XO Series | Pastor Bianca Olthoff

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come on guys let's give Jesus another ovation of worship god you're good and right now we're not just welcoming in our Memorial campus and all three additional seating rooms by the way we do have other campus for everybody who's sitting in in this at this campus of an additional seating room check out the Katy campus check out the Cypress campus this is our most slammed service and we're honored that all of you guys are here let's welcome everybody in the thousands of people watching online we ride the guys who are with us and thank you I wanted to thank you and think our entire church this week many of you reached out to to me and my wife I lost my grandfather this week he was 91 years old he preached the gospel for more than seventy years pretty amazing yeah pretty amazing life in fact if you go on my Instagram you'll see a video a couple of posts back a video I posted of him singing and it's just as a powerful thing and and so thank you for your for for your care and your concern and reaching out to us and especially in this series this is a relationship series and how many guys have had fun during the EXO series it's been it's been fun it's also been challenging it's been challenging all about you how many words have married people out where you have married people were you at come on whoa alright so we are learning like whoa didn't the relationship cease like I teach things but then it's hard to actually do them wait did any of y'all tried the pause this week like stimulus pause then response like your boy tried it and I did okay but not great um my wife and I had some intense fellowship this week and um but it's so amazing how we work on this and we see God work through our relationships and I want you to stand with me across all of our campuses right now we had somebody booked to come in this weekend already and it just worked out because with with the loss in our family it helped me be able to focus on my family I love to bring in different voices that I think will give you perspective this weekend buckle your seatbelts I'm just telling you you're not ready and you say I'm ready you're not because this is going to light you up and I think it's amazing Matt and Bianca altough are launching a church in Orange County in 36 days and they're here yeah I think it's gonna be awesome I love that we love church planters but beyond that Bianca has traveled all over the world with Christine cane and other women and by herself she's preached literally all over the world she's a powerhouse preacher and yes she is preaching this weekend for us she's amazing so I want you right now all campuses to give a warm home city welcome to miss Bianca Oh bring it girl good morning to the Cypress Katie and Memorial campuses let me tell you I know you okay I stalked you online I feel like I'm part of the online family before I even knew pastor chairman Jennifer where I had heard about this church in the Greater Houston area that was affecting and rocking the world so let me tell you how privileged I am to dispense the gospel to you in the house of God with amazing people of faith before you sit down can we thank with a loud thankful clap Pastor Jeremy Jennifer the lead pastors the dream team all y'all for showing up to church good morning you may be seated I'm so excited to be here and when they invited me to come I was excited but then I found out recently that y'all ran back so series and then my excitement went to like oh I don't know about that because um as a mixer Rican um that's like mexican and puerto rican we get the best of both worlds all right like asking me to talk about like marriage is like asking biggie smalls for dieting tips you know it's like are you sure you should ask this Jake especially because as a Mexican I have an aversion an allergy to the word submission so most Latinas are allergic to that word you didn't know that but it often manifests in like dry-heave or fits of Tears okay so don't say you didn't know but my husband and I have been married for almost eight years September ly eight glorious years and I may not be perfect and he may not be perfect and we may not have the perfect marriage however I serve a perfect god and I stand behind his perfect word as we talked this morning about an important topic a valuable topic no I don't stand and communicate with a degree in marriage and family therapy I don't stand upon my dope this I don't stand upon any sort of accreditation other than I'm a child of God that has prayed fasted and prepared a word for the house today are you with me say Amen oh you will you want to talk back at all the other campuses even online holler back to the screen let me tell you but daddy's a preacher in East Los Angeles California aka the hood and when daddy says something good they say Amen come on take me to Zion I mean you can show up at this morning however you want to okay so if the spirit of living God is moving upon you you could say yes Lord that word was from me if you brought your spouse you know they need Jesus and they're clearly not his hearing the Holy Spirit you could be like yes Lord did you hear word it was for you okay welcome to marriage welcome to marriage if you are taking note we are going to be discussing redeeming attraction or in the words of the philosopher Justin Timberlake I'm bringing sexy back those other brothers don't know how to act what he didn't know he was actually breaking down some important thoughts and let me tell you why I served in youth ministry for eight years and remember being around a group of girls specifically this one time where we were having a Bible study but then it lent itself to like dating sex marriage relationships because teenagers and we were having this great conversation and it just started getting deeper and deeper and there was this one frightened wide-eyed girl in the back that raises her hand ever so cautiously she says my mother thinks it's inappropriate for us to talk about such sexual natures here in the church and so what my internal carnal voice said was any mom is stupid but then my Christian voice that everyone heard out loud was bless your heart because y'all are from the south and what I've come to discover people from our southern regions and when someone blesses your heart they're really not blessing your heart y'all are saying you sure is stupid I grew up Baptist Oh so that's basically with your Pentecostal with a safety belt and so this idea of talking about sexuality intimacy sex relationships gods ordination and blessing over it I sometimes felt like I couldn't be honest in church as if some of these topics were taboo that's why I love what pastor Jeremy's heart into this series is hey let's put all the things on the table even the hint and the notion of talking about such things in church you know the church ladies with the stank faces and we like about things or modern vernacular that we have as Hispanics like I thought of that fuchi where something smells all the time mm-hmm but as a purveyor of God's promises of a student of God's Word I began to realize Oh God did not just speak about sexuality and sex for procreation he also spoke about it for recreation to the glory of God okay yes if you're here and you're single like a Pringle ready to mingle let me give you a word today serve the house to find the spouse amen all right today his week one of Grove you're welcome okay often we think that these conversations shouldn't be had in church Christian chatter we don't speak about such things we are dignified but when we remain silent on such topics we turn over the narrative to movies magazines and mass media to determine what God deems as beautiful no they're popular proffer alized to us and yet we have the truth of God's Word and the truth is the Bible has a lot to say about intimacy sexuality and marriage and one of my favorite characters in all the Bible's the wisest man even known in our world today his name is King Solomon he wrote a book either in your translations referred to as song of songs or songs of Solomon beautiful theologians believe that this is his most beautiful song it is the song of songs and so if you've never read this book before just a little fYI in Hebrew culture Hebrew men can't read this book until they were 13 years old so this might feel a little pg-13 for some of y'all but guess what it's in the Holy Scripture so if you brought your praise Hank you might need it to be a little sweat rag to the hey okay don't say I didn't warn you turn with me in your Bibles to song to Solomon or as I like to say SOS Lord save our ships because dating is a hot mess okay turn with me to SOS chapter 1 we're gonna start in verse 2 let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for your love is more delightful than why what a great way to start a sermon okay some Jesus juice and some making out it's in the Holy Bible don't look at me cross-eyed all right this is my first time to Houston and I wouldn't communicate how I interpret the Word of God which may feel a little different maybe not this let me all because Howser Jeremy but might be white but you know he has some hot sauce in his bag okay like he's got some swag for sure but but my passion and love for narrative and storytelling came at a very young age I would remember vividly going to my grandma's house and she'd pour me a cup of coffee and we sit there and watch soap operas at the age of six hash that puerto rican boricua so I remember watching these stories and being fascinated with like how layered and intricate and how expressive these these people were but but maybe you're sitting here you're thinking when I say soap opera your mind goes to General Hospital one life to live young and the restless' but what I'm talking about is something called novellas okay okay so some people are sitting here like I just don't know what she said let me explain it to you a soap opera a very beautiful tall blonde woman with neatly quaffed hair well look at her forlorn lover who has just broken up with her with the svelte waist and thighs that definitely don't touch and she will look at him and say but John I don't understand please don't leave any novella a woman comes out like a bat out of hell wearing a Dukie booty dress back home hair like a beehive eyelashes so long when she blinks you bill it through the screen and then someone runs in shoots Juanito you find out that when you throw her baby daddy and you're like oh my god that's the way I want to read the Bible okay I hear so many people say oh the Bible's boring no Bobo you boring okay so when my mind's eye built this narrow to build this narrative in my mind's eye scripture tells us we're gonna read that that she was darker skinned she darker skinned woman and we can get excited and turned up that Meagan markle's now royalty but you are so beautiful we have this girl that his dark skin working in the field as a laborer she was a picker that turned into a princess in the palace tell me my God won't do it yes Jesus yes Jesus so my my thigh you know she like a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx you know she like kind of sound like hearty bean let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for your love is more delightful than why Jesus jewels pleasing or the fragrance of your park rooms now I that's why laughs we fancy huh your name is like perfume part ow take me away with you okay let the king bring me into his chambers and then her friends her crew her clique this is how they respond wave rejoice girl hey go have we delighting you we praise your love more than Y tip it out for the homies are you gonna be sitting there thinking this girl is so extra me and Waka mole ain't know that we extra okay we love it we love it inverses to where we pick up there's two schools of thought the people usually approach this text theologians will debate about this until Kingdom Come one group believes that this is a love letter from God to us the church another group believes that this is a love letter from a real man Solomon and a real woman Abbey Shaw I tend to lean here but I think that there's beauty in both narratives I want to speak to both of that but in verses 2 through 4 we are told and we believe as Bible scholars it this is a narrative between a couple that have been married for a number of years and they're almost opening the pages of their love story to give us a sneak peak about their journey arguing fighting romance waiting reconciliation it's all through this book I highly recommend it if you're married so when we see here in this first verse on love and wine and kisses this scriptures revolutionary because it's spoken about in God's Holy Scripture his Holy Writ you know that shows us God cares about attraction he actually cares about it and it shows and displays that it is okay to be attracted to someone that just because you are attracted sexually to someone does not make you carnal know another thing that I love about this opening verse is who starts the narrative in this story good answer a woman who starts and initiates the intimacy a woman who speaks to end esteems their partner a woman so whoever thinks that the world that the Word of God is oppressive depressive or oppressive against the head of woman that the Bible's misogynistic I dare to say that our God is the greatest liberator of all mankind and then we see through the pages of Scripture in elevation and inequality between men and women a here Solomon has such wisdom to speak such beautifully but the leadership the initiation and also the sexuality of his wife now this was a big learning lesson for me and that's why I want to pull it to the forefront of this conversation because when I was single and people would ask me like so be you know who you into what do you like I feel as a pastor's kid I feel as a Christian I feel like I had to put on this like facade and say things like I hope he D worms children and Somalia has the heart permissions he's memorized thumbs 23 he has a tattoo on his forearm like a Christian hipster it's so great and the sign for me because God parted to see he could give me a sign is that our brother will come up to me and say like hey girl you know I've been reading through the Book of Numbers and realized I didn't have yours so 31 your powers already one woman yes yes years later I've realized I haven't posted this on Instagram because I feel like it's important for us as Christians to have language that there is a difference between attraction and lust there's a difference between that when we somehow kind of categorize people who are lusty dusty crusty or thirsty as being all bad but it's okay to be attracted to someone I'll use my husband is an example I was attracted to his height I was attracted to his athletic physique he was a man that knew that his body was a temple took care of it he had a job and he had his tea I was took yes more I'm attractive I'm attractive lust will rear its ugly head and come across like Oh baby let me have a piece of bad can I get some fries with that shake shake booty and let's go kill you will be an Uzi or shotgun bang but we're gonna stop right there cuz this is the house of God okay listen you need to be attracted to the person that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with and that's okay you need to be attracted to the person that God puts in front of you to marry how do we know that God is okay with this in Genesis chapter 2 always backing up with Scripture you know I'm not the heretic in Genesis chapter 2 a man named Adam sees a naked woman in the Garden of Eden and he doesn't say oh great this is someone to help me tow the ground and tend to the garbage he didn't say oh I hope she has a great personality no he says bone of my bone flesh of my flesh I will call you woman rhythmic poetry speaking about a woman being designed and pulled out of the very essence breath and nature of a man tell me my God is not romantic he's so good now before we talk about attraction in the text I want to kind of address just the truths in the room in this room and are on the web and in all of other campuses let me tell you something you might not resonate with some of this because it's a different season for you maybe you're sitting here thinking I'm divorced three times over I have more money than my bank account could keep I'm a successful entrepreneur of a team of a hundred people and yet I can't be successful in relationship maybe you're sitting here today and like I'm a single mom three different kids three different baby daddies I'm just trash maybe you're sitting in here and you are married but you're like I just can't figure out how to get that loving feeling back and those are all very real things very real things but sometimes I feel like I'm having a little bit of like low-grade fever conversations where I'm like you just need to take it down an aisle baby you okay well you know he just stopped showering he don't even shave anymore it won't even brush his tooth like we eat is our problem you know I want to bring as like a low foundation here that attraction is more than just physical it's more than just a physique I hear women specifically because women are more verbal processors they'll say well he's just not romantic we've lost the loving feeling it's not the same we've fallen out of love like it's a ditch ah no well well what do you want what do you feel is romantic rose petals on the bed a hot-air balloon ride riding into the sunset on horseback this isn't season 12 of The Bachelorette boo okay stop stop now do I wish that my husband was little bit more romantic listen I'm spicy latina and he is a man of drummond descent and you know in Drummonds it's all good with emotion so could we save money so what was the time you know so I kind of wish I hear a little bit more like baby come on show me your live wig we're doing a baby toe or something come on do I wish it was more romantic I do but if you were in a marital relationship with a male or female we have to begin to discover what romance looks like in different seasons of life because we've been fed Disney cartoons we've been fed rom-coms but we need to define and find what is romantic to us two weeks ago I was preaching at a conference in London I mean I don't think these Brits knew what to do with me like oh who is this posh girl I mean I was preaching like like hell was on our doorstep I was pretty like I want heaven to come down I was preaching like my life depended on it oh and I was preaching in a leather jacket bless my heart so walk off of the stage and I sat down right here next to my husband and I looked like I was sweating more than TD jakes in a hot flash okay I look like I got baptized I'm like oh my gosh I'm gonna pass out and all of a sudden out of nowhere I feel this for my husband Matt he's never done that before but in that moment he was blowing on me so I didn't pass out and let me tell you something I didn't hear cherubs sing there was no pasta that we shared the noodle and kismet Lee met in the middle of it but in that moment I said Bianca Altaf this is romance because you have a man that is loving you at your worst and trying to make you feel like you are the best that's romance what are you how are you defining and what are you defining as Romans look at verse 3 pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes your name is like perfume poured out no wonder the young women love you see she thinks that he's hot but his name hmm his name is pleasing I would pause for a second because in an ancient world an ancient Hebrew culture a name was more than a marker or identifier a name was a prophetic floor telling of your destiny or a circumstance surrounding your birth names were very important during those times so during these days woman's men and women didn't have the luxury of bathing like we do today like we shower every day and if you don't you should okay in verse 3 we are here that that she's truly attractive beyond just his physical she's truly attracted to his name his name is virtue and his character in the Hebrew the word for name is this word carazzo for the note-takers is on the screen the word carazzo means to be etched out like itching out of stone this is indicating that his name is immutable his chain cannot change come hell or high water come wind snow and sleet this man will not move so single ladies Cougars on the prowl men who are divorce yeas or still experiencing a failure to launch it your mid 30s mid forties in figuring out what is wrong with me listen when you meet somebody wait long enough and so you know their name not the name that they tell you but their name you let see way too many war romance whirlwind romances that happens after after knowing each other 2.5 seconds you're like we're engaged we're going to Vegas we're gonna elope but post it on Instagram Smith so fun and then a couple months online they're like I don't even know this person well because you didn't do you know their name so here are two things that want to highlight on this topic of attraction they both come out of this text number one if you're taking note is respect look at verse three no wonder the young women love you if you are attracted to someone not only should you respect them but others and your community should respect them too not only did she speak about his caruso his name but she recognized that other people saw the type of man that he was what does she say the young women love you you know what she's saying she's saying all these people could see how awesome you are and yet your mind she had a group of friends around her a community around her that attested and affirmed to the goodness of this man do you have that community because if you don't there are groups here at home City that are waiting to welcome you in to tell you listen girl that guy is no good listen girl I have a friend that can open up a job for you listen girl I may not be able to heal you but I serve a God who does so this is the point of a small group don't say I'm so lonely getting to community I'm so much time on my hands volunteer I got so much money my bank give to the church okay so her small group has surrounded her and said this man is awesome Sullivan is the type of man that we want our sons to become the type of man who want our daughters to marry specifically to ladies Houska sometimes I think that we may add decisions more readily than men because of a high emotional level and you don't need to have dark skin to be crazy um what we see here is instead of waiting for a man that's six four light eyes and a pack like Michael B Jordan what Conda what we need is a man who loves Jesus reads his Bible phrase like his life depends on it yes Christian women let me just let me just have a real talk conversation to keep keep it real with you okay I are you should have two standards the bar is really low it's just we could do it doesn't man love Jesus yes and doesn't man have a job something better holder for a job okay because of a brother I ain't got a job he's not the one for you okay if he's living with his mama her 85 kids because he's working as a barista in his mama's basement let me tell you he's not the one for you if a man doesn't love Jesus he will never love you the way that you should be loved period I don't care if you're sitting here thinking to yourself he is like so hot so is hell alright if you don't love Jesus tell him buh-bye no no I don't quote Beyonce Beyonce quotes me number two of you are taking no OAH town didn't like that okay I see you point number two confidence there's nothing more attractive than a person with confidence men and women of the house you could be talented you could be sharp you could be educated you you could even be attractive but if you don't have a sense of confidence if you don't love you how could we expect to love you and we back this up with stats and social science I've done a research study they charted a group of people those that were successful and and and beautiful according to world standards beautiful people but lacked confidence and exhibited insecurities versus a group of people that had good personalities and confidence guess what they discovered through the research they discovered that this less mmm commercially identified group of beautiful received more date invitations and more job opportunities why because they exhibited a sense of self confidence in the hood we refer to this s swag but I'm talking about a God confidence because we could sing songs that say I'm a child of God in my father's house there's a place for me but until you begin to live it until you begin to see it it's never gonna say it until you begin to believe it like he has a plan for us there's a place for me I am a child of God maybe you're sitting here thinking I don't know if I'm a child of God I don't I don't know what my plan is I don't know what God has for me I don't know what's out there I'm gonna encourage you to check out grow because grow will help you discover your purpose not just within the walls of this church so that's great but to discover who God has called you to be see Solomon theologians will will kind of draw the connection between Solomon and gods psalm is like a picture of God where Solomon wasn't looking for what the world identified is beautiful Solomon went into the vineyard and saw a dark-skinned woman that he found to be absolutely and completely attractive and I feel that if if Sullivan could do that for a beitia how much more is God looking at you wherever you are tore up from the floor up feeling like a hot mess God looks at you and says I still believe you are beautiful I still believe you have potential I still believe that there's a plan I still believe that all things could be redeemed in this first chapter we speak and we see Abby Shaw's not just her courage to be honest with where she is but also her confidence in the midst of her insecurities check out verse 5 dark and lovely am i dark mi yet lovely daughters The Jerusalem dark like the tents of Kedar like the tent curtains of Solomon do not stare at me because I'm dark because I'm darkened by the Sun my mother's sons her brother's we're angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards my own vineyard I had to neglect tell me you whom I loved where you graze your flock and where you rest your sheep at midday why shall I be like veiled women beside the flocks of your friends I love verse 5 because here we see that there's a part of her body that she enjoys that she loves that she finds beautiful but then she also is in that there's something that she's embarrassed by so beautifully she holds the tension that so many women feel she wants to be sanctified and sexy but she's wrestling with insecurities does she have any relatives in the house any women Phil Abba sha I have two honest people great amazing I dare say that this is true for most women today we're identifying what beautiful is based on worldly standards so we put on Spanx to cover cellulite but it doesn't hide the fear and insecurity that we feel we put on makeup and fake eyelashes but it doesn't hide the embarrassment of feeling less than we can lift nip/tuck pluck frees but it's not gonna be the lifter of our joy so so men men please be gentle with women be cautious with your words we see that she's insecure because in verse 6 she tells her her love she tells her man please don't look at me she says that her skin is dark like the tents of Kedar now I want this to make sense to us we get the word picture and actually live it and see and breathe it in the pages of our Bible the tents of Kedar was a Bedouin tribe that were known for their black wool so she essentially a saying here my skin is as dark as black wool mushy also references solomon's curtains while solomon's curtains were a deep dark purple color so she is a dark sister but how many know the darker the berry the sweeter the juice amen yeah in the ancient Near East the most valuable thing that a woman possessed was her skin and at that time lighter was better and yet we see here she says don't stare me because I'm dark back then women would cover their entire body because the lighter they were it would show as a status symbol their significance and their wherewithal that they didn't have to work and yet she's saying here I'm self-conscious my mother's sons were angry with me me take care of my vineyards throughout this beautiful book there's these amazing similes metaphors and allegories here she's using this one as a vineyard that not only represents her sexuality her body but also her job in verses 7 we have this reference to a veiled woman a veiled woman was a prostitute who would follow the shepherds around and offer their bodies for a price so what she's saying here is I love you I want you I will follow you but I will not be like them Rashi hoochies who we like sleeping with you ok in college people soon discovered that I was a virgin who was waiting to wait for my husband and when they found that I was a virgin became like a hot topic of conversation so by senior year they're like no Bianca especially the men no Bianca you don't understand it's like trying out a car you got to figure out which works and what's good and you know how many miles this one can go and if you like where you're going what it looks like finally I said ok let's carry this analogy forward a couple years in a couple of years you are going to be visiting some like janky used-car lot still trying to get your free ride and the day that my husband finds me he's gonna get a brand new zero mileage car straight out the lot okay so on September 7th when a vote off said I do he got I locked out fully loaded drop-top BMW yes he did a big Mexican woman amen here's the greatest tip for my single brothers and sisters in the house no ringy no dingy you're welcome saved you some therapy right there a vishal had the confidence to know I Know Who I am I'm worth more I'm worth more you know and love about this isn't the Bible so relevant the issues that these people face then we deal with now so what does this mean for us today attraction is good attraction is god-ordained attraction is needed for healthy sexual relationships so my heart for men here in this room and those watching online is will you speak love respect and affirmation the women in your life someone that was believed to be the wisest man during that time for sure and even in our modern world and I believe that is in part from a divine wisdom that God gave for him of course but also his ability to speak to and communicate with those that he loved so men fathers brothers cousins co-workers boyfriends be careful with the words that you choose if fusions 5 tells us that every word that proceeds from in your mouth needs to be guarded by christ and seasoned with love how verbs 18:21 says that there is life and death in the tongue the ladies in the place with style and grace can we learn from our sister abaca and find ourselves beautiful even if we don't meet the world's standards because i think secretly we long for this kismet Jerry Maguire a moment when someone comes up to us and says you complete me but it's not true it's not true because you can't take two broken people and try to force the hole on completion our satisfaction our aberration is gonna come from God Almighty so with the stock leaving the line I don't need you in my life to make me whole I'm already whole you're lucky you have me yes so whether you are male or female young or old tall skinny fluffy black white asian Haitian or Eurasian you do not need a significant other to be significant your bank account isn't gonna make you significant your wife isn't gonna make you significant your husband isn't gonna make you significant your children will not make you significant your 401k is not gonna make you significant your Roth IRAs not gonna make you significant your javy gonna make you significant your collagen can make you significant you are significant because you are a child of the Most High God and he is like Solomon saying wherever you're at whatever JP field you're in the world might have rejected you when I see you and I think you are amazing come be with me and let me show you what it's like to be royalty we are children the Most High God the king of kings we're a royal generation called to tear down strongholds you are chosen wanted seen and loved so today maybe you walked into church and you know how you got here if you saw something on Instagram or Facebook maybe a friend brought you it's a good friend maybe you stumbled in half lit and drunk you know how you got here guess what you came to the right house because God has a plan for you maybe you've never heard the name Jesus but there's a man named Jesus who loved you so much that when stretched out on the cross on the hill called Calvary he said it is finished and the veil separating God for men and the Holies of Holies pour from top to bottom no longer do we need a mediator no longer didn't we need someone to go to God we have access to the creator of the universe aw Tozer said this is not adduction to be held it is a life to be lived you are a child of the Most High God and he's saying come to me come to me there is more so if you've never accepted Jesus well maybe you have you went to Vacation Bible School as a kid or you know John 3:16 but you know I feel really far from God today is your day to get right with God so you can get tight with God so right where you are Romans tells us if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you will be saved so right now with as much boldness and courage like Abba sha will you say I need Jesus will you raise your hand and declare online on campuses in overflow right where you are will you raise your hand right now and say I need Jesus either for the first time or the fourth hundr time Jesus god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you and you and God bless you he sees you he sees God bless you anyone else before we go anyone else your heart is beating your head is thumping thing how does she know me it's not me the Spirit of God say wake up Bobo I got planned for you stop being asleep wake up sleep or anyone else will you raise your hand right now god bless you god bless you god bless you yes can we all stand to our feet we're gonna pray with our brothers and sisters out loud there is no magic prayer but I believe sometimes it's helpful when we have language communicate what we are wanting God to do in our life so you repeat after me boldly say dear Jesus forgive me of my sin fill my heart cleanse my mind renew my conscience fill me the power of your spirit to be who you call me to be in the mighty name of Jesus we all say Amen can we thank God with a phrase at bothering how the city what a privilege it has been to serve you you have one of the world's best pastors Jeremy Foster Jennifer we love you thank you guys
Channel: Hope City
Views: 68,360
Rating: 4.8860245 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Houston, Hope City, Hope, Christianity, Jesus, HILLSONG, hillsong worship, hillsong united, elevation, elevation worship, transformation church, mike todd, carl lentz, kanye west, sunday service, hillsong nyc, who is jesus, how to understand God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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