No Jumper - The Schema Posse Interview

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all right no job or coolest podcast in the world and this is the [ __ ] schema episode I got Jay Greene right across from me little pizza less left me and ghost man to the diagonal left to me what's going on guys yeah yeah what's up man what's going on oh not much I'm a fan of you guys his music I'm a fan of the movement you guys are coming up heavy out of the underground scariest [ __ ] making this evil sound and anthems yeah and I'm very happy to get you guys in the studio so we could at least talk shop and like figure out exactly what makes you guys tick Jay I'm assuming that you're kind of the Godfather of all the [ __ ] you sort of brought everybody together yeah let me hear about the early days your rap career no I started out oh just make a [ __ ] on the ground like on YouTube and [ __ ] like when both SoundCloud and airtime what era are we talking here oh wait okay oh now you're old is helped by the [ __ ] standards of this podcast every no I open it remembers 2008 anymore nah nobody you know so I started doing it didn't all with three 6 mafia Juicy J hit me up on YouTube and every time just from seeing yourself on YouTube yeah and did you have like of a following or people paying attention at that time or did he just recognize it nah see what happened is everybody was hitting him up yo my nickname Jay green man hot y'all boom so juicy would call me on my on my videos or whatnot I couldn't believe I turn there but yo man look at this [ __ ] man I'm saying and this is kind of before juicy was Papa's huge as he became a years ago in particular yeah this was like on all three 6 mafia like that was like at a standstill universe yeah yeah so they weren't pop it at that time and he hit me like I couldn't believe in mind so he flew me to Memphis I met a paw pad little white I met everybody I couldn't believe it so and then oh well yeah that's been like the biggest [ __ ] dream come true ever they flew so you fly out there and what kind of stuff they have you doing like [ __ ] did they want you to write for them or is it what was it about you breaking beats okay Kalai at that time I was a producer mhm I'll rap like Airy nine did but I was like a producer mm-hmm so when I was in there I seen how the [ __ ] made the beats right I seen every dicing parlor juicy go back and forth yo man's Duty powerheart you know crazy miking project packed like cracking jokes in there like a little white being a little white so it's just totally surreal for you to be around all these dudes II I was for many years right it was crazy uh-huh it was crazy right and so what what ultimately happened with that that you ended up leaving was there beef was there something happen and now I got fired what for that was real nah my oh I'm trying to see how can I work this without pissing off juice oh no it just something happened like I was like really young at that time you know I'm saying then you're not forgot to give somebody little something the juice like Mike I go back to Atlanta man what money a little something okay yeah yeah so I went back to Atlanta for a little bit and uh I start working with Paul and everything you still had a relationship it wasn't like totally tsagaan out there it's just a I mean I was making the mistakes that like everybody make right now right so I made them before yeah you know I was doing some stupid [ __ ] money right you know I don't know if I can say it like that but I would love to go out doing something like some stupid young [ __ ] [ __ ] at a time just sort of not knowing your place or what right yeah so I got kicked out like go fire like photons really but they kept bringing me back a park he hit me up with like juice or something like that so right at what point did you kind of step away from working with those guys and did you start rapping along the way not what happened with that it's like I would say like after he met Wiz Khalifa whatnot yeah like I was there for that whole [ __ ] like you're gonna you two you pull up you see like me like Wiz Khalifa Juicy J P Diddy like couldn't believe that [ __ ] with a photo or something not like at a video oh really okay yeah like I film that whole thing so but uh what happened three 6 mafia did a show in Chicago one time uh-huh and I was taking a piss in the bathroom I come out and I'm seen the promoter like boom boom oh it's 5,000 full boom boom ten Boom Boom Boom fifteen boom boom boom twenty right and he just kept going so Paul looked at me like Jay Gruen yard oh yeah he said hey y'all like being like look at the [ __ ] out yeah but I see how much money there was making right you know saying offers show and what were you getting when you were going on tour them nothing close to nothing o reach weeks that's what it is no I mean I was getting looks not getting a little some like they make sure you always fit right like everything taken care knocking on your anything Greece yeah you come back from that and you don't have any extra not to go home with right a like this I'm a big believer you got to pay your do yeah yeah exactly like you just can't come in like Iron Man won't give you a thousand and B one gig 500 to be you got to earn that [ __ ] could they don't trust you and because everybody wants to be in that position of being around these [ __ ] so that used to not really having to compensate people fairly because people are just honored it's like an internship yeah like like three 6 mafia that [ __ ] like that [ __ ] crazy right yeah I mean they were doing that [ __ ] for real like the drugs the cocaine while you're on tour it was wild it was wild damn still after all these years that's good to know that they slow down with the partying too hard you're like they weren't partying as hard but when we was working on the Mafia 6 mmm that reunion [ __ ] the first time yeah those are look I got to see how they was really getting down like back in the 90s a party man cuz I was all done back together and everything was here yeah it was just you get into that no I've never even tried it I've been off a lot yeah Paul for me son yeah yeah let's touch yeah you like me don't get line-in yeah I like no I'm cool yeah Justin while you're mixed up in it you could be that guy walking around on the block with no shirt on and [ __ ] real quick doing that I'm saying now I just seen it I mean it was cool like it was so real brother like you hear you know saying collide they were like the first rat group to like really talk about drugs right like Laura fire would not it's not really a big secret that they have been putting [ __ ] up their nose for many years yeah yeah like Park I could say this because he already admitted to it on the other interviews right and I could say well yeah yeah oh yeah like they they weren't playing with that [ __ ] mine so that's what so sorry so you so where do you go from here after you finally kind of fell out okay so that [ __ ] no no I really fall out like me and pause have talks like I like you know what no I can do it you feel me Paula yeah man you can't cuz you heart no dissing that so I think those when I was hanging around like Eddie Eddie Baker right Xavier Wulf Anala that is a workhorse yeah and all those guys they made they have no real cosines along the way they just built themselves up online right they build themselves up see Eddie Hill boost your air so quick yeah I like yo J Green [ __ ] like man I'm telling you Nikolai you hard [ __ ] again on fainting why do I have you practices voice law cuz that sounds exactly like I know know I've been around Eddie for like for like so many years I break you always boost me like yo Nicky like die you hard [ __ ] Nick just called Nick taking on Sam boom yeah yeah it's so like I'll stop like putting a lot of features on my [ __ ] and start concentrating on myself right so like it started to escalate uh from then mm-hmm then so like I slid with them y'all know nobody know that Michael exactly I slid with Elliot no ball in the old house were strapped right oh right I still live with them and we went up on the first tour together the Lords of the underground tour right so I've been knowing though right but what I did know my dumb ass went back to Atlanta no I went back to Lana wood not what once a dumbass but went back to Atlanta to work on the market sick [ __ ] right you know I'm saying and next thing you know like Ellie like yo [ __ ] changing right that's on the fan base really tries to take off that's when you start taking out like they always changing sup know in the Eddie was in Atlanta at a time yeah yo naked like we gotta go back you know so like it was really taken off for them and I claimed I couldn't get back to California it was a mess right and I went to the the whole depression or stage and it was like a real dark time at that time well just because you felt like you missed out on this opportunity I'm gonna be part of them taking off yeah I missed out on that but also I couldn't advance in the situation that I was in already right because the 3:6 thing just wasn't going anywhere it it was it was a lot of [ __ ] going on it was a lot of [ __ ] like I don't know how pollen juice and crunching although life is just all that [ __ ] you hear in the records like them [ __ ] actually like doing that [ __ ] in terms of partying or in terms of beef pulling up on [ __ ] hahaha everything good I was like I was caught up in that right and there was like I couldn't get back to California I have enough money get back to California they went on tour alienum by the gone tour so it was just like a it was a real [ __ ] up time yeah I did my own that's why people be asking about this [ __ ] yeah no I'm saying it's because of all the stress is it really all it's like I was a stretch mark know that like this in the birthmark like this was all from stress yeah so people like yo man what's going on is he Michael no say like what's going on but it was just stress right because I've been promised so much [ __ ] in this rap [ __ ] right and it never came to light so are you are you salty at anybody in particularly you feel some time towards anyone I'm glad it happened like I still talk to Paul right I still talk to juice Oh merely talk all the time Oh everything it was just something that I had to go through so I could be stronger right I've been through all the [ __ ] yeah you know I'm saying so it says a lot yeah I've been to everything everybody know it right mm-hmm so so you kind of what about you're in that depression how do you ultimately get out of that my mom kicked me out she kicked you out and then was like we like what I was doing I was like you know I was in my room and I would never turn the lights on - nothing really you feel I'm saying I just had my laptop open just like in the darkness my mom like you can't do this around me right so she kicked my ass out so I had to hop on the Greyhound I didn't even know why I was gonna live it right like so I'm on the greyhound my homeboy dropped me off I'm sitting here on Craigslist uh-huh like yo I'm responding to a man I got some money I got some money now we won't so by time I got the Arizona someone like y'all we got white spot for you in Hollywood uh-huh you know I'm saying so I kind of lucked out on that right but how are you making money at that time not on I sold a couple of beats for a couple of racks on that's how I got back right because before then it was just darkness and depression and just drinking and all that stuff you know people don't know who you're a drunk guy on at that time ya know zones on the van even if it was nyquil on my homeboy down the street here something I don't [ __ ] every [ __ ] day I wouldn't sell my drug at it or whatnot but it was bad I'm talking about like you're gone now I'm talking about like panic attacks and all that well I couldn't feel my heart beating on because that shit's on my mom he rushed me to the hospital it was bad man and they know you wake up and uh yo [ __ ] start changing colors in there I'm like what the [ __ ] going on what is that called the condition where that happens it's like vitiligo really yes was called my ceiling though oh it is like this was why does she help a I think song right here that's your healing back uh-huh right here is healing back this is kind of like [ __ ] with me right now I got some [ __ ] like right here wow this is what very rare is the kind of is it kind of calm like your body could turn on you right like if you go in the mirror say you hate yourself or you hate your life right your body blade for it that's how you feel okay I got you that your mind state effects like how physically in a variety of ways yeah yeah that's why won't people be stressing out I got a stake are like I can't be doing it bro like literally stress is like the biggest thing in terms of like improving your quality of life whatever you have to do to make it so that you don't feel that way is like the biggest thing you can do to improve your life you know yeah like that [ __ ] real mine like people they don't know about like energy I think we talked about this with suicide boys and right that [ __ ] is real huh what you think that how you think you are you know what you're gonna become right you know I'm saying so if you setup it up saying you hate yourself or you hate your [ __ ] life or dis and all that the universe is gonna respond to you and give you more that sure you get what you're giving in a way exactly so that's what was going on so so how'd you get your [ __ ] mind state back together and when does your story start to get better okay so when I got kicked out I'm glad she did if I got kicked out I came back to Hollywood I gotta with Elliot uh-huh he said no don't worry about it I know what happened and we did our first House of Blues so right on you were one of the openers for example some I say wife yeah Oh from I know that yeah okay so you know it was crazy like me Ross in a smart file believe and we always did shows like by the honey honey fifty right Elliott came by he like you're at home we making this now we making now shows probably 1300 people or some [ __ ] about about women about 13 14 hundred people here that [ __ ] was crazy but when I was around them we was doing like what 200 yeah 300 right back in the warehouse did back in the warehouse day so I was just surprising them yeah we so we did the House of Blues thing and everybody like damn like I mean people knew who I was but not everybody right so like [ __ ] this [ __ ] is uh-huh like toilet [ __ ] down also I brought our DJ Paul - yeah it was lit yeah so when nobody are expecting that [ __ ] and so I did House of Blues one that we came back with - mmm with our - so on everything started to go right but still like my living situation was still [ __ ] up right I mean I was living with like seven people on folk bunk beds like back to back to back to back yeah and he wears a mask people just ran on Craigslist Oh crazily yeah no I'm saying like first it will cool like it will means old white dude you know I'm saying who snore who snore loud it was a this other do name what would I go name his name but he was cool at first and his other dude then the landlord guy greedy yeah and he moved like three other bunk beds up in there this is grimy I miss Wisconsin it was costing me like 395 but oh but [ __ ] got crazy later on once the [ __ ] moved in what are some black dude some black dudes go so like it was good it was good when you always [ __ ] with [ __ ] moving when you're sleeping there at night is everybody just farting and you're smelling all these different types of fun no no no no no farting okay little farting a lot on the wall well you know what it was fart my bag I pay yeah it was farting but I had like a little cocoon uh okay lightning like made it like sheets of wood night oh how so like them things like deflecting the fart so wouldn't yeah okay I like this listen real [ __ ] wake up you come outside it's just every different fart in the whole world is going to get their cornucopia farts gonna look okay so look when the landlord guy greedy he moved in bunk bed too I was on bunk bed one he moved in bunk bed to bunk bed three bunk bed folk they started getting greedy ain't care who the [ __ ] came in right so we had his to pot looking [ __ ] he damn and I knew it was gonna be trouble off from there collide when he first came in he gave me this look like his [ __ ] look like a like a like like like a [ __ ] moment Wow Hyundai it was kind of like a [ __ ] moment all right no I'm saying it didn't it was just fat dude who moved in here like a self Harmer so at night he bleep big he'd be bill himself oh my god this is all like he like I mean blood everywhere wow it's so I think after the House of Blues three I think after three I just got fed up I said some got to change yeah so I was in the shitty ass room and I say hey oh I'm doing this thing called schema boy schema Posse if you want your life to be changed hit me up you just put that out there on Twitter I just tweeted it out off of frustration you know I'm saying so the first day does a couple of cool [ __ ] you know I'm saying it's a cup of cool ones but then the third day that's when ghosts okay ghost hit me up on Facebook and I heard like the first four bars right I said my [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm here [ __ ] right now I said what's a [ __ ] number uh-huh he gave me the number and we talked about about a good two hours of something we talked for like a long-ass time and I was like okay he good if he's saying well yeah I lied enough with a lot of rappers a lot of rappers craziest [ __ ] now I met all of I've been around I've been around everybody so me me and goes talk for like two hours and he's seen legit and where were you living at the time West Palm Beach okay Florida right Palm Beach County so what how'd you guys connect what happened well after we had the talk pretty much it was at first it wasn't like because about a year ago yesso wasn't like you know get to LA right away type [ __ ] it was more just you know build the movement work together and um and you know just kind of stay like like he's at saying basically because you know there's a lot of talent out there but a lot of people don't really have it in them to uh you know not do stupid [ __ ] burn bridges right yeah so um but yeah I mean eventually you can do a point where was like you know you got to be in LA and I had to make a lot of sacrifices to make it happen like to get out of here yeah quit my job sold most of my [ __ ] all my [ __ ] you know me and my girl just moved out of our place and you know pretty much threw everything away right so I can make it out here and be able to you know at least live back and forth for a while and eventually just you know kind of make this my base so how long you been coming out here for I mean I've only been out here now for about a month okay when you guys first linked up like in person Bryce go grayscale yeah la yeah when you put that video up of or something yeah that's the first time I met ghost that's the first time but you guys have been working together online for a while at that point about six months yupper today about six seven months up to two tapes out and [ __ ] yeah yeah but in person yeah that was the first time it's always funny when [ __ ] you internet rapping ass [ __ ] haven't met each other in real life a long periods of time like I'm the suicide boy so pull your walks in and that's the first time that or is that crazy yeah yeah it was beautiful and now they've been on tour together probably hung out for like months on end but yeah exactly yeah don't let P by just make us like two months ago oh really okay yeah so so when does he come into the fold oh cool little peep over here you won't tell you woman said go meet Ellie okay no like it's crazy hot [ __ ] work come like it'll be a hard we had like a dude who's saying you know I'm saying it did somebody was like oh I know a person you know I'm saying so he hit up Pete you know no no first he sent me links to his SoundCloud and [ __ ] so when I first heard to Pete ain't even ask him hmm I just okay he gonna be anywhere we got to go to New York or what now ride on right is where you feel like it was that important from I'm from Long Island oh really where yeah Long Beach South Shore Wow okay [ __ ] the girl in the ocean there one time that's awesome yeah for real I didn't have that [ __ ] beat you gotta pay like 10 bucks to get on that beach right oh yeah you do to pay ten boys sitting on that beach [ __ ] up man I don't fish for [ __ ] on the beach or if I'm not paying the ten bucks yeah I wondered how they enforce that that's crazy yeah small world yes such as postal in the ocean there yeah well you said this all probably killed all probably at least spread out by no yeah actually drew a gun on me for being on the beach I painted $10 are you serious the cops did yeah Wow all right shut up you PD Jesus all right so you can talk to them and yeah so I heard Pete I like you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me bro so like he's like him like both of these guys like some of the most talented people who I've ever ran into right I work with everybody you know I'm saying so when I heard peeping on her goes I knew was it go dry you know I'm saying so we got like about 50 [ __ ] up in schema really oh yeah it's Dee I mean you can see we got about heavier you know saying wavy Jones right there I'm not saying we got a golf got on my boy Andy we got Brendan right there got a Derrick up there almond nine schema but I [ __ ] with almond 13 heavy Oh not because he's black yeah but kind of yeah why we always on the same page maybe because we black bullet I'll [ __ ] with him here did you gravitate towards these dudes because they're white in any way or is that just a coincidence it's a coincidence because goes locate like since I've been around Paul juice a Raider the Raider boys says Halle water boys I got all the experience right allow Kayla this what we're going don't know you don't trust black guys yeah yeah I just had to fill that in because I can't believe it that's really what you're saying on me oh I just I was gonna say so I'm holdup let's hear give us a real talk because what Oh like wolf like you know like the ofö wolf right old school I'm at school I actually wasn't around back then but y'all just use like yeah you know Xavier Wulf like I know Ethel wolf okay at like while he was crazy back in the day you know I'm saying okay till like everything start to go good then he chilled out a little then should a little girl but not seriously though I told everybody look we're gonna do like this we won't do like that gonna job this one job that he was the only person like to listen uh-huh or till I actually do it on how I laid it out like his work ethic kicked up I knew he was gonna blow I knew ghost man was gonna blow once everybody uh once everybody like hearing one night same thing with a little peak yeah because I little peak he was doing numbers and everything like people knew him but what we did was introduced him to like this Lane yeah and once we introduced him to this Lane he went from like what about 1.7 to like a living just like down on Soundcloud right so he gained like 10k do you feel like you're kind of now in the position that you're trying to do the P Diddy thing a little bit and trying to like actually take these dues that you think you're talented and try to like find like you're kind of helping market them in a way I'm basically doing something that nobody ain't gonna do what do you mean like okay remember that grayscale was like you got to be careful you [ __ ] right because like they'll blow up and they're they'll be your enemy or there'll be a competition or whatnot I didn't give a [ __ ] does like the home because my whole thing was if I can help somebody right how I wish somebody would help me right maybe it could it could make their life better yeah you feel I'm saying so if you're saying because a lot of people like you know I had somebody recently like oh you're a dumbass for [ __ ] promoting all these other podcasts my brother crazy like I promote some other good [ __ ] the [ __ ] show love to me at some point like this is how things happen in the world is people are nice to each other and they can kind of build together and even if it's not always a completely even exchange like even if you do something to help somebody out and then they end up kind of not giving you the full credit you deserve it's like whatever like because some percentage of people are going to look out for you and you can't really figure that out until you get in that position you know if you help people and help bring people together then you're gonna do better for yourself in life I mean yeah that's true so like I were told you I told goes I told Pete I said it's a good chance to y'all just surpass me and every time you really feel that way okay yeah I mean cuz I mean everybody here Pete everybody know that like the type of music he do a lot of people just can't they can't [ __ ] with it yeah and that's that's my honest opinion his nature like ain't nobody but yeah his music okay nobody really know [ __ ] with little people [ __ ] with it like that okay yeah like cuz he's like one of the most talented people I've been around and same thing with ghosts man okay no I told him to Buster both white and so when your opinion what is that that's a marketing thing in a city I'm you know that there's a value to that in they did some of the consumers right I mean I've been telling people from day one in light of people who listen to it they know exactly who I'm talking about I'm sounding like it happens like I mean if we was in like Africa or something like that it'd be like the reverse right but you like I was telling a ghost this long time ago you break down the numbers America is what 70 68 something like that I don't know percent way percent white and white people like the the biggest consumers so when they hear one of their own right you know I'm saying yeah going hardest relatable in a sense was like it's more relatable so but I was man enough to not give a [ __ ] about this yeah totally because that would be the best-case scenario for someone in your position is to be able like get more people to hear your music because you helped promote somebody to where they become bigger than you and I wouldn't look what I did was okay we came here for great scale right and everything that whole great scale [ __ ] was a success I knew I was telling him and him I said it's gonna be certain people watching now so I just did the ultimate thing that people just have a hard time doing every time he would drop a video I'll make it a 15 second clip it put it on my Instagram mm-hmm they put on my twist a ghost me yeah when the spotlight was on me right because after I did greyscale don't nobody do that Mike I'm trying to tell you I know these [ __ ] bro if they got the spotlight they finna get in a Fender wrong with it right but I told him a long time ago I got you right and if I if I tell you I got you I got you I'm saying so I said I got his plan so when Pete drop something I cut it to a light 15-second Heidi I know they ever would it's just this one to do the thing like this one fly just like bugging the father but they left some food out or something god damn I see exactly right done right now need a candle or something some isn't taking the treasure apparently yeah so like and then what Pete dropped some I cut it to fit sing secular a - little Pete well now you can do 60 seconds on Instagram you can yeah holy [ __ ] Oh like a week ago wow that's good to know homeless [ __ ] play music out sighs just point that out Oh for real yeah there got like a noise gate like a limit or something uh be cool good idea not so like that's what I did yeah so when the attention was on me I put the attention off on them right any work how'd you end up getting in the position to do that a great scale [ __ ] with suicide boys and all them okay so like I didn't even know this [ __ ] mine so like scream he hit me up like let no no no it's like a while ago right but fart like we was talking away now I first met them at the House of Blues our first show right and broad like them too like in the corner yeah nobody they were right didn't nobody know who they were I'm just looking at those guys like who the hell like are those guys like Ruby and screamed like this yeah skinny is [ __ ] with the long house blond hair he looks a lot cooler now you kind of got it together no yeah like like an amateurish like light like they're like a baby scrim yeah yeah he had the baby scream going alright that time it was the beginning of something yeah it was the beginning so uh I walked through the DOE and behind me were Paul hmm so they like what the [ __ ] don't hell I didn't I expect green and powder oh I walk up but something told me like you know what I just talked to them yeah I don't know what it was brush so I think I was like the only one to talk to them at that time uh-huh Oh like maybe one of the only ones to talk to him at that time right and they uh they came out with Smurfs at the show so we really start like texting back and forth won't it like scream saying like he called me he's like bro I've been listening to you since like oh wait it was like name in the CDs and everything old-school that was their real underground kids like [ __ ] who really been paying attention and [ __ ] yeah and like I don't even know it so at that time I ain't even know the suicide boys had like any type of juice like that right I was just like showing them love because I don't know I said it was like a like a vibration I felt uh-huh and they seemed like some humble dudes you know I'm saying so then we drop the song called vices right and so I liked it like on soundcloud you like some like on the side you know so it yeah oh come up so at time I hop on soundcloud or like tenth down mm-hmm then like 20 I didn't like 30 yeah and like follow the [ __ ] going on yeah so then I decided to click on like damn like oh okay these boys coming up but like before all that [ __ ] I was always tweet out suicide balls always in like this when they went [ __ ] at that time right so when greyscale came around like screaming hit me up he's like yo buddy going to it right and I was like [ __ ] I was already living with like seven bum ass [ __ ] on me it was crazy like a halfway house to [ __ ] like a little to pot oh I beating himself up in his sleep the Duke beat himself up in the sleep already sleep the landlord craziest [ __ ] there's a [ __ ] who was talking to demons who I'm dead answered that's like all that [ __ ] going on yeah like I was talking to him at first like little peep and ghost man I was living there yeah but I never told them never told my bad it was I never told my bad it was because I didn't want to give off no type of skill yeah you feel I'm saying right like we could still do this even though I'm in the [ __ ] up position right you feel I'm saying yeah tom so we went on grayscale tour and everything was a success so that's how all me and suicide boys like really hooked up right that was crazy yeah so uh what can you tell us a little bit more about people what kind of dude this dude is or tell us about both of these guys from your perspective my perspective yeah I mean well I wanna hear from your perspective I also wanna hear from their before because they've talked that much okay yeah they haven't talked that no people are like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro that's cool hey uh did he tell you to dye your hair pink this is idea J yeah of course you do that is okay I could see him being like yo this is gonna be dope all the white kids gonna love you yellow and I was my idea actually okay real is getting styling near the encounter group Oh gotcha the income haha no okay watched us I start with a what goes on I mean like I said you like they they talented as hell man like goes question me oh my [ __ ] sometimes like I hear him I'm like damn I like I go harder you feel I'm saying cuz his energy on the track I mean like wavy was saying yesterday's likes unmatched right just like its unmatched he could double time floating everything he'll threat you know I'm saying like ghost man he he'll threat right now what do you think AJ I mean [ __ ] yeah been a threat bro honestly um my girl actually got me in his music we were tripping mushrooms one night and we were bumping a lot of like like old [ __ ] and like when I say old I mean like like late 2000s right but um and then one of his tracks him on I was like who the [ __ ] is this Noah sack yeah I think it was inside out she told me no sir yeah no sir yeah yeah it was okay it was no say and um and I was like who the [ __ ] is she said Jake green I add him on Facebook like it was only three months prior to when he made that status about like expanding a movement uh-huh um so I was I was lucky I got to even like if she never showed me that I never would Adam I never would have seen it or anything so right yeah yeah what's okay what's the creative process with all you guys working together you do get to record together often or is it just once on a blue I mean like in the beginning was really just like the usual internet [ __ ] like shooting versus back and forth and beats and all that but now that we're all together you know it's kind of its kind of different right you know stuff happens faster and more more creative I guess in my opinion yeah where you guys up and staying together out here what yeah the Brendan savages house okay no yeah so it's just a big old [ __ ] party all the time or what oh yeah sometimes something we've been don't like the last two nights yeah yeah but going in who drinks the hardest art out of everybody at this table who drinks the hardest at is table yeah oh that's me yeah paint it I'm drinking right now what kind of drunk are you right now uncool in general like when you're getting drunk around the house with these guys nah I can't get really drunk around no yeah don't listen to him yeah this it's a front it's probably Gus I mean to me like I'm probably the least out of anybody into like okay drugs and drinking like right I mean I like a trip like I like acid mushrooms and stuff but I like um I'm not digging anything else or even little peepers he's doing mountains of cocaine and his [ __ ] videos was good Keith goes hard talk to me about your alright so it's a way you're from Long Island which is crazy yeah I [ __ ] a [ __ ] in the ocean as I said but what was your upbringing like and when did you get interested in rapping oh man I got my upbringing my brain was pretty regular yeah yeah um I mean I was around drugs early but that's the only thing that's not regular I'd say okay but uh I got into rapping mm-hmm um I started listening to underground rap I'd say I found the first underground rap was probably like such high water boys I don't know okay I'm with Holden you ready I'm 19 I was a 19 so you started getting into them what he's still in high school yeah I was in high school okay and uh yeah I dropped out why'd you drop out uh I dropped out cuz I didn't like it yeah I hear that I hate I [ __ ] high school yeah and so when you start rapping I started rapping when I dropped out and then I moved to California with Brennan and we moved into the house that we're all staying in right now how long did you move out here ago I think that was 2013-14 maybe yeah and so what you just been working on the music thing ever since or what no I moved out here and tried to do music but I couldn't mix myself and I got really frustrated like a few months and then I couldn't pay the rent anymore went back to New York and then I was like [ __ ] cuz I was back in my mom's house so I really wanted to get out again you don't like being in your mom's house no I do I do like my mom's house shouts my mom [ __ ] show watch this [ __ ] for sure nice what's up mom wasn't in our hands Liza Liza what's up if you ever see me around Liza give me a big hug okay I [ __ ] with you she's cool she teaches first grade oh yeah but uh are we talking about oh just uh yeah like leaving the house and like coming out here and stuff oh yeah yeah so I went back and I really wanted to get him at mom's house so I started making music and we're now I started really going harder with the mixing got better at it and [ __ ] right and then people started to like much I'm glad and whatnot yeah and then almost right away Craig's and shadow Craig got me introduced to Jay okay how did you know Craig just from SoundCloud [ __ ] oh yeah we were just like we found each other both when we didn't really have much uh-huh we started following each other right and so what was your first meeting with Jay green like he was like I want you be my rap group what was this conversation like um it was it was cool I was really excited because I just started mm-hmm and it was I was kind of worried about how I was gonna like fit in [ __ ] right because my [ __ ] is more like light yeah but it wasn't mean is [ __ ] disgrace I'm not as mean as you guys yeah that's good though I mean a little bit everything yeah so what's up we're like what's up with drugs in general I when you first started doing drugs and when you show yourself doing the mountain cocaine in the video is this like supposed to be like this is my day to day life are you talking about some [ __ ] you used to do or what I mean I don't know I'm pretty bad with him damn I right though yeah that man golf right though yeah that's when I see started right though he's the one who got you into drugs No am i right I cooked him ago come on get over here you enabler no he's he's lying I don't know what he's talking about you don't want to eat it was Lee he's on drugs and I can't open his eyes with the book exactly hahahaha how do you feel about all this what what is everybody doing is people doing blow at the house all the time and [ __ ] no it was just cokes expensive yeah I haven't I haven't lived with ghosts and J for more than a week okay yeah and I haven't been able to get [ __ ] out here and I would I was going through with Charles a few days ago I was living so in your home with you live so here at home you're [ __ ] just partying all the time you [ __ ] up or what what's your preferred substances here here yeah I smoked a lot of weed okay that's one thing but what I was me living here house we get off to the [ __ ] yeah you mean in general yeah yeah I don't know sands I know I yes a lot lien yeah a lot of that it's just like the stuff that people offer me I just kind of go with it it's whatever whatever we're doing tonight you get a lot of girls no no not Ryan you got a neck tattoo you got pink hair you getting great just skinny kind of our Utah I'll tell you I'm like 6-3 exactly if you ain't gettin [ __ ] [ __ ] up you gotta get a tinder right now sign up a tender on your phone right now I'm too awkward I'm too weird no you're not they love that [ __ ] if Tyler Grosso is out here getting [ __ ] you could get some [ __ ] Wow got the wrong with Tyler either but I'm just saying like he's got like a similar you know he's kind of the quiet quiet shot kid just because he is a quiet shy kid doesn't mean you can't get some buns some buns bread buns jános j's are getting buns we're Eskimo brothers that [ __ ] got me in trouble laughter wait a minute well Ruby's like oh which a green gets the most out the whole tour oh well I said got me in so much trouble I could you got girlfriend at home or something no it was just a lot like my phone which is going off like it's going off now I'm putting it on silent but it was just so much backlash from that [ __ ] was just crazy money really yeah I got trouble for that [ __ ] damn that sucks I feel like I have a hard time hiding the fact that I might be proficient in that regard you know yeah how the girls know they know I'm doing something right if they ask me what my number is I realized that there's nothing there's no good thing I could say cuz even if I [ __ ] lie there still I'm gonna believe the lie cuz it's like they just assume that it's so bad oh it's pretty bad the first time you met ghost man yeah that like the first sentence that came out your mouth was about the porn star yeah I was looking your ass I think yeah yeah yeah not Janice Griffin to be interviewed I didn't hear why this was I was way after like me Adam I'm not going yeah don't know yeah we noticed all this porn star who who I guess me and [ __ ] you know so we got that in common so really we got that in common actually that's how we started buying this when yeah yeah yeah that's how we started bonding it because we [ __ ] the same points I like knowing that about somebody I like knowing I'm asking my brothers with somebody right you know I'm saying Angels closer together but you know what like we hooked up to the porn star and she's like yo J i'ma be a porn star you know I'm saying all I always said all right well let's practice on it yeah dogs my whole thing you guys made a movie now we make a movie but it was pretty intense up in there yeah you know I'm just good at what she does you know what I paint a little bit over because I was texting her one night and I like I can't believe you actually a porn star tonight yeah cuz she told me she would like well I used to [ __ ] all right dudes and it dinner like my homeboy I gonna name his name I think he liked the first the first [ __ ] to smash or not on earth or just in our circles on earth yeah at Elliot house yeah you know I got I got love for her I think she's a cool girl and stuff I got nothing bad to say about a but I will say this is that I was looking through her photos and I seen a photo of her sucking a dick and then I sort of like realized that there was also just some dudes sucking the dick with her it was her sucking a dick and I just was like oh like like I just couldn't believe that's what I was looking at yeah my boys hit this part what knows nothing about what I was looking at that [ __ ] I seen the same [ __ ] you soon I was offended bro so like like [ __ ] like she were gone in uh so I did after she was done to do oh he started going I just had a photo of them both doing it at the same time and I was it a gift for some no it was a photo night now I see the video I saved the photo and sends it to my group chat and I think everybody in my group chat [ __ ] threw up no you know Derek's dying over there bro holy [ __ ] I couldn't believe that [ __ ] my op I by text I'm like man you want song I don't know what what type of [ __ ] that is but like she went first I thought it was like a gangbang or something like that I use of the video yeah I kind of see like a clip of it so like she was like doing her thing as soon as she came up Oh like old buddy just slid in yeah yeah and he started going in and I had like push like the spacebar ha ha all right the [ __ ] going on I kind of turn my left oh you laptop out the window cuz I had like the lotion right here no I'm saying let your ashy I mean are you [ __ ] the same no no sense so I mean it's cool so I lotion right here and everything I'm looking at the whole no not the whole thing but she was going in and she got off him buddy slid in yes I was like oh that could [ __ ] up your movie that could [ __ ] up you move real quick don't disrespect to the gay guys out there but if I'm watching porn and that's gonna happen I want a [ __ ] advisory in the beginning tight a little horn horn and dude sucking dudes dicks in here don't jerk off to this I'm telling life man so funny I love living in LA yeah mines it's crazy but my atom be getting down my eye hurt not her a lot of [ __ ] bro I don't know about our own I heard a lot of [ __ ] yeah alright I thought I thought I was kind of bad ladies don't listen to him he's lying see we finna get him in trouble 9mm nobody can get me in trouble I'm single and ready to mingle with a can of Pringles at my outfit you know young hug always has a can of Pringles with him that's a rumor that we're spreading on here oh yeah well somebody told me that that young thug rows around with a can of Pringles at all times always has Pringles somebody said that on this podcast and I choose to believe it because I think it's a really funny idea I wouldn't doubt it holy bleep poppin them hoes on up I don't know hey what's your favorite a cracker or snack cracker or chip chili Fritos okay so you mad California already out there cheese is the flamin hot ones are she did she go I'm a cheesy guy too I knew we had a lot in common who are you let's see what cheetos cheetos just regular cheetos that's cool yeah that's fine yeah Oh Chi to Mike and Ikes actually like a nice well that's totally their shows Jake Jake reen eats two boxes of big boxes and Mike and nice a day really and two big boxes of firecrackers a day also and that's all he eats firecrackers what are those that's it you like the red something else oh you like it like red white no nutrition that's all you eat you don't need regular food now it's bad bruh I'm trying to quit it's like drugs like you can get it to it oh yeah and I'm like it's it's all drug yeah if you know me like witnessing diabetes onset hit up a Chipotle or something get a little bowling you know he doesn't Wow I'm trying mine like I told Brennan like one day I was gonna quit yeah family like cold turkey uh-huh he didn't and I didn't like the next day I literally like walked down it's like lawns and got me some oh you're lucky that you got good genetics and then you're not getting fat or whatever look oh no I can't no I'll get federal yes I know I don't get fatter than um but it's like a serious problem yeah yeah he was funny let's start looking around right now I'm serious like how did i J I'm trying to quit it could the cavities they they come in they're a tiny place Mr prettiman rehab they should like booze is Israel yeah so at Ikes what do you guys got coming up in terms of torrent in terms of mixtape like what's on the horizon for y'all because I notice that peeps been putting on videos making new songs all the time you guys all working on new projects yeah of course yeah I drop an EP at least an EP every month I got an album I'm working on to sell produced some videos getting edited there's one by my boy legacy actually oh he's the one who does all the videos for you right yeah don't for me and he's doing and quietly where me yeah Claude cams good too when we gonna get a beamer boy video you shoot that show yet or what no I have a I have like a really city one that I made myself in my career but you want to wait for a good one that's not a liar yeah I like that song a lot thank you I appreciate it and the one about the California girl I feel like that oh yeah it was one of two favorite sons this I heard from you in recent months thank you I agree shout out to the scooter kids too because I think that the scooter kids that we know from San Diego badger [ __ ] that's Israel that's a San Diego shoutout and Tanner they're the ones who put me on they were like yo check out this Beemer by Charlotte that's logical it's his nickname is a scooter kid but he's pretty cool but [ __ ] nice that guy's gonna badger click follow follow badger clone on Instagram what badger click yeah but he's the one who put me on a little peep all he did I think so I might have heard him before that but I already knew you and [ __ ] but I think he's the one who's listening to me oh good I got to rely on these young ask kids to tell me what songs are hot cuz I'm got enough time to listen every mixtape these days right now if it's tough it's hard times I feel like I'm becoming irrelevant um and I basically would you working on Oh ghost working on some [ __ ] me and goes by do some [ __ ] uh-huh my next thing we're gonna be like a me and Pete and then we're gonna do a schema Posse full member like all 50 okay like I'm like 10 tracks actually gonna be crazier than me and ghost got some coming out P powers got [ __ ] coming out you guys going on tour people goth yeah yeah we're going on so like this summer with suicide boys or what isn't that something that you guys are playing with them or not oh we might do like a grayscale to have a show with them on the 15th yeah we got a show with them on the 15 out here now Bakersfield okay cool yeah yeah but I'm going to do like a schema tour like in the summer they're gonna be crazy yeah yeah yeah that's what's up so like now we all just working man you know everybody just working that's all we're doing at the house of wind cutting up we working you're in the stage still where you're just hungry as [ __ ] like just trying to make something happen huh like you guys still like underground as [ __ ] but you still do have a [ __ ] footprint coming along and a fan bases both know that's why I was hot to get you guys in here because I know that you guys are catching steam right now and I feel like well especially with oh people were here everybody's [ __ ] mad at you or something about some of your songs at lunch and pink hair what's going on how you feel about the haters bro yay I love them love them sure I love the haters all the haters I love haters that's my shirt I designed that really no absolutely not but I [ __ ] with it again put it on a neon green snapback and I wear it all day every day for real and then but uh now but everybody be like yo I'll always see is y'all right on our timeline on Facebook say yo all I see is like you he goes red there's a cold-blooded or whoever that's all they see mmm that's all I [ __ ] hear you know I'm saying so everybody like hey y'all got next y'all got next like Trufant he like this uh he got like a YouTube channel yeah well I wanted you know I'm in real life no he came from Canada right oh yeah yeah Garnett's my boy shouts outro funk put me on he's one of the first for people to really put me on like on all the other blogs YouTube yeah he's got crucial YouTube uploads a lot of the underground hits and [ __ ] yeah exactly yeah he's probably kicking off as you do of course I know that my burning leave about four five yeah something something like that a month and he's fell fine yeah and we got photos of this dude until he looks like I've no clue look he got like that that Dale Gribble Aires is like a via some yeah Hotel Gribble I guess yeah heard he was in the seventies or some [ __ ] like that he was in the 70s now he was in his 70s oh that would be so funny if that was true he is an older dude yeah really okay like seriously he's geriatric the plot thickens he would be young on old I'm playing yeah no he's he's got to be on there's no way you'll get a VD oh do you think there's anyone who's 70 that like listens to you guys remember my grandpa ha ha ha I smoked I swung to be with my grandmother my grandma hey if you're older than 45 and you're watching this right now leave a comment let us know because that's a that's of a lot of interest to me if there's anybody you think that there's any like fanatical bones fans that are 70 you know they like me Wow there's got to be wanted to have old low-key fans yeah mm-hmm little bo-peep they're rushing where the name low people come from because it sounds like little bo-peep had to Russia okay my the name low peep is cuz my mom calls me Pete oh she's been calling me Pete forever okay let's go well you got Russian fans y'all do all the Russians love it underground right man shouts out hey shut up yeah yeah yeah I try to have a BK I tried that my homie like distributors are Russian [ __ ] try to like run a VK for me it didn't really work yeah I just show [ __ ] on there all time all the time well sucks because they're probably not listening to this because they probably won't speak Russian are they don'ts big lobster do they do they somebody's proficient and maybe translate it or do the subtitles so if anybody wants to do the subtitles we speak Russian as well but actually maybe I don't know I gotta know if I can trust them or not because otherwise they're just gonna make it look like we're all talk about being gay or something as long as they get the part about the dude sucking the dick with the girl that was those the fact that that's probably the hot lap so glad you brought that up that [ __ ] scar me bro I'm not a [ __ ] going on scarred my seals Christ so funny goddamn I gotta take a piss wicked bad but I like where can i everybody [ __ ] keep up with what you guys got gone on Twitter and SoundCloud give us some links at low P underscore shorty shout on Twitter shorty sh o RT y or sha WT 1 sha WT y shouty that's that's correct that ghost man with the e after ghost with the e after ghost might wait tell them about all these people that keep leaving the eos or naima ya know it's like even promoters do it i mean i don't care like fans eventually learn against will actually know like there's people who they're older like merchants shirts for me and [ __ ] and will shout me out with the picture of the shirt like shots out ghosts mean and misspelled my name you know his name and tag me on correctly is ghosting man also or ghosty man is fine as long as you put the e you know right just don't forget to [ __ ] eat it's weird cuz nobody's doing that to Gucci man no one I don't think I've never seen them called gucci mane and if it did it would be really funny yeah so [ __ ] hilarious name gucci mane I've heard their achievement coochie-man it sounds like a superhero it's just you could totally like it oh shut your mama gucci mane album shows like oh gucci mane okay so my mom says how's about a say yeah well my mom taught her to when she heard my name she's like ghost man I was like no you like it hit you he get real pissed really well the desi yeah promoter and it's a flyer something like important Roy's I was stupid ooh yeah like if you were in the title of the video put you know what I feel like go do it when I first posted it and you you hit me up like soon you need to get in there and change this [ __ ] yeah I'm Black Dynamite just to say that yeah thank you like he'll go to the backyard start yelling types hahaha really I'm Dennis punching himself in the face like a guy in the fart castle I don't do that over there over misspelling but I do that over other things for sure hey we all like oh his phone got broken like two days ago uh-huh sure yeah that's how young God broke the phone God golf broke his phone like two days it's actually a good thing though cuz I got a new one and I love it more than my old one honestly that's awesome nothing goes better than a let's go yeah new socks and yeah but he was going he was going crazy like two days ago girl trying to calm him down trying to calm him down huh he just like he went crazy over that [ __ ] that's crazy I forgive you also on my favorite producer is Ned ARP diagram shuttle shuttle Ned okay Wow ok rare shot Nick yeah I shot Nick uh here's a song that we just used an OSS video called I saw a witch lady get eaten out at a rave in New York City that's the name of the song true story tomorrow I think he told everybody that you know Eddie Annette is a grimy day oh yeah nay Wow my are some stories about you too yeah I need to do a podcast about all the [ __ ] I heard about Ned yeah yeah and then told me story uh what was yesterday he was in boat some chick and he said like do you want to get verified or not she got up and left immediately put her pants on and left Ned Yost plug on the verification I'm mad as hell because I mother I got a swear word in my name on office happening I don't know hi Nick at that blue [ __ ] up by his name but he's got a shot in it also shut it in there because once I meet this chick in the uber that I paid for and she puked on the inside of the uber and I got charged eighty five dollars and I didn't even try to get the money out of Nick because I know he's so broke selling beats for [ __ ] ubers and [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] wet I didn't even try to get the 85 out of Danny I said I never tried to get it out him cuz but I will publicly make fun of him right now that's my payback yeah damn it also once I'm we took knit to our bar that we always go to and he [ __ ] had this credit card that he found somewhere and he [ __ ] ran up like a $300 tab on this other person's card and then he tried to dip out and they [ __ ] grabbed him or like not now you didn't pay Beauty enclose your tab all about and try to close it didn't work he had bought so many [ __ ] drinks got everybody there drunk as [ __ ] and then they [ __ ] they had him like he had to [ __ ] pay the 30 bucks back eventually it took a month to pay it back down it never going in my room has a what what else you got I the other stuff I can't say you can't sleep off there I'll fill you in there yo and give us your sin club or your Twitter now my twitter is jg r XX and reppin that raider hieroglyphics for life no no you know what honestly he buys followers haha you do have mad followers either you got mad from the 3/6 or what not like we got think unlike unlike him over there you've been around a while like Wiz Khalifa and all them you still like repost my shits my follower get up right but not do the exes up in there's like don't call that black guy some dude named J greens who does he call my name yeah light is a common name so I like I have to do something that's gonna separate me from like anybody name like Jeremiah green a jerel green or some [ __ ] like that you know insane right so you got throw them X's up in the right plus I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan and dad's Brian be doing the EXO ok nonsense my excuse also like DX from wrestling suck it exactly actually I got suspended from school one time I was just gonna say I knew a kid who got suspended for that as kid gr mow this fat-ass Mexican kid that went to school that you guys are spent for that same exact thing yeah like me my homeboy like it was like in drama class some light there we got spin if like two days doing this yeah yeah alright shoutout to degeneration X and shout out the schema bullet schema posse shout low peep ghost mane and J green no jumper coolest podcast no subscribe to us on YouTube SoundCloud iTunes follow on some [ __ ] on Twitter and Instagram and check me out Adam 22 all spelled out on the gram as well thank you boys for coming in you're going to tear up him on everything tonight I forgot to mention that yeah yeah but low peep is a playing with Larry June tonight him and everything means absolutely nothing that I'm saying this right now since this won't come out for like a weakness but oh [ __ ] it we out here peace woo so talking about anger of the thing you'd appreciate
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 1,772,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: schema posse, lil peep, j green, j grxxn, ghostemane, no jumper, adam22, shwb, pouya
Id: KI_a8EwrmWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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