Yahtzee Tries... Palworld

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yeah I have never gone beyond this title screen yet Jesus have you played other survival Crafters yeah yeah I've played AR survival evolved I've played okay Conan Exiles oh that's right you did a Conan review Once yeah and of course we've all played Minecraft sure yeah yeah defin closer to like games that where you start off punching trees and rocks until you can make things that make it more efficient to punch trees in rocks and I'm pretty clear on where we are yeah yeah that'll do it well in Conan you could like automate a little bit right with the slaves what were they it didn't list slaves yeah but it was never terribly eff visioned hang on just that I'm live hello everyone hello Chad welcome to yti tries where I am playing pal world this new hot thing everyone's banging on about for the first time never never heard of this game I have never Advanced Beyond this screen because I've been saving it for this very stream you on the other hand have been playing the [ __ ] out of it I here yeah it's it's a new obsession I'm going to rehab pal rehab next week yeah am I a little low someone [Music] says were you in the meeting you sound normal-ish to me I'm going to turn you down a bit cuz I don't think I can make myself much louder so we'll just uh create a Better Mix speak say things saying things I'm reading here yti is quiet compared to frost AR anymore or should I whisper how's that how's everyone feeling there I want to be Vindicated by this stream you know just right okay you're both on the quiet end now well turn your turn your sound up then that's what just you do where's he going good G drops I can't make myself much louder I could move for the my might Clos to my mouth but it'll I'll uh I'll end up peeking a bit there yeah they love the sound of you licking your chops right in front of the mic oh yes well without further Ado let's let me start reacting to things yeah react to things well be with a little more Ado actually remember this is all funded by you lot here the patreon wherever you want to support us we do appreciate you thank you thank you all right uh no more ad do Milton keing yes what's that it's it's a shitty city in England uh do we want multiplayer on or off do you think just go off yeah I'm going to let just I hate dealing with other people especially in stream snipy scenarios mhm there you go nice and lovely okay go away keyboard pop the twich go away keyboard you come back again keyboard yeah what are you like in a in a character creator I'm not very finicky because a lot of games don't make anything of it I don't know I just make up some [ __ ] sometimes I'll try to make something that looks like me cuz uh I'm very egotistical these days I don't know but I mean like if it's yeah like let's say if it's a first person game right you never see yourself ever I don't I don't bother oh yeah and even in a third person game you mostly got your ass to the camera rest of the time or in Dark Souls you'll put a helmet on and then never see your hair again it's just you know I can only assume that I know what's down there let's see what we got going on here he won Crazy For Life $5 I guess Yi hasn't given up on reviewing Ubisoft sandboxes just yet there that looks exactly like my hair that is it your Fierce strong gaze everything oh no GL is your Kawaii eyes what the hell K broadc $2 I got this game for free by drawing porn of it yeah a little little rule 34 Manon well that's one way to get in on the inen crowd sure you and Jacob bler welcome to tip jar thank you thank you isn't this multiplayer yeah that's what's astonishing about this game is it's um it's like a cooperative and a multiplayer blend it could be played like Arc or could be played like uh the forest grounded I didn't play Massive multiplayer stuff in like solo style anyway what's the word what's the term for that where you want to play at multiplayer but you don't actually want to play with other people inverted you just like that there are people around to watch you be cool sure but uh what if they break your stuff okay this is coming across an awful lot like Arc survival of old H yeah give me like like a wine test give me the like what are the notes what are you what you feeling oh well there some strong notes of breath of the wild just snuck in there gu SW all the glass around going where the hell was this Temple Place in the intro last I checked I was on a beach you climbed up the stairs I suppose yeah keep me that text is small pick up for Fallen branches or hit trees to get some wood classic staple can do can I pick up those Fallen branches apparently not oh there we go yeah you can there you go it still does the survival crafter stuff of like mine rocks no not these rocks these are for decoration no of course rocks wood this is hauntingly similar to Arc survival evolves over keep it going it's the game you used to know it's even got a very similar color interface I like seeing how Okay the tutorial is completely overridden like your spatial awareness you didn't even notice the NPC yeah and I saw the NPC I just Ain got time for that [ __ ] I got to complete this checklist in the top right oh something made a noise what made a noise I got my eye on you game maybe you're the hunted it happened again yes it happens when I go over the pal deck tab why is what is this thing and why is it making noises at me what do you wanted to do I don't know stop making noises at me out of nowhere Fair bit of horror okay done that next tutorial item nice nice open the Technologies there and surely now that feels similar than I unlock a pal sphere okay now now craft a pal sphere well I need stuff I need a palum fragment well this tutorial seems to be skipping a few steps oh right off the rip it's like oh yeah I I'll give you that it should have said craft a pickaxe said craft a pickax a normal a oh that was a terrible animation transition wasn't it well that's how people get up in real life you know from sitting to standing in one motion yes great camera placement too I love conversing with characters belly buttons right is that what a Swedish angle the Dutch s that something is all right I don't know geot Tony 13 remember for two months tip dry thank you thank you okay I see uh weird hideous homunculi appr proxim meting to chickens oh my good it's chicken Stone this yes this is Let's ignore those chickens for now this is a world I'm more comfortable with stop here where everything makes sense okay what the Decorative Stone we were talking about can I punch this Stone I better go punch a tree instead more kind poer M Matt $120 $2 yeah let's get a Dono going on adventures ni season 4 here here and kiwi with the $5 new Zeals YSI you're a very handsome man why thank you my wife continues to try to get me to believe that but I'm wise to her yeah I'm wise to her manipulative attempts CU I describ is this cuz I described myself yourself as an ugly weird looking bastard in the last stream no this happens every time you have a a character creator there might just be behind like uh when we played star no stardo Starlight wait what's it called the Disney one Dreamlight dream dream Valley you're like I I never noticed how sexy I am you said well I was talking about my protagonist yeah well and now it was it was paying homage to you yeah oh leave me alone I haven't found the thing I need to capture you with yet oh he's stressing the AR already hold on hold on yach didn't you say you didn't like reviewing Early Access games since they can change things drastically this is no review I'm not reviewing this in fully emblematic uh where did I put my workbench I've lost it again it's right above you oh yeah go ahead give give her a climb oh of course there's breath of the wild climbing mechanics s55 hey why stoping to say you've been a huge inspiration for me and I've enjoyed your stuff for a decade now figur I'd give you and your bud some support thank you and Theo saani with the five gifted thank you thank you thank you very much okay we just need more stones and we can make a pickaxe all right uh just you know don't fear the chickens they've got Stone down there I don't think there's money up here okay are you a stone I can pick up no are you a stone I can pick up no Christ I I just wanted to hurt it fair just cuz you can't find Stone I can find Stone I just you know it looked like the thing that should not be fair yeah survival games should do this it's like find Stone and then they give you a lot of stone but none of the usable Stone ooh berries I can't wait till I have to gather plant leaves to create fiber you won't have to oh I think these chickens are mad at me now I think so too I I only punched one of them once mhm would have been worse if you choked it Geon with a two pound adding to the adventures night for donations and Rodney you might notice we're pretty damn close to our Target yeah where are we right now we're at 8500 that's wacky I know there go now you like your stardos what is it about your stardos the it is another one of those sort of like work work games my almost post dad what is what is it about the loop that entices that maybe these kind of games don't get well uh firstly that it's not so much survival as living sure it's a it's a cozy comfortable place saying hey we're going to start a new life we're going to create a new day job for ourselves and nothing's going to come along and murderers with their dead chicken eyes there's no deadly chickens in studia okay help me out here I've made a pickaxe where the [ __ ] is it you go to the table you got to pick it up after you've crafted it oh for [ __ ] sake go to acquire but you can climb though oh look at that leave me alone you do well do you do well with a lot of tasks being handed to you at once no cuz again Stu Valley is very good at sort of helping you get things into a nice orderly queue in your head say first I will water the plants then I will feed the chickens then I will go and throw a beer at Shane's head so he marries me well that's pretty stellar yeah so I say right now then you got your pickaxe go down there none of this is real okay get that in the right none of this is real this is all in my head decoration yeah that's not what I meant but yes uh all these stones are absolutely fake either go down there or with the oh I see some yeah yes yes I see some nice blue glowing Stones get just some of that so you can craft your balls and start throwing them at the chickens yes I want to throw my balls at chickens lovely that will teach it that's never gone wrong ni saying uh Yachts you might want to drop the game music a bit thinking to head to the edited video kind of goes quiet later and James B's 5 pound what you guys at second win are doing is super neat here's hoping you all don't end up evil I'm here for the ride yeah well you know what they say you either die a hero or Etc it's just Gary Oldman that says that oh no no it wasn't it was AR card yes it was probably feel like a behavioral scientist right now of like why isn't he more Curious oh about the thing glowing nearby a text log I don't care that's why I'm just trying to get to a point where I can give a gun to a chicken it's soon than you think maybe I'll piss off all right those are the consequences of your actions I'm just going to craft a Pokeball and I will capture these chickens that's that's the main appeal here you get the you get the pokies or whatever they're called here week and then you catch them with your balls there you go now you're getting it okay I have one Pokéball you have none I have no Poke Ball I didn't think he'd just throw it away fair I don't I actually I'm not sure what you expected pressing the button I assum I could pick it up again if it didn't hit anything no just just no well this is off to a flying start right need Stone yeah we need stones again it neverend friends welcome to survival crafting here's a funny thing though it doesn't take long before you can just automate that but right here this is a learning experience for you of course I'd like if we could maybe skip that old step I feel like I've done survival crafting games before well that's why I was going to say multiplayer I'll just get you to the quick bit I'm so sorry I'm I'm assessing the games on boarding Fair that's not real or it's real you just don't want it now what's this or nothing specific just or yeah just I've noticed that Trend recently is uh survival Crafters have realized getting Stone and wood is not that exciting so they let you automate it very quickly early not early enough it seems I suppose not you your stone there we go go now you know what stone looks like give me well I figured earlier things I saw were stones but this in particular felt like a stone that will become Stones I can have there we go all stoned up so is there like eating mechanics am I supposed to be finding food for myself you already found some with the berries it's not that intensive it's more like breath of the wild right so you only need it when you're on health yeah don't don't freeze to death you know it's not it's not that hardcore your health bar is at the bottom that orange thing that so you're not constantly ticking down Health if you're not constantly eating nope drink some games I could mention now the thing is nighttime will come so I don't know if you want to reroute and start making a floor so you can put a bed down or if you want to track through the night that's on you uh what gets is to chicken with a gun faster chicken with a gun faster well not dying that's first and foremost all right more balls where we go here those chick those chickens finally piss off maybe I don't know I like as a sensible man did not make enemies as soon as I got here so I don't know they're the Agro range all right as many as we can get don't Chuck it over your shoulder this time okay Dad you can hold the button and it'll tell you the percentage to catch it and he won't throw it and then you can cancel it but don't just don't tap it you're right with you I go David 5 found picked pal World up after watching Frost play haven't put it down I think there is knowing humor behind the game there is a knowing humor humor maybe to me it's just more of not to spoil a a review or anything it just feels like if you have a type you're going to like it you know it's it's the red head or it's like okay's but you can't get away from the fact that she might look a lot like your ex-girlfriend where's those chickens I've got a bone to pick hang on a sec would a wooden Club be better than a pickaxe in the process of chicking and killing yes sir you yep you always got to get your Survival Craft and beat stick it's a classic now okay just need a bit more wood there's a tree right there is this online right now he's doing the single player oh there's the fiber mhm if you want to play a good Pokemon ripoff play cassette beast but what do you play if you don't want to do turnbas Pokemon uh good question so I have played Arc Pokemon mods you could play uh Castlevania AR of Sor was that monster collecting sort of every monster drops a soul and if each Soul grants a different ability to the main character oo I like that uh yes oh I forgot to pick it up again oh you forgot I've got to craft it all together that is a toffee what's this ho90 with a 5-year old for the decade and a half of yachi entertainment and to the Fantastic content by all the second win wers have always looked forward to Wednesdays too much to say thank you all right I'm going to whack off my [ __ ] okay go on let's see how this pays off for you haunted down the prey call me Colonel Sanders [ __ ] uh is that weakened or just dead did you mean to kill you [ __ ] is it is it supposed to be doing that that's dead you killed it okay there you go okay ha I've got a [ __ ] in a ball and a dead chicken now you're mine now do my bidding what do you want him to do I don't know I didn't think this far ahead get you like a smoothie or something he's just staring at you like are you my dad uh okay build a pal box thanks tutorial there you go he's on it did you unlock the PO Box through the technology tab yes I did all right making sure and Freddy 499 yeah since you don't outline your novels does intuition create act breaks and story beats highs and lows for the hero or do you make these in the edits uh well you tend to have a vague idea of where things are going at least you at least have like uh points on the line you're trying to get to as you right okay well I've unlocked it but I I didn't see a recipe for it at the workbench uh Press B wait uh you got to bring up your menus you're on a controller I'm not sure what B would be that one yeah there it is oh I see mhm some things get crafted from whatever that is and other things require benches that's dumb isn't it well I better find some more wooden Stone then wooden Stone you love Stone oh yeah certainly getting very attached to it I think the the best solution I've found so far is Sons of the forest starts you with a guy you can just like say hey get me some Stone get me some wood is there something I can do with this corpse you can bounce it around like a little soccer ball we think about what you've done Citrus with the 70s RS there's the high brow rooster humor we joined second win for [ __ ] and ball uh working at the way run all the long long day I've been working on the pal World more like yeah I'd say the Pokemon with guns thing is a little overplayed you could even check your technology tab and see when you get a gun takes takes a while well forgive me I mean it's on the [ __ ] key Ard that's a thing people pick up on M there's a crossbow at 13 yeah there's the crossbows there's a musket okay yeah that's a ways down and there's a makeshift handgun funny thing is like around 11 or 12 you can actually craft weapons for your pals so they get guns before you do well that's all one could ever want yeah monkey with a machine gun there we go all right going to make yourself a power box and then it becomes more Pokemon and then you're all set okay do you have a fear of w in off by chance not really uh what the [ __ ] that what that why is it floating 3 feet off the ground it's on a rock probably the rock that you want to mine there go SC some berries all right let's uh no not that I've never seen these played on a controller that's crazy uh I've forgotten the button for building up bringing up the build menu uh you have to click an analog stick a dpad thing no what would it be there triggers Maybe uh d-pad up some says oh thank you there you go and uh Mara with the 125 somethings this reminds me less of Pokemon at the moment more of Fallout 4 with all the crafting and grinding I heard that thrown in yet hold on hold on hold on hold on what is that where you want it this is establishing your base I don't know is it that's on you is it as he goes back to building it I don't know seems fine to me I'm sure some people are particular about these kind of things I don't know if you are now I have a pal in my base yep now I have to capture five lamb balls uh access that real quick and now put them in the bottom Circle oh way at the B yeah oh I see there you go and now he's your uh your employee if you will okay MH so can I tell him to gather rocks no because he doesn't gather rocks uh before you panic let's make you a torch or a campfire whichever you prefer uh yes let's go back to the workbench that is now in a very awkward position yeah I asked you if that's where you wanted it what this Justin Higgins $10 I listen to you guys talk about Godzilla minus Z for 20 minutes before realizing that i' had actually been listening to the critical Drinker apparently I think yatsi and him sound the same I could take offense I'm amazed you had enough material for [Music] this okay now I've got a torch and now we have light and heat mhm hoay and a mammoth structures campfire repair bench a bow and arrow a shorty bed and of course we need fiber for that that's for your pal okay how do I make wool do I just murder sheep wool you mean you can murder anything for resources but you get more by catching them oh of course yeah so even though it does have this all like oh there another of those Lads yeah what do you call it even though it's like oh yes violence and whatnot it's not really instigated can I can I just can I move this workbench no it's early access guess I'll make a you won then yeah James Barnes 2 pound what was rimmer's first meal with List's body hang on stop distracting me more bloody wood uh yes uh there a lot of things he had a huge pile of mashed potato with a pint of cream and a pound of butter roast suckling pig I think I think he had a MIM and bladderfish there as well something stuffed with chestnuts and truffles as I recall what does that mean with lister's body they get body snatched or something yeah it was an episode where they figured out how to swap bodies with each other and Rimer said hey let me borrow your body and I'll uh make it fitter what it's complicated sure sure I'll give you that we got 100 Bitties not sure from real big freak not sure about whether this game's supposed to be serious or just a meme is Arc but with Pokémon really that marketable Beyond a joke 7 million copies in 5 days you tell me yes well numbers like that sort of scream flavor of the month to me sure so ask ask again next month I just make a stone axe I guess cuz apparently we're going to need a lot of wood oh yeah if nothing else I'm just surprised no one's tapped into the market like some of the biggest mods for Arc and Minecraft are Pokemon well the success of this does say one thing to me and that's that people feel undeserved by the Pokemon that's officially licensed I did hear that yeah cuz the recent Pokémons have all been had this air of low effort about them don't you think I'm not a Pokémon guy I see people people like what they like I was never big poke Feller I me neither but even I like took one look at the last like major Pokemon game what was it sword and shield I thought that looks like crap yeah I looked at scarlet and I was like wow I've played freear that looks way worse that looks so low energy and Bland man like uh what you call it I could not look at that and go yeah that's made by a billion dollar company no quite all the same thing playing Pokemon Legends arus yeah oh yeah you can you can deconstruct you can deconstruct your uh your crafting table it'll give you the resources back oh how' you do that just smack it with an a you see it says disassembly mode oh when you're standing next to it not much to do now the sun's gone down yeah it's not that dangerous for you was Alex drawing $2 looks more like Poor Man's arc survival than Pokemon and Arc survival wasn't particularly wealthy either no I look pretty that was something when it first came out waiting for Arc 2 here it comes just just my genre it's just my jam I like that feeling of roughing it you know when camping once or twice as a kid I stopped camping when I got glasses kind of ruins it what what's the connection there I don't I don't like getting my glasses dirty okay I think having glasses will give you an advantage while camping because it gives you uh a means to light a fire if you got nothing else sure yeah I usually take a lighter and then the advantages moot ah but what if you get chased by a bear and lose your lighter all right yeah and what if he has a stigmatism yeah I can make a a friend out of the bear with my glasses yeah you'll just click with him okay where are we okay new tech a cloth outfit first we need to know how to make cloth wait before we can do that we need wool how do you get wool we explore find Pokémon okay I guess uh I won't be getting my shy bed without that wall there's a sheep there you go and demands I hope this isn't your sheep cuz I'm having it this is the second time I've seen a merchant actually moving what mine don't move why are you dressed like a Red Mage from Final Fantasy the inspiration yeah you should be confused do you think that's their rendition of the red Santa fellows in Elden ring oh I he says no excuse me I'm going to smash this sheep around the head oh oh starting [ __ ] are we then yeah where the [ __ ] were you I he [ __ ] fighting nice oh my God just got farm animals fighting for your honor okay stop hitting it okay now how do I get the wool out of this lamb it's in you you got it you catch them the resources are yours I've just automatically got wool now mhm you you don't have to kill them no it's actually more ethical I don't know if kidnapping is is more ethical than shearing them you ever seen somebody peel a sheep before I've seen a sheep being born e all right let kind like that a school trip oh there you go look I got four wool already oh man I got tons of Technology points let's get the uh The Usual Suspects out of the way yeah this game's very interested in getting you through like the early levels as fast as you can is making some very funny noises stand Spar you look I'm getting an insight into your psyche just based on your choices made I feel very judged when you're play games it's very it's just it's empathy these are empathy machines what's empathy without other humans are you guys at the Pokemon Generation grew up with it or too old for that I was I was never really a Nintendo kid I didn't really play much Pokemon growing up I got got 24 hours in red and I played some liquid Crystal not the drug and uh it it was nice I just wanted something that was more Dynamic than the turnbas stff right yeah how old is the average Pokemon player I don't know well it's been a thing since like the original game boy if you want a direction uh I there's no wrong way to go but if you do want to actually see things or whatnot I would head down the hill on the right cter it's almost something you have wood yeah it's almost something to untrain from survival Crafters we're just like yeah just go and do whatever this one almost could have had better rails I thought I might craft myself some trousers first but okay yeah that way that Tower is your goal that tower that Tower yeah all right well I guess I ain't planning on setting up the [ __ ] Holiday Camp sure I mean if I mean if that's where you want to be there are fast travel points like uh Elden ring do you have to visit a fast travel point before you can fast travel to it yep yeah I thinkig it as much and your base is always a fast travel Point all right we're on a journey yeah so it's definitely it overcomes that like oh no I put the base in the worst place possible like no you can always come back to it I think I accidentally threw away all my Poke Balls again so yeah yeah that is the in the main incentive to level yourself up is to catch more things and uh you get bonus points if they're unique but what's your actual goal The Four Towers you it's like Pokemon the four gym leader Badges and then the the final uhhuh yeah that big old tree back there which uh I guess it's early access might as well tell people there is no ending right now as is common in a lot of survival Crafters well yeah say well yeah I seen two that were like it has an ending there's just nothing else okay my pickaxe is damaged that's oh oh yeah but I'm out of Poké Balls little Meowth out there hey buddy they all look like very small children wearing mascot costumes oh God why would you say that to put things more in perspective when I smack them about the head with a stick mhm the full of vision yeah as ask with the 5o once you build the wood and Stone Farms make sure to put a storage box right next to them Stone and wood overload you quickly yeah I'm not planning on taking things that seriously thanks oh no it's not about being serious you'll just do it did you just encumber yourself yes you did did I but I like stones so much oh drop some seed or something I just something to find a new fast travel point and then go back to base go go all the way down to the bottom of the hill okay okay sorry fellas I'll have to deck you all later is there any advantage to capturing multiple Pokemon you've already got yes all right so the first 10 you catch give you way more experience than all the others but they also if you check them later have different stats some of them are like pacifists so they don't fight well of them others are Workaholics so they're better at production and then there's breeding in the game so you can evolve stronger ones and mix match them and all that kind of stuff right yeah definitely advantages to multiple catches yep just making myself more and more burdened on a wh can't move you you are ravenous now I can only do a little sort of humiliating catwalk dance down the hill sassy oh yeah oh I stuck all these Stones up my bottom and now I can only walk like this down the catwalk absolutely model or hiding a [ __ ] you decide so why is this game so incredibly popular right now there is there is um is it just comes down to having a type survival crafters and uh what is it those zombie games they're like the the biggest ones on Steam in general yeah there's a ton of survival crafting games not all of them have 3 million buyers in the first weekend sure this is this one feels way more complete than all the other ones that I've ever felt it also mixes like the better parts of breath of the wild and Elden ring again it's just like let me make a game let me make a Frankenstein of pretty people now for some people the stitches will still throw them off but for others it's like all right get over here and he holds a goal nearly there what's he got here now slow descent with the 200 knock second win just makes me want to sing soulsbury Hill good luck to you all been following yatsi from the start and it's nice to see Talent gather thank you sure is there you go and then Hannibal Laro gifted five second win memberships appreciate you what's this uh Frost 100 Bitties from lampy have you tried breeding the captured NPCs yet I've not no yeah you can catch humans in this game oh goes both ways nice [Music] PS and here we go again could I like be getting my chicken to do this um I don't think chickens have the hands for it if I remember correctly like next time you get to your box I'll show you yeah it's the lamb I believe okay pphs let's put some lamb in the base there you see that on there's their picture but then underneath it you got those tiny little icons one's a hand one's a box one's a feather yeah yeah that's the stuff that they can do so like one delivers things one the hand means they can craft the the leaf means they can gather stuff there he is and now he should look at that I have a strange relationship with this thing it's your son and if you need crafting they'll help you out there okay the pink cat can get rocks for you yeah I need stones again I get there's rocks in the base the pink cat will get them for you if you catch one five gifted from Hannibal oh my God I just never have enough wood s SPS Guru with a 5e I believe you do lose Health once your hunger bar reaches zero yeah you can starve once it gets all the way down there okay have some bread me Adrien with the 999 Ron why so popular influencer marketing is my guess uh I don't know yeah and that's definitely what makes for a flavor of the month it's uh what is like like it's 30 bucks influencers can get eyes on them but not all eyes translate the wallets well people are dumb sure okay I'll the the menu you says I have to capture more of you yeah did you kill another one no that one's still alive okay I think that's four oh on some of these lads come back meowy meow yeah H indeed there you go green s welcome to the green gang appreciate you oh I killed it quick hide the evidence of my crime oh no but the mammoth's down there Hill no it's like Glass Onion he he's he's a bro he won't talk he's an accomplice now oh there's another lamb ball now I'll want that Stones you do [Music] have so I'm unclear still on how one instructs your Pokémon to do things like gather wood stroke stone or whatever well they will naturally do it if they're capable of it you don't have one that can gather wood and uh but the easiest way is to just go near them pick them up and then throw them at the thing that you want them to do if they're capable they'll do it all righty you you're isolated from your fellows and that was your last mistake di are $4.99 $1.99 no words thank you oh sorry I forgot to write a message Yi like your opinion on post Lovecraft Cosmic horror uh yeah it's fine it's fine does yatti have any advice for for the devs as they go through this early access Journey yeah what do you have to say to these guys who've made 7 million I'd need to be cleever on their motives before I could offer any advice uh money the devs have gone out and said they designed to chase Trends and to sell well they do doing a great job well done guys no notes you're getting all the money now and Andre with the 20 RS in addition to the influencer market I think game freaks neglect to the Pokemon games plays a role in this game's success yeah that's what I said sure yeah I feel that this is to me what every everyone who is obsessed with Pokemon this is sort of what like when they talk about it I go this is more or less what I imagined not what you end up getting how do I not enough stones still I picked up loads of stones did Sir order a mutant sheep ball maybe you're the mutant are we the freaks well I'm certainly anyone around here not wearing trousers where are you taking him I don't know I want to see what he'll do do something he doesn't do that well what good are you then you caught a cat though cats do that you do the thing that can't to do that's that's your party like he's just going to fight you got to deploy him at the base and then throw him at the rock look at him he like what do you want well never [ __ ] mind apparently where's all that stone a here's some D look at that real Stone they can't mine ore oh pathetic like the later guys where you can just ride them and smash into rocks and it picks up everything for you just like an arc okay I need the new pickaxe and some food yeah so that's a fair point I hate survival games but like this the base gets automated real quick yeah I thought I don't think many people like the early parts of a survival crafter well quite maybe there's one that needs more narrative I don't is there a survival crafter with a lot of narrative and S SPS Guru to Euro mining skill needs to be level two for mining ore yeah he's not going to find one of those for a while um subnotica did it have narrative was it lore subica Suba all codes for free to play games being given away subnautica had plenty of law yeah Stone again oh cuz I just buil that repair here didn't I yeah oh the screwdriver thingy okay yeah to repair my that's to repair structures [ __ ] yeah it's all right well how do I how do I repair my pickax you build the uh repair table oh that yeah I'm going to guess it's going to need Stone yep yes well back to the Grind where's my bloody pink cat you yeah you you see this thing this is your new home look at him go yeah I got two of these yeah you can only deploy one at a time here oh uh if it's on your party if it's on your base you can just uh go to the okay teamwork me and my Cy friend smashing rocks till all the days hot creamy fart at $5 I can't wait for the truncated version of this that strings together all the exciting Rock and stick Gathering oh God yeah we're doing like the whole two hours on this this is going to be like a double length review I don't even know what the [ __ ] to say aside from being encumbered oh I'm can I just walk back to base is that something I can do it's not a straight path no there we go it is well now I have stones come back you power's biggest flaw very very slow start I think it's faster than a lot of survival Crafters again not the fastest I think the fastest is uh sons of the Forest right now by fast I just mean get to the point where you don't have to worry about the initial Stone and wood Gathering been working on the rail you can't add to your wa where's my bloody sheep friend he's supposed to be helping with this yeah you there is I'm coming ah shake her leg we're all on the [ __ ] clock okay now I also needed a wooden chest to upgrade the base yeah I know he's a bit slow about it but I'm letting him have his organic reaction thank you you're too kind all right have some of this useless [ __ ] I don't even know what's useless what isn't have some or I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with the or yet well if you don't if you don't need to keep it on your person don't bother because um any chest that's in the base when you're crafting things it'll just draw from your resources you don't have to hold it oh okay that's that's fine then um gold coins do they have weight no no no I definitely keep those on you that's for the merchants yeah I like that system we didn't get that for a while until like Minecraft uh modded that in the uh what's it called the QE system I don't know okay how do I repair the oh it is okay I just did it okay okay hey you can upgrade now now I now I just build a shoddy bed oh you can follow the tutorial or you can build up the base and just and you can live at the base now I am a benevolent God looking through 20 boxes for the hat that you need no you don't need it well apparently the games just wants you to do nothing but capture PS all the time so let's keep doing that MH after I find more resources to build po BS with stone of course stone is the missing Factor you shouldn't be too far off from the mill from uh discovering It Anyways anyway technology what you got there what we need Plantation plantations parach level seven right there you see at seven the first two things were logging site you never have to get wood again and then the thing next to it you never have to get stone again well that's something yeah in the meantime uh stuff stuff yeah a parachute one one of them what we got here Stuart green with a 10 pound I think this game's doing so well because it's known as Pokemon with guns there are tons of Pokemon ripoff games but none got this level of media attention could have asked for couldn't have asked for better advertisement I think it more so brings the question what is it the people want out of Pokemon games there plenty of games that play like the old new something new and interesting that's what people always want I just want but this isn't new it's new for Pokemon there sure I just want a hoarding problem let me catch things over and over wear a gun for those asking about the guns it's very liberal with the guns you can't just walk into a Walmart and get you one like you can in America you have to earn your gun except for the monkeys they get guns before you do but what about my freedom no I mean you're free here yeah he's not no he's not one of yours okay four more to get and then I've got 10 of them which in some way will help it's dark uh when you spin up that Community server to get real sweaty with it oh probably next week what are the actual negative effects of being cold you'll die slowly hypothermia well aren't we always you're know wrong generally you'll die expeditiously isn't every one of us dying slowly at any given moment mhm living fastly I forgot what it was but scientifically you're growing until uh 27 and then from there you are decaying yeah I've always figured there's a point where growing switches over to rotting just walking and rotting don't mind me here we're just big walking bananas and we're along past the bits where we're a bit green and nice mhm the brown spots make you better for smoothies though nice and caramelized well I've had greater Ambitions than to become a smoothie could be a lumpy I ain't jumping in a blender for anyone well yeah everyone's oxidizing constantly May that that's it the thing that's slowly killing us all is oxygen okay let's make some cloth let's make some [ __ ] cloth there we go nak all the time trousers on was here oh my God raise with gift and 10 second Quin memberships thank you thank you right well once I've got some clothes and I'm fully stocked with Pokéballs let's go on an adventure yeah and after you've put some stuff in the chest so don't encumber yourself after one rock oh yeah and also member for two months raisel the green gang membership for my lovely Palace thank you thank you look at all of you enjoy this is true yeah this game's good because your base can be attacked by animal rights terrorists this is very true there's different Waring factions on the island some of them are activists and other geneticist wow this outfit does not suit me at all no what I think you could pull it off it's it's completely the wrong colors especially with like the socks that split in the middle and dangle over I'm an Autumn damn it what's your what's your flavor of cologne then Sandalwood is that your style cologne what a strange concept oh man just I just use uh men's shower gel oh NATA oh the 25 in one shampoo I love it yeah that all like got flavors like sea salt or engine grease yeah M mine just have like verbs like just rush that's it um it's only women's shampoos that have like you know strawberry and vanilla no okay like shock silent fool thank you for the sub appreciate you a shut up all right we going to Adventure to that Tower in the distance and capture friends along the way you can fast travel closer don't forget oh yeah for good and uh how much weight do you have on you I'm kind of with the Dragons Dogma developer when he says that fast traveling isn't really playing the game H that's fair well I mean some people do consider the games to just be like this point and that point nothing in between to my mind a good open world game should feel like you're playing playing like a TV series where uh like like the Pokémon TV series incidentally uh where there there's an overall goal they heading towards but everywhere they go there's a new episodic Adventure there you go it's like The Witcher did you yeah oh well Trucking at night yeah [ __ ] with the five dollar can we get yachi's opinion on how raising points and stats works I appreciate that it shows actual numbers Health goes up 100 work up 50 ET uh okay hey you're new and he's sleeping too this will make it easy stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick here's some here's something that will kill you for me stick stick I'll take take those odds Gambling Man all right hey it pays off new friend did you notice you got a little special ability with your little friend that fluffy no cuz this interace is dog [ __ ] statue of power mounted torch oh yeah mounted torch the classics after this stream I'm starting to think yatsi has something against Birds He also mentioned attacking seagulls before what is it with you and bird well I had a pet Bud RAR when I was a kid and I haven't got gotten over the lingering trauma of its death oh this multiplayer yeah it can uh be played open PVP yeah not but you can hey you're something I can hurt don't forget they're Elemental like Pokemon oh [ __ ] on your sheep oh where's where's my sheep gone I just sumon it back it'll reset them he's crying cuz it's a psychic type they don't do good against those H you know what no one told him apparently I do appreciate a Pokemon knockoff where you can weigh in yourself with a big stick exactly that like [ __ ] it I'll do it myself yeah smack the [ __ ] out oh are you dead don't be [ __ ] dead give it mouth to mouth that was your f fault you're on skating on thin [ __ ] ice lammie no it's dark in the bow I don't want to go in the bowl right going to direct you through through that church and up The Path yeah it reminds me of playing Brutal Legend cuz uh I don't really like playing real time strategy but I'm fine with a game where you can just where your army is fighting and you just sort of run over all the enemies in your big car while they're doing that yeah that's a fun time I feel like it's nice to be proactive yeah I say it's like I want to be more involved than just being the coach like let me in there yeah who was his son a fool 13 I don't know if I said this but 6 months in advance for your subon and Silver Falls fan as well and kaer giving some to Ben Jamin thank you thank you what's that glowing thing oh it's a log it's a log I'll s this then okay that uh makes your balls more potent finally you say what we got here hot cream fart with a$ I ra my stats I wouldn't have noticed cuz this interface is hot dog [ __ ] did a tarantula eat your Budgy no but when I wrote that scene in my second novel Jam it's possible I was channeling my grief and simple s with the bitt thank you yeah will this be the next on fully ramble Mantic this will be the next on yatsi tries well yeah it is currently what is up being on yatsi tries uh stick stick stick what did you level uh a few things look I'm pressing the button for fluffy shield and nothing's happening I'm just picking him up is that what is that all it is that's a fluffy Shield yeah look at that you're killing him you're body blocking with him oh okay different Pals have different abilities some of them you have to equip them with with some stuff before using it yeah like oh no your projectile attack clipped into the wall what are you going to do now why is your sheep in the wall man I keep getting pretty long odds capturing these [ __ ] and that's where you got to craft better balls there we go nice this steart green two chances of second win doing a Pokemon Nuzlocke do we have any Pokemon or here Jay likes Pokemon didn't he uh I couldn't do a Pokemon nuzlock couldn't do a run so how do I equip one of my Penguins do I have to get back to base yeah at the base but there's a fast travel thing up ahead so just yeah yeah I figured yeah I just keep pressing on on my adventure m just hope that whatever I come up against is weak to sheep I suppose I mean you'd be surprised it's it's neutral which means it's uh yeah no no you're right uh who shall we murder first who are we feeling fiery Eevee thing or fluffy Eevee thing I'm going to I'm going to ruin the the illusion here but you know how Pokemon have that rock paper scissors kind of thing going yeah yeah at this game fire is the only one that can take on two things so it's the best one to get out right okay this yeah it's not balance for fire fox you want that little Mozilla well is fire weak to stick I suppose would be my question yeah yeah how about it and that's also what you need to run your uh your furnaces so any fire you see grab them yeah I feel like fire would be a pretty universally useful thing come on come on in you get good boy let's grab some berries stuff them in my face think it's less fire weak to stick and more fire weak to blunt trauma yeah H let's get one of the other ones as well while we're here for completeness his sake does fluffy beat fluffy well stick beats everything I suppose yeah yeah blunt drama should be wait don't die don't die there was me don't it there was me uh demonstrating the core philosophy of animal husbandry don't die don't hit them with sticks till they die mhm oh okay thanks for being proactive Mr sheep there you go extra catches uh Simple Simon 100 bits do you not know Yi's bird Joyce's what Yi's bird Joy Bird Story I believe I've heard it and then RB 100 bits I'm down for a train it is quite odd how big this got thank you so where's the Fast Travel point is it which way which way is see this way towards the tower mhm all righty AR survival of old even has a tower that everything centers around sure does that you move towards I mean I felt if this game was like positioning itself as a sort of parody of Arc survival evolved it might make a little bit more sense I would say the closest anything has come to this is genuinely the ark or the Pokemon Mod for Arc so I'm sure plenty of people have always wanted one to be more bespoke than just like that really will you stop things just before I capture them you dumb sheep yeah pull them back in what are you doing if you squint your eyes it it's just like an Eevee there it is okay now I can get myself a more balanced party yeah now I feel like this is the part where people should be getting to because on your immediate right you got a dungeon up above you there's a little raid camp and then to the left is the Tower with the boss fight boss fights Jesus yeah well the gym battle if you will you want to go in there you want to see what's in there all right let's let's investigate the gym battle actually you might want to remove everything okay fiery man you I want and nicy man for balance what's goty here holor senior admin tenno welcome to tip jar and grter is $5 you can pick the fire one up and use it as a flamethrower apparently if you can craft the harness for it yes all right balanced party no chickens though because they suck okay what can we do here well we can make a parachute we could make a spear even what's what structures can you build uh campfire shoddy bed oh yeah we need one don't we need one of those don't we well you can't place it without floor oh do you right there you need a floor and a foundation well I wish they'd mentioned that I haven't got wooden structure set yet there you oh right there you see that Firefox thing oh well yeah you can do those too yeah let's get let's get that in order yeah I keep I keep pressing that button when I'm not sure what else to do which button like the button to throw a Pokeball even though there are no Pokéballs around itchy trigger you okay wooden foundation here we go if this will be my Palace on which I will oversee my Empire of slightly concussed animals 100 betes do you think they'll get sued at any point if this game gets big enough well here's the thing kind of expecting that the game to make me hold down a button to build this Foundation but okay it's a lot of quality Al life is it somebody made a mod for this game already that turns it into more Pokemon so you're Ash and there's Pikachu and Nintendo took that down yeah but they left this standing so I don't know what that tells you well there's nothing that like violates their patents or anything like that no it's like what is it like a lot of games always make dwarfs the engineers is that a copyright thing I mean you can't you can't uh there are certain things you can't copyright you can't can't copyright the idea of capturing animals to help you you can't copyright an art style can you copyright a font yeah that too it's on it's on Game Pass so like Microsoft probably looked into this too apparently you can copyright a color that's what Barbie did what Barbie pink is a copyrighted color oh my God I want my own color what how do you make a new color I don't I don't know because the argument is If You released a doll in a box that was colored Barbie pink the the aage consumer idiot in a shop would go oh look a Barbie that's amazing is it like science or if you're the first to find an animal you get to name it I think it's more like um prospecting in that if you're first if you're the first to find a like a gold seam that already exists you can stake a claim and say it's yours h oh wow Klein blue too W yeah I think Pepsi Blue's copyrighted as well God I want I want my own blue what was I doing oh yeah looking at things I can build thing to generate wood Cadbury had purple copyrighted amazing oh Christ I need way more resources well let's get back to our adventure oh we can upgrade the base though let's just bung this chicken in here so he can pretend to be useful just put a sheep down they at least a more handson no fair enough yeah I don't know why I have so many sheep but fine they can be the uh the work force uh yeah I'm sorry but even if we debunk the AI and plagiarism claims there are still better Pokémon clones out there you could be spending your time on why this of old things to play I mean we'll name them people say there's tons of them but and I will glowly them right now I've been looking for these kind of games that's a black not a color that's a solar panel it flame organ yeah you yeah [Music] leather see like you're saying ximon but that's also turn-based um well I'm not sure what the game expects me to do with these pal fluids they're just other resources fine we'll just we'll put them in the put them in the box cuz I don't [ __ ] want them on my person when the police arrive you're going to get drug tested uh drink it drink them drink them security settings James Morgan 99 a company that tried patenting breast cancer jeans oh that noise never ceases to unnerve me just letting you know I'm here okay I guess we need more resources yeah there you go this isn't a Pokemon clone it just rips off the PO Pokemon designs and breath of the wild Jingles yeah it's it's a it's an arc clone with Pokemon in it C that be again like if if someone says give me a game like power world but you're giving cassette Beast you've just missed it okay so you were saying something about a b fight yeah on your on your left I hope you don't have anything important with you up and then to your left right and the dungeon yeah the dungeon was by the Fast Travel thing so you you know do whatever you want here cuz it's time to get a little little aggressive all right let's get nuts yeah what's going on over there some kind of dirty crime I shouldn't Wonder a want hand SM stats again yeah yeah that you do know Spanish I know one word from that I picked up from playing Grim Fandango equal does he say that a lot no at one point somebody just says eho I don't even know what it means but he says it when he's like slightly frustrated now I say it now I say it when I'm slightly frustrated that is that is a great time to use it yeah it can also just be like a wo all right can I just smack the boss with a stick yes uh it does not do that frog Moss no you can get plenty of tech points oh my goodness well I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't [Music] that hey I remember you from the key ard we found the Magenta in this game okay ice it is where's my stick where's my stick here it is ow you going to help or what we Frozen for you oh thank you thank you Mr Penguin okay you know what let's let's let's uh go through all the lads and see which one does the best against this lad man this lady's got quite a lot of Health turns out yeah we're getting okay burning attacks that's good there's Soul fights in this too oh Nick have you not played yet I think you might like this game Nick Nick likes a lot of things yeah he is undiscerning undiscerning I found just saying he's a bit of a game hog who SE anything well perhaps he's more forgiving of uh certain things than certain other people got Galactic taste I do not like survival crafting games that's fair yeah if that's the core you don't like you but I cannot recom you won't like this then yes fight my allies you fool okay well this was a a sort of Recon operation and what I'm seeing is I shouldn't have come here with just a stick no I should probably have come with some healing items and some higher level Pals and some better weapons and a bow and arrow yeah you're learning um what is it you can press pause and then it says survival guide and that's a you know big tutorial isation but down at the bottom it says elements and you can see how the rock paper thing affects it wait I can just respawn in a completely different place yeah like work okay I'm down and usually there's like a fast travel thing around it so you can just get back to wherever you are oh you serious what I lost all my stuff we'll be at the door in front of the boss battle don't worry oh well now you tell me now I got to find a way to teleport back there yeah if nothing else what do you call it uh you guys can customize like um the rates of everything and that kind of stuff I would definitely turn that bit off well at least I didn't drop my pals yeah hi Pals I'd give you berries but that thunderous bastard Nick them all apparently Lappy hun bits there's an irony that they're selling the OST for this game when most of it has no music yeah sorry almost empty it's kind of eerie I don't know what that is but I kind of want to eat it you like his beanie I think he would taste like flan he does have that color doesn't he yeah Brad with the five bucks most games are just remixes of existing ideas and mechanics I don't think this one is even particularly egregious not every game is Katamari democracy Where's My Katamari democracy likes Katamari damy oh that's a hard that's a soft seed D yes I know cuz I've listened to the the theme song okay I'm going to use these berries to uh revive my dead friend he ain't coming back son it's uh like a Pokemon when they get knocked out you got to here you just got to get him back to the base and drop him off for 10 minutes couldn't I just rub his tummy no you can you rub a tummy from a massive electric shock well I'd have to rub it pretty hard by the ends of it it's like Miaki oh no mamoto 200 Bitties I feel like some of the backlashing against this game is due to people's rabid Nostalgia of the Pokemon games not completely defending this game it definitely has its problems I was always confused by the fact that there were two games you had to buy yeah Pokemon and if it's hitting that market well you know I was like I said uh I never really played it so I was only viewing it from the outside but that did seem like a little bit of [ __ ] and yet small potatoes in the world of [ __ ] these days what a nuzlock in this game look like I don't know I don't you could probably get through this game with just your own Firepower late game you weren't supposed to buy them both you were supposed to trade with your mate who had the other one could I just funny here I think okay so all those individual respawns you tend to be near a statue I think you went to the only one that does not have a statue near it yeah yeah can I just die die and respawn somewhere yeah escape and respawn pause so what's what's the quickest way to die in this game do you think pause and respond oh can you do that y youo oh rag doll physics every now and again you still make me laugh okay back to the actual base please that'll teach you all right then you should be able to just fast travel near the tower and grab your stuff back so my dead pal yeah my dead pal will heal if he's in the storage box shouldn't come across any sanity issues just yet but they will start throwing fits and acting weird okay now this time we won't go to the boss fight I will capture I will capture more fiery Pals though those are fun you can make a little harness for him so you can use him as a flamethrower yes take all thank you lampy with the 100 Bitties have your pals unionized yet Frost yes they did they went on strike cuz I was trying to figure out how to make them work it just weren't having it well so you had to negotiate with them I just put them back in the box like back in the dark you go was that part of the negoti ation yeah yeah and we will inrease your allotted box time until you learn to act right okay uh let's get back to base and build better weapons mhm gapt with a 5 pound semi-regular reminder that you guys are awesome yes that includes you two chat love a VOD hog I think this game's slowly coming together for me I think it would help if the interface was not as mentioned earlier dog [ __ ] so my my consensus is two hours for the game because that's when you can refund it obviously is like not enough to show you all its wees oh I'll did this again I just want to some trees there you go St green five pounds some Pokemon ripoff games for you frost temp coron grimlin taale ultramon fight monster legends also ROM hacks like Pokemon Emerald kaiso yeah but one that doesn't make it so it's turnbas combat um well you could always just play Dynasty Warriors there you go and there that monster catching I guess not but it's like a million different monsters you fighting you just want it be a big old freefor all the fighting but is it's like I want the fight the action the combat but I also want the uh the colle so you want Pokémon but real time strategy is that what you want that's all I need and on PC let's also not forget that breath of the wild and Pokemon are not on PC any thoughts chat real time strategy in accordance with his requests with real time combat and Pokemon got like spe robes apparently youo Kuni what Pokemon Ranger Pokemon Ranger I was kind of down for just because you had to use the stylus to circle the thing yeah yeah Monster Hunter like if I could catch the monsters instead but Dragon Quest is that think that's be enough Stone to going on with yeah decent amount yeah chaos Legion 4X Pokemon game I wish you could just turn off the day night cycle in games this I really could do without it yeah you can make it so night last like a real life minute and then it's over I'm iffy about that sort of thing I mean I feel like a game should just do all the balancing work rather than ask the player to balance the game on its behalf sure you can also go to sleep if you had the bed you just skip it oh yeah there's that yeah what's interesting is there's no weather in this game a day night cycle yeah but not weather okay good yeah where where's my base go just this way oh monster H stories literally monster hre with capturing monsters and Pokemon like battles oh kind of down then all right aha we can make our automatic generating things now yeah how long can you craft night vision goggles was okay I'll wake up at I'll wake up we'll go to sleep and then when we wake up we'll see if my sheepy friends will come and help me build things where are they canot use a bed without a roof I'll piss off game no I can't sleep in a bed roll Under the Stars what do you think I am some kind of peasant sounds like Stewie unintentionally I assure you you can have one wall and one roof how's that you know I've not tried that that might get around it I'm C oh and then we sleep al fresco does that count did you just gamer it oh my God just call me Captain speedrun look at you yeah any sleep percent all right where's my sheep friends well you can just like yeah take them out and re respawn them and they'll start right here there he is and there's another one all right Lads now we've got a lot of work ahead of us today shake a [ __ ] leg I ain't doing this for my [ __ ] cardio this is one thing I bring up in my review depending on how you place your stuff they're finicky and they don't detected his work so I'll show you [ __ ] work yeah yeah throw him in there let him know that's work it does that like it's a game fault thing more than pathing don't put your stuff too close to it do do like me do like me oh bloody s you then why you captur people to help you yeah eh kind of sucks what does that literally mean is the way you're using it yes it's like man so like you see something that frustrates you you see a like a nice set of legs on the street yeah that patch of grass over there really needs your attention MH don't mind me got to have a a lot of space for everything it a little weird no he's he's not Advanced enough for the no M's way what that's an expression of like uh it's kind of like a you got to be kidding kind of you got to be [ __ ] kid [ __ ] kid my my uh does even have a pal that can cut with for that oh oh look literally the last second of building and they figured it out well you were worth of the effort [ __ ] hell you people should not be looking forward to your quarterly interview oh no going to get fired at the days so how does this make wood then does it just you need a Pokémon that can chop down wood okay why do I keep calling Pokemon damn it uh I don't know if you've seen them yet yeah I don't know if you've seen them yet but they're like purple deer they do that oh yeah I think I remember one of those otherwise you'll just you know this is just chopping wood with L steps yeah fair enough we got that now what about the stone pit and we need more Stone of course we do mhm and for that you do have your cats they can mine so they can do that they're totally taking the credit here teamwork in in theory in theory we have cats that can mine what do we need to upgrade a feed box and a straw paled well I don't know if they've earned any of that but okay they're going to go weird on you hi toofy I think the thing that bothers me the most isn't even the whole Pokemon controversy is that the art styles Clash why do we have Pokemon like creatures running around a super realistic world yeah this super realistic we don't look very realistic do we like fortnite well I've kind of got like a super realistic face on a fortnite body yeah opening of the game is the slowest before you get a lot of Pals and a gun so I got a friend though who's a builder and uh he didn't get far but he made a Tavern was very impressive oh okay you're in yeah I was as far as survival crafting goes I was never the building fellow never made a barn or anything just a box that's me rustic all right let's go murder some fools Shan Dean with $5 one game that fits your criteria is impossible creatures old but gold let me see I will not discern get in there hey there's one of those things the psychic thing yeah time for real Z real I was going to make a spear wasn't I well we'll get around to that possibly oh man this is goofy looking I'd be down oh stick stick beats everything there you go don't you use your [ __ ] magic Bull on me I'll use my [ __ ] magic ball on you 29 piss off no not a gambling man7 S one and three yeah yeah yeah freezing them seems to help well have you said that look at you yeah I got some [ __ ] Psychic Friends now you're leveling up your poers are leveling up man I'm doing it I'm playing the game dad playing the game you're doing it here's something I owe you oh no you're you're 35 you get to live for now that's crazy that those are around here so much I only have one and it's the boss variant well I think strategically it's put here to sort of show you what you could be doing later on yeah but there's a scripted one down there I don't know why you have so many up here it's like uh you know an an Elden ring how you start on a hill and then there's that one [ __ ] off boss that you can't fight and then the Church of safety yeah yeah just like that um I think I need more of them fiery boys this is Arc but the performances in shite that's a big factor in this too it actually runs really well on older stuff yeah seem to be operating without complaint thus far razio with the 10 plins are you winning yet I have no [ __ ] clue do you feel like uh the very best like no one ever was I feel like a one against that rock you did yeah what I like is uh aiming actually matters in this game you'll do more damage to the sensitive parts aha a DEA that's the one just realized I was planning to collect 10 sheep all right oh you're at level 10 dare we dare we try if you want to if fight back he does and it's structured similar to uh I guess Pokemon and that uh there's always loot everywhere like little balls and stuff so the further you go out the better the natural balls are you can almost like scavenge way to the end like later you have to automate bullets I said [ __ ] that I found a merchant that sells bullets instead all right we've got littleon yeah plant and ground type yeah he' prob ground types are strong against electric aren't they oh yes yeah they are I remember my Pokémons uh I Mar him what are your favorite disc World Books Yi uh well I've I've been asked that before and I keep saying that my favorite was probably interesting times cuz it was one of the first ones I read card appreciate you oh Oh I thought it was dead oh thank goodness had an assir of hell all right well our collection's coming along nicely just need 11 more to level up apparently all right I'll do it for you right now CA five bucks sorry Frost no RTS but there's a turnbas grand Strat game that retails the historical rise and fall of Oda no bonaga only with like Jigglypuff weave he might as well have a crack that one's level nine o stop running F face the truth oh yeah if you had a bow that would help because they all stop that's a point yeah okay forgot about that they get to reprieve for now think you think you can Sprint this game you sure can okay weapons weapons weapons yeah so usually it's like if you're leveled attack you smack them with the bow and then you when they pause you give them a good whacking on the head Shep thank you you're all right uh bows and arrows yes we need wood who' have thought [ __ ] I don't know why I keep doing that there something maybe it's because of recent games I've been playing but something about pressing RB randomly while roaming the wilderness seems like something the muscle memory is reacting to that's like that's like dead cells that's how you pick stuff up I think you name the pals I think so yeah it's the right bumper to run you what's up with you no I played a game where the right bumper was how you activate your magic show me the relevant things button oh that's Avatar yeah maybe I think it might have been Avatar do they have normal animals in Pokemon related question do they eat Pokemon yeah I don't know like are there normal animals in Pokemon I feel like there are I mean there are like burger restaurants right oh God yeah like here um this is actually taking place in the real world you're uh well yeah this is just a mysterious island that nobody found yet mhm like bug snacks is that what that's about oh God yeah it's about a mysterious island where weird snack based insects live oh see there you go there's one that's kind of kind of gives me a bit of this uh that I wanted for Pokemon slime Rancher oh there you go that's a fun one I've played the hell out of slime Rancher lampy Hunter Bitties they do eat Pokemon there was a whole Slowpoke tail Black Market in one game to use them for medicine yeah that's another thing you can you can get some Contraband in this game and find boot leggers that'll sell you some illegal Pals can I name you few details maybe edit right there that daddy's favorite my son after all this it's an affectionate nickname that's good sure come on [ __ ] Munch yeah apparently there's no curse word filter that's good not for [ __ ] and not in single player at any r do you cook the pals on the fire not alive they can catch on fire on accident hey what's going on oh it's right there's a raid going on oh [ __ ] I'm trying to make arrows you bastards this is a good time to catch some of them I think oh yeah look at you I think that one died though yeah that wasn't the one I was aiming at I captured them anyway though nice yeah that's what happens [ __ ] see what I mean like you're you're a clever man when you let go of the Rails I'm out of Pok balls you're sorry you have to die then why are they wearing clothes cuz they're criminals got to put a hoodie on let's how you know they're a criminal you're right [ __ ] Munch see that he went straight back to work nothing rattles this boy okay do I have anyone with logging ability n first one you find is that deer right um you do have a water type and a gardening type and a planting type so you could automate berries right now eh I got plenty of berries what I don't have is wood all the time y Dr Theo $5 maybe someday there could be a remaster for the jam audio book the voice acting is bad especially Tim and I know you can do better Galaxy those were those were still early days dear can do vlogging how with our antw I didn't even record Jam or MOG World in a studio I just did it in my bedroom all right well we've got our bow and our arrows uh do these discount Pokemon evolve no there's no Pokemon evolution as far as I can tell but they can crossbreed in the wild you get Weird Hybrids and we got kuna for the 10as enjoying the capability to beat The Living Daylights out of everything that moves and shove them into tiny balls even the humans question mark oh is it true you can hear the pages turning in Jam very authentic yeah I suppose so all right we've got Stone spear we have a bow and arrow let's TR go capture a deer ni we're on the hunt and embrace the Jank with the prime submarino the Jeff Bezos Bezos think crushes eh no Evolution then what's the point there early access my friend maybe they add it one day right now you just have like genetic breeding it's more more like Arc in that sense than Pokemon evolution all right seems fairly self-explanatory let teleport yeah you can turn off the the raids if you like you can customize it so that um it's well at least the raids make things interesting now and again yeah that was a poke raid though there human raids and they're kind of stupid they get stuck on things right well I won't worry too much about it where were those deer walk up the hill now there's the one with the Boss Bar oh god let's just Alex Martin with the 10 a happy to catch a live stream I've enjoyed your work for years yacht and loveing everyone's work on second win oh I forgot to make more Poké Balls well you just get to die out of principal then Jesus now you get more flame organs that's nice I feel like you have enough of those to make a harness now po balls Poke Balls po balls you're like can you build a sphere table let you get better balls um I'm perfectly happy with my balls as they are now actually did you say that so you try to get that deer let's see what kind of experience we have trying to get these de are you getting into a fast travel around you know change of scenery that's not dear no I don't know what that is alpaca you never seen an alpaca before I've seen an alpaca that's not what that is either looks just like one a copyrighting god you forgot to pick them up no it's all right takes getting used to explain to me the purpose of that from a gameplay perspective to annoy why would they just why wouldn't they just put it in your [ __ ] inventory when it's built that could play the game for you too I don't know I don't know the point of that I also don't like I think it does the arc thing where while something's being made you can't look at the crafting like yeah it doesn't have pokey Evolution it's uh evolution in more of a biological sense just you know things be [ __ ] Syndicate thugs H none of my business you sure I think you might want to ah no I want that deer maybe there's a deer there so those those um areas there they're holding a pal hostage and if you free it it's yours for free so sometimes you you can get a really strong one early on maybe it's a deer who knows where all those deer bucked off to oh someone's having trouble yeah that's true you can't capture humans that's true oh they're fighting each other the merchants and the thugs oh no they're shooting that thing yeah that'll teach you I'm hunting The Deadliest Game well didn't get much of a chance to cap to that one so you free the Pokemon from the kidnappers so you can kidnap it for yourself it's like watching Rambo no it just joins you of its own free will and it counts as the cut one your name ends with z and for that reason alone I want you oh he's the one that can get the gun yeah then let's explore your gun having ability together die creature I don't understand oh God like it's like sitting next to your Racist uncle at Thanksgiving his heart's in the right place but oh yeah they don't they don't drop their guns Unfortunately they do drop ammo a rabbit now kind of oh [ __ ] Penguins you the commander man well at least we have some meat poker Burgers all around I feel like your favorite survival crafter would be Dave the diver there Nick maybe survival cra and sushi sushi crafter what's this uh Rusk 42 with the $5 are flavor of the week games like poor or lethal company healthy for the gaming industry or are they just as vestigal as AAA cash grabs well depend I don't think you can tiar them all with the same brush I think some of them have some Merit artistically need a different tar brush don't know if this one thing does the be say this as a sort of uh Counterpoint to Pokemon as it currently exists sort of lends it a place in sort of some sort of academic context oh ow ow ow my face ow my beautiful face oh least you're right next to your fast travels yes murdering that innocent rabbit probably made be cocky yeah you you'll feel that the little little funny number above their head saying they're bigger than you yeah well I think uh perhaps we should call it a stream nip of Freez guess the game yeah I think uh we've established what we needed to establish bye-bye game yes uh well that sure was a game I'll have to type up all my thoughts as soon as we've played some guest the game I demand this for PS5 forgot about that it's not on Playstation [Music] yet ah now this looks familiar right away all already that's a Pokemon game oh is this that weird like concept IND the game I saw recently where you have to put a sword into a dragon's body but your sword isn't long enough and the dragon takes the piss out of you what that sounds like a weird humiliation Kink it does have a weirdly erotic undertone to it yeah you're fighting a size queen please don't burn long sword I'm just going John snow was saying uh anyway yeah this game 100 Bitties just noticed tofy looking extra cute sitting up like he's watching yatsi play games was curious he's a little critic dog yeah he's takes after his master got people saying looks like the top of Zero's head zeros some one suggested Maduro and that felt right but it was wrong idot Fu away you say okay oh oh oh hang on look no no I thought it might have been that game that where it advances only if you blink like you control it with by blinking oh that one yeah like you're having a weird fever dream or something um I'm still not sure what this is you got longest sword again now it's not longest sword you're misspelled longest I'm pretty sure they didn't they didn't even have longest sword as a game on the list yeah oh yeah it's not real it's not before your eyes yeah ah this is weird it's a weird one you can tell it's a fairly modern game because it's got like high resolution font even if it's got low resolution Graphics oh god oh modern release ghost Tri no cuz that was on DS initially it's not extended dagger no x Xbox is PS5 PS4 switch so it was out on pretty much everything I don't think this is a game I know so I'm never going to guess it it's not real then surprised no one else has it's like a point click does anyone in chat know what this is uh space for the Unbound two of them yeah yeah I see I've never played that what is that space for the Unbound yeah that's that's what it was yeah I never played it and didn't know what it looked like so yeah I would never have gotten that count there it is you can pet the cat it's a game pet the cat oh Pokemon yeah uh feeling pretty strongly that that might be a Pokemon game the odds but which one maybe a gba era Pokemon I don't know that looks almost too highr for GBA maybe uh wait why is everyone saying mother oh guess it could be mother three or Earthbound I don't think it's Earthbound but it's the right franchise so yeah it's mother three there you go oh they've got a Time yep there you go mother three looks just like Earthbound what do you know oh all right wait okay I feel in my bones I should know what this is it looks like 2D why this is just some Fierce Deja Vu I know these panels like I'm getting some hella portal Vibes but it's not like that can't be it I don't remember them being so scraggly that can't be portal oh well it could be portaled first uh no not none anymore it what uh portal my valve sensors were tingling should have gone with the first inin it seems so good ah oh yes yes tinin that's the second level yeah the old the weird glass cases and stuff yeah go there we go great game oh 7 City 2000 perhaps one them Forex games I keep hearing about yep oh good on you 1993 am I right saying 2000 was the first sity game with the isometric layout what was it before uh the EV city was just straight top down who had the idea to go all right I'm going to just like top down but I'm GNA turn it just a little people who wanted to make 3D gameplay before 3D was a thing that's cool The Innovation I'm just going to turn this a little bit uh that's very familiar my first thought was Thief but not the early ones possibly possibly even like the latest one thefor thefor Thief not Percy Jackson in The Lightning Thief oh that's hellblade isn't it hellblade yeah yeah bam e easy man okay feel like I've seen this one before recently that's hideous that is it's not terribly inviting is it no what is that like looks like a center bites front Port swing it was a game with chain in the name that was my first thought I don't fault you yeah good good girl um yeah 89% not that bad getting sort of monster handy Vibes no that wasn't golum no sometimes when it's like such a remarkable shift in like setting from one picture to the next That's The Telltale sign that it's a 2d fighting game with lots of weird backgrounds I like the sound your instin but I don't think that's the case here I was thinking more like one was a cut scene and the other was gameplay maybe skip another one getting like MMO Vibes ah well it is a PC game so that would indicate perhaps that MMO would be the right direction to go sure but which MMO has that uh Banner it I don't know I don't think this is a game I know well it's something with bone dragons in it RPG bone dragons it doesn't look like wow though somebody's played it no it's not wow got some Guild Wars 2 that's what I was thinking that's the like not wow MMO I think of yeah it's just a nope it wasn't Guild Wars 2 oh it's the right franchise though therefore it must be Guild Wars one it aha deduction wins out all right let's do one more I don't share results wrong button I could have yeah I'll put it on Twitter we did it no Twitter doesn't care three tries Bioshock wait we've had this before we the thief one no that's too high res for the thief one yeah right bricks are too nice are the room no it's the right franchise bios two I'm guessing two yeah don't recognize it okay that was too easy another one all right aha that's like it random space could be literally [ __ ] anything sure there's a purple space uh cut scene actual game what's that space game you play with Jack and always say no man's sky when it's random space or random Planet it's not always no man's Sky no and sky is to this game what Loopers is to Dr House it's never no man's Sky it's Star truck vagabon maybe someday that will'll show up on guess the game there you go every space there's a couple Space games yeah okay fine very colorful space though it's a space game and therefore we'll guess a space whoa okay that's a diff that's a shifted mood isn't it purple yeah no you're right yeah it's right on nope oh it's Mar snap oh it's [ __ ] marel snap [ __ ] marel snap all right well uh I'm going to wrap things up thanks for watching artti tries uh there will the edited version of yti TR won't be this Sunday it will be the Sun the Sunday after next and it will incorporate next week stream as well we were playing a bit of the old pal world to see what all the fuss was about and as I sort of expected the F seems to be more coming from the conversation surrounding the game rather than the game itself which is seems like a fairly pedestrian Arc survival of old rof except with Pokemon thanks for playing lovely you're going to do a video on it soon aren't you yeah this coming Monday it'll be your your cold take as I F my on this one because I had no uh I had no pre preconceived notion it would be any good but I was like this one's going to actually like be the game of the year like not like award-winning but like everyone's going to be buzzing on this one so that'll be interesting to get out yeah uh what else we got well the it's Wednesday today so there was a new fully Ematic today on the subject of uh Prince of Persia the Lost Crown the new one check that out if you haven't already if you're over fully rambl Matic uh you can look forward to another semi- rambl Matic tomorrow uh I think that's pretty much it for my content besides Advent n on Saturday what else we got go well see here in a couple hours you guys are going to get the Firelink podcast once more they're going to talk about the power world hubub if you actually want to get into the discourse you can all this energy you have right now you could throw it at them Nick loves it especially no one can shut up about this [ __ ] game right now give it all to him and then see we got some bite size is going through other streams uh later in the week got shoot the [ __ ] with Nick um Saturday I'm going to be playing better with friends with Will and then Sunday newly released with Amy all right as you said watch the old cold take or wait till this Monday to get a newer one on power world all kinds of stuff in the meantime I will say a good day to you all bye bye
Channel: Second Wind
Views: 69,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dokapon Kingdom: Connect, Second Wind
Id: jU4e85h9DDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 8sec (7988 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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