[Fixed] Xampp MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly [2024 Update] Xampp MySQL not starting

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hello everyone I welcome you to my Channel today  I'm going to show you about a very common issue   that many of my subscriber are facing that  is zamp is not starting or you can say zamp   is getting unexpectedly closed so if you go  to this zamp control panel this Apache sofa   will get start properly no issues on that so  here you can see that it is properly started   but for MySQL when you click on the start button  it going to first you know start will attempt to   start but after that it going to show this eror  that MySQL sat down unexpectedly so MySQL is not   getting started so I'll try it again so you  can see the process ID is assigned and then   again it is showing the same message right now  this issue is actually happening because of you   know some sort of corrupted files in their data  folder so you'll go to this Explorer and here you   need to go inside this MySQL folder and you'll  see this data folder over here so just simply   go inside that data folder and here you can see  we have lot of files and folders over here right   so here you can see that we have this employee  DB that we have created players DB student DB   so these are all databases we have created when  zamp was working fine but then suddenly it was   showing this error so what the solution that  I'm going to provide you will actually help   you to get all the data that you have created  back also right so you're not going to uh lose   any data uh so what Zam has actually done is Zam  has provided one sort of backup solution you can   say so if you go to this you know backup folder  so here you can see we have again these files   so what we need to do is we need to rename this  data folder okay so we are going to right click   on it and we are going to you know uh click on  this rename and we are going to rename this with   underscore old right and what we are going to  then do is we are going to create a new folder   and this folder we are going to name it as data  right so currently data folder is empty so what   we need to do is we need to go to this backup  folder and we need to copy everything we are   going to paste that over our data folder right  so once our copy is done what we need to do is   we need to go back and remember that old data  folder that we have created so here as we know   that previously we have created this employee DB  and players DB student DB for your case it will be   your whatever database that you have created you  you should be getting those you know uh database   folder over here so what I'm going to do is I'm  going to select all those folders that I have   created so employ DB players DV and student DB  along with that I am also going to select this   MySQL and this IB data 1 folder okay I mean this  is file and these are all folder and then what   I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this and I'm  going to go back to that data folder and I'm going   to Simply paste all that all right so uh as you  know that my SQL folder is already there so that   I'm going to replace with the with my old data and  it is all done now and now if you simply minimize   this and go back to our Zam control panel now if  I just simply start this you can see status change   detected as we have changed those files and here  you can see it is you know up and running so it   has properly assigned our port and it is running  so if we now go to the admin you know control   panel uh sorry the PHP my admin so here you can  see that all the databases that we have created   so student DB can see so all the things that we  have created earlier are actually not lost you   have uh we we are successfully able to retrieve  all that so student DV is the uh so the student   is our table so everything whatever there are  rightly back over here right so you know that's   the small hack so I observed like the issue is  mostly happening because of some problem in the   log file I don't know exactly why that file gets  corrupted and this issue happens so probably you   might observe that even after this fix maybe  after a week or two weeks we again going to   see the same problem so one thing is you do the  same process all over again whatever I have showed   in this video or else probably you can try to by  upgrading our zamp probably that will that might   solve your issue all right so that's pretty much  all about this video please put a comment in your   comment SS and let me know whether this video  really helps you and if if it really helps you   then please put a like and don't forget to  subscribe our channel that would really help   me to make more such videos I have also started a  vlogging channel so if you're interested you can   also watch uh the vlogging Channel I I'm going  to put that link in the description so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 22,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: in xampp mysql shutdown unexpectedly, xampp mysql error, mysql shutdown unexpectedly, error: mysql shutdown unexpectedly, xampp mysql shutdown unexpectedly, mysql shutdown unexpectedly xampp, how to fix mysql shutdown unexpectedly in xampp, xampp mysql not starting, xampp not working, xampp error, mysql shutdown unexpectedly xampp this may be due to a blocked port missing dependencies, xampp localhost not working, mysql not connecting to server, xampp mysql port 3306 error
Id: yFVJwD2kkGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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