neutral and release everything [Applause] so do this right i can inch forward and pull the trailer back up on the road and he can just come right on around with it i have to watch my line though he's got the trailer angled i'm all right pulp i might pull forward a little bit okay a lot of people ask it's a safety feature you can lock the winches in but from the remote but you can only unlock them from one of these two control panels on this side or the other side and it is a redundancy system you have to confirm that you want them released so you can't just hit a button and accidentally release release a load when you don't intend to somebody doesn't unknowingly come along and hit pre-spool while you've got pressure on a winch would not be good i'll do one short pull to get the trailer back up here [Applause] ah free spool all right this is one of those deals where i'd gotten too far with it and dragged the trailer even more you gotta take little bites sometimes you get too greedy i'm gonna i'm gonna have to do it again but this will at least get the trailer up there then i'll pull forward some more and get you the rest way on the road nope just leave it right there keep on coming so [Applause] now lock them all right progress that's what i wanted to see progress progress not perfection oh okay decent driver here he follows instructions well he knows his truck and he follows instructions so rather than reset and winch again i'm just going to raise my outriggers i'm going to drive real slow forward that'll get you the rest way up here on this hardpack road so all right when you plug this in it locks out and shuts down the controller without killing the pto my drive's locked in in the most way out of here we should be able to walk right up out there okay it all right go ahead if you want to try to get in i'll finish this up here and i'll come back get your paperwork oh it's okay out on the road hopefully he can make it in there from the other side he's moving on his own now anyway that's a plus all right i'm gonna get off here get some paperwork done go on to the next job hopefully hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching and here we go again another parking lot pull out just one right after the other we got all three of our heavies out just doing parking lot pull outs the day of the snow was all cars and the day or three after have been big trucks primarily stuck in parking lots that haven't been cleared fairly common they getting tired all right clear here we go so and i think there is a stranded semi i believe i believe i believe yep that would be it driver looking at us so get up here at the top of the hill let's go see what's going on ah okay for the people who've asked this is the one and a half inch by 30 foot keep the smaller one on the roll back and this bigger one in here fun to hear and we're just about good to go give the driver instructions here oh i just i was going to give you some instructions here uh i'm gonna tug on you bring you back out on the street now just on my other side there's a mailbox there okay okay uh if you ever feel like you're not comfortable with whatever's going on give me two two twos at the horn all right all right and you want me to use the uh the loud one yes the the air horn two toots means shut her down all right all right uh otherwise i'll just i'll wait till traffic stops and we'll put yours in reverse and go ahead and just try to walk right with me and we'll get you all the way out on that road before we stop okay as long as everything's going good like i said if you don't feel comfortable stop it's all good we'll shut her down worse come to worse i i just went you you know it's no problem all right i'm ready okay all right when i give one blast to the horn i'm taking off two blasts mean we stop me or you either one two blasts stop so [Music] [Music] okay all right good go all right man you're good to go be safe and he's off all right put my rope up and be ready for the next call okay so finished with that one and now on to another one we've got call too so it's just non-stop go go go go go that's okay this is uh the time of year for it to happen anyway here we go on to the next one well i started to call and ask matt where are you but i see him right there some of you may recognize this curve as where a flatbed trailer turned the corner too sharp and went down in there from one of my previous videos and there's a really really nice taiku skid steer with a snow blade i'd like to borrow that permanently ah [Music] emergency emergency are you trying to go home going to i was going home not leaving out going home okay so i need to turn around and actually i don't think it's gonna be any better in the morning okay so what do you want to do bub if you can get me back out to the road i'll just uh park it you got okay you got the pull pin on the front yeah okay let me get in front of you [Music] looks like it's yankim ropim time again whoo this is uh strict okay all right just a little bit [Applause] getting sore getting old and coil this snake here i didn't think so of course it couldn't be that easy ah you gotta be joking me [Music] so all right you know the drill find the gear and go with me till we get the road we're gonna come out the top and go down this way yeah whatever you feel comfortable with once we get moving all right matt and i've been through this routine before [Music] okay lights emergency lights nobody coming turn my lockers off so i can actually turn make sure don't yank his nose around too quick ah matt and i work so well together hey act like we've done that before except for me getting stuck there at the beginning i didn't like that part [Applause] kind of tight in there isn't it yeah i can do that we got a plasma at the shop anyway it's all right it hits ground thanks sir it gets coiled up in here for now as much as i've had this thing out just tie it to the side of the truck yep have a hanger for it or a spool there we go yeah getting an extension cord spool of some kind and just unroll it i know a guy that can probably make just about anything maybe you good buddy yeah all right you're welcome thanks bub see you next time have fun be careful be safe ah always pleasure working with matt okay see what the next job is as always thank you for watching and god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 212,251
Rating: 4.9581866 out of 5
Id: xtHSedAbOa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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