XSS on Google Search - Sanitizing HTML in The Client?

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Letting users have just a little formatting, is like letting a dude put only the tip in.

Life would be so much simpler for developers, if we only had to handle pure text and escape everything else coming in.

But no 𝔟𝔬𝔰𝔰 will ever understand what a can of worms it is to handle 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 a 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 🅵🅾🆁🅼🅰🆃🆃🅸🅽🅶.

👍︎︎ 330 👤︎︎ u/MatsSvensson 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was fascinating. I've been learning more about xss since I want to let my users enter html on their pages but I want it to be sanitized

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/bxsephjo 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

You can sanitize HTML on the client side for display/convenience purposes, but you can't rely on anything that happens on the client side for anything related to security or correct operation on the back end.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/Edward_Morbius 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

If only someone would have invented an html dialect that required proper well formed tag structures and we wouldn’t have to deal with this fucked up magic error handling.

Oh wait they did. It was called xhtml and nobody used it because it was “too complicated”...

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/UloPe 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is there any need for the search to be interpreted as HTML at all? Does whatever UI library they're using not have something for setting element.textContent instead of element.innerHTML?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fascinating video!

However, I do HTML sanitation differently: I parse the HTML fragment into some kind of DOM tree. Not using the template element, but a JavaScript HTML parser. It hasn't have to be a very good HTML parser, it just has to produce some consistent result. Then I strip out any script elements, event handlers, form actions etc. (actually I use a whitelist of tags and attributes, not a blacklist) and then I serialize it again as a valid XML compatible HTML fragment that closes all the tags and where all <, >, &, ", and ' are quoted no matter where they are. So I will never have <p title="</noscript>..., it will always be <p title="&lt;/noscript&gt;....

I think this should be safe. Or can anyone come up with a reason why it wouldn't be? And actually when I use the HTML fragment in React code I don't serialize it after sanitation. I just produce a React DOM tree from which React will generate a native DOM tree.

Sure, that JavaScript HTML parser might be slower than using the browser's facilities, but this way I control what happens. I know I will always get &lt; at the end and don't have to trust the browser. I use it for things where there shouldn't be more than <strong>/<b>, <em>/<i>, <a href="...">, and <p> anyway. Don't care if it parses any other tags somehow semi-broken, I'll strip them out anyway.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/bloody-albatross 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Very impressive!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/cym13 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guys channel is great

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Wiamly 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I dont understand much about XSS, so what is the problem to make the same if the site will not store it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NikolasMusk 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
Google Search is arguably the frontpage of the Internet, and it’s search bar has been hammered with untrusted user-input for decades. That’s why I would have never thought to ever experience something like a live XSS on Google Search myself. That was, until I was sent the following URL. I see this weird string in the search bar - coming from the q parameter - and then I clicked into the text box. alert(1). My colleague Masato Kinugawa has actually done it. And it’s such an interesting bug as well. To understand this bug here, we need to understand some background stuff first. If you have learned about the basics of reflective or stored XSS, you know that we generally advice you need to properly encode any untrusted data, depending on the context where it is placed into the page. Is it just placed in the DOM, inside of javascript, inside of an SVG, as part of a quoted attribute, ...? And so forth. And that task alone is in general not that trivial and we still see a lot of XSS because of that, but nowadays it is also mostly solved if you use proper web frameworks. However we still have a huge challenge when it comes to sanitizing HTML. Sometimes web applications want to allow certain kinds of HTML tags. You want bold and italic text, but no scripts. A prime example is HTML emails displayed and rendered in a webmailer. Or having a WYSIWYG editor for user’s to style text, but you don’t want them to be able to insert active elements such as javascript. And what I’m telling you now, will maybe sound counterintuitive. At least when I thought about this the first time, it seemed so wrong. We actually want to sanitize this in the client - in the browser - in JavaScript. But why? should you not use some kind of HTML parser library on your server and then sanitize the untrusted data there, before placing it into the webpage? Unfortunately, in the use-case where you want to sanitize HTML and allow certain tags but not others, you want to move the XSS prevention into JavaScript. Let me show you an example that hopefully highlights the challenge. Pause the video for a moment and try to explain how the following two HTML snippets should be understood by the browser, how does the hierarchy look like. Especially the fact that the tag seems to be closing here, but it’s also an attribute of the other tag. What does the browser do? Go Pause and try it! So first of all, this is kinda invalid HTML, right? There is no html, head or body element. But worse, the opened tags miss closing tags. So what do we do now? The browser could refuse to display the website because of HTML errors, or the browser tries to be smart and fix it for you. So let’s load the snippets in the browser, and examine the parsed HTML, the DOM tree. The first example is a div, with a script tag inside. and it actually looks kinda logical. Div opens, script opens, script tag has an attribute title and contains the string, this string happens to be a closing div tag, but doesn’t matter. It’s in the attribute string, right? And then the browser fixed it, by adding the closing script tag, then a closing div tag, and embedding the whole thing in a regular html document. Now look at the other example. We have a script tag, which contains a div tag. But that doesn’t really make sense, right? Because a script tag would contain javascript code, not other HTML tags. So when we look at what the browser did, we see that it took the script tag, placed it into the head. and the script source code, the javascript basically, is the div tag. And then we have the closing script tag. And then the quote and angle bracket are simply text after the script tag, and thus it is placed as text into the body. So both examples had a similar setup, but you experienced two weird things. First we have the browser fixing the HTML, by adding missing closing tags. And we experienced the weird parsing behaviour. Because when we humans look at this, we kinda feel like it’s a div tag inside of a script tag. But that doesn’t make sense, because the browser expects javascript inside of the tag. Thus it switches the parser from an HTML parser to a javascript parser. And now any characters following it are interpreted as javascript source code, at least UNTIL we reach a closing script tag. So it’s perfectly logical that the script ends here. Right? So you see browsers are very weird and it’s non-trivial to parse HTML. And this behaviour is actually abused in a class of XSS, called mutation XSS. Some of these mutations or behaviours are included in the HTML specification. And others are unique to a certain browser. And thus implementing a sanitizer library for the server, trying to cover the behaviour of EVERY browser and for all the different browser VERSIONS, that makes no sense. Probably impossible to maintain. That’s where we come to client side sanitization. The basic idea is, we can actually use the browser’s own parser, to parse the string and then we can sanitize it. Clever idea, right? Now getting the browser to parse an HTML string in a way that it doesn’t execute scripts embedded in it, is not that easy. But there are some techniques. Luckily there is already an awesome and maintained javascript library to cover all that. Called DOMPurify. It’s maintained by Mario Heiderich from Cure53. Coincidentally it’s also where Masato Kinugawa works at. Let’s have a quick peek into the source code to look at one example what DOMPurify might use to parse HTML. And it’s right here in the purify.js, where it creates a “template” tag element. What’s so special about it? Let’s see. I have here a browser javascript console and now let me create a div element. And then I’m going to assign a string to the innerHTML. And this is basically our untrusted user input. And so I’m using here a typical XSS vector, an image tag with a non-existing image and an onerror event that executes alert. When I execute that line, we see the failed image request and the alert(1) has popped up. The reason for that is, when we do innerHTML, the browser takes the string and parses and interprets it. It finds this image tag, tries to load the image and fires the onerror. But let’s do the same with the template element. We create it. Now assign the payload to the innerHTML of it. And… nothing. No alert(1). BUT we can now take the template.content and list all the children. We see there is one child. The image tag. The browser parsed it and now it’s available in the DOM for us to work with. For example we could now make sure that the image tag has no onerror attribute and we just delete it. Then we can use innerHTML again to extract the sanitized SAFE html and use it in the real document. For example we can now add it into the div and of course nothing happens. Very clever, right? And that’s basically how DOMpurify works. But then came Masato. Masato is an incredible XSS researcher and he found a weird browser or HTML quirk. Which lead to an issue in DOMpurify. Let’s do the template.innerHTML trick again, but this time with masato’s google XSS payload. We assign it. And now let’s look at the content document tree it parsed. We have a noscript element and inside we have a p tag. Which has a title attribute with a string. That string contains a closing noscript tag and an img XSS vector, but it ignored it, like our earlier example with the div. It is parsed as an attribute. And so now, when we sanitize this, we look at this and we determined: “it’s safe”. There is NO XSS here. No javascript would be executed. Perfect, so let’s assign it to the div.innerHTML. BUT WHAT THE F’? It triggered a request to load the image AND the alert(1) popped up. How is that possible? Let’s examine the div. How does the DOM look like. WHAT? This makes no sense? This looks totally different. Now it’s like our second example with the script tag, remember? Noscript opens, then comes a bit of text which happens to be the p title, and then it encountered a closing noscript tag. Which meant the image tag after it is now a real HTML tag. It’s not contained in the attribute anymore. Why did the innerHTML on the div parse the string differently than the innerHTML on the template? In our original example we understood why the different parsing happens. The script tag just behaves differently because it contains Javascript, while the div tag can contain other HTML tags. But this case is weird, because how can the same tag be interpreted in two different ways? The answer to that lies in the official HTML specification. The noscript element represents nothing if scripting (so javascript) is enabled, and represents its children if javascript is disabled. It is used to present different markup to user agents (so browsers) that support scripting and those that don't support scripting, by affecting how the document is parsed. And here you see how the noscript element should be parsed if javascript is disabled or if javascript is enabled. And our browser of course has javascript enabled, but it turns out that javascript in the template element is DISABLED. So there the browser parses the given string differently. And this is exactly what happened to google as well. Let’s circle back to the google search xss. I have modified the payload and added a debugger statement. This will trigger a breakpoint in the javascript debugger, when the XSS is executed. By the way, this is a good tip when trying to debug a more complex DOM XSS to see where and why it fired. So here we are. Now we can see the call stack where we are coming from. And going a layer up, we see that the string b is assigned to the innerHTML of a. b looks already sanitized, because the browser has added closing tags to it. But as you know, this is still evil. And so it triggered the XSS here. But where is the root cause? So of course, this was fixed INCREDIBLY fast by google. Just a little bit after I got the XSS URL the issue was fixed - but I still had the old page open. So I extracted the old vulnerable javascript code and the new fixed code, and diffed them. Looking through the new changes, we find that here an innerHTML was replaced with an additional XML sanitizer. So we can also set a breakpoint there in the vulnerable version and have a closer look. So here we hit it. And if we scroll up a bit, we find that google also creates a template element. This is google’s sanitizer, and it works in a similar way. Now to provide a bit more context, this javascript looks a bit hard to read because of ugly variable naming. But google’s javascript code is actually open source. So here is Google’s common JavaScript library - closure-library. And this is the commit that fixes the issue. But it turns out it was a rollback of another change. On the 26. September 2018, a nintendo switch fan, made a change and removed the additional sanitizer step. I have heard that it was due to some interface design issues they had. Anyway, that introduced the issue. So the XSS existed for roughly 5 months in THE google javascript library, and likely affected many many google products that relied on that sanitizer. What an absolutely crazy XSS. I know, I know, I always say that something blows my mind. But this just blows my mind.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 673,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, xss, cross-site scripting, html, sanitization, encoding, browser, masato, cure53, google, gws, google search, parser differential, javascript, mxss, mutation xss, dom xss, template, div, parsing, context, javascript disabled, noscript, script, regex, html parser, dompurify
Id: lG7U3fuNw3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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