Yale Graduation Speaker Breaks Up with Boyfriend During Speech | Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold

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Probably worth mentioning that the breakup occurs as part of a comedy bit.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/slamdanceswithwolves 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] president Salome Dean Chun Secretary Clinton esteemed administrators and faculty Yale friends and family and members of the class of 2018 the day has finally come we are proud to be here delivering the valedictory address we're not the valedictorians what you got a D in medical Spanish that was one flub okay you barely passed a class called Vikings exclamation point how did you know that question mark you took a class called plants and people and you still can't tell which is which that's enough you talking ficus anyway we are just here as two members of the senior class offering our reflections on four remarkable years at Yale okay yes and although we're getting ready to leave this place has provided us with some things that will last us long after college indelible memories unforgettable experiences and amazing relationships but these things can't last forever I'm sorry what as our four bright college years draw to a close we as the class of 2018 now prepare for a new journey life after graduation will be daunting but we will face these new opportunities head on head on together together in a sense but in another sense decidedly apart what is happening we're here today to recognize that as we prepare to take the next steps in our young adult lives we may find ourselves moving away from the ties we made on this campus is there something you want to talk about there is Oh God and that thing is Yale oh good and how Yale is a metaphor for our relationship Oh shedding light on our four years here it's clear that we've grown as individuals we loved Yale but like any love it eventually comes time to say goodbye the new chapter is beckoning us but still in many ways we should keep we should keep that old chapter with us right I mean we really liked the old chapter it was great College whoo-hoo Ben right [Applause] Yale was wonderful and while will always cherish the memories we made here we must also make room in our hearts for the journeys ahead and just to play devil's advocate for a second we don't uh we don't have to stop loving Yale as we take the next step everyone's like Oh Yale you're so wonderful we love how you're always singing and dancing and how good you look in blue and you look forward to new horizon they'll might not be the most well endowed but it is up there we just we we need to open ourselves to new opportunities exactly what new opportunities do you really do you it sort of seems like you do and then probably Hillary listen listen we need to flirt where we go various professional fields okay okay yeah we need to embrace who are you embrace the uncertainty of being a post-grad in today's world true okay and we need to let ourselves be seduced who is it is it onder's the football star under the football star [Applause] unders the football star yes I I called it look Yale was an incredible part of our lives but now it's time to go our minds are made up and we're ready to go well I guess there's not much left to say maybe we should leave Yale behind maybe these four years are just a time for us to look back on but you know what as I look out on this sea of potted plants I'm realizing that I'm not ready to give up on Yale and you shouldn't be either so I'm gonna win her back the only way I know how but continuing to extend has already played out metaphor Yale is like any relationship or any friendship think back to when you were first seeking it out and hoping and hoping it would happen think about the way it finally came to be and changed you and shaped you and allowed you to shape it in turn think about the way that this class in particular shaped Yale back challenging it to be warmer and brighter than it was when you first met so don't give up on Yale don't leave these days behind and when you're looking back years [Applause] is she right behind me with onder's the football star I mean yeah I get it here's to the class of 2018 [Applause]
Channel: Ben Kronengold // Rebecca Shaw
Views: 5,821,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commencement, commencement speech, yale, yale commencement speech, valedictorian speech, valedictorian, graduation speech, best graduation speech, funny graduation speech, funny speech, 2018 graduation, graduation, rebecca shaw, rebecca shaw yale, ben kronengold, ben kronengold yale, viral, viral video, university, college, relationships, break up, dumped, humor, funny, comedy, hillary clinton, hillary, breakup, fail, epic, boyfriend, girlfriend, dating, rebecca shaw fallon
Id: wI6a1t-M_48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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