I Played A Yandere Sebastian and Abby Mod. It Was Unhinged.

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in my time on YouTube I've played a lot of weird Stuy mods but I think I might have found one of the most derranged ones yet this is the only one for me a yandre mod that has Abigail and Sebastian Fighting For Your Love with rivalries the Paranormal and whatever this is sit back and relax as we dive into one of the most unhinged Stu Valley mods I've ever played I called the farm emo Fight Farm cuz I thought it was fitting since I think they to be throwing hands over us we could marry either of them but I think for this run we should go after Abigail because we've already married Sebastion in one of our earliest yand day runs so I think it's only fair we give the girly a go this time however I do want to lead Sebastian on hi Abby what's going on yo I haven't seen you around before are you that new farmer sweet I'm going to miss exploring the overgrown Fields but a new person in town is pretty dope too the name is Abigail you can catch me around town or at the saloons on Fridays see you okay a very upbeat start from Abigail not very threatening at all just kind of very nice I'm Sebastian I heard about you from my mom Robin the town Carpenter oh he's old shy if you need to help with anything you uh can ask her me I don't mind helping sorry I'll let you go in your way apologizing at the end of his conversation with someone he's just like me for real hey yo Nino cool to see you again kind of busy today so uh hit me up tomorrow all right see you why is she speaking like that all right goth gang are you hanging out in here getting drunk oh they are what's up buddy let me guess coming around to learn more about me does she just call me buddy oh Bros it's over why is she just so nice nothing scary at all complete opposite to Sebastian sorry I didn't mean to sit on your head there s 1 2 to uh um sorry just go about your business every conversation I've had with him so far he's just apologize to me I he's just so relatable oh you you came back to see me your name is Nino right I'm not very good with names typically but I like yours it's neat I'll be sure to remember it this is too [ __ ] vanilla for me give me some uh give me some frozen tears so I can get this boy crying oh eie what's up oh wait wait what do you say me today and the Newbie returns to woo the local goth oh no she's on to me already just kidding your expression was pretty great though gave me a good Google I think we're going to get along great hope to see you around tomorrow smack smack that down your go what's up Nino come to chat I uh don't really know what to talk about oh God I got Shivers from the Riz dude my mom was asking me why why I eat crystals the other day like they have good minerals in them and I have so many sins I might as well eat the [ __ ] to get cleansed at this rate you raised a psychopath you're looking really fit jod those dumbbells do wonders don't [Music] they Carolyn who are you talking to I'm in the middle of writing a song a song oh my God I always forget he's in a band did you think Sam wrote all of our music oh okay is he going to sing me a Little Love Song hi can you know you must like seeing me as much as I like seeing you that uh wasn't meant to be as flirtatious as it came out to be can it dude cuz you given me nothing so far do you ever think about the future Nino yeah I'm thinking about what point you guys threaten to kill each other over me I haven't been one for thinking a head much typically a go with a flow kind of gal but being in college has really made me question my future I'm kind of insecure about it I guess this is just like character expansion oh tomorrow we're holding the egg Festival in town wait does heavy say anything with the egg Festival EG season [ __ ] oh she's excited I went every a so good [ __ ] luck trying to take my crown if you're going to be egg hunting make sure you stay in my line of sight okay I want to make sure you don't get into any trouble that's what I'm talking about baby let's go finally that curve ball dude I'm going to kick your ass yo this day is my [ __ ] get the hell out of my way those EGS to mine [ __ ] she's so aggressive please don't duck behind any buildings looking for eggs I don't want someone to Ambush you back there and harm you or Worse oh yeah he's thinking about fighting crime and Justice if anyone ever did tell me okay I hope they like eggs down their throat shell and all wait did he say you were worse oh dude we got that easy dub dude Nino yes suck on those eggs Abby you come for the king you best not miss you like my hat Abby shame you don't have one loser promise you'll spend the most time with me promise you spend the most time with me promise you'll spend the most time with me promise you'll spend the most time with me oh my God this just keeps going purr is he purring now what is he D was he a cat oh n know I wasn't expecting you tell me you didn't hear anything from outside my door why what are you watching on that computer get your mind out of G who wasn't doing that oh oh I'm sorry it's just she you know what magazines are these you know wait the mod says speak to Sam on Spring T I want to go speak to Sam is there more to this hey Sam what do you got for me man oh oh Lord what kind of spell have you put on Seb Nino the man wants St going on and on about you and neither will Abigail dude we've got the old villagers fighting over us we're going to have an emo street fight keep making them happy I'm just hoping it won't result in fighting later dude dude I'm going to have my own like Stu MMA mix Marshal Alternatives hi Bachelor at number one I really really hope the person that I'm hoping to go to the flower dance with me will ask me tomorrow and she's blushing who are they I'm not telling you oh that would ruin the surprise oh she's so flutacious in this mod I kind of like it typically I freaking despise the flower dance but this year I have plans oh aren't my plans obvious I'm going to have you dance with me silly I can't wait to be able to show everyone that you're mine oh he's saying that with dead eyes well that was a little bit scarier so who you going to ask to dance with you I hope it's me because I would love for it to be me sorry s you want to be my partner for the flower dance okay I'd love to you can just feel the pain and Agony seething off of Seb I feel like this is where the party starts about yesterday you got to understand she just she was just quirky bro like you got to understand dude she she says [ __ ] like no one else in the valley says that you dance with Abigail why she asked you to before the flower dance even happened [ __ ] I bet I'll catch you lying to me like that again Nino how did he know I was lying okay I'm just going to I just I just see you later then oh what's this this little Salan soran Chronicles the game Sebastian apparently is the DM and has notes on voice acting techniques nerd okay all right personally I don't think it's nerdy to do voice acting for video games I think it adds some role play to it Sebastian seemed unusually depressed after the flower dance yesterday kind of wondering if he was expecting someone to dance with him and they didn't I might have I might have ruined this man Abby I wouldn't go in there if I was you I was hoping you would ask me to dance with you best flower dance ever partially because I didn't have to dance with Sebastian yet again but also because my crush asked me to dance with them yeah she's going to die let's go to summer let's see what they say in the summer seasons not a good tarot card reading this morning I only do them once a month I'm not like Emily where my life depends on them or anything but I don't know this one unsettled me it was great because it says that I'm going to achieve true love but it's going to cost the sanity of someone I know oh no sebie you okay hey now I don't really want to go to the beach well maybe are you going to be there he seemed fine there I don't know if we have to worry when does Abigail get weird because Sebastian has has been like pretty creepy but Abigail is just kind of being a bit quirky flirty when does she get all weird it's amazing how attractive you are oh how in the world did you manage to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen or ever will see is it my St hat cuz you w believe who I had to beat to get this they're not [ __ ] doing anything I mean seb's getting a little bit more possessive but Abby's not doing a whole lot to begin with that's like the only thing Abby has going with for her she learned to say the [ __ ] word oh we just jump straight in into that hi Abby Abigail asked you to come out here but you're not quite sure why did she she brought a little radio is it going to be like a thing to talk to ghosts Do You Believe okay it's a thing to talk to ghosts do you believe in ghosts Nino I sure do so why not bring you out here and ghost hunt with me I figured it would be kind of fun and especially in sandw available so it's just the two of us tonight you ever played phasmophobia it's pretty fun Abby you should try it out you ask Abigail about her little radio silly it's not a radio well technically it's not it's called a Spirit Box has frequencies that can help communicate with ghosts it is kind of loud and obnoxious at times though so have you ever heard what A Spirit Box actually sounds like holy [ __ ] that is ridiculous thankfully Abigail turned down the volume and probably tuned it immediately do you hear that suddenly weird Chatters started to come out of the Spirit Box what you and Abigail could make out Sid this isn't right things aren't supposed to be like this Spirit what do you mean that things aren't supposed to be like this the spirit responded quickly things won't be the same yes will break when that happens reality will break is this getting M the name that they used was GBL and neither Abigail or yourself could make out the name Spirit what are you talking about what's your name but the ghost was gone the Spirit Box went back to its usual Indescribable IND the what the Spirit Box went back to its usual IND discernable radio chatter you an Abigail looked at each other confused wow that was either incredibly ominous or complete garbage they specifically said the word Sebastian I don't know if I'd say that's garbage that was bizarre though it was very clear and that alone is rather unusual so it feels legit but that makes me even more nervous what was it even talking about they had an s name in there so is it Sam Sebastian Sandy you know who Sandy is do you know who Sandy is I don't I don't know if you've ever met Sandy and reality will break what the hell kind of [ __ ] is that let's get going home thanks for coming out tonight Nino I don't know if I want wanted to come out tonight that feels like a mistake something about what that Spirit Box said really unnerved you you can feel the weight of their words crawling up your spine almost as though you know deep down what is coming but at the same time you feel like this still isn't your fault like this is what happens when your choices actually matter defy fate make your choice oh no I was meant to go after S I chose the wrong goth hey what the [ __ ] was that about what's your favorite movie to watch Nino mine Scott Pilgrim versus the world hands down weirdly fitting I could always be Ramona and you could be my Scot dude do you are you in contact of spirits or some [ __ ] oops I didn't meant to drop ice cream right on your chest I'm sorry do you need help getting it off I'll do whatever needed to help he was like whoops sorry take off your shirt going to the beach today where's your bathing suit oh come on you know I want to see don't tease me like this dude saying that when your sister was right there is crazy uh-oh wait how much of this can I show on YouTube look at you coming up to me covered in sweat I don't want to say this one in the SI voice what have you been up to you naughty person yeah sorry I need to get my head out of the gutter I guess yes please Seb I don't want to be demonetized on YouTube let's move for let's go to fall I want to go to fall hi Abby yo it's legging Seasons [ __ ] she's so excited that means all the girls are going to have the best looking asses what about me Abby you don't you don't want to see me in some leggings as a flaming bisexual I want is to look at each ass if you wear leggings I will look at your ass too okay I'm included in this I knew she was canonically by she's so real I cannot bre breathe through toxic Skies you pollute me with your lies thought I died along with my sense of time and I am not all right feel trapped in my mind is he [ __ ] singing to me something's in the way this is so emo dude I haven't seen Sebastian recently kind of wonder what happened to him after you told him off oh no did I miss some storyline when did did I tell him off Sim did I yell at you redacted what what do you mean redacted did I miss okay we're going back to summer I must have miss something did he actually just say to me redacted reality is breaking dude Mona was right would you consider going down to the beach with samon sometime Nino no Sebastian H yeah Sebastian never comes down to the beach without us really forcing him and I don't know I don't really want him to hang out with us he's been creeping me out more than usual lately what's he been doing have you been creeping Abby out did you like that picture I sent you they were new swim trunks that was the goal of the image but you know was it at least a little hot I didn't ask for that boy stand still for a second and close your eyes chat did he say anything I can't read it and open what did I do nothing honestly I just wanted to see if you would do as I ask Sebastian slips his phone back into his pocket wait what did he do what do you mean your phone like a camera phone o icky gross what did you do oh he's finally getting weird why do I have a bad feeling Sebastian sabotaged the stew this year did he for me I put something completely [ __ ] disgusting in the soup he did it for me yay was it sign don't e any of it okay unless you want to be [ __ ] your brains out later oh just put in laxatives why did I do it isn't it obvious trying to punish my competition and pursuit for your heart of course Abby you you shits in yourself H I feel like out of garbage be glad you didn't eat much of that soup I feel like I'm literally going to die Sebastian did he do this dear Yoba I hate him even more than usual oh let's go talk to our siy God this is an awful time for there to be no toilets in pelicant town my plan went off without a hitch everyone got sick it's so satisfying hearing the entire town grown in pain that's an [ __ ] thing to say huh it's what they deserve for acting like your for acting like you meat I feel like he's the one that's doing that to me you're beautiful you're amazing you're literally perfect nobody else sees you that way but me but you already made them poop their pants they you going to get like rat poison or something like that was it apparently throughout summer if you talk to Sam he has a lot of interesting and unique dialogue all right I got to ask you something Captain popular which of our pals are you going to date because as your best friend I have to know I literally just I've spoken to him once you're going to go after Abby huh good choice pal good choice I know Abigail acts tough and all but she's kind of a softy deep down she's always stood up for Seb when he got picked on in school se's never been one to fight back he kind of just takes the abuse Sebastian and Abby have been friends since they were kids back when said was a ginger Apparently after [ __ ] with his father happened Sebastian changed completely into this quiet kid everyone picked on him from that point forward but Abby was there to defend him and fend off his bullies which you know can lead to more brilliant because stupid people think having a girl stand up for you as a guy is weak Abigail could kick all our asses except maybe sebs because he probably wouldn't do that anyway even though Sebastian isn't much of a talker those two used to be pretty close teenage years kind of changed some of that Seb isolated himself more and more and Abigail became a social butterfly Polar Opposites Abby always visited Sab a lot but Sebastian just wouldn't let his walls down God they giving us a hell of a LW drop dude we all still play games together and stuff but it's obvious Sebastian's just putting on an act it's sad Abby and I try really hard but you were the first time I saw a spark in seb's eyes but Abby also fell for you as you and her on the same wavelength I can tell that you and Seb would be great friends but you two are just not compatible otherwise not like Sebastian can see that he's obsessed God he just keeps yapping bro get to the point let's just keep an eye out on Seb okay he's acting bizarre it's terrifying that was a hell of a lore drop dude you got more for me oh has Sebastian been stalkery with you lately I was afraid of that Abigail told me she caught him following you guys the other day and she saw him following you on your way home he seriously needs to get a life oh they're noticing yo Nino I got something big to tell you I was talking to Sebastian and I tried to tell him off but he sucked me real [ __ ] good honestly I know Itor is strong as he is I told you golf MMA is going to be a thing we're making it happen he did though kind of break that weird days he's been in after he punched me Seb nursed my jar and and got me ice and a compressed and didn't know he's protective and Incredibly possessive of you but man he hasn't been in the right mind I wasn't staring at you no you're a delusional oh he's gaslighting me now did you want me to stare at you because I can and and not blink he's so scary when things go wrong what do you do Nino that wouldn't work for me I'd rather [ __ ] fist fight everything goth MMA emo street fights are coming through so you decide that you wanted Sebastian to stop pursuing you I didn't say that do you want me to come with you to protect you no are you really really sure about this I respect your decision to do this on your own because it's your own fight but all right all right I can fight SB how how do I fight SB that's really funny how do I do it hey sa what's up I saw Elliot jump off this once please go away what the hell did I do are we missing a cut scene oh cut scene what is is this us telling him off wait what the hell are you saying you you don't like me like that and I need to stop chasing you Sebastian's face Cycles through a bunch of different emotions so fast that you're terrified of what's to come the air has become so thick that it's suffocating as he begins to hold his heads in his hands you keep choking on the oxygen in the room when he finally looks at you again a calm rage imprinted on his usual stoic face you [ __ ] like Abigail don't you of course you [ __ ] do it's obvious as all get out why what have I done you start to Tell Sebastian that you simply did not feel the same as he does he listens but you can tell that he's going to have something to say after you finish as you stop speaking you brace yourself for whatever Sebastian is going to say next you're scared of him you don't [ __ ] get it Nino I've never liked anyone like this before you were the first and probably the only and I failed like I fail in literally every other aspect of my life Sebastian slams his hand on his disc behind him and a complete fit of defeat and rage he keeps his face turned away from you his hair draping over his eyes you're frightened he's absolutely terrifying in this state vibrating with unparalleled anger his eyes turning dark as a black hole as he finally lifts his head again just get the [ __ ] out go hold hands with Abigail I don't want to see your worthless face again you understand I feel like the swearing almost overdoes it go die in a hole you it's not that serious I can't walk out through the door I it's not letting me the I can't walk out so the real ending of that was you run out as fast as you can tears streaming down your face Robin called out to you as you passed but you didn't want to stop for any reason you know that you're not what Sebastian called you but what he said was still painful he was your friend was What a Sad word to hear you just didn't love him like he loved you it's not your fault none of this is your fault and it never will be he's going to have to Simply grow as a person and understand that not everything can go how you meticulously plann and that was how it was meant to end but we just we just got stuck on a door oh my God he [ __ ] hates us I just think it would be really funny if we got him back up to eight hearts if we just keep stringing him along I was expecting a fullon like Abby yandere and I guess I don't know she hasn't really done anything bad I try so hard to numb the pain all right all right Lincoln Park come down there I sabotage burn everything I don't want this no is he singing the lyrics he wrote to the s so edgy dude are you warm enough today if not I can always hug you and we can share body heat to warm up she's just being really cute you got something any more interesting for me today what what if I told you that I'm naked under my coat you're not even wearing a coat I'm joking but dude your expression was priceless hey there sexy so nice to see you after last night when you told me about the coat oh my God while we were dancing okay okay I get okay after we were dancing all right all right okay I thought that was going somewhere else I didn't know it got that extreme hey dude you don't want to go speak to Abby I don't even know if you want to know what she said to me he's speaking polish what is he oh God reality broke you still runchy out here Abby a leaf just fell right onto my boobs where the [ __ ] are they falling from Abby we're in your room what is this is this it does she just get runchy is that what happens so in fall at eight hearts Sebastion is completely broken but I want to see what he says in summer in eight hearts when his brain is a little more onto it hey Seb is your brain fixed okay did you like this picture I sent you this bit I swear to God if a picture come comes up right now I'm ending the stream oh come on I tried really hard to make the perfect thirst trap you didn't need to be that harsh about it [ __ ] keep the swim trunks on S Sebastian is biting his lip as you approach he licks his lip E before you speak to him and it makes you uncomfortable dude s [Music] when having sex at the beach sounds so good right now s buddy it is 6: a.m. want to join me on my walk down there brother it is 6 a.m. I was preferring it when he was speaking instead of this dude part of me is thinking about becoming a gaming streamer she's so streamer dude then I get to play games and make money seems like a dream job but I he that the scheduling for it to be profitable is grueling like bro she [ __ ] said bro I like money and all but I'm also lazy become a cam girl instead hey don't through to me with a good time it's a Sebastian yandere mod and an Abby horny mod and that's it can I come to this bid hey I'm going to hold your hand now okay oh that's so cute I knew you wouldn't mind you have a crush on me don't you about damn time I've been sitting out here hiding for you since almost day one oh my God that was so cute he you know what be my girlfriend friend I love you too [ __ ] oh I'm her [ __ ] something is going on with my son I'm starting to get worried is it that he's speaking in Animal Crossing he went from being completely ballistic to Eerie he's so quiet and looks like all the life has been drained from him he must have been turned down by whoever he's been having a thing for this past while yikes I want to see if he has any weird dialogue in Spring at 10 hearts hi sip you're [ __ ] gorgeous as sleep I'm not telling you how I know that a I knew he what do you mean marry him immediately he was looking through my windows use your smoothest move on me uh all right I'll use what I do with potties I think it worked I could just eat you up you look so [ __ ] delicious right now oh now he's getting cannibalistic with it oh no not cannibalistic never never mind sexual duh hands on my chest now please what wait I can't have that word on there there we go so now it's what I lack and I make up for an ass if you ask very very nicely I'll let you see it she's talking about Kirby chat see it's right there on screen there's B is unhinged I didn't think it would get that this bad I wore a push-up bra today so how does my look Cirby looks great hey hey s are you still off the deep end I mean I can kind of figure out what that one says crush me suffocate me drown me drug me metal mutilate Jesus this a hard one to figure out dude bro speaking in igy and Abigail was just really sound bad listen Abby what you have lacked in the Y day that I was really hoping you would have Seb has made up for it I'm going to be blunt okay I want to go find a place to I don't know if the censorship is working dude want to help me pout Sebastian and Sam with snowballs after this I'm going to be honest with you Abby I think we've already beaten down Sebastian enough hi Abby for God's sakes Abby give me a bit of a warning when you say this [ __ ] depression yeah me and you both buddy do you talk to Sebastian anymore Nino not really cuz he kind of went off the deep end I heard weird things about him from Sam like he's completely Looney now he talks funny sometimes his mouth moves but nothing comes out and he seems completely [ __ ] in the head this is not a nice way to treat a friend who's going through a mental breakdown I feel bad I feel like it's our fault sometimes but at the same time he's an adult he needs to learn how to move on he needs to learn how to love again oh my God she didn't say anything horny to us we won let's go to the end of the year let's see what they say in the final day of the year I'm sorry I just keep walking in on you while you're in bed but I think you like it the air is over huh crazy we've come a long way but it wasn't without its bumps I guess still wonder how Sebastian is doing sometimes I don't know I just miss his friendship on random days guess you're my new Sebastian now not just in terms of relationship though we never had one but also being my best friend he's always been weird but I liked him I'm really upset that both of us falling in love with you was the wedge that sered our friendship I guess I get it he really really did love you but he not only didn't respect your decision very much he also [ __ ] didn't go about it in a healthy way if he just got therapy I think he'd be better anyway let's just go ahead and focus on the future we're going to have together should we go see how Sebastian's doing I don't think he's doing well to be [Music] [Music] honest
Channel: Nino Kito
Views: 326,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nino, Ninokito, stardew, stardew valley, stardew valley yandere, stardew valley yandere mods, stardew valley sebastian yandere mods, abigail yandere mods, stardew abigail yandere mods, nino kito yandere, nino kito yandere mods
Id: RLNLgrx9KJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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