My NEW 72v Solar E-Clipse Electric Motorcycle!

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hey guys Matt here with juice Joyrides and today we're gonna go for the very first ride on my solar eclipse it's a brand new electric dirt bike and here's kind of what it looks like next to my 72 volt modified Saran got a little bit longer wheelbase this is a 72 volt bike out of the box pretty massive 45 amp hour battery come stock with a huge 90 tooth rear sprocket interesting chain on this bike and one of the most unique things about this bike is it is a full carbon frame dang it which puts the weight of this bike at 138 pounds when I first saw this bike I just thought it looked sick the wheelbase is a little bit longer which will provide us a little more stability at speed and for wheelies also check out how long this seat is so let's hop on this thing and check out this display and push to start peel the screen off here and look at this dashboard it's in park right now so let's put it in Eco and get on out of here we are on a full charge 83.5 volts on this thing so we're going to start the Strava and see what kind of range we get on our first ride and of course this thing's gonna have monster torque but while we're down here in the dark I just want to show you this front headlight it does have high beams and low beams and the brakes on this thing are legit motorcycle brakes and there is a tail light as well as turn signals check it out there's the front turn signal and the rear turn signal and it has a legit motorcycle horn it's very loud actually let's go ahead and bump it onto sport mode and just give it a little throttle for this 20 grade oh yeah this thing has massive massive torque not even pulling the throttle all the way obviously can you guys hear the noise of the chain it makes a little bit of a unique noise this thing is awesome man so right away when the dudes at solar scooters drop this bike off to me the first thing that I was thinking is this is kind of like a competitor maybe to the brand new Ultra Bee from Saran however this bike is lighter than the ultra bead first moment this thing is sick and it's 72 volts out of the box so when it comes to the ultra bee I know one of the big complaints about that bike stock is the power to weight ratio just isn't quite the same as like an upgraded siron so looking at this Dash this display is awesome it shows you like the motor temperature it shows the rotating speed the RPMs of the motor and of course our miles per hour which we'll check that on my GPS here in a few and we're gonna get out for a long ride today but while we're here in a safe area let's go ahead and just give this thing a little bit of an acceleration and see how it can do so we are in sport mode uh let me just give it some juice a little bit oh yeah 50. 55 and I feel the motor limiting me now it looks like stock it's bringing me up to 55. and the first thing I'm really noticing going 55 on this versus my Sarah on light B this thing feels insanely more stable like cruising at 55 oh yeah it's got a good torque right now too so pulling up the spec sheet on this bike it is a 300 amp sine wave controller and it claims to have a 60 mile an hour top speed in sport mode and the motor power is listed as 2500 watts with Peak power output of 6 000 Watts so the question everybody probably wants to know is can it wheelie I don't know I'm not sure if I'm prepared to even try that quite yet suspension feels pretty good on this thing though I'd say this feels better than the surround suspension it is kke suspension front and rear and it handles nice you can definitely feel that it has a little bit more mass to it than the seron light be but it doesn't feel like lethargic at all a little bit juice here see if we can pop the front end up oh yeah okay nice dude so this thing has like a way longer wheelbase than the light be and I think that's going to help me do wheelies in the long term I don't know if I'm going to be like riding wheelies today but we'll see it's like a power wheelie I'm not like popping it good enough cruising in 13. I just love this display on here pop it [Music] not quite yet guys let's go ahead and try the Eco Mode I think this limits you to 28 and yeah you can tell that it gives you like quite a bit less power so 27 28 30 quick little reminder I do weigh 200 pounds on eco mode let's give it Full Throttle okay so it's not like crazy it'll unless you have like a gentle mode here and it's just wide open bringing me up to decent speed relatively slow but then bump it on to Sport and Full Throttle oh oh yeah it's better not Full Throttle now lean forward a bit all right Full Throttle a better light off oh sorry I I pressed the horn by accident there all right so it is stock configuration the way it delivers the power I would say you could probably get some insane range out of this thing considering 72 volt 45 amp hour forget what that comes out to it's like over 3 000 Watt hours of energy and the way it's putting that power down you get good acceleration now compared to my modified 72 volt light beam this thing's a little bit more tame stock out of the box yeah I don't like power wheelie but it the front end doesn't really come up on you like crazy dude I think I just realized I think that there might be a regen break on this with the with the levers it sounds like there's Regen to me so this remote has like a lock unlock like an alarm I'll show you more about that later let's try it on a little bit of off-road stuff here this thing feels at home on dirt the suspension on this thing is like way better than the stocks they're on from all that I can remember like riding over that just felt like I was riding on just like the street honestly speaking of the street let's get it on the street now this thing does have like turn signals and it seems like you'd be able to get this thing plated pretty easily compared to Sauron might be hey I might have to try these Church signals out not used to this I feel like this bike is quite a bit uh less loud than my am I sir on like the chain on this one is like way quieter I did notice like the chain on this bike is I don't know what the how wide it is and stuff but like the chain is the links are like not the same it looks like a smaller chain I don't know if it's weaker but like if it looks like it's not like it's beefy so the grips are kind of interesting like I I like them they're not like rubbery though and they're not like plastic either it's kind of they feel like a some sort of like something in between like a rubber and a plastic feel this thing feels like just so much more like motorcycle like it's kind of it's got a nice mid-range so the thing about this bike with like all these turn signals and you know the headlight I just you know I don't know if I should be riding this like where bicycles go I want to take it to the beach I feel like this is a little motorcycle like to be riding on the bike path by the beach so over in this area a lot of times like the wind is just like blowing me around so much on my light bee like it's really windy right there all the time and one of the downfalls of the light be when you go really fast like above 50 on that bike it just feels like you're literally riding a bicycle 50 miles an hour and one gust of wind will just blow you away that's not how this bike feels when you're cruising at higher speeds it feels planted and stable like a motorcycle all right well here we are going on the bike path this thing is freaking sick dude let's see if we get uh any different looks than than usual at a stream Crossing well roll with the uh moped normally on my Lifey I'd be going over in the bike lane you know this just feels so much more motorcycle like dude if it wasn't for like all like the lights and turn signals and fenders and stuff I'd probably be a little more cool with just like cruising out here with these super 73s ahead of me maybe I'll just kind of blend in as a super 73. I'll just pretend like I'm a super 73 oh I'll slap a super 73 sticker on the side of this and yeah it will be a super 73. I don't know if I'm comfortable enough on this bike to try and like riding it like upstairs or if you if it even has the clearance honestly I don't want to smash my motor on the very first day there's not like a bash guard on there I don't think it looks like it'll work oh please don't bash please don't Bash oh yeah I don't know if this is gonna work or not oh yeah no problem though I mean it has all the torque so we are going on eight miles right now and 86 percent charged oh no the police is right there let's see if they say something this dude's jamming he's always out here James let's take it over to the skate park why not we could get real crazy take it out there what an absolutely beautiful day out here in West L.A still a little off-roading on this thing dude this feels just way better than my light be riding off-road oh dude I don't feel bad at all riding this thing out here now dude has like a straight up car out here as long as it's electric it flies right here's what the solar eclipse looks like compared to like a BMW you know basically full-size motorcycle it's an f-850s I mean the light B looks like a toy compared to something like that someone's got a little more size to it oh once you put the kickstand down it'll put it uh in park for you automatically okay nice little like safety feature and here's what it looks like next to a Ducati scrambler for example kind of almost like comparable in like length I would say this is called the solar eclipse have you heard of the Saran I have my boy wants one how is it so far it's cool man it goes like 60 is what they say it feels safe it feels oh this feels like way more planted and like stable at speeds so one thing that I like about this bike is it does show you the voltage of the battery as well as a percentage Yeah I'm making a little video on it we'll find out yeah I'm about 10 10 miles in and I'm at 83 percent so beauty of this bike right on onto the highway and now that I can see that it does have the amps there for draw like if I press the brakes I can see it says negative seven amps so it does indeed have regen brake that is activated from pulling the levers which is freaking awesome because that's going to save so much on the brake pads and also add a little bit of chargeback to the battery so the fork does have adjustments and it does make meaningful differences the rear shock also has adjustments obviously I have not messed with those at all yet one thing I'm noticing about this bike compared to my light B I really like how my legs can like grip around uh this this section right here like it's actually like comfortable piece to kind of grab onto compared to my light view here we come two minor complaints I have uh right now the angle of the sun is like reflecting the screen like directly back in my face because the angle of the sun I mean what are you gonna do about that and the other thing the stock foot pegs they're just like these skinny skinny stock foot pegs just like I had on my surround light B they're honestly like not bothering me really but I just know like once I upgraded my my stock pegs on my light bee and it was so much better like just like a bigger platform for your foot to sit on is more comfortable and the thing that I actually like about these grips is they're like thicker than my light B ones like the light bead the handlebars are pretty narrow diameter I have big hands I'm six foot five but these ones they're just like a thicker grip that I kind of like better riding position on this thing is actually totally cool I don't think it even needs risers put on it it already kind of has like some sort of risers on it and if you guys watch my videos on my light but you know I have like the extension kits like the seat riser and the pegs are dropped down at six five this bike actually it feels like it fits me way better than the light B all right here we are to the off-roading portion I'm freaking stoked so I'm gonna do a little like Full Throttle here now this is like traction control or something maybe those Malibu tires just grip really well do not enter without an escort dude I am not buying a freaking escort my girlfriend would kill me so far it seems like nobody really cares at all oh doggy yeah nobody nobody cares at all Sana can you guys hear that squeaky noise I'll hit a bumper too [Music] yeah a little squeaky squeak let me show you let me show you there's one thing about this bike that's absolutely ridiculous it's the easiest fix ever but look at the freaking kickstand on this bike the kickstand that came on this bike is like like the cheapest kickstand of all time like everything about this bike looks like sick and it seems like all like really high quality and then there's like this like little like five cent kickstand on here it's like it's kind of it's just kind of comical honestly so I think the kickstand should probably be changed oh one thing about this bike if you listen carefully can you hear there's a fan down there it sounds like a computer or something running with the fan on with the ride wheelbase is making this turn a little bit tighter than my light be no no no don't fall down there let's do this thing oh yeah wow this thing has like a super solid like mid-range the power delivery is oh yeah okay this thing is uh quite a bit of fun oh my goodness this person is running up the hill it definitely feels like Punchy in the mid-range it doesn't quite like launch and it's not like like super thrilling like my 72 volt 12 000 watt Saron is you know oh back Tire's starting to break traction a little bit and this is where I could really tell the suspension is way better than my light be because right there it's usually like washboard and like awful we're going up a really steep hill now 35 of the dash oh yeah I feel super solid going into these Corners like it just feels like way more planted like I always feel like my light bee is about to slide out I'd be going around these Corners this one I I already feel like way more confidence going around these corners oh back tires slid just a little bit there battery is down to 60 now 73.5 volts and ADC man this like I'm loving it dude a little bit a lot of it is somewhat waterproof I forget the ipx rating getting up way up here on the front of the tank I wonder if it'll like do a burnout oh yeah a little bit oh yeah [Music] oh a little scrape or something there I don't know if the front end like the plastic hit or I don't know I'm not really sure what exactly happened there all right so the next stretch here should be pretty Epic yeah this thing is planted man no pedals on this one day yeah you came up this is the time when I can appreciate a wider Peg a foot Peg oh I don't know what's going what's going on with that front something's scraping there when the suspension goes way down in the front I wish I had a little more power like pop wheelies like Power Wheels coming off of like stuff like that man I feel very in control of this thing so you still got juice let's see what kind of acceleration this thing has left at the end of the tank 34 percent wide open bro add me to your truck I need a charge all right guys with 28 on the battery let's just do another top speed run and see where how it matches up the GPS wide open foreign guys just making it home we did 42 miles today three hours and six minutes of riding time have 29 on the battery 71.2 volts if I had one where to describe this thing it's awesome there's a little bit of room for improvement uh I wish it had wider pegs I wish the kickstand didn't make the noise it wasn't so flimsy I wish I had a little bit more pep but you know I'm coming from a modified 72 volt 12 000 watt siron it's a smaller frame shorter wheelbase my modded Saran is an absolute animal this thing feels pretty powerful and fun flip it into sport mode if you want oh yeah oh that truly makes a diff yeah oh yeah oh my God you know what Max is out at 6 000 Watts stock but I do feel like there's some pretty simple mods that could be done to this thing the juice it up just a little bit more that's my first impressions of the solar eclipse thanks for watching guys give me a thumbs up drop a comment catch you next time
Channel: Juiced Joyrides
Views: 270,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar e-clipse, electric motorcycle, electric bike, Sur ron, ultra bee
Id: rMWemVA1hD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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