Rick Bayless - Oaxacan Omelet

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the reason that I rarely make a Hakan omelet or any omelet for guess is that well by the time you finish the last one the first one has gotten cold so I've got a new approach to doing omelets for guests that I think you're really gonna like plus it's gonna have that great Oaxacan omelet flavor so first we got to make that sauce I'm gonna roast some Tomatoes put them on to a baking sheet I've laid a piece of foil on here it's just for easy cleanup a couple of chilies now these chilies are hot banana peppers and Oaxaca of course they would use that chili the iowa which i think is really good but these have a bright flavor and a lot of heat too so put them under the broiler which i've already preheated we're gonna let those roast for about five minutes per side until they're blackened and blistered to start the sauce a skillet goes on to about a medium-high heat I'm going to add a little film of olive oil and then slice half an onion saute until it's brown [Music] when the roasted tomatoes and chilies have cooled down to room temperature pull the skin off of those chilies then pull out the seed pod scrape out all the seeds and then cut the chili into little strips about a quarter of an inch wide maybe an inch and a half long peel the blackened skin off of those roasted tomatoes then put them into a food processor or a blender and process until you've got a kind of coarse puree roasted and peeled and seeded and sliced chillies go in with those browned onions now that is scary just to combine them and when they get hot I'm gonna add our puree of tomatoes I'm gonna let this cook down until it gets a little bit darker and thicker I'm gonna add a little bit of broth to this I'm just using a store-bought broth good quality okay about a cup and a quarter and here's what makes this sauce so distinctively Oaxacan and that is episode eight easy to grow in the u.s. you can find it a lot of farmers markets even some well-stocked grocery stores certainly Mexican grocery stores try it out because it is such a beautiful flavor I'm gonna pull off the leaves only and put those in just a sprinkling of salt now let it simmer over about a medium low heat for about fifteen minutes while we get all the preparations ready for the omelet I'm gonna crack eight eggs in here add some salt to these eggs and then I'm going to add about a quarter of a cup of water it's a lightened the texture of those eggs and now I'm going to beat them just enough to blend the yolk and the white film the pan with a generous coating of olive oil or in the end as it bubbles up drag the cooked part to the center and when almost all of the egg is set start to roll it forward right into your flour and then spoon the sauce over and around the omelette I love Kissel fresco on this dish so I'm going to crumble over the top some beautiful fresh cheese decorate the whole thing with some leaves of episode thing it's just as easy as that and you've got brunch for a crowd you
Channel: fivestarranges
Views: 72,018
Rating: 4.93361 out of 5
Id: BbglqrjG3ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2013
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