Fix Error Apache Shutdown Unexpectedly in XAMPP [SOLVED]

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okay so as you can see here I'm getting this error Apache shutdown unexpectedly so why is this error uh being shown the first thing is as you can see here it can be due to a block port or missing dependencies or it can be because of improper privileges right so uh what I'm going to show you is I'm going to show you how to fix both of these things and let's get started also one quick tip is you can click on the logs here and check Apache error.lock so you can see the logs in detail if you scroll down you'll see all the error logs here so right now let's try to fix this first one due to block Port right so first go to config and click on HTTP now here we can Define on which port to run Apache right now uh I just by default it is 80. Apache always return listens in Port 80 by default all right no matter what your platform is no matter it's Linux or uh whatever your platform is it listens on Port 80 by default right so if you are getting this error and you're already on Port 80 try changing it to 8081 or try changing it to 888 something like this so let's do 8081 for now once you've set the port to 881 you can just save it and after you've saved it just click Start and as you can see I'm running on Port 8081 right now not me Apache is running on 8081 it's listing on 8081 and 443 8081 for normal plane traffic and 4434 https all right now if we can go to our browser and let's check the 8081 Port if it's listening or not as you can see this is working quite well all right now the second problem the second problem is we can have this issue as you can see here improper privileges if you have improper privileges what you need to do is you need to give the user proper permission so that you can access the folder so for that you can go to click here on Explorer and it will open this default zap directory and inside zamp by default you need to place all your websites inside the acidox folder so what you can do is right click here click on show more options and go to properties and go to security Now by default you can see which groups have which privileges so if I click on authenticated users you can see authenticated users have modified privileged read and execute list folder content if I go to users I can see I don't have the privilege to modify and I don't have the privilege to write so if your website needs right permissions like to upload folder and stuff so you'll also have to give your user this permission to do that just click on edit and for now just to check if this is a privilege problem or not you can just Click on each group or each user and just give them full control so if I can go here and give full control all right now you can just click on apply click OK and then if this is a permissions issue it should also be fixed now
Channel: The Code City
Views: 91,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xampp apache not starting, xampp apache shutdown unexpectedly, xampp apache not starting windows 10, xampp apache error, apache shutdown unexpectedly in xampp, apache shutdown unexpectedly in xampp 3.3.0, apache shutdown xampp
Id: v2L_foSPJgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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