Melt Down!!! Semi Truck Fire!! Driver Walks Away

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching tonight we've been called by the missouri state highway patrol we have a semi truck and trailer that apparently is a total burnout uh blocking the highway on i-55 north of here i do not know the extent of it i do not know driver's condition as always we ask for prayers good thoughts well wishes for all involved um right now all that i was told was was that it was blocking the highway and it had no tires left on it at all so kevin only knows what we're gonna find anyway here we go okay we are approaching the scene curious to see how bad of a burnout this is i do not like burn jobs nope no not so let us see well it's not as bad as it could have been or could be all right let's get out and get a look see what we got good evening sir do what we didn't leave you much i know the fastest ones we've seen go really and we gave the trailer contents house driver you make it out yeah he's out good deal that's good trailer contents trailers empty or no the trailer's got it oh how many skids to cover about a quarter wave full of uh water softeners on pallets we got crackers all right we was in there all the way to the front of the trailer okay right um well i'm thinking i'm going to just disconnect this thing and set up over here and bring my heavy trailer in and just load this rascal right up on that trailer she's still hot in places isn't she yeah [Applause] hello wonder how bad this stuff is all melted to the ground well there just ain't nothing left is there gentlemen all right i got i got my crew staged at the shop i'm gonna call them and get some guys headed this way with some gear we'll go from there i don't i don't want to tie up all your resources i understand that and you're all volunteers up here right uh if we could at least keep one water truck here if you've got one one tank that's got some water on it in case we should have a reflare we just filled the bumper back up so yeah if you could do that it'd be greatly appreciated that way if we do have a flare up we've got something to control it yeah and i still see still see it smoldering yeah it may be it may be ready said they're ready to go back uh hopefully the fifth wheel will pop [Applause] uh ah there we go so so i'm just going to try to drag it out from underneath the trailer right now come on okay all right kenny's here with the i got her unhooked [Music] [Applause] no kidding that's a heck of a mess but i think if i help lift i'll have to set off to one side but if i help lift we can uh lift it up you can you can ramp most of the way under it you know what i mean just ramp yeah just back under it let me tell uh until mike we need those uh we need some drums shoot made some drums for some trash okay kenny get me some blocks so i can uh set this down on something please um so all right kenny yeah let's grab some longer chains and i'll i'll i'll get this dropped out and i'll coordinate with the firemen and we will uh i'll get set up over here so i can lift the front and help you drive back under it okay just some chains i can wrap around the frame right here and on both sides they don't have do i yes or lifting chains please that worked [Applause] uh howdy guys well now you haven't missed the fun we're a long way from done yet three eight lol ah no i need lifting chains bud um guys help help him yeah there's hard hats in the truck bud uh we might well no we need to be able to use this kenny we might be able to use what i got here excuse me oh this is still warm do what yeah driver's okay hello yeah uh i think we got it uh it's tractor burn trailers partially loaded but it's still for most part intact uh the semi's up here the boys are up here and mike's on his way the only thing we may have to make another trip to do some more cleanup but other than that i think we're okay uh i was gonna have you run up with the star but since the truck is going on to the uh trailers i'll probably just uh use the tight use the tater to tow the trailer with all right thank you though all right bye i think i got something that'll work but uh yeah i got them i already had them out i forgot i had 100 different things on my mind all at once you know i thought that's what you wanted i didn't see it yeah yeah it is that's that's what i wanted i just didn't uh didn't relay the info [Music] hey guys leave them room don't push them off into the median okay this is going to be tight can you which door the very front door i don't see anymore okay kenny go ahead and get backed up as square as you can with it and then uh tilt your bed back okay and i'll i'll get rigged for the lift and what i'll do is i'll lift it and just have you scoot under it for the most part and then we'll tie the winch to it and pull at the same time okay right in there but it's all right all right guys i want one line on one side one line on the other you'll have to just take this and loop it like we did the other day we'll just loop it put them on free spool for me ethan please cool oh so yeah i hate to had to call you away from the rodeo but i'm glad we get to work one more job together it was fun good i'm sure it was hot though okay watch out kenny's coming back okay plan is we're gonna lift the truck and uh lift the nose of the truck anyway we might be better off to lift the whole truck i don't know yet help with the rigging actually i wonder if that wouldn't be better than trying to drag it on and just lift the whole daggum thing all i'd have to do is scoot back and reset and then and then kenny can kenny can just back under it let's do that take take those loose let's just lift the whole dead gum thing leave all right bring those chains to the back and we'll need one long one up front and i'll reset i like that playing a lot better i think we'll fight trying to drag it on there and get it lined up i changed my mind i think we're gonna fight it trying to drag it on there i'm just gonna lift the whole daggum thing have you back under it and i'll set it on there yeah i think that's going to be the easiest yes all right raise the outriggers please i need to come back and be somewhat even with the truck change my mind i was going to lift the front end and then dry uh drive the trailer under it and try to drag it on i just lift the whole thing and set it on be a whole lot quicker and easier [Applause] dang it i gotta try to get a good lift point do what how do you want it well that's what i gotta try to fight in here and grab a uh hook point i need to be right about the fifth wheel oh okay well we can try it here bring it as far back towards this front axle as you can with that grab hook ethan there there we go and then just we'll double loop these that way we'll hook the same hook into both artists yeah into both chain links that way it doesn't shift side to side on us all right everybody stand over this way a little bit i'm gonna have to come back some more all right ethan you guys watch your step or watch yourselves back here you know how it needs to be the boom so that when it's square out or 90 degrees out it needs to be right about right about here let me just go ahead and turn it out and remember we've got some forwards and backwards play so all right excuse me all right gavin watch yourself buddy i'm coming back time you want to go out just a little bit more i'm worried about the forwards and uh backwards right now well i know but i mean it's not centered yeah i'll line the boom up whenever we get ready to lift right now as long as the the boom is about where my pick point needs to be we're good all right guys i need a long chain over here or two chains i need to be able to pick the front ethan no sir i do not ethan i need free spool well before it gets too high i need it free spooled so i can reach him please yeah that ought to do they were [Music] whatever works at this point let's just get her done yep just tripping over this stuff you know how it goes ah are you kidding me all right hold up hold up uh oh [Applause] [Applause] all right in on white for now just give me some whoa that's good enough just to just to hold me right now you got her locked in down there okay uh yup that's about all we're gonna get right there okay now i get the front rigged we'll be ready to lift oh nope we need outriggers out let me squeeze past you here bud and we have to have room for the trailer to come in so stop short stop right there we're not we're gonna have to short jacket okay i don't like it but that's what we got to do take that front down hard whoa it could have been okay now let's help them let's get the front rigged up so we can lift the front shock sound okay i don't care let's just get her hooked and just drop it yep same thing on the other side dude well is that one long enough to go all the way over and do it or is that going to be too short to change it'll be too short to go all the way okay all right watch out for the steering shaft now you might damage it i love it he's here right behind you about time here mike help gavin get this side that other side hooked up behind the front shop is where i got this one as long as we can get a lift on it i'm good that's good gavin just go with what you got right there just go with it hook it in tight right down here and then bring the long end up mike and tie it into my blue winch [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well if the chains are both the same length no they're not hooked they're exactly the same spots they may not be oh okay all right hey ethan our chain come undone here we're gonna have to redo this just a bit this was my bad i rigged it wrong there's a better better way to rig it oh well i got to get behind it so i can i had the boom see way up all right i need a tagline somebody please uh driver side should be above the outrigger i believe or the one in front of it all right yeah it is over here too in case it slips there we go i'm clear here you clear there it's all right careful guys oh yeah that that chain's gonna have to come back a lot [Applause] here kenny hey kenny just take it down that way there you go yeah should be in one of those two doors on the other side all right then don't worry about it everybody stand clear now mikey found a rope it ain't exactly what we wanted all right well yeah we weren't exactly 90 degrees with the boom all right grab that other block out from under there all right hold on just a minute you and i need comps let me get a headset i know that way i can guide you back all right i got it right here all right kenny this hurt going i hope yep gotcha check check check all right you whenever i get to get it lifted all i need you to worry about is bringing the truck back well that's that's why i've got you on calm so we don't uh run over anybody oh lordy there's a lot of mess there uh yeah let's slide those axles forward so we don't get our tires in there yeah i'll kick the pto in and i'll uh i'll watch your tires for you just run the remote otherwise we're going to get those tires and all that mess i'm watching your tires for you go ahead whenever you're ready there you go [Music] yeah it is i like these headsets [Music] [Music] [Applause] yep you're just about to it [Music] [Applause] boom you're done all right straight back kenny everybody he's coming back watch yourselves you're clear kenny come on [Applause] that's all right i can square it up with the rotator just get it under there [Music] oh you can do it you got it you got this i got i got you i got you you could destroy it come yep you're you're fine keep keep on coming you got it you got it good job doing good come on back another three or four feet all right whoa stop right there what i can't hear you he's going to be off the trailer over there yeah i'm not done yet let me get it closer to the bed and then i'll all right but not the other let me through bud hold on let me let her down and see what she looks like if we're on the trailer we're on all right break my chains down boys please um i need the frame hook chains you can leave guys you can leave the front chains on but i gotta have my frame hook chains off the back because i gotta tow the trailer cable stay hooked up on the front do you want kenny yes please nasty stinky job yes just a second you say in or or down up all right stopping all right i need both of the frame chains yup right here by the nose yes uh for right yes we have to clean all this up all right for right now kenny uh go ahead and pull forward um if you can squeeze well pull forward and then slide your axles back and then go around mike please [Applause] [Music] what all kind of cleanup stuff did you bring i tried calling you back i was going to have you bring some barrels i was in the shop all right so what we'll do then we'll lay a tarp down on the bed and throw everything on the tarp i'll have you uh scoop your bed down may have to have you just scrape it back you know use the bed i don't like that but a lot of times that aluminum is uh caught up in there all right kenny straight ahead straight ahead straight ahead straight ahead some of that metal don't okay you're clear to go ahead and stop and roll your axles or roll your axles back to get under the weight all right i need somebody up there helping kenny tie that down chain and binders please [Music] yeah there's one of yours thank you uh [Music] ugh so still works okay okay mike we've got one poly bag but that's it take your bed down and see if you can just scoop some of this crap that's what i was just getting all this little crap here and get back a little bit make the most out of my skin yep [Applause] i think you're too close little more a little more all right branch out uh [Music] here let me hold the bag you try the the larger stuff would will cable it down or strap it down like like these pieces but that loose stuff do what yes so you [Applause] can we use the j-hooks to pick and it up i got it right here that last little bit you rolled back how to cause you need to pull up a little bit ah i'll be all right i got the remote remote all the way hold on ethan hold on okay tilt down tilt down boom up not boom it's out sorry lift up all right under reach up there you go yeah all right now tilt up up down up go ahead all right now uh nope hold on we're going to take these loose and pull it back in give me just a minute okay real easy out go ahead about six eight inches keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it coming bow stop all right let me get out of here tilt up all right dolly the legs up gavin please just a minute young sir all right i'm gonna supply air to the trailer [Applause] take them all the way up buddy all right ethan if you would put these shovels back up or both of you please for now and i'm gonna get this thing situated where i want it uh one of the spades came from this side one of the spades and flats were on the other side uh hey honestly hey kenny hold on bad idea let's throw all this stuff in the back of the traffic control so we can wash it off that that's a better idea so we're gonna just leave it out and i'll pull up here yep we're gonna have to clean all that up all right i need to get my pin pinned all righty i don't hear any air leaks it rolling ah darn it i'm sure let me double check well yeah cause i pushed the red valve in and this is staying put are you kidding me they are not rolling of course it couldn't be that simple let's try it up here first yeah yeah i could say it looks good underneath i found where they're at underneath the recovery it didn't get hot enough to burn the grease off so i wouldn't think it got hot enough to burn the line shut up well i hope not because it ain't releasing may have to cage them see if you can get on there well it's loaded i'd like to have service breaks on the doggone thing there you go get that shot yeah let's see what that does i got faith in that not penny all right brakes getting ready to release it acted like it did before i know nope no release all right well try to come back a little further then you wanna go grab it i'll get it i'm gonna say pop the break [Applause] excuse me buddy yeah those are really tough to get unhappy i've got it got a tool for these yeah uh i need to get a tool for them right here's where it's burnt the blue one goes that way and the red one comes this way darn it i can get to it though back here we've got enough lines i've got some line right here it's wide open here here what size why don't you take one of those and just disconnect that hose from the blue one and run it over there that's what he's doing that's if we can get to a good part of the line that's not melted that's what we're gonna do [Music] [Applause] i got it but i don't have much we'll just have to uh we'll have to run another uh red air coil to it if we don't have enough that's what that yeah that's actually what the heck they put in here for some reason what right here got spring and everything lined up on that oh that won't we can't connect to it then it's half inch though okay what the heck is that happening i got it no it's this half i gotta have another i gotta have a connector there you go mike here hand that to mike [Applause] this is the way we do it oh now we have to have room to turn or do we need mike do we need another red air coil in it so we got turn room that's what you got right there here let's put another one in it just to be safe and then we'll uh that's really not that bad though isn't it all right hold on let me uh get you i think you'll be dragging the ground put another one in and when you turn the other way it might it's going to stretch it yeah go ahead and put it in put it in and then i'll pop the brakes real quick hopefully i hear more air charging this time yeah we'll get it we'll get it it sounds like it now from up in the cab it sounds a good i still bet i got no service breaks i bet they melted oh they look good going that way i hear the other side of the trailer i hear air god you can actually probably zip tie that if i had a good zip tie can you hook here wrap it around and hook it over to the other side maybe i don't know if it'd be any good or not here i just think about coming back around like this around the top yep maybe [Music] oh come on that'll work all right everybody clear oh we're rolling we be rolling all right we in business y'all already all right grab my lights start picking up your cones all right we are almost finished up go up here tell the trooper that we're ready to clear and then we'll uh roll back to the shop we still got a long night ahead we got a lot of stuff to unload and unhook and it is hot all right we are ready to roll out trooper just left our traffic control is there waiting on me everybody is staged and ready to roll out as a group as a team again driver was uninjured that's always a good thing um not sure about the load whether it be salvageable or not perhaps don't know if it got any smoke damage that that'll be a claims adjuster anyway we're heading back to the shop as always thank you for watching and god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 402,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kn1h1nXNk3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 18sec (4398 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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