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but a lot of people want people to know about me can I twist that question sure this is why I want people to know the whole point of the human race and the human mind in itself is evolution whether it's Evolution spiritually physically period evolution the purpose from from birth is creation that's all humans do everything around you was created you were created a table over there created this chair created this is my creator that camera created that had created the whole point of the human of the human race in itself is creation before now when there was at least ideally the belief of two human beings on Earth everything after that was a creation and itself the whole point is evolution and creation if you're not evolving you're doing something wrong so anything that takes away the power of your mind [Music] is keeping you still underlaying your evolution the whole point of life is evolution study your laws of the universe The Law of Attraction the law of abundance The Law of Equivalent Exchange study your laws the laws of cause and effect the karmic cycle study your laws dwell into your mind meditate understand that you can alter your Realms by your train of thought the minute you slow down your thought you're able to leave your body through actual projection you're only you're only enslaved if you can't control your mind so while you can and while you don't have the whole world against you or you don't have a lot of worries worry on freeing your mind from this realm when you can free your mind from this realm everything is but a thought and if you can't free your mind then you're a slave to this realm the whole goal is you live and then you die you can die plenty times while you're alive the ideal physical death is completion you served your purpose and then you want there really is no rush for the Wicked at all I can't actually project so I'm going to teach everybody else to do it to free their minds and their souls are we gonna at least if this is what you want to dwell in which I don't want to dwell in I'm going to teach you how to at least be happy or create while you're here but for those of you that seek out power follow me that's what I want them to know [Music]
Channel: YounG BreezY
Views: 19,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VF_mqVZvWEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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