Yamaha XE4 ELECTRIC Dirt Bike | First Ride & Review

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thank you all right guys we have some interesting bikes that we're checking out today with extreme electric these are the xe4 Yamaha YZF converted electric dirt bikes they're super impressive so let's run through some of the specs on it and then we'll go out and take them for a ride if you want all the detailed specs on this we have a detailed article on electriccycle rider.com and the links in the description for that but the quick and dirty is this is a bolt-on conversion made by axiomx and the kit is compatible with the Yamaha 250 and 450 YZF chassis this is the xe4 kit which means it's the liquid cooled version utilizing the stock YZF radiators there are several controller options being tested with this kit and if you want to read more about that that's also in our article on electriccyclerider.com all of the battery options are 72 volt with a capacity of 4.3 kilowatt hours the proprietary fast change battery swap technology developed by xcmx is the fastest battery change that I have ever seen the connection is a modified Aerospace connector and it incorporates the lid that was formerly used for the YZF gas cap it's clean simple and it literally takes less than 10 seconds to swap fresh batteries currently these xmx bikes are custom order but kits will be for sale once beta testing is complete and once again you can see the pricing breakdown in the article on our website the links in the description all right so start a procedure on the xe4 here you've got your kill switch so you just flick this to on and then you've got forward and reverse here it's as simple as that just select forward and then we've got three ride modes here low mid and high we'll start out in mid and that's all you got [Music] all right we're going to flick it up to mode three now rip this high speed section or not this fault issue is going to happen more than once in this video so I'm gonna jump ahead real quick and let Mark from xcmx explain what's causing it there's a sensor in here with a little magnet and the magnet swim spins it's like timing on a car old car so that has to be the right distance from each other if it's too close it doesn't pick it up it gets misinformation and if it's too far away and I think I made it too close so you have to kind of play with it until you get it right and this these are brand new Motors this one and the other one again it's worth pointing out that this bike is basically in beta test mode and since filming X emx claims to have 99 of this fault worked out as they believe it is just the older style connectors this is an issue that will be resolved before kits are going to be sold oh cut out again all right we gotta reset this thing turn it off and on and should be back up and running oh man it's really fun being on a bike with full Moto suspension so used to riding electric bikes that are not full-size dirt bikes they don't feel like that but this thing feels like a yz250f it feels awesome and then you got the electric power which feels super smooth Spike doesn't feel out of control at all power feels really manageable really smooth and not overwhelming I know that Mark can turn the power up on this a lot I think that's something that he's working on doing but for a trail bike right now this thing feels great I got Derek chasing me on his rme conversion maybe you see him in some of the shots oh man it's fun I love it yeah just like it's a full-size Moto you know just go back let me just try this real quick to see what what vaulted over there yep did you hear it yeah I think it's a misaligned right now because I was telling um Derek that I had to adjusted the sensor okay and I think I got it too close cool yeah so r d right yeah but man yeah it's yeah smooth controlled sensor misaligned sensor misalign of course the fault earlier well man aside from that this thing feels wonderful isn't it crazy it's so good yeah oh so one of the tricks to not get it to fault from over current I noticed I could hear you is you're on it like when you're on it you can't hold it open 100 you have to let it um you have to back off just a snitch when you're when you're Landing okay like I'd say like 95 instead of 100 yeah that way the inertia has some all that inertia from the wheel when it stops got to have somewhere to go for sure and unless I build the big cap Bank it really has the energy has nowhere to go so hopefully if you can learn how to ride it just and that's what I've done I've learned how to write it just off a little bit okay for sure if you try that you might get better results and not fault as much until we get a bigger controller built okay um you know because what we're we're asking is we're asking for 600 amps and the controller only will handle 400 but it's there and so once when you go over that whether it's on regen or on power it will fall it's just say hey that's too much for me guys for sure you know it's like you're you're riding level yeah I like it yeah it's fun oh it's so fun it's just like I was saying while I was riding I'm like and I'm sure you feel this way too Derek it feels good we've been riding these electric dirt bikes for so long and like yeah you might have the occasional opportunity to get on an altar or something like that but riding a full-size electric dirt bike feels great like you've got a full chassis suspension to like hit some of these whoops and stuff you know she's right yeah you were moving too you're doing it yeah it feels good man yeah it looks yeah feels good and they're getting deep yeah some of these whoops you you're pounding them sweet so all you gotta do when you're riding is once a while look at your Gates you're only at 80 volts okay so we started at like 83 so you did a lap maybe you use two volts because we got here was quite a distance right and deep sand you know you could gather glass you can go at that pace yeah with reclusive help we might add a clutch yeah we spoke with them they were excited did you hear that everybody maybe a clutch coming in the future all right lap two on the single track so we made some changes by dialing the power back as much as 20 in other words only eighty percent power was being used when I tested the bike this particular controller that we're testing was only rated for 450 amps and the batteries have the capacity to put out 600 amps so there is a lot more power ready to be used on this machine another situation where it's hard to talk because I'm having so much fun but man this bike is awesome only issue I'm having are those little faults when I hit the whoops so I'm gonna try to slow down in some of those but aside from that Spike feels awesome I mean it's a YZF 250 and it feels like that when you're riding it aside from the fact that it has this awesome electric power plant suspension feels great there's Derek coming the other way from the rme it's fun ripping around two full-size Electric Dirt Bikes custom conversions awesome should I shut it off no no leave it on can I take it out of forward you can that's the best thing to do yeah man just hiring yeah those whoops are no joke did you fall better I did one on the first lap but I didn't get I tried to slow down and on the second lap I didn't get it when I came into the website just just took it easy try to well I just kind of rolled them instead of like hitting them the two bolts a bolt and a half for two laps yeah that's pretty good [Music] haha yeah I kind of want to do a high speed run on it just to see all right guys hope you enjoyed that a little first look at this xe4 bike I've been super curious about it obviously JoJo tool raced it at TKO uh this past year and I got to know the bike and the owner Mark really well so wanted to try this thing out and it is amazing guys like it's just so fun riding a full-size electric dirt bike with KYB suspension with a full MX chassis and enough power to move it along very quickly and uh they've done a really good job on this thing obviously still kind of in development stage but we'll keep you posted as everything develops with extreme electric and the xe4 platform here but uh yeah super fun check these guys out I'll put links in the description and thanks for watching see ya foreign
Channel: Electric Cycle Rider
Views: 392,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dirt bike, electric dirt bike, electric bike, best electric dirt bike 2022, yamaha electric bike, yamaha electric motorcycle, yamaha electric dirt bike, xemx, electric conversion kit, electric conversion motorcycle, electric conversion dirt bike
Id: GgDoxHxrevc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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