Taco Tuesday: Huevos a la Mexicana

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okay this edition of Taco Tuesday is all about I gotta eat and I gotta eat fast so what I always do is to make huevos ulema he kind of scrambled eggs with Mexican flavors make them into tacos dinner is done and it's delicious okay so we have to start with the idea of what's going to go into salsa so we always think of tomatoes onions green chillies as being the three main things and that's what goes into these eggs as well so I've got some ripe tomato cut up here I've got some diced white onion which is what you would use in Mexico and then I've got some chilies here but before we go to the chilies let's talk for a second about about tomatoes because tomatoes are always problematical you can get them from the farmers market in the summer they're absolutely amazingly good but the rest of the year what do you do I turn to sun-dried tomatoes and that's what I've got here because I always keep a package of these in my cupboard for just this kind of occasion chop them up and use them instead of the fresh tomatoes if you don't have really good ripe red ripe tomatoes okay now onto these chilies a couple different kinds as you'll find in your grocery store that I use a lot one is the Serrano the other is the jalapeno the jalapeno is kind of questionable as to how hot it's going to be but you see this vein that's right here in this seed pod that's where all the heat is if you want to make it less hot cut those out I don't know why you would because most of the time in Mexico you're using them for heat anyway so these are the Serrano's and I'm going to cut them up just like you would cut them up in Mexico which is seeds veins and all man when you start cutting into them you can smell that green chile goodness and when I say green chile goodness I mean all that heat as well so once you slice them across like that I'm going to do that rocking and chopping motion just going back and forth now you'll notice that I'm holding the tip of my knife down with my left hand because I'm right-handed and chopping away sort of rocking keeping the point in the same spot but then chopping across everything to get it into small dice scraping it all back up oops there's a piece of the stem there that I want to get out and that's about as much as I would go with that okay so these are ready now you see how little time that takes to do it so now I've got the Mexican flag colors the red white and green those things go into so many things that are called a llama he Cana in Mexico now we got to cook them so you can put some oil in here like vegetable oil probably everybody's got that on hand you can put butter in here if you want to add that richer flavor or my suggestion is after you make bacon save the bacon drippings because that'll make this whole thing taste meteor and super delicious so I'm going to put a little bit of bacon fat rendered bacon fat into a pan that I've already heated so it's going to melt really fast and then I can scrape our salsa ingredients into the pan like that and I want to cook it over moderately high heat because I want all that browning to happen so you can imagine what I'm getting for smells here first of all that green chili is super aromatic you get the smell of that rendered bacon fat the Browning of the onions going on okay so after a while it's going to look like this it's going to cook down and it's going to be lightly browned and we'll be ready to go I'm going to turn up the heat on this one so that I can do my scrambled eggs in there so I've got some eggs here that have been beaten just to break them up I'm going to stir in a little bit of salt because we haven't added any seasoning to this so far here stir that nicely and when this gets really hot here let's see here I want to get it like really going you know I'm going to switch these two pans because I like this this is a bigger burner here and I want to do this as a sort of fast scrambled egg you can do the slow scrambled eggs which are super creamy but for making these kinds of tacos I'm just going to put the eggs in over high heat and we're going to stir this until all of it scrambles together now while it's doing that I'm going to give it a little taste to make sure that I got the right amount of salt in there that sounds it seems like the right amount and then let's talk about what you would serve with this so you can always serve salsa with it and probably most people have some sauce in their refrigerator just pull that out and you can just dollop it on top what I like to do because it has salsa ingredients in it is to put creamy avocado on the top but that's not always in my pantry so I sometimes turn to the salsa some fresh cilantro if you happen to have that would be really good if you keep a pretty good stir on this the way that I'm doing you see that the scrambled eggs come together in a very very quick amount of time here okay so now we're just about ready with them I like mine to be slightly creamy on the inside so I'm going to step away from this as it cooks its final last little bit and we're going to grab a couple of tortillas here some hot tortillas now mostly I will be working with corn tortillas because that's what people do in Mexico give this another stir here and it's just now holding together just beautifully spoon some of it onto the corn tortillas you of course will cook your eggs the way you like them to be I like them to be soft like this Wow this just I tell you this is the fastest meal I know how to make and it's one of my go-to meals because I just love the flavor of it okay an avocado I'm going to cut a couple of wedges out of this avocado by the way if you're only going to use a little bit of avocado always do it this way where you cut through the skin and then you can pop the wedges off you can put this back into your refrigerator with some plastic wrap on here you'll still have to cut offs a little bit of it but it will still stay in really good shape okay so peel the skin off of it and lay those two pieces of avocado on top they they're a big handful of roughly chopped cilantro over that and you've got dinner on the table in no time makes a good brunch too
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 349,708
Rating: 4.8675299 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Bayless, Chef Rick Bayless, Taco Tuesday, egg tacos, huevos a la mexicana, Mexican breakfast, Mexican brunch, tacos, breakfast tacos, jalapeno, serrano, sun-dried tomato
Id: rBWoh6_Ph5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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