Yajooj and Majooj | Sheikh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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so when the Nibiru sallallaahu while he was sending was in Mecca some of the kuffar Krish when he was in Mecca he was making sajda and they put on his shoulder the intestines of a dead camel so you can imagine that the intestines of the dead camel was writing it was stinky it was wet they put all of that stuff on his show that all of the companions were sitting there they didn't move not a single one stood up Valera nan Rahim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa was solovar to LA he was Sara Momo Anna Anna Bienen Mustafa and Mujtaba Machado and in aha in Long Bahuguna said akela why shadow and muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh salawatullahi wa salamu alayk him I'm about as has been announced this lecture is dealing with an integral part of an imam within the human eye and the six articles of faith that even in Allah and his angels in his books and in believing the prophets and the messengers salawatu allahi wa sallam while eating a Jemaine believing in Yamla and I hear and believing in the color of the good of a middle evil of it it is not enough for Muslim just to say I believe in those six things all of them they have their details they all have their details believing in Allah there's a way you have to believe in Allah where he is where he isn't what he does what he doesn't do and so forth and so on what are his name's with his characteristics so focus on and also believing in the books that will reveal their leaving in the Angels all of them have their details so part of believing in and the omen I have is for the Muslim to believe in all of those things that we were told we're going to happen before yomo p.m. and all of the things that we were told are going to happen after Yom Okayama in doing the actual day of Yom Okayama to disbelieve in aspects of it it could lead someone outside of the fold of al-islam they become excommunicated because they are rejecting what Allah has revealed and what the Prophet brought some Lala what he was sending right now this new year Gregorian calendar Kofa Christian new year 2020 the normal Islam normative Islam is under threat so I look in this Masjid right now is the old faces brothers sisters five years ten years from now normal Islam is not going to be accepted if things continue to go as they are going we have weak evil Muslims some of them are not evil Muslims there monetha own who do their level best in order to change what is the real Islam that we're supposed to be believing in what is the real Islam so with that being the case we have people who feel it is okay for a Muslim to cherry-pick take from Islam what you want and leave from Islam what you want and a lot of the issues concerning yeomen out here I like that a lot of the things so just to get into the subject very quickly I just want to make it very important that you guys understand we have to believe in everything that the Prophet brought some Allah why he was sending them everything that was revealed to him by Allah whether you can get your head around it or you can't get your head around it that's what it is to be a Muslim as for the co Farsi definition the co far they used to did not believe in your mo qiyamah they believed in Allah but they made what Allah they believed in the melodica but they believed in the maniacae the wrong way they said that the Malaika were the daughters of Allah that Allah had any with the jinn and then the maniacae came but they believed in the Malaika they believed in the prophets and the messengers when the nemi's while he was sending them was visited by Jabril and those ayahs etre bismi rabbika levy halep when that happened and he went to her Deidre she said go to my cousin go to my cousin know from even what a human would happen when the prophet told him what had happened saw the light he was setting up he said that's the novel's that came to Musa so he believed in Musa they heard about Musa they knew that Ibrahim was the one who has something to do with the Kaaba along with his son Ismail go fire of courage they believed that so they believed in the five are kind of le man but the one they didn't believe in is they didn't believe in your mo kio they thought that was an absurdity that the Prophet would come and tell them believing your mo qiyama which should give us an appreciation for the courage of the rasul of his lance of allah himself he knows that he's going to come to a group of people who are going to make fun of him and ridicule him because of some aspect of his Dao and his Deen and he wasn't afraid not like the Muslims today we are free so they say if you want to work here cut your beard if you want to work here you can't pray here if you want to work here you can't go to Jamaa you want to work here you can't wait egad the Muslim ok and that's one of the signs of your mo qiyamah the prophet mentioned somebody was suddenly ya ta âlâ knives a man like you badly r-rajim in a Nahum allah who a minute Haram o Allah one of the signs of your multi-armed is that a person of Muslims going to be on the scene at that time he doesn't care what gets his money from would it be halal Haram he doesn't even think about getting welfare and lying is not permissible he doesn't think about it it's not a part of something that concerns him he believes in salons a kadhi believes golden Hydra importance of tow he believed in all of that but the system you got used to just spit the money lying just get the money so what the point here is the Nabi had courage so Lala why he was set up to get up to the people and tell them hey look this is our religion the other day I got a new phone and I don't want to digress but this is important I got a new phone from Vodafone when I was in Vodafone in Birmingham they were a bunch of young brothers and sisters who were Muslims they were all Muslims and they had Christmas clothes on the Santa Claus hat they had sweaters red white green with reindeers and things like that the young brother that was taking care of me I said to him why are you guys wearing those clothes and you're Muslims he said all of us are students in the university we have to pay these these bills the loan and you know they access to do it and so forth so on I said what about that guy over here why doesn't he have the uniform on is he a manager they said no so he looked at me I called him over I said what's what's the deal what's the deal why you don't have the uniform they do he said it's against my religion I said what's your religion he said I worship the devil so the one who worships the devil he has courage not to put on Santa Claus garb and the one who was supposed to be from the children of al-islam and a toe he'd and a layer t song and the Sunnah that's the one who says I don't want to get the people upset the Prophet wasn't like that so la la guardia was set up he was an individual who came to the people and a lot of things that the people didn't like they didn't embrace he called to it the most important of which is a toheeb there was something they didn't believe in so as it relates to this issue we have a number of ayat of the Quran well Dorabella method awareness here help Carla Parliament URI LaVon over here I mean could your holiday and shahe oh well I'm a rotten boohoo be cool be Helton ally they have given us example Allah said about those COFA they picked up the dirt or the bones they crushed it like this they said who's gonna bring life to these bones after became dust Ramin tell them the one who gave life to it the very first time is going to bring them back to life so courage they had a lot of that well Karl ooh either the landfill or the analogy helping G deep they said when we get all the splattered scattered around in the earth you mean to tell me you gonna be a new creation man fell over the boat the shark came and ate him and swallowed him up that man is coming back yo Mookie Yama he's coming back yo mo qiyamah so when the Prophet came and he called to that that people said he was mentioning people said that he was stark raving mad to even say something like that but he didn't so Lala what he was selling so I think that the first talk was talking about the small sign so I don't want to be repetitive but I have to mention this there are two types of signs that minor ones and the major ones the minor ones right now we're seeing them every day one of them I want to mention very quickly so that we can appreciate the higher that we are in being in this masjid being in manchester and that is what's taking place for our Muslim brothers in China and what's going on in Iraq and Syria and India right now where they are trying to exterminate the Muslims we can't allow ourselves to forget that we have to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters across the globe at least and making duaa and feeling what they feel I want to use the weak hadith the weak hadith men let them be sure unanimously meaningfully cementum weather doesn't pay attention to the affairs of the Muslims not a Muslim we hire a weak hadith but we do have a religious responsibility to remind ourselves remind each other about the Huq that they have upon us that we make du'a so concern of those small Sciences want to mention that the very first small sign was the coming of the prophets of Allah why you said it once Allah sent Rasulullah to Benny Adam Salalah what he was sending them that was a way of letting them know yo Mookie M is closed he mentions a la la la he was selling birth to Ana was our carotene I have been sent close to the hour like this so he's been sent over 1,400 years ago but yom OPM is closed so the number of ayat like that a hadith also some of the smaller signs that have been mentioned in the Quran like the statement of allahu taala at Patara battousai when shuttle palma the hour has come coasts and the moon has been split so when the moon split that was one of the signs of Yama Yama only reason why I mentioned in this is it's connected to the did job the Prophet was in Mecca sallalahu while he was selling them and the moon split the non-muslims of Quraysh they saw part of the moon on that side of the mountain part of the moon on that side of the mountain and even with that they did not believe they didn't believe and that goes to show that some people no matter what you do they're just not going to believe in it a to latina/o to Qatar be could be ayah you bring them every ayat they're not going to believe well Carl and I like ala nabina like a hotter not Allah Jonathan we're not gonna believe in you Musa until we see a lot with our own eyes you don't want to be that person and some of us are like that as a relates to our religion some people will not accept from you the truth unless the share that they have Hulu and said this is right he can be on something that's wrong for years the proof is clear he's wrong but until the ship that he has Lewin says it's wrong and then that's when you'll accept what the ship say don't be like that so those people just believe we have people in our Ummah as well because white people because Westerners because America they can't understand things because it's not explained by science because of that they say we don't believe and it's a problem there's a problem because we look at the quran surah al-baqarah began with a description of those people who believe Alif LAAM Meem Valek al kitab bula rahi Buffy who then 13 and levena monona bill right those people who believe in the unseen you have to believe in the unseen if you are a Muslim you have to absolutely believe in it now right now everybody in this Masjid they have two angels with them and right now whenever there's a ha'la'tha and people in the message the other angels come down right now there are Jen who around us and so forth so on part of our Eman is that we have to believe in this I'm a man like you a man and I have a hero for my wife and my daughters I don't want anybody to see anything of my wife or my daughters are you do be loud so part of my fear is not just with Benny Adam brother Mohammad mentioned sallallahu alayhi wasalam citro maibaner ayuda nice maibaner out you know gentle John while I rot Benny Adam and you're cool bismillah I had to him with a holla global when a person takes his phobe off and he undresses to take a shower to tickle hosu go to bed when he takes his clothes off what would prevent the gen from seeing the out of that person if the person says bismillah once he says bismillah shape on the gen can see his wife's our I can't see his daughter's outer can't see his outer which is a Delisle that Shaitaan is weak bismillah is enough to stop him from coming to your house enough to stop him from eating with you enough to stop him from seeing your aura so the point is Shaheed part of an imam Leo man I have got to believe in the unseen and part of believing on the scene is you have jealousy you got to tell your wife okay that's an edit you got to stick to I don't want jinn looking at you I can't see the jinn I can't see them but I know that they're there and I don't want them seeing so the point here is you're not a real Muslim if you don't have this issue so those are the minor signs and they are meaning and then we have the major signs in their tent when abhi said about them sallallahu alayhi wa ala ali was sending them once they come and once they start they're gonna come very very quickly as if you have like a necklace with bees on it like the liquor bead if you were to cut that super high if you were to cut it they will fall off one after another so the last ten are going to come very very quickly and from the first of them that come is the issue of Eugene much before them at the job he seven Oh Miriam and the Madi and then yeah Jude and my Jewish mother issues concerning at Eugene my juju honey that we want to mention to you the first of which is that the Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa ali was settling this is really important that we understand as muslims and he told the people mom is shaking your career becoming a Jenna in order to come be here when I'm ashamed kuru become in an re ananda hate to come and who there was nothing that will cause you people to go close to the general except I told you to do it I've told he pray give zakat fast make Hajj wear hijab better Wadi Dame all of those issues bring the clothes gender anything will bring you close to the Hellfire maybe Haram don't drink don't smoke don't get caught don't abandon us a lot don't be a person who has local whitey Dame don't be dirty don't be a liar so we have a religion that explained everything that we need everything that we need and I found it amazing doing the Christmas holidays that in the city where I come from Liverpool where I'm living there kind of like behind there behind it's not like Birmingham it's not like London I don't think it's like Manchester they have messages that put Christmas trees people put Christmas trees in the message it and Muslims don't know you can't practice any aspect of Christmas can't say Merry Christmas you can't do any of that you can't show anything but that's what we're dealing with right now really serious challenge is about holding on to this religion so why wouldn't it be brought us a religious Olympics everything we need to know when as analytical Khattab to be an ally clearly shape we sent their book to you Muhammad explained everything new people need to know in this religion and from what we need to know is Eugene my judge there's a principle that the earlier mob of the student that came up with and they used to put this issue in the books about the Arpita of the selleth the men had just set a fee and when I say the are feet of the set up I'm talking about the alpide of the companions with wildin long I leave him a Jemaine when I talk about the minute I just said if he I'm talking about what those companions were upon am I talking about no group who call themselves said if he whether it's Green Lane SP or whatever but the min has that those companions or upon how they went about doing things they used to put in those books you have to believe in added job you have to believe in the hold you have to believe in the Seurat you have to believe in ya jus Jamaat yuge and they used to say if there is a person who disbelieves in these things because he's following us Howard desires like the different groups on their desires the marked as either and other than that the attire they used to say if you don't believe in these things then you won't be from the people who get rewarded like the prophets fountain sallallaahu I will sell them some people reject it so you won't drink from it and if you reject some of these things you won't be protected from them because their people don't believe these subrahmanyam is returning that there's a mighty that's coming back and that there is a thing called due to my Jews and the weird thing is in Christianity in the torah and the injeel and maharathas and those two books there is the belief of Ujima jews they call it da gama dad so when we were christians we used to believe in this but we believe in in a crazy way in a way that is different from our religion so how is it that the muslim doesn't believe in it and another tripped-out thing I find it really freaky and spaced out really is these people are telling us about Christmas listen to me because some of us we reject an Eman and get jus Jamaat Jewish because white people can't get their heads around it because the West they think that these are a satyam and allene tells of the ancients and then those same people have a problem with believing in these things they turn around and teach their children that Santa Claus is going to come on the 25th of December and it's gonna come down the chimney and put gifts under the tree but they believe in that and they believe even worse than that because that's possible that some overweight white man could fit down the chimney and put some some gifts on that's possible but they believe something even worse and that is that Allah has a son Allah has a son and the Muslim knows that's not true but the non-muslim he's strong and his Eman he doesn't care what you think whereas the Muslim knows he has a religion of the hawk and he's weak and apologetic in his Eman because he wants to be accepted and embraced we say no we have to give down with a lot hold on to our religion hold on to our identity give Dao in a nice easy way because we're against Boko Haram al Qaeda were against diets were against Shabaab against all of that stuff but we're not against saying the truth and practicing the truth of al-islam so as it relates to Ujima Jewish they've been mentioned two times in the Quran and even if it was not mentioned in the Quran because they're details and not in the Quran so how many things of our religion are not mentioned in the Quran but they mentioned the Sunna because as soon that came to explain the Quran and to identify the details of the things that have been generalized in the Quran in surah al-kahf an important Sura as it relates to the Muslim is connected to this surah because of the Friday whoever reads solo to cath on the Friday a light was shine for him seven days until the next Juma and then three more days anyone who memorizes the first ten ayat of to calf and the last Tim ayat of surah to cath it will be a divine protection for him from added job so it's a special source one of those sirs the Muslim is connected to so it's mentioned in me well Colorado her name in Leah Judah with my huge moose Iduna fill all the people say hey the local name yeah juju my judge they're making facade in the earth and they requested from that they requested from the claim to build for them a barrier which he did they wanted to give him money you said no when My Lord has given me is better than that money it's a big Rama what I'm able to do so they built that big barrier that's the first ayat second is in surah al-anbiya hot either Fatiha hotter food due to my huge were humming coolly had had a big and saloon when the open in his mail and got juju my George come out they will descend on the earth from every elevated place those are the two ayat of the Quran the details are not given to us so inside of Bukhari and Muslim our mother owned Salama Radi Allahu Allah she said that the Prophet came into her house a Lama what are you selling them in the night time and he was disturbed something was bothering him he said to them la ilaha illa llah so whenever something was bothering him he will make the team of allah by singing the Kelly Moffett Oh he'd la ilaha illa llah Fatiha Liang he said la ilaha illallah waylynn lonardo mean Cheryl netcat Arab food he alone minnerath me at Judah ma'juj myth flew had he said there is no God worthy of worship but Allah whoa went to the Arabs from the evil that has come close when he said woe unto the Arabs he was referring to the Muslims he said Arabs and he used them as a rums they were like a full of the Muslims because they were the majority of the Muslims that day and that Padilla shows the virtues of the Arabs if the Arabs understand their religion if a person is an Arab or he has Arab in him I'm from American African American my forefathers probably came from West Africa when they were stolen and brought to America and I probably don't have any Arab in me Somalis they have Arabs in them their tribes have Arabs there is virtue and being an Arab or have an Arab in you if you will know this religion but if you don't know the religion and you're a racist and you think you're better than people because of your tribe and because of you go Arab then there's no difference between you and I belong up in Abuja there's no difference between you and this other guy from the times of a jaliyah his name was Abdullah even Judah and he was a very very very generous man a lot of Karim like hatun atari dirty Barbie Hema and methanol Karim these two people they were tremendous in their hospitality this man Abdullah even Judean he used to slaughter camels and give it to the pilgrims and they work afar he used to get water from Zam Zam and all of that and give it to the pilgrims he used to pay for the poor in jellia he had a lot of good ten and what was collected by Muslim our mother Aisha may Allah be pleased she said ya rasulallah what's going to happen to I do live in New Jedi no more qiyamah he used to do this you do that you do this just do that did all these things can happen the Prophet told us a lot he was selling me no home in Ireland now then Oh lemony appoleo me manda here a bit fiddly @ e @ ee omec dean he's gonna be in Hellfire because he never said during the course of his life oh Allah forgive me for my sins yo merdeen yo mo p ama that's a Delille if you disbelieve in yo more P AMA your the man never asks allah to forgive him so that's a Delisle courage didn't believe in your mo p.m. but the reason why I'm using this Abdullah bin Judah an it's because along with Abu Lahab enable gel and color even umeå and these guys they were from the best of people's in terms of their lineage who Arabs but not having his Deen you a problem what one to the Arabs from the evil that has come close the wall of yet jujin my Jews have been open this much listening honey because you have some people they have PhDs they study at real prominent universities Cambridge yellow hawks furred here and there I tell you a lie he I want all of you youngsters to go to university get an education get a good job so you can help your families help the mess chick help your kids start a legacy put a lot of emphasis on education I don't want any of you youngsters to be bums if you can't go to an medina don't just be a bum and don't get a job get educated so you can do something I say well libel I to lie for my son for my son to flip burgers at McDonald's and don't sit there see McDonald's are on that either point for my son to flip burgers at McDonald's as a job is more beloved to me than for my son to go to Oxford University graduate number one in his in his gear but he started saying Adam was created from a monkey and he started saying crazy things like that like we had happy to some of ours Shabbat hey hi hey hi that's not knowledge that's not knowledge and those are the examples that the center fused to get to see my son they would say to see my son coming out of place of ill-repute where you go to haram that's more beloved to me than I see him coming out of the house of a person of innovation because innovation is a big problem I rather my son flip burgers then go to university and start saying the Big Bang Theory that's what what happened so right now right now they have satellites in the sky they have radar I'm boots they have radar on planes all over the world in airports this stuff is managed through radars they are able by Lots permission to to say it's gonna rain tomorrow it's gonna snow tomorrow and Allah knows best but they haven't had the ability to spot yeah juju my Gooch so therefore I don't believe in it because white people didn't say what's okay and when I say white people I think all the white people here who know me you know and I'm not talking about like you in a bad way what I'm talking about is in the world right now there was a time when people of color they want on top throne Hammurabi then people want time but when they made what a lonnie went astray they have problems now we find white people on top they don't believe in a lot I make sure to cover same thing is going to happen so I'm talking about the reality the walk you have the life right now so because people in the West don't believe in this and you can't see an insect huh you're going to disbelieve in more than half of your religion if that's the case so the Prophet told this companion some long writing about yet due to my touch I was born March 10th 1964 so this year in shyla after two months and some change I'll be 57 I think or 56 something like that since I was born until this day right now and maybe you saw the light he was Sullivan he has asada that must stop he is the one who was truthful and he should be believed he said the guide you Jamaat Jude have been put behind this wall that they can't get out of and got Jew to my judge of from Benny Adam they're human beings they are not around someone says something crazy they're not not morons they're not um what's that word again they're not zombies they're here right now and how do we know that they're here right now because the Prophet said to his wife Fatiha Fatiha leo not movie at juju Matt juice today today the thing of judge my judge has been opened this much that's doing his time so they are here rasulullah said they're here he said that they'll come every single day and they'll try to chisel this thing out try to break it so that they can get through it's not for you it's not for me to start saying well why don't they climb on each other's shoulders and jump over why don't they make a ladder and climb up and jump yeah he surgical cap has the story of the youngsters who went into the calf and they were caused to die they died all of those years and when they came out that people started saying oh they were three and the dog was four they were four and that dog was five they were five and the dog was six that's not the point some people will waste time say the dog was a French poodle the dog was a Doberman picture the dog was a Rottweiler what kind of dog was it that's not the point the point is Allah caused them to sleep cause them to die and brought him back to life again he said enough in Tecate saw a lot he was selling them and remote a whole new el young and load unknown death is the brother of sleep so when you wake up in the morning the Sun is alhamdulillah lady Jana bottom I am a Donna wait you layin in the SH war cuz you were dead that's the point he was dead when you slept and a lot brought you back alive again you're gonna die again so don't reject remember the omen at him so the same issue when people start saying why don't they climb on each other's backs if there's so many people are they so strong why this why that that's what the enema of a line is not for you to ask those kind of questions but as companions didn't ask like in the story of the cave that's just ROG mumble rain you're just guessing and that's not our religion the Nabi says Allah loved what he was telling them that as they start to chisel and chisel and chisel to get through the Sun comes down and gets ready to set and there's someone who's responsible for them like a mushrik a m'dear someone who's responsible for them he'll say to them okay okay the Sun is about to set let's come back tomorrow and then they'll even he'll come back tomorrow and that happens every day and the hole closes up and then they do it tomorrow every day until one day that person is going to say to them okay okay come back tomorrow let's come back tomorrow it would be said to them say insha'Allah and they say insha'Allah and then the next day they're gonna open up that yet that that that that rhythm it's gonna get open and that goes to show again at 20:00 of the power and the importance of the Kadima insha'Allah insha'Allah that that Kadima was a myth die that allowed these people to come out and why why why why is inshaallah it's not for you tax that there were two companions or a companion he was fighting the jihad and he was killing everybody this man was fighting with the muslims he was killing everybody the companion say yah Tallulah they took arrests they say God I saw her that man he was killing everybody he is a fattest he is a buckle he is a hero that man is the man he's bagged out of Salah he was tearing him Kofa up Russell I said to them he's from the people of the Hellfire not a single Muslim had a tear out not a single companion said what how but not a single one they said really because once he said it they knew so when they reengaged with the non-muslims and started fighting the Companions were doing their thing but they was paying attention to that man too and something happened to the man somebody stop that man from the kuffar and when he got stopped he didn't have supper he put his sword in the ground and he threw himself on a sword and he committed suicide one of the biggest sins that a person can commit and I have to say this here because we have to be on top of our Shabbat little white kid was being bullied nine years old he was suffering in silence and didn't tell his parents didn't tell anyone he was being bullied like that sister shukri right not to lie alaihe we got a responsibility when stuff like that happened little boy was getting bullied little boy committed suicide he doesn't have to pay any bills he doesn't have a fraction of the problems that we have but that issue about being bullied led him to commit suicide suicide is a problem I don't care what is happening in your life being on this side of the ground is better than being on the other side because you got a chance so never give up on life that man committed suicide the companions were like wow because they know the evil of suicide after they finished they say y'all rasoolallah you remember that man we told you about he committed suicide killed himself Prophet Muhammad told them someone loved what he was settling in allaha Lions have the Deen be rajala magic it's possible that Allah will can help his religion when an evil man with an evil man I know a lot of african-americans they came into Islam because of the Dawa that's Co for the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan Elijah Muhammad we came in the Islam because of that can cover despite that should can cover a man was calling the coffee and but a lot of people came to Islam from that so insha'Allah is a Kenema that is a Kadima for you by shallows good word but Allah let it be one of the keys that caused this thing to open Russell I said when they come out and I say this to you you know those what's those little things that fly they killed that guy from Iran but collecting drawing drawing you know those drawing I saw like you've seen the drone flying over Iraq and Syria Damascus it's unbelievable the tamir that they did to those countries the destruction of Syria this far just went into the Muslim countries and put those people back 50 60 70 years before they get themselves on track again and playing political games and then we don't have time for these crazy jama'at that are political coming taking advantage of the desires and emotions of our community we got to get back to the pure religion of lslam but my point is when you see those pictures of how Syria has been destroyed all of the buildings the infrastructure listen to me when you see those pictures know that yeah Jews and my jooge are worse than that that's a walk in the park compared to the fitna of yet Ujima church because when you had Jew Jamaat Jews come out they killing everybody everybody who they come upon they're killing everybody and they're eating everything up to the point that the Nabi says I love what he was telling them they will come to a large body of water there are so many people your mujin you mood you in a bathroom he bad they're gonna be like just all over the place he said that the first group will come to a large body of water they'll drink it up and then they'll continue the march the journey the last group of come and say you used to be water here that's how many they are and that's how powerful they're going to be very important that you understand this honey you're seven Oh Miriam is going to be on the scene at that time Salalah why he was center and that hadith that we always hear last as a lota Aoife two men on metal hockey mansoura this hadith there was always be a group of people from my Ummah who will be helped victorious the actual real meaning of that hadith is talking about ISA Banu many because when you bring all of those narrations together that's what is clearly referring to that during that time you seminal Miriam is going to be the leader of the taifa and mansoura there Nadia that day they're going to be the same group the sieve said that doesn't mean that today there's no safe set there is a same set or group of people and the other people understand this religion and prices religious way those companions they're not the one who blindly follow one share to share three shifts not that nonsense we're against all forms of extremism in all forms of craziness being passed off as the religion burnaby some lowlife whitey would sell them said that these several men is going to be there Allah will tell issa i have unleashed on the people a creation that no one will be able to stop because a seminal Miriam is the one who killed that did jump as you know I'm sure you have been told that in the class of the de job he killed that the job but he won't be able to deal with the gap Jew Jamaat Judea tension when yet due to my judge come out a Seminole Maryam and the believers with ISA bill Merriam are going to go to the mountain of a tour now as Muslims guys there are a lot of mountains that are part of our religion as the never mention sell a lot he was selling them or heard rebel on your hip bone and when your hip boho earth is a mountain we love it and it loves us so there are certain mountains in this religion that are important some of you come from Qingyang you lived in Kenya they have those mountains over there stand mountain Colton King Kilimanjaro doesn't have any in London our religion so if a person say I'm from Qingdao and point nope nope your mountains nothing point none what's important is wasn't the Quran and the Sunna like I want to ask somebody the mountain of Judy what's the significance of that mountain the arc of nor a let'slet's sanam stop dear he said o Maryam will take the believers and go to the mountain I have to stop here this is a principle in our religion and that principle says now you can leave full lock Nelson Aloha doesn't burden people behind your ability in your scope you several Miriam cannot fight yeah juju might couch so he never was commanded and ordered throw caution to the wind and just faint there's an ayat of the Quran a command from Allah to the Nabi sallallahu wasallam possible come on suffer all Eliza's him in a rustle I'm honey be patient the way the four major prophets were patient the four major ones first Nora and then he brahim and then Musa and then Issa Rasool Allah is the fifth salawatullahi wa sallam wanna remain so we talk about a man in the are cannabis land the ark and of a man that you believe in them Allah the prophets one of the things you believe the numbers of them there's a difference between a Rasool and the nubbie you have to believe that Rasool Allah is the best of the prophets and you have to believe also the prophets don't make major sins and you have to believe there are five prophets that are better than all the rest so a lot o Rasulullah be patient the way those other four were patient and if you look at the story of all four of them nor he may hit you up on that boat left the people and then Allah destroy the people ibrahim a Hydra when he broke up the idols he left his people left took his Deen Musa he also got out of Egypt made his left two people he said o Maryam may Hydra may Hydra from the enemy so I gotta say this to you young people going and killing people at the London Bridge blowing up buses and doing all that stuff blowing up people in some in some concert hall here that's not helping our religion that name jihad and that don't help our religion you helped to put this religion in this city in this country behind 10 years 15 years 20 years because they're going to come up with policies to stop us from practicing our religion so we have to learn it is not weakness if a person sees himself in a position where he can't protect them he's with his wife and his daughter and he on the bus in the back of the bus that people started smoke weed and they they acting up he has to get up and then then take his family he'd go somewhere else he can't start doing a little blood off and then Luca right there because those people gonna hurt your kid don't hurt your wife so when the Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Mecca some of the co father ish when he was in Mecca he was making sajda and they put on his shoulder the intestines of a dead camel so you can imagine that the intestines of a dead camel was right and it was stinky it was wet they put all of that stuff on his shoulder all of the companions were sitting there they didn't move not a single one stood up his daughter Fatima she wasn't even a grown girl she was a baby she was young she came and she wiped it off with her hand defending the Sunnah according to her ability and then she said to the co father Asia tuk to Luna Road join your Cora be Allah you do this Tim only because he said my lord is Allah she goes down WA because she knows they're not gonna harm her and so she gave dower Abu Bakr and the other companions just sat there why because they're not in the position right now in a hostile environment of Mecca to do anything and that's what the Prophet taught them it's a little of what yourself and that's what he taught us so we don't want to hear our youngsters doing these crazy things we don't want anybody going over to Syria no one from amongst you go into these places Rasul Allah his son Lala why they were seldom set yeah juju my jewels are gonna go they're gonna kill everything in sight gonna drink up all of the water after they kill everybody and everything in sight other than he said o Maryam those who with him they're gonna say amongst themselves we have decimated and destroyed everybody in the earth so now what we have to do let us destroy those who are in the heavens so they would take an arrow and shoot the arrow in the heaven Rasul Allah said some of the lighting suddenly arrow will go up and come back down and it had blood on it the hadith explained what the blood is so why are you worrying about what type is it a is that oh that the arrow go through a bird did it hit him angel the Angels have blood did you ever read in the piranhas some angels have blood so part of a man in the melodica you got to know their names you got to know their numbers you gotta know the creator from lights you got to know they don't disobey Allah so don't come up with these crazy and they tied the attach that ain't the point arrow goes up it comes down and got blood on it and at that point Allah will send those from his creation who are going to destroy it jujin my church and what are the Jews that will be sent the soldiers of Allah a worm a worm that goes inside of the nose of the camel the worm that goes inside of the nose of a camel yes America right now can't deal with yet jujin much America right now they don't know where much yeah juju might do they don't know where they are I don't understand why we look at white people and we look at American the Western Europe as if they are God people are not Allah those words will get into the necks of yet juju my Jews and then they're going to die and there's going to be a stench that comes from them because they'll be dead all over the place that is offensive people can't live with that smell so Allah will send some birds and the birds will pick up the bodies of Ujima Jews and throw them in a fall far off distant place Rasool Allah says Allah Allah is Allah one of the birds will have the neck the size of a camel have you ever seen a bird the size of a camel his neck as the size of a camel no I never saw that I know one thing you go in the desert those eagles and falcons and hawks of the desert them eagles are big enough to get this boy right here and carry him away this man right and stand up man stand up little man stand up this is my student right here stand up don't be scared don't be scared on with the bird get you sit down the Eagle can take this boy and fly off so the Arabs are on guard as a relates to infants when they're in the desert they will never leave a kid sitting there I don't know if Somalis do that I know you guys have camels and stuff like that and I don't know how the birds are in Somali I don't know but there are big birds but this birds are clearly bigger than that now again the honey the question should not be where do they throw them out due to my Jews where do they throw them that's not the point the point is a lot destroyed them and if a lot can to destroy them you could destroy everybody else they don't give it to program after that Allah will cause the rain to come down the rain will come down and clean up the whole earth the earth will pull in that rain and then it's going to be the best time that Benny Adam ever knew the vegetation will be thrown out to the point where Prophet Muhammad said saw the light he was seldom three to nine people will come and they'll eat a row man we call it oh man oh man Chinese apple and pomegranate you know the one with the seeds the rest seasoning best juice those of you who have high blood pressure he said three to nine people will eat one roll man after they eat it they're gonna build a house he said that one cow one cow one sheep one camel with milk will be enough to feed the whole kabila one cam one cow and that's the hire that's going to be at that time when he several many of those people salawatullahi was Saddam who come off of the mountain the rain would have purified the earth and it is rain and it's going to be like a mirror it's going to be on the earth the Prophet says summer I sell them from the water reflecting what is above it and then everybody is going to be on Islam and it's going to be a beautiful time a utopia for the people of a Touhey an ISA bloomery Maryam is going to be with the mighty at that time with those people that's the hadith honey of yet Jude I'm not judge they're here right now there was an airplane I think a year ago two years ago I don't remember how many I think they were from what's that country we went to Malaysia they're not sure that the pilot crashed the plane or not but anyway that plane fell somewhere over the ocean they didn't find all of that wreckage to this day to this day because of the vast nature of the ocean so because America the west white people I'm not against white people it's just that some of us have a inferiority complex some of us have this inferiority complex even from the same group of people if one of us we're all of color we all from Africa but the one who was lighter there's always when is more prettier this is one is more what you're talking about more prettier you talk about so I'm just mentioning this egg honey because I have a responsibility to kill a lot of the to get rid of a lot of these misconceptions that I find our challenge for our community going forward just as always tell you people when I say what I say it's because I don't want you people to feel like you're second-class citizens the Prophet says somebody was selling them less lamb yalla without Ural eileen islam is uppermost and nothing is put over islam well let allege a little caffeine i don't mean in that Sibylla we never gave the disbelievers away over the believers so we don't want you people to be real nasty and arrogant and back to people but we don't want you to be one of those people always scared the I suck the I suck they want to bring this Muhammad Ali to the plane but people say well we think that we don't want him to come and the reason why we don't want him to come is because his position against homosexuality is he says it's not permissible so he can't come it's the responsibility of the eye sock to hold them to hold them to not to say okay whatever you people say you know you gotta challenge people challenge people within the religion and within the confines of the law just don't be one of those people who you acquiesce about everything we think everything you want to apologize that's yet jujin mcjew-jew any and that's what the Prophet said last thing that I want to mention Shaolin I have to mention this this message guys really is a message for the member yo mazuma thank you young kids you can't go with strangers you young kids you girls and you boys you have to be aware of what you're doing and what's going on around you if you don't know someone and you don't like the way someone is talking to you feeling you touching you dealing with you you have to raise the alarm bill as parents as parents I know when I was little I was free to do what I wanted to do we used to jump from roof to roof if you missed the roof you're done stick a fork and you're done but that's how we were I would never let my I don't even let my kids walk to school by themselves we drop them off because I'm scared of what can happen you have to be on top of your kids you got to know who your kid is hanging out with you have to know who your kid is going with don't leave even in the Masjid that doesn't mean we have doubt about each other but there are people have issues there are people who have issues so we have to keep our eyes open as it relates to people exchange and they don't fit in we have to do our due diligence and be on top of the situation so that nothing crazy will happen nothing crazy inshallah we make elliptical as bad we tie our camels and then we rely on Allah don't let your kids running free in the mosque without you being in contact with them you tell them going outside don't go outside the door at all the mother doesn't want to keep the kids they down let them come down here but don't go outside so that's from the rules of this masjid for now on any kid who's here and your parent is not necessarily with you don't go outside okay guys
Channel: Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester
Views: 6,442
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: HQ8u-GSJu7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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