X-Plane 11 - Ultimate 737-900

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hello everybody welcome back to X plane 11 once again we are going to do a flight from Phoenix up to Salt Lake City today on Alaska Airlines this is the Boeing 737 900 this is the big boy this is the ultimate 737 I will have a link to their discord and to their forums in the description below so you can grab the links to download this airplane it is a free airplane it's the same kind of people that are behind the Zeebo mod they've built this beautiful thing and they're currently working on the 737-700 and I can't wait for that because that's the normal operator variant that Southwest uses so we'll have like California one and really cool paint schemes for that with that said there's a lot here you don't have the physical tablet in the airplane like the Zeebo has right now but it is coming for this airplane right now we just kind of have a fake one here at the bottom you see this little 737 or 739 there at the bottom we click that and here's our tablet we've got a checklist everything's good to go there I can click this to go back ground-handling as you can see right here I just have the baggage carts and the catering trucks put away because they're dealt delivery so I'm not worried about that the load loaders can go by by actually we're done with them we're actually done with everything they can bring the tail stand back up and see the tail stand back there actually if I click back here let's have a look yep you see the tail stand there with the cones I mean look at the amount of detail in this model it's pretty impressive pretty darn impressive so we'll put that stuff away we'll go tell Stan cones and we don't need the GPU anymore because we are on APU if we wanted to open the doors this is how you do it right here you can even do the you can see the emergency exits that you can't pop those out I don't believe not yet at least apart from that we've got you know your checklist I showed you a variance if you want the blended winglets the scimitars or none and the same thing with satcoms you can change up the satcoms which gives you your Wi-Fi and all that stuff all this is still coming so the weight and balance the weather the cargo services audio options you can do all of this stuff through that or most of it through the FMC as it stands but one thing that's really cool is you could go into the cabin lighting and you can actually change out the ceiling LED colors you can change the intensity you can go white bright takeoff landing cruise everything you need for at night time it's actually modeled and you can actually see it you see like the actual actual cabin is modeled and you'll see that light up which is really really really neat just then another little small detail door operation push back all that stuff is right here this is for a better push back you need pre-plan request pushback terminate it's just to have everything right here you can manage your announcements here eventually all this stuff will be kind of available to us not really worried about that right now I'm gonna go ahead and get the pushback set and then we're gonna be ready to push out because I've got everything done and I'll show you that once we get up to the flight deck alright welcome to board the 737-900 not any different than the 800 we just have a HUD here in the middle and that is not modeled yet I know they're working on that but it is not modeled at this time here we are on board we've got everything like I said you can do things through the FMC if we go to the menu here FMC actually let's go to menu you have Advanced Mode here and this we gonna do fuel and CG all your stuff right there that you're gonna get office in brief or wherever you get your information from where you can just kind of ballpark it you can do announcements here captain welcome message let's do it now in business we let you to sit back relax and enjoy the rent again welcome aboard okay so we played the announcement that's good you can do the other stuff here like you could in the tablet on the Zeebo all the stuff is right here - do you you can do the board the terminus [Applause] stop it if you have to yeah well we'll push out in a minute when we're ready here buddy other config realism all your options here we aligned time put that on short otherwise you're gonna sit here for 10 to 40 minutes depending on your latitude for those are SS to a line if you want to follow along with pre-flight you could check out my Fabiana live channel I'm gonna have some I'll be flying this plane on there quite a bit so if you want to follow along what I do preflighting that's the place to see it here on YouTube I try to just get us push back and get on our way with that said everything's good to go we're ready to go actually let's go ahead and turn on the anti-collision light which means we are ready to push and she should do her whole little spiel here shortly let's see if she does yep there you go so that's good to go we're ready to push out so all you do is just release the part of break jet wave away from us there and she just said something to us and she's gonna close the door if you bleed is on pax come off like that and let's do our before start checklist here real fast so we know what we're doing before start procedure flight deck door is closed and locked she just did it and one in is bugs are good checked and set mcps not set you oh yes it is Wow v2 is right there we don't have our departure let's just do one 5,000 so it's easy to remember heading is going to be oh she's doing a little safety spiel back there okay so why she's back there talking about all that stuff we have all this stuff taking care of MCPS good to go exterior doors are closed yup fuel pumps we want to turn those guys on which we will do now we're actually be using the center tanks as well because we got a little bit of fuel there in the middle when we get about a thousand pounds or so we'll turn those off my drug panel should be all on let's do it now there they go antha collision light is on trim is set push and start we're already pushing fantastic and you start procedure already for that let's go ahead and start engine number two first so click that over to ground and we're gonna watch for our end to let's put the saw engine we can see our into there oops move that much a little bit of back trim today we do have quite an operation complete market break is set 19 and lock 25 air 25 okay start valve is closed on that side let's go ahead and start engine on the right all right we'll be looking for you over there uh yep we're good there we've got into climbing waiting for that 25 once we get it we'll add that fuel I love the sounds of these engines now with the 900 those edges are even further back so the airplane is even more quiet than the 800 is actually let's put that on the legs page we don't need we've got our reference over there on the right already and just to show you a little bit of what we got we got flaps 5 we're doing where's it at Oh V these speeds are here 137 139 148 if you look at our information I showed you earlier what we had but we're gonna be doing Yotes departure they're going up to Salt Lake City and we are going to be doing forget the name of that arrival I think it's the Delta 4 Delta 5 lanes the delta 5 arrival it's all gonna be doing in to Salt Lake City all right so both of this start valves are closed we can go to gens so gen gen and we can go APU bleed off you can use that engine bleed for our AC unit there we go so they're gonna get some AC back there and they're gonna be happy fuel pumps are good pitot probes are good I'm just doing my flows and then I'll do my checklist after the flows got Amazon that's a big one definitely got to have that on everybody else looks good here circuit breakers panel lights all that stuff we don't need instruction card shows the exact location use the best open the cover by pulling the red tab break like this like the best going over your head wrap this wrap around your weight and attach all right checklist time let's do our before a taxi procedure so it took me Jen's one and two are on probe Heat's on wing anti-isis off engine anti-isis off packs or Auto isolation valves Auto AP bleed is off ap you can come off now let's go ahead and kill it and just start switches go to continuous we know that drill and what else we got here engine start Li be started idle detent verify ground equipments clear flaps will set for takeoff so flaps five that's three notches flight controls let's go ahead and go to systems here and just double check them got left already check that one right got forward motion back on the elevator and we do have rudder one thing with this airplane I'm gonna show you just really quick is that when you um first load this thing up and you can't turn it on the ground there's a reason for that if you go the menu you go to advanced go to other config and then go to hardware make sure that you nosewheel access is set to yaw if you don't have it on there you're gonna have a real pain in the ass of getting this thing to turn completely alright flaps are five we have a green light for that continue our checklist here and make sure everything's good to go flaps good flight controls free and correct Bank or si blink lower display let's do it now there we go we have it lights will do taxi transponder comes on which is right here the ta ra we're not using world traffic three today I'm waiting for an update for that so we don't have to worry about it believe it or not the altimeter is to nine or nine or two today so we don't have to worry about that we will get some more I mention to the information god seventy Connor it Sulu weather Jack winds light and variable we're getting more than ten sky conditions for thousands own let's taxi thousand whew eighteen thousand broken temperature three zero dew point two zero altimeter three zero zero two arriving runway zero only change departing we advise on initial check you have already depart all right we're almost down here to the end of the two five all right so we can go ahead and do before takeoff procedure senator fuel tank we're gonna keep it on we have plenty of fuel in there cabin crew will signal them right now actually we'll just hit the wing light that'll let them know just like that and they have been signaled weather radar display comes on there we go train is play as required before takeoff checklist and we're good to go that is all you got to do for that remember to do the chronometer here before we take the runway that won't be a problem we have no world traffic on right now so we're not gonna have to worry about airplanes we are going to taxi all the way down to the end because it's a big airplane and it's gonna take a little bit to get her going but what I have found with the 900 is it's a very stable airplane compared to say like the the 800 I don't know what it is about the 800 flight model but it it it kind of sways the nose left and right a lot but this one doesn't seem to do that at all it's got a big huge wing on it maybe it's just the extra weight probably barometer turns on we are clear for takeoff so landing lights come on we're good there strobes can come on there a wing light on and we are good to go here let's just line up on the runway verify it's two five right that is correct that's exactly what we want a little bit of a crosswind from our left-hand side here so we will add crosswind correction our yokes are hidden right now I'll turn those on later it's not a big deal for right now kind of keeps it all the way we're lined up so we want to go to we want to go to 40% in one I got a little bit of left aileron in here wait for 40 but more than that it's 40 and toga big off power is set as their speed increases we'll take the left aileron out for the crosswind correction their speeds alive 80 knots cross-checked nine hundreds a little bit longer so you get a watch out for a tail strike on here rotation here v1 rotate so ever so slightly and then as you go up then you can increase it gear up just like that and we're flying 400 for a thousand check to the left nose thousand feet autopilots on being a selected one five thousand Auto brakes go to off and we're departing flame the airplane up flaps one ice flaps one there and we're almost to the up position here so go ahead and go flaps up here they come turn those taxi lights off now with the 900 you don't have a nose wheel taxi light you only have ones on the wing root with the 900 series alright so those are up airplanes increasing its airspeed let's go to our after takeoff checklist to be on the third page of leave climb and cruise next one will be 10,000 feet so I'll wait for 10,000 feet first [Music] all right we're crossing over oxygen and now we're going to zai lobe zeal up and we're almost a tooth in 10,000 there so let's go ahead and lena lights off that is good and let's do our after takeoff checklist so climb and cruise above 10,000 feet senator fuel tanks they want them off if they're below 400 kilograms we have a lot in there so not worried about that Lana lights are off wing light comes off there goes that'll actually tell them that they can use their portable electronics passenger signs is required transition altitude will set that and we'll be good at least 10 minutes before prior to top of descent FMS CDU lodestar and runway map climbing through 15,000 feet we've changed it over to 25,000 and we actually clear ourselves all the way up to three four zero so we don't have to worry about that we've forgot to put our landing gear lever in the off position there we go three four zero is selected and we have cabin pressure everything's good our red panel looks fine I think checks out next will be 18,000 feet we're above 18,000 feet so we'll go ahead and go to standard pressure to nine or nine or two across the board and everything else checks out okay we can see our progress here and our climb as our target speed right there 271 knots right now and that's exactly what we have which is a mock of 7:03 climb four three four is zero and we have reached our cruising altitude let's go ahead and flip the seatbelt sign off and we'll give ourselves a announcement to everybody now we have made it announcements and then we can do the cruise message a gentleman was gift early a flight type of live lock now at our cruising altitude I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the fasten seatbelt sign like to carefully ask if you are stay theater seats to keep those seat belts Cup complete pass through safety on-board computer charters on-time arrival no ATC delays either or at the statewide up here have you enjoyed the flight and the service once again welcome aboard while we are up here at cruise altitude I'm gonna go ahead and show you around the cabin so it does have a fully modelled cabin inside the airplane just stand up here real quick and check it out so we are on board Alaska Airlines now if you have the Delta livery it will actually have the Delta comfort class and all that stuff here you can't go inside of the lavatory sorry it's just there modelled back here but you can't walk all the way back here to the galley and look out the window and stuff which is really cool rémi crossing over the Grand Canyon here pretty shortly it ought to be something pretty cool to see let's go ahead and fly up to the front now remember what I said about the cabin lighting you can change that so if we go to the cabin lighting here we can pick a color say we want blue and then we can set the intensity of that blue and check it out starts bring it in and just like that you change the green red how whatever you ever want to be it's white bright now you have takeoff and landing you've cruise mode that's what it is right there at night sleep white medium things like that which are really really really cool ceiling LEDs sidewall LEDs you changed those as well to a different color so you could have red in there if you wanted the side walls to have red but we're gonna keep those blue for now and entry area you could change that a lot of neat things you can do here in the cabin let's go ahead and go to the front of the airplane and check out the first class now on the Delta airplane you have actual 3d logo on the right hand side when you go around the corner now I don't know if it's gonna be on the Alaska flight but we'll see what's up here on the right what do we got nothing so on the Delta one you actually have this in 3d and blazing down there says Delta it's really nice and here we are to the front now what we really cool is if they implement the disel screen right here to be this one the cabin lighting options if this was there that would be really neat if you could operate it like that pretty slick stuff alright well that's the view of the cabin in the 737-900 it's a big airplane all right we just crossed over Grand Canyon back there and now we are headed to Bravo Charlie echo and not too much longer on the flight gets lino there and then DTA and then top the sensor right after Delta tango alpha all right we got 1350 in the tank here let's go ahead and flip those fuel pumps off we do not need those anymore now were to be feeding off the wing tanks and slightly imbalanced there on the left-hand side butt out we should be all right it's just off by what ten pounds that's not bad at all as we start to approach Salina we've got 47 nautical miles to that we're just starting to get over all of the clouds like it's pretty much clear skies ahead let's go ahead and get the airplane set up for our arrival we're gonna be doing flaps 30 so that's 30 146 put 3 0 / 1 4 6 and that goes right there not their wind correction + 5 so the 146 + 5 oh that's good aisle s is 109 five four one six left 109 five right there I have that ready to go there we go that is in both sides in our course 164 already took care of that before I started going into this all right we're just about to Delta tango alpha so let's go ahead and go to our descent page here and we're gonna go ahead and hit descend but now and execute that so the airplane will start its descent because we're about 15 miles or so out from our top and ascent there I already moved the mCP down to 6,000 feet that's the lowest on our ILS approach before we get to our missed approach procedure all that so we can just do the descent stuff and we'll put the speed breaks out here very shortly let's probably actually go ahead and do it now we already know we're gonna have to do it so it might as well put them out there they go and we're just about over Delta tango alpha and we are we're making that right turn now and I'll go to this guy menu advanced and we'll make the announcement folks from the flight deck we've centered our descent should having the ground in about 15 minutes want to thank you so much for your company in business and hope to see you again with us sometime very soon all right we are descending out of flat three to zero so let's go ahead and out of three three zero actually let's go to our checklist and we're gonna do our descent procedure checklist Center fuel tanks are off we already checked those earlier pressurization is good laying altitude 4000 250 that's good we've got system annunciator to do a recall and review that's good to go v ref is selected and the CDU we have one four six right there on the PFD and that's what we want minimums not worried about it nav aids not worried about we've already got all that good to go we've got our ILS we've got our course set that's all we need to auto brakes and go to - that looks good there and approach briefing is gonna be conducted we're not worried about that against the flight simulation so who cares next thing will be the approach procedure so I'll do our local altimeter check when we get below 18,000 feet and then below 10,000 feet we'll do the approach procedure I figured while we're descending we might as well just go ahead and like I said I wanted to do their Radio altimeter for the decision height so we can just slip flip this over here into your minimums and you can increase it up and down as you see fit there I said Barrow it isn't minimums for the radio will do radio 500 feet that'll work for me 18,000 will go ahead and go three zero one five is the local so put up the three zero one five on both sides same thing with you three zero one five stuff here we go this set so when we are here at higher elevation airports like this one we are actually going to put our lane lights on at 15,000 feet and it's a little bit different wing light comes on and we're good all right we're pretty much rolling off to get our intercepts for the ILS we've got the speed brakes out and we are still slowing her down I know she wants more drag that's fine we're good there we can do our checklist here now so blue ten thousand passionate signs are not on it will be now forgot about those that's why we have tracked checklists we've got that passage of signs of good lights wing lights are on we turn all these guys on to winged lights good yes sir Wayne clear blue transition we've already done that altimeter is good and landing procedure is next let's go ahead and armed the approach approaches armed we have vor Lok and we have a localizer alive so it is tracking the localize so we grab them the glide slope here in just a few moments we're at 200 knots let's go and go flaps five that looks good right there ring the speed brakes out all the way in and let's go ahead and arm them so we have the green light and we do glideslope alive gear down Bob Stan and as it slows down even more flaps 15 beautiful approach into Salt Lake City I love this approach right over the lake got the runway in sight pops 25 still ways out let's go and let them know we're landing so we'll give the announcement percolating please let's do our landing checklist cabin crews been notified flaps are set localize earnest Epps good approach is good second autopilot engage as required we don't need it today if necessary use heading selection oh yeah we need to do our missed approach altitude 10,000 and heading would be on the one six zero side of things that's good just in case we go miss glide slope alive gear down flaps if the already did all that stuff are already down in here mr. Prodi it's good we need to put our guys on continuous here what daredi in sweet I already got that twenty-five hundred we'll fly it down to a thousand and then we will turn off the autopilot we're gonna disengage the auto throttles before then only because I like to get a feel for them sometimes it wants to go a little too fast and it's better to just kind of play with them by hand so I'm gonna turn that guy off I'm gonna try to get the V ref set before I disengage the autopilot just to make sure we don't get too slow make sure we don't go too fast that's gonna flash at us we turn that off we know we got it well if the airport wants to load there we go not a pilots off and we have control good lord load the airport in I was getting real bad stuttering on the way in so it was loading scenery we're fine it's still kind of doing skips like that this scenery needs to be optimized better or something it's the only problem only scene I have this problem with where it does the skip stuff boy it's in do it all the way in isn't it 30:20 I'm sorry for all the editing it's just a mess Auto breaks off I mean mr. X is Los Angeles doesn't he doesn't even do this it's just this scenery pull it in right here we've got the green light right now we should get a yellow here in a mint that's yellow and then we'll get it red next is red right there good and stop it parking brakes pulled go APU gen well if it's on here in a second still waiting for the APU there's a short taxi in not gonna complain there it is right there if you gens good we have those bleeds off and that's good all right fantastic kill the engines and beacon light comes off gonna bring the jet way out to us yeah fasten seatbelt sign off why it's shutting down we can go over here to our little menu and we can go to ground handling and will enable everything here GPU cones and put the tail stand out put the bag let's just do everything and you're gonna get the Delta stuff but I'll just show you what you get there we go open the door and open the cargo doors and that one as well we have one in the back yes we do on the right there we go that's all there is to that if this will even let me do anything it's just nope there we go all right folks well that is gonna do it for this flight really really sorry about the end I don't know I don't know why that does that at this airport I'm gonna look into it because everything else works fine it's just this area I don't know anyway that'll do it I'll see you next time take care you
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 256,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, code, zero, gaming, X-Plane (Video Game), fly with me, x-plane 11 beta, jfavignano x-plane, jfavignano fly with me, x-plane 11 737, ultra weather xp 2.4, x plane ultimate 737, x plane 737-900, x plane ultimate 737 900
Id: JElxVX_stsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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