Taco Tuesday: Garlicky Grilled Mushrooms with Salsa "Huevona"

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another edition of Taco Tuesdays from our new restaurant Linea but AMA they all wood-fired kitchen because we're going to be doing some grilling today I'm going to make these incredible mushroom tacos which we start with portobello mushrooms and we grill them over the wood fire and make it with a salsa that we called salsa wave ona we'll get to that in just a second so let's start with the portobello mushroom cap marinade so what I have here is a little fresh ground cumin salt some microwaved garlic okay so this is garlic that is put into the microwave for 1 minute covered in water that just Blanche's a little slice of onion and some lime juice all of that together in the blender jar I think I should probably cut this onion up into smaller pieces just to make sure that it goes through the blender blades easily and then we're going to turn this on then a drizzle in just a little olive oil while this we'll help everything smooth out all right now let's talk about the mushroom caps here okay so this is the great big old portabellos that you can buy you want a break break this part off I like this grilled separately if you want to do that or if you want to just serve the caps you can do it or if we actually save all these and we make stock out of a vegetarian sort of stock now this portobello caps here just the caps have been smeared with that marinade and allowed to sit for about an hour and now we're going to turn around and go to the grill and talk about how we would grill these guys here okay so I've got sort of what I would call a medium fire going on here I know it looks like there's a lot of flame there but I've got the grill grates a little bit higher so that they're further away and I'm not going to get quite so much so much heat going up there so this marinated mushroom then go back to the back here where it's a little bit hotter I think we're gonna let these guys grill for about five minutes per side that's what it's really going to take but next to it I have all the ingredients for this salsa web Mona okay so those of you that are native Spanish speakers know that well maybe you don't want to use that word with your grandmother it's a little bit questionable it means sort of lazy-ass salsa if you will and the reason it's a lazy-ass salsa is because you just kind of put all these ingredients on the grill and Birnam okay so we've got tomatoes that we're charring here and we're gonna want them to be sort of cooked through I got a poblano that's roasting in the back rest of that onion sliced up over here that's softening and it'll get a little bit of char to it so this is a super rustic salsa one of my absolute favorite once it's spicy it's green chile through and through but also touched with the flavor of the grill we'll come back when those those mushroom caps are ready let's take these very charred and cooked Tomatoes off I think our mushroom caps look good now so we'll put those onto the plate here I'm going to set them down on the side and let's finish that salsa first so I have the charred onion here and I'm gonna roughly chop that well I'm gonna do more than really roughly chop it because I want this to be a rustic salsa and then I have one I have one this is the what it looks like when it comes off of the grill it's completely blackened and blistered rub off the skin cut out the top seed pod and stem if there is one and then we're going to chop all of that up here okay now the tomato part of it the tomatoes usually get kind of roughly chopped and I've got a mortar here you don't have to have this you can just chop everything by hand if you want to but I'm gonna throw them in here and crush them a little bit more but so when you're working with the Mexican mortar if these have been cooked properly they should crush very easily but I want them to have a lot of texture so I'm not going to work it too much so you'll see that I'm putting the charred skin in here and everything I like to chop them first with a knife just to get them started so I don't have any juice we're squirting around everywhere give that a nice little crush and this will be enough salsa for me to start with here so I'll move those guys over there now I want to crush in some of this chili as well because I want more flavor than I would get just from having it diced here so get it all in the and then use the postal to crush that and again I can say you can chop all of this stuff up it's gonna be delicious but if you have a mortar and you want a crush you'll always get more flavor out of crushed roasted chili than you will out of just chopped up or blended in a blender or a food processor okay that will give me the flavor that I'm looking for there we've got the grilled charred onion that'll get mixed into it proportions here or up to you if you like more of the onion use it if you like more of the chili do that you want to switch out the poblano for jalapeno to make it spicier certainly you could do that I'm going to mix in a little bit of chopped cilantro again pretty roughly chopped because this is a rustic salsa I'm gonna season it with some salt and then a squeeze or two of fresh lime juice here just to perk it up some people don't put the lime juice in it you could give it a little shot of vinegar if you want or just leave it out if you like if you don't want it to be pretty shall we say tangy or bright tasting so this is gonna look gorgeous I mean you could process it more you could put it all in a blender or food processor and make it a more homogeneous sauce if you want it but I like the rustic qualities of this one so next step is to put it into a small dish here and that what's super nice put that onto our serving plate little wooden board that we use here at Lenya okay so hot mushrooms now I didn't take the gills out of these because I think you the dark part of the gills some people don't like it they think it takes muddy I like it so I leave them in there but you could use a spoon to just scrape them out before you grill if you want very simple nice grilled mushroom taco that salsa goes with lots of different things but to finish this up I'm going to take a beautiful fresh made tortilla here I guess these tongs are a little overkill for what I'm doing but I'll lay that grilled mushroom in there and a spoonful of salsa Wow that's my good summertime taco missing but good
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 30,368
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Bayless, Taco Tuesday, tacos, vegetarian, salsa, salsa huevona, mushrooms, mushroom tacos, vegan, dinner, recipes, cooking, grilling, Lena Brava, Chicago, Chef Rick Bayless
Id: Ub5ZdRW53aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2016
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