Yandere Sebastian and Abigail FIGHT OVER US. Let’s Marry Them!

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what if Sebastian and Abigail in stardew Valley were yonderes that's right they're obsessed with you and are willing to do whatever it takes to make you theirs sorry I use your farm as a shortcut sometimes yeah a shortcut into my home get ready for a roller coaster ride as we witness their intense and sometimes downright terrifying competition for our affection oh my God oh my God you just like decked her from Twisted love triangles to heartbreaking divorces let's get into it say goodbye to the old Sebastian and Abigail and hello to their new selves The Lovable stardew Valley NPCs you once knew have transformed and we're ready to uncover their deepest darkest Secrets oh you're the one that's going to live at that old farm right I'm Sebastian I heard about you from my mom Robin the town Carpenter not that thought if you need help with anything you uh can ask her or me Aya don't mind helping sorry I'll let you go anyway nice nice to meet you are you my kitty meow meow [Music] yo I haven't seen you around before are you that new farmer sweet I'm going to miss exploring the overgrown Fields but a new person in town is pretty dope too the name's Abigail you can catch me around town or at the saloon on Fridays see ya coming to talk to me again you're strange fish I'm not very interesting thanks for talking to me anyway see you tomorrow Mudders why did I say that what if they don't want to seize you tomorrow Sebastian hear that really loud dude I'm like two feet away from you oh stupid stupid fish why'd you say that yo it's the farmer again listen you gotta swing by the star drop Saloon tonight me and my palate Sam and Sebastian go there and play pool and get a little drunk but not too much sometimes if you swing by I'll get Sebastian extra drunk so he'll start becoming the town faucet with his secrets so see you tonight then it's Willy fish watch as I completely demolish Sam at pool fish be sure to pay close attention to certain assets of my technique thank you oh my God immediate Sam just goes ah I'm not very good what's up Pally O'Malley I've been meaning to ask you what do you do when you're not on the farm hella I'm here for it okay yeah I didn't because since you're just making this though looks like you and I have the same Hobbies of what what are our Hobbies all right what's your favorite food I like that too what's up fish came to chat I don't really know what to talk about any hobbies outside of farming cool good to know oh this isn't Dora I didn't answer I'll have to catch you later fish I hope we can talk tomorrow holy heck could I get my act together around them it's giving Reddit it's giving Discord mod huh the egg Festival tomorrow I'm not too big on hunting eggs myself but Abigail loves it if you're going to be egg hunting make sure you stay in my line of sight okay I want to make sure you don't get into trouble bro he's trying to steal my egg hacks you read him like a book yo this is my please don't duck behind any buildings looking for eggs I don't want someone to Ambush you back there and harm you or worse if anyone ever did tell me okay hope they like eggs down their throat shell and all geez bro it's like just a light-hearted family-friendly event whatever happened to hi hello how are you are you friends with Haley fish apparently it's her birthday today I'm more know of her than know her he was always too cool for someone like me but I never minded I don't think we'd be very compatible as friends me have a thing for Haley you've got to be kidding me fish it is way too bubbly for someone like me plus not to gossip but I hear she likes girls more than guys but she didn't hear that from me well then what am I doing spending time with you Sebastian what I'm saying typically I freaking despise the flower dance but this year I have plans you'll just have to wait for tomorrow to see but I do know that you'll like what I'm working on I've done my research that's ominous what does that mean I don't know what that means I guess we're gonna find out I really really hope the person that I'm hoping to go to the flower dance will ask me tomorrow who are they I'm not telling you that would ruin the surprise I kind of love her now I kind of love the way that she is now I have three things to tell you one have I told you that you look gorgeous today you I'm going to beat the heck out of all the people who are giving you bedroom eyes right now Pam and three I secretly rigged the music to be a song I know you'd like and would be romantic as heck now do you want to be my partner for that dance no who are you going to ask to dance with you I hope it's me because I would love for it to be me yo if it wasn't obvious I was hoping he would ask me to the flower dance with you best flower dance ever partially because I didn't want to have to dance with Sebastian yet again but also because my crush asked me to dance with them dancing with Sebastian year after year yeah that got boring he's not bad at dancing just thoroughly enthused either after the required dance he would just go sit punch in the corner until the dance was over sometimes he would just take a nap under a tree yeah he really gave zero craps I don't really blame him just you know not fun when he when you're his date drag him through the mud why don't you as we approached their heart cut scenes we couldn't help but wonder what kind of rabbit hole we had fallen into I can't wait to see you at the saloon tonight fish you always look cute when you're tipsy I didn't mean to say that whoops and another week where I end up walking you home after Saloon night you've gotta slow down on the alcohol listen I like you and all but stop trying to hold my hand that is not an invitation to try getting me to carry you either you asked Sebastian to help you into different clothes when you get home [Music] dang that was awfully bored of drunk you he's into it I I'm not doing that sorry that's really screwed up to do with someone who's drunk you're making me real you're really making me flustered right now you know that that is I I you're not gonna remember this anyway considering how drunk you are well whatever a fish I kind of have a thing for you are you teasing me like this it's like dangling catnip in front of a cat I just really really want to hold your hand or carry you or kiss you like you tried to do to me at the bar I just can't do it I have to know that sober you likes me the same as drunk you I really wish I knew if you liked me my heart splits apart a little more each time you pull this stunt almost like torture melodramatic I know but my point still stands if you happen to remember anything from this conversation just at least remember this I'm going to be here for you whether that's walking or drunken butt home watching you fish at the Pierre in the rain we're seeing you coming in and out of the mines and occasionally rescuing you from the mines you idiot I'll be here waiting for your sign oh that was kind of sweet the Bastion was right who didn't remember Jack from last night the only thing you remember is that he'll be waiting for you for what you can't remember to save your life I am following Sebastian so I can talk to him without him running away maybe you're just as bad as Sebastian Abigail will ask you to come out here but you're not quite sure why she brought a little radio do you believe in ghosts Freya I sure do so why not bring you out here and ghost hunt with me I figured it would be kind of fun and Sebastian and Sam weren't available so it's just the two of us tonight I'm honestly kind of down you ask Abigail into my house she said she's busy oh this silly it's not a radio well technically it's not it's called a Spirit Box it has frequencies that can help ghosts communicate wait do you hear that suddenly weird Chatters started to come out of the Spirit box when you and Abigail could make out said this isn't right things aren't supposed to be like this Spirit what do you mean that things aren't supposed to be like this the spirit responded with things won't be the same s redacted will break when that happens reality will break the name that they used was garbled and neither Abigail nor yourself could make out the name Spirit what are you talking about what is your name but the ghost was gone you and Abigail looked at each other confused well that was either incredibly ominous or complete garbage that was bizarre though and very clear and that alone is rather unusual so it feels legit but that makes me even more nervous what was it even talking about they had an s name in there was it Sam Sebastian Sandy Shane let's get going home thanks for coming out tonight Raya something about what that spirit said really unnerved you you can feel the weight of their words crawling up your spine and almost as though you know deep down when it's coming but at the same time you feel like this still isn't your fault like what happens when your choices actually matter defy fate make your choice oh I didn't expect to see anyone else in the rain let alone you I guess having some company looking out at the ocean would be pretty great your shirt is a theater right now bro the rain here take my hoodie to cover up I have another shirt on underneath but I guess now it's my turn to have the see-through shirt yo enjoy the view I guess why will he ran away so fast I'm back here Willy fish stop him Sebastian has been writing more love songs lately they kind of make me uncomfortable though I think I know who they're about and if it's true then his lyrics are way worse than I feared sorry just thinking out loud about them I could be totally wrong I've been playing this dating simulator where everything goes wrong because one of the girls becomes self-aware okie dokie not gonna lie it's giving me ideas on how to eliminate my own competition I'm definitely not the Monica of our friend group excuse you rude isn't that what you're trying to do bro we'd seen some red flags before but now things were really picking up oh wait smashing cutscene oh my God I uh can explain he's outside the house freaking heck no weird to see you here on your front porch right after I walked out your door haha how do I even begin to explain myself I'm here to check on you make sure you're safe from monsters and Weirdos we looked in the mirror lately you know like Alex and Abigail I mean uh okay I break into your house a lot almost every night self report I don't do anything nefarious bro not nefarious I just I say hi and pet chainsaw fire before I lay next to you for hours sometimes all night for some reason I can only sleep if I'm in the same room as you I'm always afraid of you being with someone else at night if I leave before you get up in the morning today though I got up a little late Raya when were you gonna tell me about this I'm talking about my house I didn't want you to find out honestly it's not only embarrassing but I just I didn't want you to hate me I don't know why I do what I do fish I just really really care about you you're all I think about I'm sorry if that freaks you out it's not my intention to hurt you or do something against your will I swear something about you is so friggin special that I cannot control myself I'm doing stupid stuff because I cannot get enough of you please don't hate me I couldn't bear it you shake your head back and forth you tell Sebastian that what he did was very wrong but something inside of you can't stay mad at him and his obsessive ways you tell him to call or text you before he comes over next time you guys can then decide if he's allowed to stay the night bruh you're too kind fish thank you but uh do you expect me to come over a lot assuming that's okay with you clearly it doesn't matter if it's not I've got to work on being less of a Creeper on you and just like in general probably cool absolutely terrifying escalated quickly hot Mouse help me not a good tarot read this morning I only do them once a month I'm not like Emily where my life depends on them or anything but I don't know this one unsettled me it was great because it says I'm going to achieve true love but it's going to cause the sanity of someone I know who I hope it's Pierre [Music] hey fish uh don't be mad but I'm already mad I'm seething I've seen you undressing at your farm the other day bro sorry I use your farm as a shortcut sometimes yeah a shortcut into my home but seeing you on dress isn't really my point even if I liked it give it to yourself why did I why did I do a little music note to that shut up I hardly have any friends never really have honestly I'm a cringy loser to most people and I'm the absolute worst at talking to anyone especially if I don't have anything in common with them and Abigail they're so patient with me and it's the only reason why we're friends they could have dumped me ages ago for being an absolute but they never gave up on me the first person in a long time has done that too but if I can be kind of honest for a sec I haven't met someone who completely captivated me like you before you're just special in every way I don't want to go to my doctor's appointment I'd be kind of exciting though if you tried to bust into the room though especially if I just happen to be naked bro I'm a leaky faucet someone please save me from myself people really Relish in the thought of a nudist beach but man I don't want to see that many people naked honestly there's only one person I want to see with their clothes off I'm not telling you who a man has to have at least one secret to remain mysterious it's Quinn isn't it Sebastian and Abigail were on a whole other level of obsession they seem to lose sight of who they were actually pursuing we keep reminding ourselves that we're not really one farmer with a split personality Abigail's in my house Sebastian's in my bed get in here what the well Abigail's mad oh hey they're like good morning fish oh she's angry [Music] oh hell no I'm not doing this crap if you want to be with him fine then I'll just have to become completely irresistible wait she's into me I thought this snake disco diving hey fish did you hear your door open no you followed Sebastian to your door to say goodbye but he found one lone flower stomped on on your front porch we both looked at each other confused before he left I think she just got the address wrong it was my knife you know how they say what happens in Pelican Town stays in Pelican town but that's not entirely true let's just say the luau incident will forever be etched in our memories Mario is the luau one of the admittedly weirdest festivals we have I just think it's weird that everyone puts an item into this giant pot and we all expect it to be good right off the bat I'd honestly rather put something awful in there and screw with everyone oh come on fish don't be such a stick in the mud I'm largely playing with you and I put something completely disgusting in the soup don't eat any of it okay let's see one of the wrapping your brains out later I definitely did it because I wanted revenge on everyone for treating you like a slap of me all the time okay I don't really care what you say a lot of people give you that kind of look sorry you don't notice but I do oh that's so rude don't tell me that you'll be regretting new decisions soon enough uh-huh you're a bad friend why do I have a bad feeling Sebastian sabotage the stew this year get him off your mind get a hobby I'm here I feel like utter garbage be glad you didn't eat much of that soup I feel like I'm literally going to die Sebastian did did he do this dear Yoba I hate him even more than usual I don't know how anyone ate that soup and survived fish everybody I know has lived in their bathrooms for the past night except you and me this is without compare the most Insidious plan I've ever hatched kind of rock though I feel like a badass bro he's nefarious [Laughter] try to navigate the competition for our hearts we found ourselves in a love triangle more confusing than Abigail's family tree we thought we had it all figured out but it was only the beginning I noticed that Abigail can't take her eyes off of you especially at the beach what the hell is your problem doesn't she know that you're only mine probably yo what the hell or we didn't discuss this sorry for the Outburst she's my friend but I guess she's my rival too I don't think you need to worry about Abigail Abigail we have to have some freaking words wait what the hell are you saying you you don't like me like that and I need to stop chasing you you've been chasing me bro is that why I've been running this is clearly a solo mod Sebastian's face that it goes through a bunch of different emotions so fast that you're terrified of what's to come there has become so sick that it's defecating as he begins to hold his head in his hands you keep choking on the oxygen in the room when he finally looks at you again a calm range imprinted on his usually stoic face you like Abigail don't you of course you do it's obvious it's all get out why what have I done wrong start to Tell Sebastian that you simply just do not feel the same as he does he listens but you can tell he's going to have something to say after you finish as you stop speaking you brace yourself for whatever's passion is going to say next you're scared you're scared of him you don't get it Raya I've never liked anyone like this before you were the first and probably the only and I failed like I fail in literally every other aspect of life smashing slams his hand on his desk behind him in a complete fit of defeat and rage do you think he plays League please leave turned away from you his hair draping over his eyes you're frightened he's absolutely terrifying in this state vibrating with unparalleled anger his eyes turning dark as black as a black hole as he finally lifts his head again hold on that's a that's a big one just get the heck out go hang out with Abigail have a good freaking life I don't want to see your worthless freaking face ever again do you understand leave me the hell alone permanently you ran out as fast as you could tears streaming down your face Robin called out to you as you passed but you didn't want to stop for any reason you know that you're not what Sebastian called you but what he said still was painful he was your friend was What a Sad word to hear you just didn't love him like he loved you it's not your fault none of this is your fault and it never will be he is going to have to Simply grow as a person and understand that not everything can go how you have meticulously planned yeah grow up Sebastian that was a lot bro go to therapy brace yourselves because things are about to get serious sorry I'm not as positive today kind of a rough day honestly it has multiple sources I suppose Rey is going to bed early today is the anniversary of my father leaving no I should be honest my father was arrested years ago I was seven at the time and my mama just met Demetrius at the college she was attending you never cheated on my father my mom is a good soul my father didn't see it that way he was possessive to the point that it got dangerous for my mom man it seems like it runs in the family one day Demetrius had actually just came over to return a textbook he borrowed from my mom when my father tried to murder him and my mom I was there I saw the whole thing no seven-year-old should have to see that nor be tasked with what I had to do I was the one that called 9-1-1 oh yeah I thought he was gonna kill him [Laughter] mom was traumatized and Demetrius had some knife injuries but luckily they came out okay my mom got with Demetrius not long later with Mario coming soon after that [Music] I was always seen as lesser after my father was tried I was the child of a murderer mom spent less time with me and more time with Maru Maru was normal he was smart he was kind and she was funny and her father wasn't up oh my God your father wasn't a bad dude I became a shell little didn't even know that I stopped talking for a good year after that not unless a teacher forced me to speak which wasn't often since most people ignored me anyway oh he like me for real sometimes I feel like my father's DNA is in me riding around like a worm on concrete when I see with other people I feel like it's him coming out through me I get so irrationally jealous therapy oh my God we look so similar still understand him and I hope I never will understand or feel exactly how he felt everything about him has tainted my life ever since that night everyone looks at me and sees him why I dye my hair too I want nothing to do with his jeans I just want to not be like my father I want to fall in love make a family leave something I love and have a happy life but I worry sometimes I worry that I'm going to lose to my DNA please don't let me do that fish that's not my responsibility bro promise I do not I don't promise hit therapy you offered up your pancake to Sebastian nope that's not the finger I was using smiled laughed a little and the two of you pinky promised that this would never happen to him why did you bring me out here Sebastian what the hell do you want you know why I called you out here Abigail stay away from fish you know that their Destiny is to be with me going with such a goofy way to phrase it right now that's what I'm saying fashion you're delusional and you're drunk every Friday you'll do anything to get fish to grind on you at the Jukebox and it's somehow my fault that they like to dance with me I also caught you guys going skinny dipping in the lake by my house you uh love it huh kind of hard not to when you not only did you guys do it right by my house you did it at the time I'm always out smoking like it was on purpose of this love being you're laughing Bastion is losing it and you're laughing yeah you're delusional I'm going to cry I'm laughing so hard what did you just say oh you want me to say it louder you're just as delusional as your worthless father oh my God you just like decked her wait you punched me in the face what is wrong with you Sebastian you've never been like this don't mention my father he's dead to me and you've been a real terrible friend this is the one time I fall in love with someone and you of all people are messing it up I'm not doing myself any favors but you you have options you had other loves in your life you're charismatic you can easily find another this is my first time falling in love with anyone how could you now would you kindly screw off and go find someone else to seal relationship Wrecker what punching your bro what he's like you're just like your father and he's like no I'm not punches women I'm not I'm not a relationship Wrecker Sebastian you're you're what if he's right but if I have been a terrible friend it's gracious that was intense it's officially time to take our relationships with Abigail and Sebastian to the next level this is one of the prettiest festivals we have the jellies glow such beautiful color and it makes the ocean look like a glittering cityscape it'd be awesome if you came and watched them with me please go away you know what the way the candlelight dances around you and bounces off of your hair makes you look completely magical yeah I'm not forgetting this night for a long time I wish I had a camera no not to take awkward sexual candid photos of you I'm done with that phase leave me alone bro when did you do that you were in that face I know it's Abigail's birthday but please have me come with you to see her I know I ought to trust my friend especially since she's with Haley now [Music] excuse me this is so messy what is happening no no no come in later when Reyes no longer having a breakdown all right did you actually remember what today is you dummy because I will literally cry right here incredibly loud and embarrassingly if you did not remember oh thank you but yes it is my birthday so what did you get me in celebration of this big day show me show me it's a single BlackBerry that I found happy birthday what is this are you trying to make a joke I don't know it's our relationship a joke or are you with Haley now about time fam I've been waiting for so long just messing with you heck yeah I'll be your girlfriend why wouldn't I uh it says gasp and then I give bouquet so you're looking to become closer to me I feel the same way it's good to know someone out there cares about me that was pretty tame considering the things he's already said then we got to experience some town events with our yandere partners one minute we were swooning and the next we were cringing all right I got my butterfly knife and my fists looks like you and I can go in this maze together you should know by now fish that I'm Paranoid by Nature about other people doing horrible things to you alright I'll trust you to go alone but call me if you need me okay love you and have fun me I'm gonna chill with my Skelly Bros I named this one papyrus oh you're such a nerd what did you get me this year I hope it's something good wait you did get me something right if you didn't I would cry and no one likes a crying Abigail well you better start crying I just want to thank you fish I'm incredibly great for you and your love and while I do love the picture things in life it's much better to Simply have you by my side and my mom says she's hoping I got you a mermaid's pendant thanks Mom for embarrassing me like this again what is with you it was time to take the plunge and propose to Abigail and Sebastian would it put an end of the rivalries we could only hope all right use your smoothest move on me oh um um are you a parking ticket because you have fun written all over you oh get off the stage yeah she didn't like it either don't worry um would you like to be a farm mate wait really you want me to be with you for life I'm holy crap I'm actually floored for once yeah you told me to use my smoothest moves on you and I did let her cook let's get this on the road I'm going to be living on the farm with a hottie heck yeah fish I don't know what to say can't live without you I might as well live with you I'll go talk to the mayor a bit nerve-wracking but we should set up in three days fish I can't believe it you're marrying me and barely contain myself I never thought I'd be engaged let alone with you definitely thought I would have scared you off by now you're crazy for choosing me I'm beyond grateful I owe you my life so you shall give it to me I'm so immortal oh do you think that this is only show this beginning party oh I didn't expect anyone to show up let alone you fish have I ever told you how stunning you are well even if I have I'm going to say it again and again every day I'm with you we're reading the Bible in there then it was time to enjoy the married life in sickness and in health well we certainly got our fair share of the former okay okay so now he doesn't have to break into my house because he's already there efficiency industry never before is this many sebastians been so manageable you know before we met I wanted nothing more than to go to the city permanently when I saw your face for the first time I knew you were it I couldn't leave Pelican down now I think the ability to be completely Anonymous in a Sea of Faces drew me into the city honestly that would just be more lonely than I heard it was solved all my issues by dating and then marrying me thanks for saving my life fish we thought we had found our forever loves then we remembered they were both young dairies let's just say the divorce was messy Abigail doesn't acknowledge your presence kind of messed up that we just filed for divorce without talking to them first yeah you already messed up my life and wasted my time get away from me and go find someone else's life to ruin you saboteur it's good to see if it's still in good terms where is she it's stuck up here I don't even see her yeah she's up here I see I see her room she's up here oh yeah I can see how that might be a problem thank you for watching this was a long one I highly recommend checking this mod out yourself there's even more to see who do you prefer between Abby and sebby until next time
Channel: joliefish
Views: 331,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley walkthrough, sdv, valley, stardew valley guide, stardew valley mods, gameplay, stardew valley pc, stardew, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley, stardew valley tips, commentary, stardew modded, stardew valley yandere mods, yandere, yandere modded, sebastian yandere, abigail yandere, stardew bachelorettes, stardew bachelors, stardew valley romance, stardew valley love, stardew marrying sebastian, stardew marrying abigail, yandere sim, stardew valley 1.5
Id: 6bTh4bnSlpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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