Xoco's Mushroom Torta

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I'm here in Shoko that's our restaurant that focuses on door toss the fabulous Mexican sandwiches and I'm going to tell you that my favorite one right now it might surprise you is the one that is filled with on go soggy mole hole the Aqua that would be mushrooms with a kind of roasted garlic bath and I'm going to show you how to make it because it is so utterly delicious and it has to start with making a roasted garlic moco vehicle we do a very simple one here and it's easy to do at home the Moho starts with four heads of garlic that have been roasted until they're soft and blackened in places once the garlic cools down peel off that papery husk and then put the garlic into the food processor next measure out a cup and a half of olive oil folks the garlic and the food processor to get it started chopping then pouring the olive oil with the machine still running add a teaspoon of salt and a quarter cup of lime juice holts a couple of times just to blend it in to mix it in and we're ready to move on now to the mushroom part of this you've got a lot of choices for mushrooms I like to do it with a mixture of different kinds of mushrooms because I like the flavors and the textures I have here cultivated mushrooms different varieties of course there's the shiitake which has a very medium bold flavor and then for a complete contrast moister mushrooms work really well and they have a kind of soft and gentle texture there are times when you can find beautiful wild mushrooms available in nice grocery stores especially in the fall here I have some chanterelles and this one that sort of got an orange color to it that's lobster mushroom and it's very very meaty so I have to cut all of these up and I'll tell you that when working with shiitake mushrooms I always pull the stem off of it first the cap can simply be cut crosswise in about quarter-inch pieces but that stem needs to be cut crosswise very thinly because it's very fibrous now the two classic flavors that are used when you're making a mushrooms Multi aqua in Mexico are Episode a if you don't have this then I would suggest a big handful of chopped cilantro because you kind of need something Irby in this and then the other thing is that smoky chili the chipotle in adobo that you find in the can so I'm going to take a couple of those out and chop those up for us to add to our mushroom filling just a few leaves of episode a will be enough to season this whole batch now that all the prep is done I'm going to heat a skillet over medium-high heat and I'm going to add to it some of the oil just the oil part of the mosaic hole when it gets really hot I'm going to add those mushrooms all at once and then just toss them continuously until they're beginning to brown now once they've browned I'm going to reduce the heat under the skillet and then add some of the solids from the muffled a cockle then the last two seasonings go in that would be the smoky Chipotle and whatever herbs you're using episode a or cilantro now give it a taste and season it generously with salt because remember this is a filling that's going to go into your door phone now the trick to a really good torta is a really good bolillo or taalib on one or the other we have these made for us by an artisan baker here in Chicago they have a little of that really old-fashioned slightly sour flavor and a great crust on it which is what I really like a lot the first step in making the torta is to cut the bread in half lengthwise scoop out a little of the soft interior the part that's called the mica smear the base of the doorto with some fresh goat cheese and then add a generous helping of the mushrooms put it all into the oven for the crust to crisp and the inside to get warm in choko we do that in a wood-burning final little bit is a little dressed greens I like to use a wild arugula for it just a squeeze of fresh lime juice a little sprinkling of salt and then that'll go over the warm filling there with that top on there and then cut our sandwich in half little basket piece of parchment to go in there just like that I like this particular door top with a red chili salsa and I have to say you take one bite of that mushroom moco they are CRO doorto with its goat cheese and arugula and you're gonna love it just as much as I do
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 27,881
Rating: 4.9640288 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Bayless (Chef), mushroom, Torta (Dish), mushroom torta, Xoco Chicago, Xoco, Shiitake (Ingredient), oyster mushroom, Chanterelle (Food), Lobster Mushroom (Food), mojo de ajo, garlic mojo, cilantro, epazote, chipotle, bollilo, Goat Cheese (Cheese), wood-burning oven, Arugula (Ingredient), Mexican Food (Cuisine), lunch, Sandwich (Food), Mexican street food, tortas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2015
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