XxxTentacion Reveals the Truth behind why he went at Drake

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if you didn't like you acknowledge again it goes back to your self-awareness you acknowledge that if you did not go at Drake this thing everything that you've done how big you are in the game it probably would be that I don't get a lot of people and then we try to sacrifice me nothing inside to sacrifice I hate I hate speaking on it and I and I want to say this right now I want to say this on this video I thought I apologized to drink for for coming for his mom I saw you as a business opportunity as you saw me as a business opportunity as you extorted the cadence from that song I don't I'm not gonna argue it is what it is [ __ ] the cadence is exact [ __ ] same and if I'm just an emotional bitch-ass [ __ ] and it is what it is we agree to disagree like men but I apologize because talking about his mom was wrong I needed to do that I needed to do that so they could take me seriously and he was a stepping stone like I was a stepping stone so I apologize for disrespecting your mom I apologize for coming at you talking about you Craig and talking about you crazy and threatening you and [ __ ] and I apologize as a man to a man I apologize genuinely if I had opportunity to speak to bro I would tell him apologize I would have been apologize before I wanted to fight his ass on a thousand up before I wanted to fight him before I absolutely wanted to fight bro now it's like I understand now as I understand more because I grow day by day people forget around 19 years old I didn't I was not saying my age before but people were seeing face tattoos like oh this Linda you got to be at least like 20 to 23 you know Sam both [ __ ] 19 years old my birthday on the 23rd which is a couple days from now I'm [ __ ] 19 years old I'm just about to turn 20 Hey I when you did go against Drake though oh wait okay yeah you said yeah you said um I didn't do that yeah no no no well I was really trying to get to the courage of doing it because I don't think I don't think anybody else would well do it we see a lot of young artists every other sees [ __ ] with your no one is gonna and by the way there's been other people who have accused them of jacking and they went right behind him kissed his eyes and shook his hand the smiled in his face not abroad you see what why don Salih boo I'm sold on it was it because you were in jail this man had you not been in jail which of the five I thought was not in if I was outside of jail and brought took my [ __ ] and previewed my [ __ ] and Amsterdam like he did I would row it but we probably actually I probably actually would have found a way to Feinberg and it would have been real real real like trying to do some [ __ ] cuz they're not gonna be on probation it would have been it would have been more crazy it would have been more crazy that's how what I did exactly what I did because let me tell you something getting out of jail and not wanting going back to not wanting to go back to jail put a restraint on my mind you gonna say it put the restraints on my mind so it made me not do certain things bro before I was [ __ ] reckless Bo let me tell you something all this [ __ ] reckless boat I didn't give a [ __ ] about nothing bro cuz I have no family telling me what to do you don't say I have family but I have family you know saying nobody could tell me nothing but I was moving on my own doing everything on my own and I was [ __ ] psychotic bug and that's why I tell people like yeah I don't blame you know if y'all [ __ ] hate me you could choose to hate me but I'm evolving slowly but surely not even slowly [ __ ] I'm evolving fast yes the [ __ ] is still there yes the anger is still there but I know how to deal with it now I'll turn it into compassion for others I applied my anger and I make sure it's towards something positive and I make sure like I'm angry but I'm gonna make sure I drop the [ __ ] greatest songs I came for these kids so I could see these smiles on the [ __ ] faces you understand I'm gonna put that compassion into something else I'm not gonna let that drive me to destroy myself because then I'm destroying over a [ __ ] million kids but so yes before [ __ ] you I would've brought it would have been worse she's all have been real [ __ ] reckless Bo okay but but what makes you because again and I said if I take 40 new rappers they all see that as an honor for drink to do like nobody's gonna go no one goes at the biggest person the game also when you uh promote positivity and I hope this doesn't sound like a contradiction but they all suck dick and kiss ass and I never I never never kiss nobody asked or suck nobody dick to get to where I got a lot of rappers can't say the same I ain't saying no names a lot of rappers kiss a lot of a lot sorry [ __ ] rappers a lot of artists but he's ready I mean I guess I am categorize what these rapper ass [ __ ] a lot of these artists or rappers can't say the same [ __ ] a lot of a lot of these [ __ ] can't say they got here off the sunsetting own energy up a holding their own [ __ ] weight you ever you ever seen you ever seen anybody leave me anywhere well that's what's gonna say do you feel like that was almost a cosign Oh like you've never had a co-host across on you've never had a coach going again oh it was the code I did do you know what I did I grabbed his hand forced him to write a little cosign speak speaking in the arm yo saying not in the literal form forced him to write in pen you gonna say and then step that [ __ ] and then I and it was a cosigner yeah but I forced him to do it because you because you stayed in the pocket and your career wasn't ruined that's the cosine just the mere fact you could as a newcomer tile even lived through going against the biggest rapper in the game because I'm a good [ __ ] artist because I have the same [ __ ] mind if not better bro if not better bro we have the same [ __ ] mind Rose just has more time than me he got more time in the game to me he got more relationships I'm not stupid said I should I'm not dumb to that [ __ ] like this [ __ ] with him he goes Rodi Rodi [ __ ] hated me because I was spitting the truth but they [ __ ] offset jump to defend Drake right he dropped the defend Drake weibo and take off you see nothing you know Sam they say nothing bro all said job to defend Drake and also got mad because he got caught wearing my clothing brand who's one of my clothing brand on stage so he got mad and I know that I know that drove him inside to really have some sort of animosity so I first I let this [ __ ] go then I seen then I seen bro really like awesome light hating on y'all [ __ ] [ __ ] I will see you talking about nobody else older than you you feel me now I got brother listen bro if a [ __ ] want to fight me a nickel in the fighting you don't saying it it is what it is I ain't never but no faith you could come to my city and ask anybody I never bought I never put no faith if I get what bra did what but [ __ ] can't say I ran nobody can't say I ran so he got mad and that drove everybody to be on that if he weird [ __ ] for another [ __ ] you go insane when it would have been it would have been much better for all right me and bro to have a personal conversation and I mean Dre we had a personal conversation he could have seen where I was coming from what thing you wanted to be an actor and deny his [ __ ] or not you don't stand out of the light look if you gonna do that make up for it somehow even if it's like yo go check go check out la bro go check out la brother me go look at his music boom then he was dinner then I would have shut up then I would've shut up but otherwise it's like you tried to sacrifice me but you tried to sacrifice me you can put that you could put that as the caption if you want it [ __ ] tried to sacrifice me cuz look at it this way I'm in jail I had a PBL charge I'm facing life now that's what nobody realized our space of life I'm facing life mas which was one of my favorite rappers you know I'm saying cuz everybody everybody loved Drake bro everybody loved you I still respect [ __ ] for his music you know saying I just can't respect what he did to me for me everybody loved rate bro do you think he deliberately did it or maybe laugh oh [ __ ] yeah blowing I'm not gonna say no names [ __ ] a DJ hit me up not only a DJ my manager at the time hit me up say yo this [ __ ] Drake hit us up and he wants to talk to you he said he watched interview he [ __ ] with you bro oh god I put all my [ __ ] row on my [ __ ] life bro my mom wrote my mom found these [ __ ] hit me up and said this [ __ ] huh you got love roll [ __ ] all I had well at a point all I had was my mom skeet this is all I had a point all I had was my mama skeet and my mom wasn't physically around you know saying so Oh my mom my [ __ ] [ __ ] hit me up it was like yo they said this [ __ ] dregg was your interview he said he [ __ ] with you he said he wants a tight home he wants to talk to you that's a word say yeah swear to God as you sort of God and I started freaking out bruh I have my [ __ ] get bribed my [ __ ] get on a phone call with you right now my homeboy get on the phone call with you right now cuz he was busting a threeway for me I'm gonna get on the phone I haven't [ __ ] get on the phone to later on I swear to God and the [ __ ] will verify this [ __ ] and I was like what the [ __ ] even one of my females and I was talking to at the time cuz I after that I thought I was talking so I'm like yo I was like you heard that she's like yeah she started freaking the [ __ ] out cuz it roll I'm the young [ __ ] straight and I thought I was brought thought it was done bro and then he previews his [ __ ] and Amsterdam and I was like damn reality started to spin I felt [ __ ] wrote I felt [ __ ] them I felt [ __ ] I thought I seen my whole [ __ ] life flash before my eyes nor I seen no I seen in my head I seen bro coming to court for me telling the judge like yo this kid makes phenomenal music even if you stole my [ __ ] you feel me this game makes phenomenal music he seems like he seems like he made a mistake but your honor he makes great music give him a chance that's all I would've took but that's all over the hook then would've got every bit of money they want it they would've got the sensationalism they wanted you don't see him and then it would have been a positive capitalization I want to capitalize positive
Channel: LitTube
Views: 2,836,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj akademiks, akademiks twitch, complex news, everyday struggle, xxxtentacion, drake, twitch, jail, ski mask, joe budden, demon
Id: HHD_iBITq40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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