Solve PHPMyAdmin Access Denied for User (Top 2 Methods)

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as you can see here I'm getting this error welcome to PhD my admin invalid settings access denied for user root if you have user PMA this is how you solve this too so let's try to reconnect and still I'm getting the same error go to your xampp control panel and as you can see my Apache and MySQL both are running now go to the directory where xamp control panel is installed you can just click on Explorer exam directory will open and now go down to PhD my admin and go down to and open it now as you can see here we have user and password now this is what PhD my admin is using to log in now password is empty if you have set a password to your root user for your root user or any other user in case you have PMA for your PMA user enter PMA here if you have PM as the user but I have root so I'll just leave it as it is and if you had set a password and you remember the password of your root user for MySQL enter the password Here if you have not I will show you how you can fix that too so if you have if you had set a password and you remember the password enter your password Here and if you don't have a password then but something else was here just remove the password and save the file and go back to your PhD my admin and enter it again and now as you can see I'm inside PhD my admin if you don't remember the password then just leave user as root leave password is empty and let's see how we can do that too okay if you don't remember the password stop both the services click on this config next to mySQL click on my.ini and it will open in notepad go down to this MySQL d section and here write skip Grant tables what this does is it will not check username and password whenever you're logging in so you can close this and just to show you guys this is working without the password also I'll just add something wrong here I'll just add a random password Here and now I will start both the services remember we had added skip Grant tables in this config for MySQL now let's on this again now as you can see even with the wrong password I am able to go inside my phpmy admin but you need to set the password of this PMA or root or whatever you as user you are using to something that you can remember so you can just go here and change the password okay and after you've changed the password and you remember the password go ahead to your for PSD my admin and set that password Here and in your MySQL again go back to your my.ini and remove that skip Grant tables because being able to log in with that password is highly insecure so we remove this now and we stop the services start the services again well you just need to start MySQL no need to stop Apache and now we have the correct password in place here we set the password and we are back in our SMI admin
Channel: The Code City
Views: 18,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phpmyadmin access denied xampp, phpmyadmin access denied for user root@localhost (using password yes)
Id: hVQQKFmk-H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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