ChatGPT for Software Developers - Learn in 20 Minutes

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welcome to my chat GPT guide for developers where I'm going to explain to you what chat GPT is how it works and how you can practically use it in this guide I will show you how to practically use chat GPT as a developer chat GPT is an AI powered tool that helps you unlock your imagination and boost your productivity it has the ability to understand human text which allows us to ask it questions and receive accurate and relevant responses chat GPT is an important technology that is quickly becoming a vital tool in many Industries its ability to understand and generate human-like text is making it increasingly a popular choice for tasks such as customer service creative writing and content generation as a matter of fact chat GPT is already being used for copywriting blogging generating product descriptions writing code writing documentation data analysis and so on as more and more businesses and organizations adopt chat GPT it is becoming an essential skill for Professionals in many fields understanding how to use chat GPT and fine-tune it for specific tasks can give you a Competitive Edge in the job market and open up new opportunities additionally chat GPT is continuously improving with new and advanced capabilities being added regularly keeping up with the latest developments and learning how to use them can help you stay ahead of the curve and stay relevant in your field as a testament to its importance chat GPT exploded in popularity the moment it was released popular indexes have recorded that chat GPT gathered 1 million users in just about 5 days since launch which is mind-blowing in comparison it took Instagram about 75 days to gather that many users or Spotify which took about 150 days to get to 1 million users the Google search index for cha GPT also skyrocketed and the number of Reddit subscribers on r slash GPT has grown by over 10 000 in just 7 days days which is incredible for a Reddit board chat GPT is based on generative pre-training Transformer 3 or just gpt3 it uses the same techniques and Technologies as gpt3 and has about 175 billion parameters the gpt3 model was trained on a colossal data set gathered from the internet which allows it to learn patterns and relationships in human language chat GPT uses this pre-trained knowledge to generate human-like responses when given a prompt the key difference between chat GPT and gpt3 is that chat GPT is fine-tuned on specific tasks such as answering questions or generating data code and other types of writing this fine tuning allows chat GPT to generate more accurate and relevant responses for specific tasks at the moment of this recording chat GPT has been trained on data up until 2021 so most of the information that has appeared on the internet after 2021 is not available to chat GPT although there may be edge cases keep in mind that despite being a revolutionary tool chat GPT is not perfect sometimes it will respond with reasonable sounding but incorrect answers oftentimes the answers it provides will look reasonable but they won't provide any value it's also sensitive to input phrasing meaning that for some questions it may claim to not know the answer but after slight rephrasing it will give you an answer chat GPT is also sometimes biased and might flat out refuse to answer your question if it deems it to be offensive to a certain group of people or if you're asking it to provide you with harmful instructions you will also notice that it often reuses the same phrases explaining how it's a language model trained by open AI chat GPT is often compared with Google however this is not a fair comparison since chat GPT is only a text-based AI interpreter capable of human-like communication and it cannot actually access the internet it also can't tell you where it learned this information from so if you ask it to tell you what's the source of the information it provided it won't be able to tell you on the other hand Google is a search engine associated with various other services that allow you to do things like reverse image searching seeing the information sources validating information against other sources it utilizes search engine optimizations to provide you with more relevant information you can ask it to tell you the time and the weather and so on so chat GPT certainly is not a replacement for Google since it works completely differently and serves a different purpose also chat GPT will not remain free in the future because the costs of running it are eye-watering while Google likely costs a mere fraction of the cost it takes to run share GPT getting started with charge EPT is very easy simply go to and sign up for an account you can use your existing Google or Microsoft accounts as well once you log in you can start writing prompts let's start with something simple I'm going to ask you to generate me a Java method that counts word occurrences in a string so I'll write generate a Java method that counts word occurrences in a string okay so I'm going to take this code and paste it in IntelliJ I'm going to create a new class word counter paste the contents back in the main method I'm going to print out the results word count dot for each key and V goes to system outprint F and I specify some formatting here and pass it K and V and there we go we got the words counted so the code works correctly we can also ask it to generate something a bit more complicated for example we can ask it to generate code for sending HTTP requests generate code for sending HTTP requests in Java using the built-in Java HTTP client as you can see it generated a very basic method for sending HTTP requests however this HTTP client is too basic and it's not going to prove very useful however we can rephrase our request and provide additional information and chat GPT will generate a better solution here is an example generate Java code for sending HTTP requests I want you to name the class custom HTTP client and I wanted to have a method for sending get post put and delete requests make sure to use the Legacy HTTP classes for sending these requests also make sure that the request and response body is encoded as utf-8 now this will generate a better HTTP client but chat GPT may stop halfway with the answer if this happens you can simply tell it to continue alright that's finished so now we have a much better HTTP client let's try it out I'm going to create the class custom HTTP client and copy paste the code from chatgpt then in the main method I will call these methods VAR HTTP is assigned new custom HTTP client and I'm just going to copy paste the rest of the code so as you can see I'm just sending some fake data run the project all right that works nicely we should definitely write unit tests for our new HTTP client let's ask Chad the GPT to do it for us can you write me unit tests for the previously generated HTTP client so it wrote some basic unit tests let's add them to our code open the test directory and add the new class custom HTTP client test the generated code our project doesn't seem to have the junit dependency since this is a maven project I need to go to pom.xml and add the Juni dependency let's ask chat to GPT to generate the dependency snippet for us generate me the snippet for adding the junit dependency to my Maven project nice so I'm just going to add this to my palm XML file and refresh maven and there we go that fixed the issue now let's run the unit tests okay so our unit tests are failing because the test API returned a different response so I'm just going to place a breakpoint on our get test and see what the response is all right let me copy that response and make sure we're comparing against the same string run again and it seems to work now to be fair Chad GPT could not have known what kind of response would be returned so it tried its best guess it's a mistake anyone could have made I'm not going to fix the rest of the unit tests because they're most likely suffering from the same mistake however you get the idea now since we have this HTTP client it would be nice to write some documentation for it starting off I would like to have a sequence diagram that explains how it works let's ask chadgpt to generate one for us generate me a planned uml code that explains how the custom HTTP client works by using a sequence diagram with examples plant uml is just a format for generating diagrams in the IT industry it's one of the most popular formats so I can take this code and I can paste it in one of the plant uml interpreters and it's going to generate an SVG file or a PNG file that shows the diagram very nice we can also ask Chad GPT to convert code from one language to another so let's convert our custom HTTP client from java into c-sharp convert the custom HTTP client code into c-sharp and it did it very well now I don't have Visual Studio installed so I can't really check if the code works but all things considered it probably works now I would also like it to generate some written documentation with examples generate documentation for the custom HTTP client with pretty formatting and examples now that's incredible so cha GPT generated documentation in a markdown format and it provided examples and we also have the previously generated diagram so this is pretty much everything you need for good documentation other than asking Chad GPT to generate code and documentation we can also ask it to generate data so let's say we need to generate some fake data to test something generate me a CSV table with believable data with the following format ID first name last name birth date country address average monthly spending and occupation OK we've got some fake data now what if I want this data in a different format well I can just ask chadgpt to convert it into say Json convert this example into Json and it did it chat GPT is also great at analyzing data let's ask it to summarize some logs from the Linux kernel boot process summarize these logs and I'm going to copy paste a bunch of logs so as you can see these logs are kind of difficult to understand unless you really know what you're doing but chat GPT doesn't seem to have an issue with that and it's explaining these logs to the best of its possibilities let's ask it to explain an SQL query it's playing this SQL query and I'm just going to copy paste some random query I found on the internet and once again it's trying its best to summarize what this query does so most of these examples have been back-end related let's see some front-end action with Chad GPT I'm going to ask it to generate a landing page for a company that sells software development services generate HTML for a landing page for a company named best boss that sells software development services use bootstrap for styling now this is going to take a while and I'm going to have to tell it to continue without breaking formatting quite a few times all right it's finished so now I'm going to create a new file called index.html and I'm going to copy paste the code in there open this file in the browser and look at that we have a landing page now it's not perfect but it is a decent landing page of course we can always rephrase our prompt to generate a better landing page and whatnot but considering we haven't written a single line of code this is great sometimes we have a template for a website but we don't have the content well we can ask chadgpt to generate it for us as well generate copy for a website of a company that sells software development services very nice we can also ask Chad GPT for advice on how to join an open source project how do I start contributing to Linux kernel development and as you can see it gives us a step-by-step guide on how to get started we can also ask it to explain certain domains to us as software developers let's say we've been tasked with making a Fleet Management application but we don't understand the domain we can ask chat GPT to explain it to us I am a software developer can you explain to me the domain of Fleet Management and there it goes it gave us a decent explanation of the domain of Fleet Management now we can always rephrase this and get a different explanation where we can concentrate on a specific explanation in this case I would like it to generate me a technical specification for this Fleet Management project generate me a technical specification for a Fleet Management web application and there it goes it generated whatever one good technical specification would need now obviously this needs to be expanded upon but you can do that yourself or you can use cha GPT to help you with that as well okay that's enough for one video I've shown you some amazing examples of how you can practically apply Chad GPT as a software developer it's truly an amazing tool and it can help you become more productive however keep in mind that Chad GPT is not an oracle it's a tool that uses Advanced sophisticated statistical algorithms on a colossal data set you can use it for assistance but you should never use it as a definitive solution to your problems stay well and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: bezbos.
Views: 62,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, openai, programming, code, artificial intelligence, ai, machine learning, ml, java, intellij, software, future of ai, tool, development, best tools
Id: nJ5hJgKcXFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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