X-Plane 11 vs. X-Plane 12 UPDATED! (JULY 2023)

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hello and welcome to this comparison video between X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. the video you are watching is either of these this is Microsoft flight simulator 2020 coming into Nashville I wanted to use this because I didn't want to spoil any of the X-Plane footage before we jumped into the actual comparison first I wanted to explain the method of this comparison the technical specifications and my general thoughts before we jump into the side-by-side comparison of the two Sims in both X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 I set myself in the Seattle Tacoma International Airport Boeing field or Spar of an airport located in Alaska I used only default aircraft no plugins and kept the FPS and timing window open throughout all tests however I should note the FPS and timing window does disappear during replays on X-Plane 12. not sure if that's a bug or feature so you may not notice it missing a few times just know that it's what happened during setup and working with both Sims xplane 12 had several issues of freezing during my attempts to use the replay tool I explain 11 never had that issue my goal with this was to provide an accurate side-by-side comparison of the two simulators and I believe I accomplished this I'll be interjecting throughout the video to point out small details that you may or may not notice but I wanted to call attention to now my technical specifications are in the description below and are here on the screen I have a pretty powerful PC but by no means it's the best in the world AMD is not preferred CPU for explained so if you're operating an Intel CPU with comparable specifications to the AMD version you see here you can expect to get a bit better performance now without further Ado let's jump into the comparison [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you'll notice here in X-Plane 12 system 172 that in this power on stall it immediately goes into a spin of course I applied full right rudder does recover relatively nicely but it also happened in my Landing configuration install as well power off stall so I'm not sure entirely what's going on there but some things definitely changed between the two [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Boeing 737-800 performed better in X-Plane 11 than X-Plane 12 and what do I mean by that is it took off quicker climbed faster and generally performed better in regards to aircraft performance again this points to some type of change in the X-Men 11 versus X-Plane 12 engine in how it interacts with the airfoil or the engines know a ton about it but I do though just with this examples that you'll see the difference I also want to point out that in X-Plane 12 and you'll see it freeze here in just a second this occurred numerous times when I was flying and it's playing 12. I should say not flying but in the replay tool of X-Plane 12 and I have noticed that this has been a problem with others as well so just know that that is a current bug X-Plane 12. foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I want to note a couple things in this this is set at 6 30 local time in a sunset type environment same weather no differences there and also notice that the Cessna 172 and exponent 11. has better performance than that's playing 12 72. we'll see that in the next class [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and this side by side you can obviously see that I had to change the X-Plane 12 starting point in order for X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 to actually finally meet up towards the end of the clip and that's mainly because of the X-Plane 11 Cessna 172 performing far better than the X-Plane 12 172 on takeoff and climb out I'm assuming at this point that they have changed some type of the modeling system or performance of the aircraft to better represent the real world aircraft I don't know 100 but it was a significant difference [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in this test I went to the middle of nowhere Alaska to a gravel strip because I wanted to see what the off normal field looked like for X-Plane 11 versus X-Plane 12. [Music] [Music] overall I thought both did a pretty poor job of representation of Alaska and a representation of an off uh you know non-asphalt Airport this is not a comparison with Microsoft Flight similar 2020 but I will say that it does do better than both X Planes so which X-Plane should you buy well if you don't have any X-Plane I'd recommend buying X-Plane 12. if you already have X-Plane 11 it may not be worth it to buy X-Plane 12 depending on what you do in X-Plane I will say though in my opinion X-Plane 12 definitely looks better from ground textures clouds most considerably clouds water textures Reflections lighting effects in general X-Plane 12 beats out X-Plane 11 hands down in almost every scenario but there's one scenario that you really need to consider when choosing between X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. what is your computer capable of X-Plane 12 is performance heavy I had everything maxed out in X-Plane 11 and everything maxed out in X-Plane 12. on a 2K monitor with 60 frames per second set as the frame lock but I never reached 60 except for an X-Plane 11. X-Plane 12 normally ran between 25 and 30 frames per second while X-Plane 11 regularly ran around 35 to 40 frames per second now you can go back and look at the actual frames and the timings of the CPU versus GPU but what you'll find is generally in my system my bottleneck is my CPU and I mentioned this at the beginning if you have a Intel CPU you're going to see better performance if you had the exact same system as me but just an Intel CPU and that is because of how X-Plane how Austin and leminar Studios has created X-Plane and how it logically works in the processor without getting into the nerdy details Intel has a better clock speed better ability to run in single and dual core situations while AMD generally throws in more cores but X-Plane doesn't utilize all the cores very efficiently so if you're going to choose to play an X-Plane to use the simulator choose intel if you're going to make a build if you already have a build and you're using AMD that's fine make sure you have Vulcan activated and xplan 11 X-Plane 12 is automatically activated for you again overall both these simulators work both of them do what you'll need it to do but if you're looking for something that looks better X-Plane 12 is going to be your simulator versus X-Plane 11. I think that's pretty clear I think that's been very clear throughout this whole video I also think that in sound I think X-Plane 12 has a little bit more depth in the sound a little bit more wide range of sounds and you saw that with the system 172 sitting idle how it sounded different it sounded more real more actually like a piston aircraft versus a sound repeating over and over and over again like you hear more in explain 11. and that's because they invested more time into the sound generation for X-Plane 12. but X-Men 11 still works so if you have X-Plane 11 you don't need to run out and buy X-Plane 12. if you enjoy flying an X-Plane 11 flying X-Plane 11. you enjoy flying in X-Plane 12 fly an X-Plane 12. they both work just fine and if you're a Microsoft flight simulator 2020 user looking forward to Microsoft flight simulator 2024 use that simulator too that's completely fine just remember we're all enjoying flight simulation and let's remember that when we're in our Comet sections when we're in the chats when we're talking to people in Discord and we were talking people in real life let's remember to be kind and courteous everyone has their preference and everyone has their reason for their preference and that's okay they all work and let's not forget p3d I know ep3d folks out there are like why haven't you mentioned p3d yes p3d is still out there and it still works too and it's great in a lot of situations so what am I gonna fly well I'm probably gonna stick with Microsoft flightsaver 2020 for majority of Life lie but I'll tell you what X-Plane 12 has come Leaps and Bounds since it was released last year thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope this has been educational for you entertaining maybe a little bit relaxing I kind of enjoyed the music and just the scenes going by if you would like to support the channel this video took a very long time to work on very long time to record so I would very much appreciate any support you could give me links down below for locals which is like a think of it like a patreon and then you also have a direct donation link you can also donate here directly on YouTube I'd appreciate any of that don't forget the free thing you can do you can like this video you can share this video share it in discords share it and explain discords Microsoft flight center 2020 just scores flight simulator discords just flying whatever Facebook groups whatever you want to do sharing is caring as they say so don't forget to like share and subscribe if you haven't subscribed hit the Subscribe button and then even if you have subscribed click the Bell notification icon and choose all if you choose personalized or no uh no notifications you will never get a notification for my live streams so be sure to hit that when I upload videos thank you again so much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you next time up in the sky [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Micah Messer
Views: 21,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: micah, messer, gaming, game, video, james, flying, x-plane 11, x-plane 12, xplane 11 vs xplane 12, simulator, flight sim comparison, xplane version, xplane comparison
Id: arndGMZHjlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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