The Salah (the Prayer) - Abu Usamah at-Thahabi

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mana Wahine Annan Hamdi naina mondo who Aniston oh ho when I stop Pharaoh when I read Amina he mean surely I'm Krystina women say yachty I'm Annina man now fana Dinello mean you didn't when I had enough machado and i rah rah rah la sharika no eyeshadow ana muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu so the water why he was ceremony am a bob for inner siren cannon Kodama wah wah halen buddha who da rasool allah he underdeveloped in that salawatu allahi wa salam o ali shuttle or more death to her vocal a method in Vedado Vakula begotten de la boca la jolla retention 9 and the difference between how the muslims are dealing with the prayer now how the Salafist ago the program I'm talking about this elephant I'm referring to those companions of the prophet sallallaahu Adi who seldom were not be alone I remain as well as the tabie rain who were taught by those companions but before dealing with the issue of the salon I just want to make a point that comes to us from a hadith of the Nabi Saleh la guardia settlin that goes to show that the religion of the Companions it has to be the religion that we are upon today the way they understood Islam the way they practice Islam the way that they existed they are the blueprint for success there's an authentic hadith at the property sense of Allah who are you selling tools complaints abubakr or Northmen Ali o cashable are they all of them when the mischief he told his companions in nakum fizzy man kefir or llama Khalil Kodava men territory Shiva my Yaris Abdullah reality Allen as minbars a man Cathy Papa by Khalil Rama many stamps occur the Oshima are pathetic tada this tremendous Holly shows us the disparity in the difference between the campaigns those companions were chosen divinely by Allah they were a special group of people just as our Navy is and Mustafa and Moffat are a lot divinely chosen Hickory coals of allah abu jahil he could have chose may have been kind of Nana to Lally he could have chose any of them to be the Nabi in the Russell they had some good qualities about themselves but he chose how many been Abdullah the lateen so he is most our Mustafa just as the nebby was divinely chosen his companions with divinely chosen there had to be some special people who with in order to carry this message it would have been appropriate for a vote Osama to be there wouldn't be appropriate for the people in the audience to be there because if Islam was left up to us to carry it and to make the sacrifices that they made then it doesn't appear that we're the type of people who are willing to make those sacrifices that they may might dismissed it right now this message it I'm sure that this message it has some ongoing bills responsibilities that we have in terms of the lives and the water and all of those issues but sometimes it's very difficult for the administration for an example to get money and support from the community but we're very quick to pay money for cable TV money for heating out money for not that those things are haram the point is those companions those companions they sacrificed everything everything that they owned fisa be denied so this idea it shows that there the blueprint the prophet Tobin's on Allah WA you said them your companions you're living during a time where there are many real Emma Nene or Lema at any given time in the Masjid Abu Bakr is an island her mother's in Harlem are even every target is an island Abu Huraira Adam even uma Abdullah enemas food Aisha is an edema I was sorry the hoodie hoob a little table abu musa al-ashari they're all sitting in the Masjid in their ulema we live in the east of the city he lives in the West this one lives over there and your neighbor is not just one scholar you have multiple scholars you can go to from the companions he said you people are living in a time where there are meaning or lemma and there are only a few who PAVA it or not many people give the Hopa during the time of the Navy so Allah 107 as a matter of fact no one ever stood on his member he was the only one who gave the cook the fire the only one who laid the hood before Juma it was the only one and when he died son Allah bloody who sent them Abu Bakr went and stepped on the second step then they used to be on the third step when I would like a step done the second step that people were amazed no one ever stepped on that member he said that you people living in the time within Armenia or Lema and they're only a few catawba and the City of Toronto every Masjid has one or two or three catties there many fatigues but how many pradana in this city he said anyone from amongst you companions if you leave a tenth of your religion the Companions if you abandoned a tenth of your religion you will go astray so the Companions used to pray the nawafil prayers they used to fast Mondays and Thursdays they used to go and make all kinds of extra extra efforts he said there's going to come a time where the Baba will be meaning they're going to be mini fatigues and they're going to be only a few ulema during that time if a person holds on to a tenth of his religion he'll be guided aright that's our time now look at the disparity in the difference the Companions if one of them left off abandon a tenth of the religion they would have gone astray because the standard was very high with them as the nebby they're special people now the time is different if a person holds on to a tenth of the religion he'll be guided in right if he just prays five prayers a day he just fast a month of ramadhan if he just made Heidi one time in his life if she wears hijab without me thought just hijab my hijab is okay just the engine proper he judged she doesn't go the extra step and where's Nia calm if the people doing this time just held on to 10% of their religion they'll be okay because we're living in the worst time the nebby he sent an authentic hadith mom and Armand in our levy bother who shuttle men who cut the teleporter buckle this year except that the one that comes after it is worse than the one that preceded it until you meet your Lord so we are living in the worst time known to Benny Adam this is a bad time to live in but a person could navigate through this terrible time if he holds on to that key table and he holds on to that Sunnah but how does he hold on to it the way those companions held on to it so this idea the Companions if one of them left 10% of the Adeem there go astray now if someone holds on to 10% vessel he'll be guided aright their goal is to show the companions are the blueprint for success for each and every one of us they're the blueprint for success that the pattern our lives after them our a batter after them our our our pita after them and so forth and so on so now the question that we want to present to you and our presentation is how was this sellout with the companions how did they look at the salon this Salah in Ellis land that the Prophet said about us of Allah who are you sellin us a lot hey Rommel war feminist Batangas tech theatre min ha fairly effective the salat is the best thing that you can do so whether has the ability to make more prayer doing make more today today we did different things today there's nothing you did better today from your actions that's better than the Salah they said two people said I'm on income we sneezed and we said hum do you love the purse say your comic Allah we say I did moolah moolah sabbatical we visited the sick person we called our relatives we gave sadaqa we did different things today there is nothing that you did better than praying to Allah today nothing better than this Salah he told us of Allah vari who send up a new lady baton of Urbino masala ferment Erika kaffarah the difference between us the people in this Masjid the difference between us and all of those other people out here in Toronto SEALs Jews atheists Christians the difference between us and them is the Salah so whoever abandons that prayer he is a cat in disbelief he fell into an action of Kofi it's one of the distinctions between us and them one of the main distinctions between us and them how did the companions look at this prayer how did they deal with this prayer and how do we look at their many issues we can bring to the table one of them at the top of the list is what was stated by one of the Imams from the tabie mean the people who were taught by the companions the students of the companions the tabie own one of their names was Abdullah even Chappell or Paley's from the tabie mean he said konna as having the beanie salallahu alayhi wasalam niaruna shade and men and anna Turku who cofre they have a he a salat those companions of the prophets of Allah who sent them they didn't see the abandonment of any action as cofer other than the salon do on the time of the campaign's if you are person who didn't pay zakat they made excuses for you they said my la-la-la-la-lady doesn't have the money maybe this happened maybe they made excuse if you didn't fast in the month of Ramadan they gave you an excuse maybe he's sick maybe he's travelling babies meds you know maybe his job is too hot if you didn't make Hajj they said maybe maybe maybe maybe you didn't go to jihad maybe maybe maybe maybe but if they knew that there was a person who didn't pray they say this person is a cat that's how the campaigns I will buckle mouth man either this is how they looked at the one hey that person over there he doesn't pray they'll say he's a lunatic he's not a real Muslim that's how that's not me saying that that's how the Companions used to look at the person who didn't pray now the question that I present to all of you is those people we know what even ourselves all of us know people from our relatives from our neighbors people work with us who don't pray or they just pray Juma or they just pray now if the companions were here looking at that situation they would say our mothers of COFA our fathers uncle father our relatives uncle far our children of Kufa how the companions would have looked at the situation if a person is kind of you he's on a bonafide meth habit al-islam but mean the meth have goals against the Kurama the sooner there's a mistake you have to put that mistake to the side and take the Quran and the Sunnah the person who is Malachy when you're meth hat goes against the Quran and the Sunnah in some issue you have to put that mistake to the side and follow the nebesa the Levada Center - after he met her Mohammed II meant that they're human beings and they all made a mistake no one acts you brothers and mystic salahuddin this question and I don't want you to be shy to answer this question who is the only human being from this Ummah who doesn't make mistakes and he's my assume he's infallible who's that person who's that person the prophets of Allah what is the only one the only one who doesn't make mistakes because he's been sent by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and Allah mentioned about it and many ayahs of the Quran that he's been sent in the revelation was given to him Nabu am i until final hour and know in the one who knew huh this man Ibrahim and nahi he taught the scholar who taught Abu Hanifa Ibrahim and Nephi he said about those people before Kanu Heather a to Raju Nia who who annual ne-never ooh la salah t he was some de what a deal if one of those people in the past wanted to take knowledge from someone before taking knowledge from the speaker from this year before taking knowledge they will come they will find out where he is and they will look at him and they will look at his prayer did he pray like a chicken very quickly up and down well did he take his time when he prayed when he prayed was he looking around in the sky like this looking at people when they were walking by if you do like this he waved back to you while he's praying and they will look at his scent the way he behaved how was he in public how was he dealing with the people was he now was he aggressive was he truthful and they were look at his head to you they would look at what guidance was he upon what was his way of worship and how was what was his guidance then he resemble the kapha did he talk back to Kofa baby look like the Kofun so the point is Ibrahim Ana he said the first thing that they would look at is the prayer the mechanics of the prayer as to what's inside inside that's between him and mala they will look did he prayed towards a Sutra something that the Prophet commanded and he told the people now you sally-ann Hadouken Allah in a Sutra whenever you pray you must pray towards a Sutra even if you're by yourself so that the jinn will respect that you're praying even by yourself that's what he used to do never ever pray except that something was in front of him so Allah water you said they will look did he do roughly a day how did he read how did he go down how is his back when the Prophet price of a lot he was something they said his back was straight if you put a cup of water on his back they will remain there he wasn't like that he wasn't like that he didn't put his farms on the ground he told the people don't play like the dog with your arms on the when you insisted so many things to learn he just didn't pray he got on the member on the third step and he prayed in front of the people they were watching him and he was praying whenever he wanted to get singed and make sense that he would come down and exchange them get up and he would pray come down and make sense after you said said I'm whining when i'm d'lai so now I wanna get up to luck he said to all of those people Abu Bakr in my wrist man ID or cash I been out they were looking he said to those people say no Kamara a to me you silly pray the way you just saw me praying pray the way you just saw me praying look at the benefits is why do you pray incorrectly when they meet old US of A love why do you sending them any to love God come on Amira well Sola come on Amira listen I know who my pendulum in them be any one who prays he makes real world the way he was told to make Google and he prays the way he was told to pray he would be forgiven for his sins so you can make Google and in making Moodle they make a Moodle I watched and then my arms I take my finger and I do like this I do this and go behind my neck like this put it in here and I do the world but is that the will do that I was commanded to me that's the question was that double know that the nibby told us to make the Reaver comes to islam and we have them in this masjid they're looking at us this one over here is praying with his arms down that one over he is praying like that this one is doing this he's doing back there and he doesn't know which one is the right way you mean to tell me that after salat was legislated and the Prophet prayed in front of the people five times every day for a number of years you mean to tell me that those companions married to us exactly how he prayed by the Lord of the comet they told us exactly how we pray it's your responsibility my responsibility to get a book and to learn yourself and don't just rely on I'm a Muslim and I've been praying on my life that's not enough you have to get a book and you have to read is the hadith authentic that's telling us how he prayed when I became a Muslim I was surrounded in the community by people from Pakistan and I prayed according to the way that they taught but then as time went on I came to know that a lot of what I was taught was cultural and it wasn't what I can refer back to the prophets so lots of a lot of something that that I'm against Pakistani people know if you were with people from Malawi if you were people from Egypt you were people from Mali you were people from the Sudan it's the same issue you're gonna learn according to what those people are doing but it's what those people doing what you can see in the authentic hadith of the Nabi some of anniversary so that's what those people used to do of the past they would look at the man's prayer if his prayer was crazy they said he's not qualified to take knowledge from because he doesn't have a dollar now what do you think is the case with the Muslims today if someone came to you to marry your daughter and he dreams coming they're gonna say well lucky you're not gonna give my daughter and rightly so but if he came in he had a good job and he didn't pray will say sure I'll marry and drink and comer is a less of a sense than abandoning Salah if a person doesn't pray that's a biggest sin and a bigger crime than drinking come drinking comer is a Kabira from the kabocha leaving off the Salah is columbina the muscle who drinks humming that's lesser than the one who doesn't pray how did the companions look at this solo how did they look at the salon then the beasts on the rock water will send them warn the people and told the people about a big job a big job the biggest fitna that Allah created since he created Adam into llamó qiyamah in the prayer he taught us seek refuge in Allah Tala from the de job in the prayer every day you soon the prayer your wadjuk friend is there evil billahi to salah is the really not even utter bodyto the people seek refuge in allah from for things in the frame one of those things is the fitna of the mercy at the job in the brain look how they used to look at the salon look the Navi said that women that the job comes is going to be on this earth for 40 days for zero the first day that it comes here when the Dajjal come on the first day the first day is going to be like one year it's going to be protracted it's going to be a long time the first day it's going to be like a year the second day is going to be like a month the third day is going to be like a week and the rest of the days that the other 37 days will be like these days it's not for you and me to say how why Allah does what he wants to do so the first day it's going to be like a whole year second day among third day like a the fourth and subsequent days like the days that we had when the Companions heard that what was the question they say Yasuo Allah hey finish silly how do we pray if that's the case that's what they're thinking about this Thursday is like a year how we want to pray for poor mother Aisha I said mother atresia how that's the thing because that's what their lives were were removing with today if the people were to hear that hadith for the first time the first day that the child is here would be like a year the second day is going to be like a month the third day is going to be like a week and then the rest of the days would be like just a regular days the person now he is that today he'll say well I hope when he comes that first day it's my vacation time I hope is doing the time of the World Cup I hope it's doing the time when I can have you know I can sleep longer how long would I be able to sleep that's what will question the Companions want to know how do we pray he told them some Lala what he was selling them adiru ha that theorem you have to try to figure it out do your best and that hadith goes to help us in places like this part of the world where the day in the night is crazy during the winter months and there is no Twilight and things like that we do the best by making the tough deal that's how the salat was with the Companions another example and there's just many many examples a lot of the alahu Tana I knew the amirul mumineen a Omo and the story of the Mukhtar irma was assassinated by a coward persian a Medusa man who's a coward he didn't want to face a mom face the face like a man let's wear off I feel this way about you and I'm telling you what's on my mind I'm a man you're a man how do you want to deal with this situation he wasn't like that he was a coward he was a coward to the degree that he decided to assassinate her MA while he was playing and one of the reasons why the coward Khafre chose the time of salat is he knew that when those companions started praying they were focused that's the time when you can take advantage of them you can steal things from them at that time that's the time you can take advantage of them because they weren't looking around they weren't looking around they were paying attention the the place where they were going to prostrate and they were thinking about what was being read and what was being said and who they was standing before so the coward men or not started the sulla he came up with a sword a little Knight that was poison put it in his stomach and turnt it and ran away on his way out he started stabbing other people in the line in the first one they caught him before he got out of the line but what did the Companions do with a panic if we were to play in a Masjid and the Imam caught a heart attack and we just stopped praying and we call 911 no one can blame us we're trying to save this man's life be even in life the Companions didn't panic the man stabbed them her mom said the dog has killed me he turned around and he chose Abdul Rahman even out who was in the first line behind the Imam from the ranana he pulled him up and he just walked up and kept praying he shortened the prayer short sorry shorten the prayer after the that I wanted so now Monica Ottawa they took the people who were killed or was that - whatever they needed to go to be taken care of so the first point here is they didn't lose their minds they continued that's a lot then they took him up to his house they knew that Goodman was a strong man they thought that when I was going to live they gave a lots of milk he drank that milk and the milk came out of his stomach they said this is it he's going to die he's going to check out this is a sign the Arabs know if what you eat or drink comes out of your intestines you're done they knew he was going to die he lost consciousness the people didn't want him to lose consciousness because they know if he goes to sleep he may not wake up they were trying to keep him awake he wouldn't even stay awake Abdullah even a bass and I know what I know what they do I'm delighted a bad sec yeah Amira mummy name a Salah it's time for the salat or my woke up he woke up he said to the Muslims who around him la la laa laa la manna they may last a lot alone he said there's no email for the one he doesn't pray again number to look him up was it's time for Salah the man's intestines are open he wasn't listening to the people they couldn't wake him up but when he heard is time for Salani woke up and he told the people well la la amana mms Allah Allah let's take that statement of that companion and put it on our wives put it on our children put him on our relatives put it on ourselves Laki nana me man that's a lot - no and he died rugby alone but he died how he died trying to make rule to mix a lot in that condition that's how those companions used to look at the salon no one's asking a person here if you have a cold if you have a headache you don't have to come to the Machine it makes a lot at home if you live far from the message it you don't have to come to the message it makes a lot at home no one's asking allows that asking us to break our necks to make us a lot but he's telling us and oh ever Mayu has it will be an abdomen I'm Ali yo monkey Allah Allah the very first thing Allah is going to ask you about your mochi arm is that prayer what did you do about it the very first thing you want to be question you want to know how the salat was important to those companions then look at the mood on be of the Companions of Allah what you said the Nabi when he was dying he was dying so the laughter why he was said my knee he used to come out and he had his head wrapped up and they used to bring him out and they were bring him to the salon he would sit down and praying because his head was having so much headache and that's how the Companions used to do one of them if he became sick they made you had he fell off with his force he was limping something happened he was hurt he would get with two people and he will walk between them to come to the Masjid not out of showing off area not out of showing off he would do that because the salon and the Jamaat was important to them and they looked at it as something normal because if he didn't come to the Masjid they would think this man is a lunatic so they don't want to push that took my offer that they didn't want that to be connected to when the Navi saw a lot while he was silent couldn't come to the message anymore he couldn't come to the message in he said to the people tell abu bakr to meet the people in the prayer the artisanal abu bakr when he needs two people in the prayer he's crying and we can't listen to him we don't hear him tell abu bakr to leave the people in the prayer when he's crying out on salah we can't listen to his prayer that's the condition of the Companions in the Salah but that's not what I want right here what I want is what happened with the nebby when he was about to die he lost consciousness he lost consciousness he woke up and he said a few words so this is a question that's a trivial question for you younger brothers and all of you someone were to ask you what were the last words that came out of the mouth of an Mustafa the very last words he could have said anything a lot of things almost fit me well he Amity could have said that from him me and my home I could have said anything oh Allah make it easy for my Ummah protect my home I could have said anything we were the last words how did the Navy pilot said the last words that came out of his mouth were he lost consciousness he woke up he said to the community asks Allah the salat were my medic at a monochrome take care of the prayer take care of the prayer and take care of your right hand possessions take care of your slaves take care of your wives take care of your children take care of the people under your authority and he lost consciousness time and by if you woke up again what do you think he said now did he say something different he said the same thing as Salah the Salah well my America they minor pool take care of the prayer the key of the prayer and take care of your right hand positions he lost consciousness the third time he woke up after some time went by as-salatu Salah well mom Ellicott a manacle take care that the prayer the prayer take care of your right hand possessions and Demi died now I'm asking all of you Abdullah I may be now I'm the right man who may be bad I'm asking all of you do you think that there was some hikmah and the nebula lady who sent them the last thing that came out of his mouth the last column of a knob or too many either no one will be after him the last column of the captain of the NB a-- salat wa salam wa ma Malekith a Manticore you think he said that other thing just messing around didn't have something better than say something better they do that was the setup with those companions now we're in this country in Canada it's not easy taking care of these children teenagers in our own homes they don't get up and pray and if you put too much pressure on them we're afraid we may make them run away from us man you don't want that to happen we don't want that happen but we have to do something and to do something about sitting those kids down and talking to them but before talking to them we ourselves have to be examples we ourselves have to be examples those of us who had problems praying and we don't pray one of the reasons is that's what we saw from our parents they didn't pretend to sit on the salat for us so I didn't take it that seriously now that I'm a parent I don't put that emphasis with my time look move my children as a result there Aaron is going to continue a vicious cycle a vicious cycle so here invested salahuddin mellow dynamic all of us from the sauna heat in the sunny hat and may make the Islam of our offense the first talk and I want to say to you brothers and sisters as well is the importance of this salon of Psilakis a lot when I'm allocating mannequin take care of this prayer to the best of your ability the person who goes on to a tenth of his lab all these praying is five times a day that's all five times a day he's doing a lot in relationship to the time that we're living but if he can make more salat than that then he should make more salat than that especially if there was a time during his life when he didn't pray how do we make up for those prayers that we miss when we were not praying the prayers that we were negligent the process of Allah Bobby we send them your milk Yama aloud will tell the man that look at the salat of my slave and if his father prayer is lacking its naka something if it's lacking then look at is Nawaz him and complete the further prayer with this nebula that's one of the inspirations and one of the incentives in the month of Ramadan when you're tired printer are we stay in the message it and keep praying to make up for all of those prayers that you missed pray Allah - I gots to hear - message it Abdullah 12 like that whatever you can do is the prayer of salat al Hodja there's the prayer of so many different prayers in this religion do what you can do those of us who missed some plans you make tawba - Allah Azza WA JAL I just try to make more more no - make no more no - the first thing that Allah is going to question us about your mochi are mcclenney will be this pray this prayer was right in exactly the mechanics you know how to do it and also internally the Johanna of the salat oh you have for sure concentration if it was right in the tack the rest of the things are going to be right and they're going to be exactly if this prayer was lacking the rest of the DS are going to be lacking yes the rods it does to make it easy for us insha'Allah to make the salat the color of our eyes and the make the salat something easy for us to do that we can be able to do it in the way that is pleasing to him this is what we wanted to present to you brothers in a way out advice on this night insha'Allah the night that the kuffar these Christians are so happy because they actually believe a several Maryam was murdered and it came back to life on this day on this Sunday were men and nasi minyak gudiwada house from the people of those who worship Allah and they don't know what they're doing miss domes are like that as well we don't want to be like that pray the prayer sometimes don't pray us sometimes when we do pray we don't pray it the right way those key fob Koresh they used to mix a lot to file parade they used to make sala allah said about the profile creation will not cancel a tomb in debate Allah Mukai alert us dear thus amount of Quraish at the Carver was nothing but clapping hands and whistling they were just having a party but it wasn't me bad of Allah those people were having a party but they were making with Allah so it didn't count they were doing a worship that alive didn't sing she didn't offer as a result of that it's not going to be accepted it wasn't the right way those who fought for days shown their sincerity they would be sincere the man was saying I want to make Tova to Allah they believed in Allah but they believed in those other gods will help them to get to Allah he said I want to make Tova to Allah he or she during that time would take their clothes off all of their clothes they said I made I drank Hummer in these clothes I murdered someone in these clothes he committed zina in those clothes I did this that did that so he would take all of his clothes off the lady would take all of her clothes off and then they will go around the Kaaba making Toba to Allah with sincerity with sincerity but that sincerity wasn't accepted by laws or jelly because that's not what a loss in Chi first they're making with a lot secondly who told them to do that so that goes to show plenty there's a lot that we want to pray they're a bad that don't understand the RP that what we understand it has to be what is sanctioned by Allah has to be correct I'm know whom surâqa shadow in a minute Dean Malin yet Amina Rock edema in a man I mean women Hamelin Raja level barren them flora they're gonna come your milky on with all of those prayers whatever they did Allah is going to make it like the scattered particles like the Sun when it comes through the window the Sun comes through the window the rays of the Sun you take a pillow and you hit it like that those particles are back then fool they're gonna come with all of these actions all of the pretty day but it's nothing because you didn't do it the right way you didn't do it the right way so let us try our best the best availability to be examples while kids we learn how to pray first and in a nice way easy ways it those shabbat down sit our lives down and talk to these people about the importance of the legislation of this prayer if you brothers have any questions for the next five minutes concerning what we just mentioned we don't mind dealing with any of your escena what time is the event for month apprecia huh we are banding at that the Adonis 9:15 if you brothers have any questions in Charlotte will deal with your questions if not stuff aguar about working for insurance companies and insurance brokers no doubt insurances from the quebec and lslam Reba is from the Quebec in Islam it's not permissible to make this type of cooperation with people with ribbon from the akbar and look at that it in the Deen of Allah who Dada because it is the power and people's money with what is Haram when I attack Callooh my Allah can bail upon the basket don't devour people's money the wrong way I sell you something I should sell you a product that doesn't have any faults with it I can't sell you a defective product and you can't give me money that's counterfeit so with the issue of insurance you're giving people money for something that may not even never happen car insurance all of that insurance is Haram you're giving the man the money for something that didn't even happen you went the whole year you didn't have an accident by which hop does he's getting your money what service is he giving you he's eating your money with Haram that's the system of the venom kettle but helped to give certain kinds of insurance you're compelled you don't have that insurance on your car you're gonna get in trouble so you have to get that now you can get football Knutson in those whose no problem because you have to do it but get the least amount of insurance don't get what is beyond the call of duty as for working in these places is better not to work in their love without I mentioned in the Quran with almond Waddell bitterly with taqwa when I had to island island if me one earth one insurance is it them and Ord one and women but that doesn't mean that I'm telling I'm a minute Nats who works in me I'm not telling you go put your job I'm not telling you that I'm telling you is better for you to find another job it's better for you to try to find another job diary and I'm a diary well Anna one for the su-17 of this allows something happened with the companions what was collected by an imam abu Heidi one of the greatest scholars of lslam from the tab iain it was from the sahara tabby mean his name was Muhammad even she have is URI tremendous Imam of an hadith in Islam he was living in a sham and he came in upon the companion an occipital Malek and Nassif and Malek was in sham I made opinions or how many the Beehive is or when he saw Anna's he was crying crying the companion was crying the tablet is that why are you crying and it's he said well right now either from shake mimic ooh-la-la and I add in the beets illallah wa sallim allah hafiz salah we're having solar cut Orient we'll hire you Sallah cut dirt eh he said I don't know anything that the people are doing right now I don't recognize anything that the people are doing like we used to do during the time of the nemi the Companions we used to be brothers without racism we used to make sacrifices for the message in and for each other we used to care about each other we used to be people who are clearing the steam where Muslims and their Kofa and you can see the difference between us and then the way the religion was when we were with the Nabi I don't recognize what's going on with you people you people are stingy you people are lazy you people borrow money and don't pay it back new people are lying new people you people you people he said the only thing that I recognize that is similar to what it was during the time of the Navy is the Salah and the salat that you're doing has been lost what did he mean by the salat was lost during the time of the tabi he didn't mean that they weren't praying the hadith is collected by the Imam Abu honey one of the scholars who translated or explained the Haditha and a memorable Hari was le man even Raja and humbly he has a book called subtle body just like if it hasn't passed the line but even Rajab and humbly died before he completed his book he explained that idea he said the meaning of Ana's word Rud the Elan home that the salat is lost when the time of the tabi een is that the bad rulers the oppressive rulers were present during the time of the tabi beam and the rulers were making the time here of the Salah and had jazzy music had suffered the Prophet took a boob area above the kafir Pico in the Canon Anakin Amara you have children of Salah and work Teja how is it going to be able if if you have leaders over you who way into the prayers out of the time you know what they used to do you want to know what they used to do he is even more now we not know how he Arabiya law and disease and those people like that they used to and Friday on Friday they would makes a lot of Juma Juma at moderate time and they used to tell the community if we catch any of you playing by yourselves we're gonna beat you they're gonna get you and because they were bad rulers you better not get caught playing by yourself so how do I gotta say Allah so Allah what should we do when those bad leaders come and they delay the prayer what should we do he said pray the Salah at his proper time so Lisa la Li walk behind fill my celly allow him to Kalika Nath either play this a lot when it comes in by yourself and then when it's time to play with them you come out and you pray with those oppressive rulers and it's an Athena for you so they used to make the tacking of the salat at that time but the top heel of the salat the delay of the smile at that time is not like what's going on right now the time here of this a lot right now is something that's permissible in most instances Jabril came to the practice of Allah why do you sell in one day and he prays about the budget at the beginning so not the will heard at the beginning and also at the beginning and mother and he shot at the beginning the next day and he prays a lot and fidgets at the end so that the floor at the end and I said mother be shot and he told them they'd be sort of love while he was selling them this is the time of the salat for your own MA so there's a window of opportunity there's a window of opportunity they accidentally at Isola al-amin i hobbled Allah taught us a lot I work Teja the salat at the right time so if you pray the salat sometimes they may be with delays about the war because it was too hot for the fed prayer for the frigate pray you could pray that the beginning the act laughs people praying a little later on you could pray that you could pray that this permissible is permissible so you don't call that the tap heat of the salat except with some of the people who let the Salah especially present almost go out so this is what is not permissible so they're either of how follows Saudi Arabia so they're aden up high when the Muslims are Arafat the community should follow what Saudi Arabia is doing and that's because the umma is there for the Aden filter whatever your local masjid is doing or whatever your relatives are doing you have to decide that issue what's going on in the dynamics was all of the if there's this fitna that goes on every year you have to look at the situation if this is the message in that you're connected to and they're going to do it on a particular day and you're not going to have any fit in your life with your relatives somewhere else at this that then unity in these types of issues or better never told us allah la guardia sentiment Erica Shea and Leila brother Wu ma who I remember leaves something for Allah Allah will replace it with what is better than that that he left so I'm going to leave this thing for the sake of unity this is a time where this unity can be accomplished where I don't keep talking I don't give my opinion I think you guys should have followed Saudi Arabia that's what I think but our community we started fasting after them okay I'm not fast with you guys I'm not going too fast with them so stay with the community stay with the community because the same if the life is something that the Companions had and they didn't fight each other and it did not divide the community some of them were faster than they were the others broke the fence so it's not a big issue it only becomes an issue as ibn ABI Taleb said he said knowledge knowledge used to be like this that's what knowledge used to be it used to be like this that's all about man a lot of Stella it used to be like this when the Companions heard that is that a lot but a lot of Stella and they will looked up all I'll give you but then I do not eat all that said people who don't have knowledge started getting involved given the opinions and now knowledge is like this it's confused everyone has an opinion it's not for everybody to have an opinion because everyone is not qualified to have an opinion so in this issue of the a No you add on to the confusion with your opinion well I think what I think that's the reason why people responsible positions they're going to be questioning in front of Allah you follow them and you give advice that's it well Ivana we had this question in 20 that says both the goals are both of those are permissible in Islam should we take the money earned for Reba income and months and like I think building messages this is permissible in sha Allah s permissible if a person is going to get RIBA in his savings in his checking account they gonna give him RIBA they're gonna give him a bonus for Christmas they're gonna give him some money a Chris an Easter present some extra money fifty dollars extra money because of Easter Christmas that's Haram you can't eat that you can't use that so if you can give that money to the message E and don't expect any reward for it it's permissible and if you're a person who needs it yourself and go ahead and use it if you need it yourself are you gonna give it to somebody else if you need it yourself without having a tumor you're not really wanting it covered in it you wanna it's just my condition use that to pay your taxes use that to pay the water bill use that to pay the electric bill and if you want to give it to the message it if you want to give to a poor person gave it to him but don't expect any water in the past the style is used to tell the people in this type of money put it in some ashram put it into something like building the rolls building the message it making a well something that everyone will get benefit from and don't expect any reward but again if you need that money pay some impressive bill with it they charge you something that's oppressive there's a bill you shouldn't have to pay it just the system is full so you take that how about money you pray that Haram thing with it that they're killing you with what about buying a house on a mortgage based on the mortgage as I told you honey Reba is a Kabira from the Quebec heiress from the egg but okay bear ear from the biggest sin x assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh as Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah and he used to say a sarimanok marat allah assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah and he used to say as sanam re if you do this in a mistake i said our molecule the people gonna say super super Allah chef Subhan Allah and they'll just keep waiting and then if the imam turns around says start doing the dhikr of Allah they're gonna say we have to pray again but if you read about these issues you see the different ways that he used to do different things that book is written by the share loss or the Dean and Anna Danni now so the diamond adding is one of the greatest hadiths of this time that we're living in and as I told you earlier there's only one person who's my assumed mistake Chris Oh what's his name Muhammad SAW Allah is a nun Benny my soul is he mistake this that why he's not mistake this but he is a big star and he went through over 300 books to put that book together and has been translated into English so get that book in shower a Huna micro set up nun now that's a good question is planning some of the methods and some of the people teach you if you move three times in the Salah but Allah salato if you move three times there's a hadith that a man was scratching his beard and it said that the nibby said Roja Shahada the Salafi LEM more fun if he had for sure he wouldn't have been doing that so some of the men had say if you move three times you have to start the Sarat again I just told you that the Navy preyed on the member and when he wanted to make such them he got down how many steps were on his member three so he had to take three steps down and step over and the set back up and through sir that's more he did that how many times he allowed us while we're praying to kill the snake or the scorpion if you're praying you can kill the snake and keep praying and little scorpion if he's gonna bother the NIP he was praying and Aisha came and knocked on the door then Abby saw a lot it was seven backed up to the door and opened up the door and walked back up and he kept praying I don't tell you to do that you're praying and you go downstairs and you make the tea you make tea and come back upstairs and you guys are laughing someone someone would understand that room so it's permissible to move your child is playing with the electric with the plug you're afraid for your child you can walk over and pull that child that never used to pray with his granddaughter oh mama he will put it down when he makes a to pick her up and he gets but you kid move but you move with what is not cool with mud what is my cool because he said about the Salah serve Allah Allah Allah does Allah Masha Allah in the Salah the Sherman daddy and in san-tomás for the Sunnah he has to make the turkeys in his recitation what raka is he on what yes to think about the ayat there's a lot of things so when he's praying he is not in need of someone standing in front of him and his era is being exposed when he makes such done he doesn't need someone in front of him with a Heineken t-shirt on we shouldn't come to the message with that nonsense with that craziness come to the salat and come to the mischief with the idea of our religion okay honey McDuffie be having a cousin in sha Allah who Tata actonel Sunnah and in a messiah but we pray that the Whelan aleena nap time Arthur Sewell a kazoo an Indian arthur sua trouble I had the living water that's the last one father yeah permissive oh sorry concerning bringing the kids to the Masjid and the issue is very easy the children of the Companions used to be in the Masjid they used to come hassan and husayn they maybe would make such that and he would be incentive for a long time and the reason why he stayed insisted for a long time is because his grandson was on his back so the Juma pray was given the football and he saw Hassan about to do something and get hurt and the nebby came off of the mimbar and he picked the boy up and got back on the member showing them that this is from the children can be in the Masjid he said sometimes I start to pray and I want to read for a long time but I hear the crying of the baby and I want to make this prayer short for the mother showing that the kid is in the misschien in the month of Ramadan the companion said our children used to fast with us in Ramadan and when they started to get hungry in the message' that make noise we would give them toys to keep them quiet until the bucket of time so you go into these cultural messages the cultural messages that we bring these ideas back from our countries that help our children to become extreme and radical the email is speaking a language that the kids doesn't understand - speaking Somali speaking elodie speaking order the kid that he knows English or maybe speaking English but it's not the English that he understands he they're not Allison so when the kid goes he meets someone and that person is talking jihad do you not got a killer the slab is Attila slab he says this is the one this is the one and then the kid goes somewhere he kills himself he blows himself up this is a backwards way of its name that was culturally slang no facilities for the ladies there are messages from where we come from the lady doesn't even come to the mischief because she doesn't know she doesn't know the lady oh honey she said her fifth to sort of off Nephi was to lead is a la cellular in no Canada Clara I remember Kaleo mikuma she's their whole solar cars will quran majeed she memorized it directly because she was in a message if they have adorned in the prophecy she called Babel Mesa lasting those cultural messages they could aloha on the door Germany will Magellanic own was to be an open mess didn't uh keep your crazy ones and your children out of our messages Carla rasool ullah sallallahu are you son the Prophet said Jenny boo majani no cone with Saviano code name is davina then let me never said that keep your crazies in your kids in saying that it doesn't mean that you bring your kid to the messages and he runs around and going crazy no he has had better he has to respect the home of the mischief last question for you shake well actually I wasn't there and as they say and hook more Alice she fell into so woody and then I wasn't there so I can't make any tally but the Imam did right or wrong but generally speaking we have a way of making the models and in a and in monk a guru in a severely Rebecca build Hekmati when Meredith and hasanah ogive in humility yeah awesome and hikmah is Mother Russia in Mohali I wasn't there but what I would say to you brothers are leaving listen what I'm telling you and leaving yeah I've suffered with our amounts that I've suffered with our administration's I'm a married man and I'm not perfect my wife when I make a mistake I want her and I expect her to have supper with me I'm not perfect I make mistakes I don't want her when I'm sitting at the dinner table I don't want her screaming at me in front of my children embarrassing me in front of my guests embarrassing me in front of her well it's it's my relatives and I'm not perfect and we're all married people and we all make mistakes how do you want your wife to deal with you you're the Imam of the house you're the Eman and you're making mistakes you want your wife to have some suffering overlooked and so forth and so on that's number one number two in this message in this message we have to support the administration we have to support the email because and supporting them and supporting them it doesn't mean you just let anything happen it means that you advise them behind closed doors with sincerity we want our community to move forward we have a lot of goals and objectives for the more formidable objectives our children our wives ourselves political issues going on with the infrastructure the messaging needs money we have so much that we have to do we can't allow them we can't afford crazy mentality is to make the waters even more murkier and that's why I say to you brothers you guys the Quran and the Sunnah the way those companions understood it it's the blueprint us Abu Bakr is an Arab I don't wanna be a seal a real Eric Eric from Trish me now if a robot is happy she said man and fallacy is a Persian so Hagar Rumi is a Roman man Roman look at the distinctions between them abdullah bin salam is a jew yahoodi look at the difference allah said about the yahoo letter G then I said the nasi ID our team in Medina Amano alia who will live in an Oracle but when they accepted al islam those differences when they accepted islam and they allow that Quran that Sheena to navigate their way and chart the way for them the whole world became Muslims now we want to do it a different way I'm a doctor you have to listen to me I'm from this tribe you have to listen to me I was here with Atmos just started you have to listen to me I'm more intelligent I live over here but I have a new car got to listen to me I think this Abama lie we have a lot of jobs to do take it easy take it easy respect each other be easy the Kitab and the sooner the way those campaigns in the state now I'm gonna ask you guys to let me go as you see if I'm still seeing I have to get out of here a long way to go if he left the phone over there and the salaat is going and it's going on and on and on what should he do that's it's part of the responsibility of the Imam when then they'd be used to praise on a lot of a sudden he didn't do what the Imams do today just a lot when we start praying the Navy made sure that the lines were straight and he said things to prepare the minds of the people that's one of the reasons why we pray the Sunnah to get prepared for the photo you just don't go into it you pray those days before Ramadan Shaban to get ready for Ramadan and so forth and so on so the Imam part of his responsibility is to remind the people of these issues without the phone as well but let's just say it happened he forgot and it starts to go off and then the song comes on the ringtone cuz it happened with us as well their song was a bad song actually in our Masjid the guy said I am I'm not saying that you a gold digger but you're not messing with a broke that's what the song was singing and it was embarrassing it was disturbing to be honest with you I don't know the answer to that i lo ha - I can't tell somebody get out of this a lot I can't say that allo on I'll ask that question and I'll find that question I'm a Charlotte it's a good question sorry for going beyond the time of the event haha the Salam Allahu sallim ala nabina quoi de Heidi was Xavier so now I do
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 22,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Salah, Abu, usamah, at-thahabi, prayers, fajr, zuhr, asr, magrib, isha, importance, of, prayer, Muhammad, Islam, Allah, Quran, Ahmad, jannah, jahannam, heaven, hell, missing, is, major, sin, SALAHEDDIN, ISLAMIC, CENTRE
Id: wWFyXyE7rKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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