xampp mysql shutdown unexpectedly | How to Solve XAMPP Server MySQL Cannot Start | [FIXED].

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okay guys uh when I uh start the MySQL and Apachi there is an error uh MySQL is uh shut down unexpectedly so how I fix this error this is very simple uh and uh I will show you how to fix this eror uh it's very simple please go to your computer and uh open exam folder and open MySQL okay uh open uh exam uh in C drive and open MySQL folder okay right right you can see uh the data folder okay uh you can uh copy this data folder if you want uh I'm going to copy this uh data folder and paste here and uh I will uh rename it uh as uh data old okay it's not necessary but uh you can uh keep uh copy okay uh I will uh rename it data old but this is not necessary okay uh okay now open data folder now you need to delete uh these four files okay uh MySQL uh and performance schema and PHP my admin and test okay you need to delete these four folders okay now you need to delete these files but uh don't delete IP data one file okay uh I am going to select all these files but I'm not going to delete IB data 1 uh file okay you can see IB data 1 uh this is uh IB data 1 uh you can see I'm going to unselect it and uh please uh Delete uh other files but don't delete IB data one okay uh I'm going to delete uh these files okay you can see I am not delete IB data 1 file now you need to go to backup folder in my SQL so please open uh backup folder and you need to copy all these files but don't copy IB data one file okay uh IB data 1 uh please uh unselect this IB data one file and copy other all files okay I'm going to copy all these files okay now you need to uh paste this uh files to our data folder okay paste these files to this folder okay done uh that's all uh you can uh see your error is gone uh in exam now I'm going to start uh my SQL again uh you can see my error is gone okay my SQL is running okay that's all uh please uh subscribe my Channel please uh like my video because I need to improve my knowledge and my contents so thank you again bye
Channel: Fixme
Views: 1,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly, [FIXED xampp mysql shutdown unexpectedly, error, fixed, solve, xampp mysql error, mysql shutdown unexpectedly xampp, mysql shutdown unexpectedly
Id: Pet8bV-Jd4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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