WYALD - The Berserk Monster Manual

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[Music] well we're going to take a look at another specific apostle here in the monster manual and it's going to be everybody's favorite edge Lord wild [Music] spelled w-why Ald because edge but check out my monster manual video on just apostles' first if you haven't already and that will let you know more of these specifics about what wilde is before we get into who he is as a character now Wilde first appears in the end of chapter 58 in the manga when the king of Midland makes an order to SiC the black dog Knights on the band of the hawk who had just broken and rescued their leader Griffith from the dungeon Wilde has shown a mint several dead bodies of women and well having his way with yet another one before he kills her the immediate introduction to him paints him as an over-the-top exaggerated character who barely looks like a human being even in his full regular human form with lanky arms and an elongated snout and brow he is much more ape-like than the average human being I would also mention that he is very ripped physically and you might say well so are many other characters in the manga though when it comes to apostles they aren't necessarily made to be physically fit when they become apostles for instance the count still resembles being overweight and Rosine still has the young feminine frame of a younger girl yellow rosy looking kind of thick now we don't know the circumstances of wild sacrifice or his life as a human being before becoming an apostle but I think a big clue perhaps even to berserk as a story is with wilds death so let's jump ahead a little bit to the moment after Wilde is dragged into the abyss which is more or less the berserk version of Hell the only thing left behind is a husk of an old man and this is most certainly wilds appearance as a human leaving us to speculate on a few things the first is that he was probably old and unable to physically perform the evil thoughts that he had in his head so when granted the power to become a violent sexual predator basking in his newly found abilities to have sex and murder as easily as he wants he definitely took the opportunity it also makes us wonder that if when an apostle dies and they are dragged into the abyss you become part of the swirling void of all souls and has yet to be shown if there is anything more than just the abyss when you die as in if there's some sort of heaven equivalent but anyway the interesting part is the abyss leaving behind what they looked like as humans so if this ever happened to say femto would it leave behind the shell of Griffith because one would think that that body is completely gone and the apostle body as a brand-new one but perhaps the apostle self has drawn into the abyss and the abyss picks back out the original human form it's just some things to ponder anyway while does an interesting case in berserk as his involvement in the story is a bit of a controversy between fans some loving his segment of the story and saying it perfectly sets up the Eclipse by showing how powerful just one apostle is and that way when the band the hawk is surrounded by hundreds it adds to the sense of dread that you feel but other fans say that the dread would have been there regardless and his segment feels more like filler and could be taken out completely see other than the tail end of his introductory chapter the entirety of wild segments is featured in volume 11 and volume 11 alone of the manga a volume that was skipped over in both anime adaptations of the Golden Age arc and both the adaptations were just fine without wild he still to this day as a manga only character other than appearing in one of the video games the other reason for this is as I mentioned the Edgefest factor of everything involving wild wild has brought into the story by already being a prisoner of the King of Midland but we can tell by his demeanor and having the knowledge that he is an apostle that he was a prisoner by choice probably to be as close as he could to the darker more brutal side of humanity and as the King needed to compensate for his lack of soldiers he looked to the prisoners that wanted to reduce their sentences by working for him wild gleefully accepts this and steps up and with a massive display of strength becomes the leader of this group of criminals turned soldiers called the black dog Knights but while took a different approach to leadership than most unlike winning them over with his charisma his skills as a leader and his ultimate dream ambition he instead leads the troupe by pure unbridled fear his troupe is forced into battles and into enemy traps out of the sheer terror that wild will brutally kill them if they do not follow his orders as a man points out they would be falling into an enemy's trap and while just breaks his face in front of everyone even the band the hawk notices that the men are fighting out of fear rather than valor and the that were already criminals to begin with we also have the methods in which wild exercises his power now bruiser does a series that doesn't shy away from the horrors of the world often showcasing the violence and rape that can happen but with wild it's really the only point in the story in which I could consider it may be a little cringing from her overreaction on my mark on one of the first encounters we see he and his men throw children into a fire reap a young girl and tear their body parts off and put them on Spears as they run after the band of the hawk it's very excessive and that's his character to a tee things must be stimulating he will run headfirst into traps and explosions that were left for him with no regard for his crew simply fuelling himself on the adrenaline of it all and then Wilde has his full apostle form which is like a two-story looking creature with a mouth and three eyes one in the center and two on the shoulders and then just the upper body of Wilde fuse into the top of it to form the fully developed creature as far as his powers and abilities go he had incredible enhanced strength while just in his human form he is able to throw a man twice his size into the top of a building and impale him on a spike and as stated before he could crush a man's head with just his bare hand and he could also block and hold guts a sword swing back as well as guts his raider sword in his teeth and later in his apostle forum he is responsible for breaking Gus's sword which leads to guts being weaponless in the Eclipse and though when he encountered guts it wasn't a guts that was used to fighting apostles yet or anything but he was still in top form of his Golden Age self and Wilde was clearly much more powerful than him and obviously in his full apostle form he seems to get even stronger as he can rip trees up from the ground from the root and swing them around like weapons without much effort and despite his size he can also jump and maneuver with pretty extraordinary agility adding to the 8 like nature of his human self and his primal primitive style of going about things he also has a large tentacle like tongue that while in his apostle form he treats like his own you know [ __ ] but guts cuts that [ __ ] off before he can really use it he is also extremely resilient to damage guts gives everything that he has to put wild down his sword sticking through him stabbing wild eyes out but still he doesn't technically kill him it wasn't until wilde was holding Griffith up in front of everybody that he was finally taken down by the one and only [ __ ] Zod he picks this nasty [ __ ] wild up and rips him in half over his horns and it's a very cathartic moment now if it wasn't clear enough if you were to fight with Wilde you would be in for one hell of a time even guts gave his all and it still was just under being enough to take him down so I would say Wilde is susceptible to all types of damage blade seemed to work the best but you would have to have the power and force behind the swing of those blades to have him not only unable to block it but also have it Pierce's flesh which is incredibly resistant if you're an above-average person physically like guts you might have a sliver of a chance and after all he's not as powerful as some apostles like Zod but Zod is well Zod other than that he is also I'm sure vulnerable to magic as any evil being is so if you've honed your witch he spells that might be better than a one in one battle perhaps you could just be like the Midland King though and not an a want to bang your daughter kind of way but in a well I have these dirty jobs that no one else wants so why not see if I could send Wilde out as he's a twisted sick individual that will just want to do it anyway also with that if you were a criminal you could also say that you wanted to be part of his Black Dog Knights that might save you for being killed for a while but remember that he rules his band by fear so eventually you're going to be put into life or death situations anyway so it's up to you but yes while it has a very split reaction it seems with the fanbase and I'd be curious to know what you guys think do you think the wild segment benefited berserk by being in there or would you take it out entirely do you think that it serves a purpose or do you think it was just another kind of filler segment to get to the Eclipse anyway let me know your thoughts about this crazy bastard down below thank you a lot for watching this video guys I really do appreciate it please give it a thumbs up as it really does help me out subscribe if you're not subscribed already and look at the description of this video and check out my patreon and see if any of those tears would be interested to you other than that guys I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: RealLifeRyan
Views: 382,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: berserk, wyald, apostle, manga, monster manual, lore, godhand, femto, guts, zodd, nosferatu, immortal, powers, abilities, breakdown, analysis, kentaro miura, golden age arc
Id: OhpRZ1CHmpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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