Everything Wrong with Berserk (2016)

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berserk 2016 is the most visually offensive thing I've ever had the misfortune of looking at it's so bad even Isis wouldn't claim responsibility for it but don't worry I'm going to break it down piece by piece in this in-depth analysis at why this anime is fucking garbage we'll start this off with the key most important point for everyone to understand everything is wrong well let's set the clocks back a little bit and look at before the show actually came out the first few red lights that were going on in my head was when I saw the first teaser trailer I went oh that kind of looks like shit some of it looked good you know the stuff that wasn't CG and then I heard the sword sounds and it sounded like an assortment of banging pots and pans together and then I started to worry then they announced the team who was animating it and I saw the director and didn't recognize his name that's okay though I don't usually recognized most animator director names unless I really liked them like Gaynor Buchi or Shinichiro Watanabe so I decided to have a look-see at what mr. Shin it Taguchi had worked on previously oh he did some ki animations for Inuyasha he was a director for some loop in the third episodes you did its storyboarding and directing for some episodes of Panty and Stocking i mean who doesn't love payin stocking what are you a fucking loser oh well let's keep moving he did some Gurren Lagann episode direction and storyboarding Gurren Lagann one of the greatest artistic achievements made by man that means we must be in good hands right eye but then you get to his latest work and the most recent thing he's worked on is TQ okay that's a little odd maybe it was just for a paycheck or something but then you keep scrolling and you see he did all nine seasons of it oh okay worst yet that they decided that it was a great idea to let an animation studio whose previous work was only TQ to work on this for those unaware t queues an anime about cute little girls playing tennis and it kind of looks like shit but a lot of its charm comes from looking like shit I feel like that's not a good choice when you're picking someone to make a highly detailed anime why not get studio bones or madhouse or anyone other than this was this really all you had probably the biggest alarm going off in my head is that mr. Illig aki has no experience with 3d animation why would you get someone to direct something made in 3d animation when they have no prior experience another thing when reading an interview with the show's producer it said that they were doing storyboards in 2d and then choosing if they wanted scenes to be in full CG traditional 2d animation or hybrid of the bowl it sounds like a huge cluster fucking waste of time and sure enough it was it was also stated in this same interviewed the director of the 2d and the 3d Studios would meet and discuss what they were going to use depending on what they were trying to achieve for the each scene what I gather from this information is that all three parties are trying to achieve the same thing but doing it separately so they're essentially working against each other leading to more issues down the line causing more cluster fucks and especially when this is on such a constraint time schedule giving us this shitstain of our product we have in front of us now that I am bitching about in this 30 minute long video it is also very clear to me that they have zero budget whatsoever I guess Mira used up all of his savings for the anime on Idol master thanks idol master you ruined another thing I love good job but enough of the depressing monotone narration time move on to the heated ranting that everyone loves watching these videos for it doesn't take so Roger Ebert to explain to you that this looks like fucking garbage what happened here who okayed this how could anyone let this happen to berserk berserk one of the most influential things to come out of fucking Japan next to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and hentai look at Jojo Iraqis sitting in his fucking house made a money laughing while the money prints itself from each release of the new Jojo season and we see Mira over here fucking picking up table scraps when he remembers that he has to eat after sitting through a 20-hour session of idle master no Kotaku it is not some damn good anime worthy where your tongue is to be scraped off the floor with a spatula I quote there wasn't any sexual violence in this episode one of Brizard 1997's first scenes featured a girl openly her ass at a tavern forced to lick spilled wine off a table guts predictably saves her it's dull perhaps this series writers have caught up with the times Hakan up with the times if only she knew the horrors to come honestly I can make an entire video about how wrong this article is but that's something for another time I guess did you get this out of the way now but it's pretty obvious that yes the animation is terrible everyone and their fucking dog has talked about it I'm going to talk about it as much as I can throughout this video but I'm trying to make it seem not repetitive compared to what everyone else put out so far a lot of this is going to be me comparing scenes from the anime to its manga panel counterparts just to give you an idea of the clusterfuck in the service we are getting with this product compared to the amazing greatness of the original I'll also be mentioning when each episode starts the amount of chapters it's covering to give an idea of how much they have to compress and a single 22 minute anime episode the intro song is also generic anime drivel that completely misses the tone of what berserk is actually about and I feel like if someone just watched his intro with knowing nothing about preserved would give them a false pretense of what the show is like not to mention it also looks like utter shit for most of it I guess at this point it should just accept the fact that we're never going to get a lost children's arc which is in fact my favorite arc of the entire manga it annoys and saddens me to know that my favorite part of the entire series is just not going to get the animated justice it actually deserves but I guess I should be happy that my favorite part is spared from the travesty that is berserk 2016 now that we got all the exterior bullshit out of the way we can actually talk about the episodes themselves episode 1 covers the prologue of chapter zero a zero B all with chapters 95 96 and 119 so essentially it's trying to merge two arcs together that being the black swordsman arc when were first introduced to guts himself at the beginning of the manga and the conviction art which comes right after the lost children's art which is cut from the show along with the other prologue chapters and all the plots within it considering there is prologue chapters zero C through zero P that are completely cut from the anime I'll be going over the cut plot points as they come up throughout the story so right off the bat the first one that was cut from the anime was guts killing the female apostle at first this may not seem important but this is the same female apostle that killed Korkis and other members of the band of the hawk during the Eclipse so since we're merging these two separate arcs which have vast chapter distances between each other there is going to be a lot of things that are told out of order like right off the bat when you first see guts enter the as Sidra can also be seen in this bar except for the fact that he isn't introduced until chapter 133 in the manga they also introduced sherek in this episode even though she isn't introduced in the manga until chapter 184 guys there's really no time we have to introduce everybody right now in the first episode fuck plot progression at all we'll all this shaky-cam you'd think I'd be watching a found footage movie and not an anime what's the point of all these angled shots like the upside down pan enough guts walking into the bar what is this supposed to establish this is just incoherent mess in the bar scene guts just knocks them out and fights the bandits but in the manga he actually kills him and since the whole slug baron subplot from the prologue is cut he doesn't interrogate one of them and then has this cool shot where he cuts them in half oh hey we're already starting to reuse assets like the guy at the entrance of the bar and then the asshole who swing the sword at him what the fuck is that white shimmer supposed to be right here there's nothing like this in the manga so I have no idea what they're trying to show here with the whole snake baron plot being cut it also cuts a lot of the interactions between guts and puck and I feel this is where they show a lot of guts his character and they establish him as a person also they established why he keeps puck around like the fact that she heals guts and that's the only reason he does from what you can tell from this it's just puck is an annoying little asshole that follows his guts around that he can't stand and then guts yells at him but never actually acts upon making him go away more than just yelling a few times since they decided to leave the bandits in the bar alive and they are cutting the lost children's Ark they decided to introduce the cursed tree here and then kill them off so we don't actually have to worry about them again and we will soon forget their existence but hey with this we get a funny image to laugh at how terrible the show looks honestly some of the actual drawn scenes in the show don't look all that terrible for some reason they thought it was a great idea to just start connecting every small little plot point for no apparent reason like how the old man was at the bar in the beginning in the anime but he never was in the manga and for some reason they just thought hey let's tie this all together there are a lot of minor dialog changes especially surrounding guts like when he's talking to the old man about his dead son he says that the son was lucky to have died doing what he wanted instead of I bet he was happy changing guts his outlook on life being more philosophical and said it just comes off more edgy he's lucky to die like come on the show may be dark and gruesome it's not fucking edgy even though this is supposed to be a continuation of the movies they keep flashing back to it like we've never seen it before like during Gus's nightmares they add scenes from the Eclipse of course not scenes from the movie mind you because that would actually look good and it'd be jarring because those scenes are actually well animated this is just really shitty redraws that was the most flaccid scream of Griffith I've ever heard and people say that Japanese versions are always better man these scenes are supposed to be super dramatic and impactful but everyone's lifeless expression really takes away from it like it's completely distracting I can't ignore it if they had guts swinging his sword animated for the trailer why not just use that in the anime itself instead of using a 3d model it seems like more work also it looks infinitely worse this has been said a million times already but fucking hell does the Dragon Slayer sound awful it's like two fucking pans throw down a metal stairwell added some reverb to it if you honestly couldn't come up with a cool sword sound and just use some fucking royalty free sound effects jesus fucking christ anything is better than this this scene is supposed to be really shocking and showed the weakness of guts his character that isn't is tough and his heartless as he tries to portray himself but it's completely ruined by the shitty panning and collect going nothing personal kid along with the terrible sword effects in the downright terrible angles of these shots this is honestly how I feel about the show [Applause] so episode 2 starts in this covers chapters 119 through 122 now they're in daylight you get to see how terrible the characters are and all of their glory because in the first episode since it was mostly dark it kind of masked somewhat how she didn't look but nope pure daylight you get to see how terrible they are in all their extremely awkward movements with the Lost Children arcs removal now Gus runs in the Farnese right after fighting these skeletons instead of fighting the Apostles and her minions which would leave him far more wounded and what makes sense why he's too weak to fight them also doesn't really make sense why they're after him at this point since he hasn't really done anything too bad yet one of the main reasons they're after him because I thought he was a fucking child murderer a sword doesn't make that sound when you just grab it [Music] once again the show censors guts killing more of the guards and instead just hurts them by punching them but really that important really it's a guys who needs artistic integrity who needs to actually adapt something well when you get this pump out dribble and idiots will eat it up what is with this rewind like sound and the music it's super distracting while they're fighting like these phases are so lifeless they don't convey anything from these characters it is so static and boring like look at this fucking comparison even more flashbacks at it in on the Golden Age arc even though this is supposed to be continuation of it instead of actually showing any action or what's happening on the screen we're just gonna leave a close-up of guts his face and sword sounds in the background to give you an idea of what's going on I can't get over how terrible this transition in this scene really is I had to mention it like why would you pay in this way it's so visually ugly wait a second this scene doesn't look like utter shit am i washing the blu-rays what's going on here why are all guts his whip marks magically healed in the next shot when he's walking out of the tent did they forget to riad them to his 3d model oh look more interactions between puck and guts are cut from the anime because who needs characterization right they're friends guys if the show keeps telling us they're friends we're gonna believe it right right right honestly the best looking shot of the entire episode is the stinger still image at the end so episode three covers chapters 1 23 through 127 and apparently Mira actually directed this episode so maybe were in good hands this time let's see how well he can transition from drawing an amazing detailed manga to actually fluid motion why is the sword making clanging sounds when he's swinging through spirits aren't they supposed to be ethereal another visually interesting scene ruined by shitty animations they changed the whole location of the chase scene so they are now in the abandoned mansion instead of the canyon the nasty little wretch apostle from chapter 93 was given an entire backstory but hey we had to cut other stuff like the baron subplots both of them the snake and the slug one but we had enough time to fit this in glad to see that rape horse got the animated quality he so rightfully deserved oh my god this is just embarrassing this editing is also just fucking atrocious like there's so many jump cuts and any time they actually have a nice shot or a nice scene happening they instantly cut away from it it's someone reminiscent about how high budget Hollywood action movies are now where they instantly cut right before the impact of a fight scene because they're not actually fighting it's just simulated combat instead of a well choreographed fight scene like something like raid redemption in this episode there's definitely a noticeable lack of excessive panning which is nice in scenes because not every scene has to pay on guys just because it is made in CG and you have more freedom with your camera doesn't mean you need to spin around everybody and fucking confuse everyone it's so disorienting like spatial awareness in scenes is so confusing like where is anybody in this shot of the bar fight less is more like you don't need to be like look at what we can do because it just ends up ruining it more oh hell yeah nothing's hotter than two statues grinding against each other cut from the anime is where general Lebon goes through the plague-infested city also instead of general Owen going through the palace and going to the princess's room it is general Lebon guess there were short on budget this week so they didn't have enough to make an actual second character model for a new character that they're going to use for five scenes in total I must say this episode definitely did flow a lot better compared to the previous two but that doesn't mean it's still good it is still a rancid pile of shit so now that we fully entered the conviction arc we no longer has vast chapter distances mashed into one episode creating somewhat opaque confusion there's about only one more episode that actually has two separate chapters mashed into one it's our four chapters apart and they just rearranged the scenes and at the end of the day it still serves the same purpose and doesn't really make anything more confusing maybe we just could have flowed a little bit better if they left it originally how it was so episode 4 covers chapters 1 2 a through 132 right off the bat they cut out the fight between Zod and Griffith which shows why Zod aligns with Griffith instead of staying neutral like he was in the beginning of the manga there you go that one quick image overlaid for about 10 seconds is the extent that the backstory going to get about how guts got the dragon's lair I know it's really unreasonable for me to expect them to live up to the quality of the drawings of Hell during the Eclipse but this shit is just downright terrible the demon designs just way too complex for the shitty quality of anime here it must really be their goal to try to cut every character developing moment and dialogue like when puck and Ricker are talking about guts as a person and how while the years change guts is still the same person at the end of the day and he still really cares for Koska but nope you just gotta have him run around go pop pop pop that shows that we really really cares about her right guys fuck character development at just boring they also cut Farnese talking to the council and more of her inner monologue about her losing faith and they decided it was enough to just show that she was almost raped by a horse alright let's see what's not important now character development backstories that actually matter character motivation that's certainly not important I'll fuck that that's just taking up time we got to fit in several more panning shots of the same shit over and over again because we actually have no movement at on our characters and people actually realize they're looking at a slide show and not an anime they changed the young person who's about to be executed - an old man I guess they just had to reuse assets what the fuck is this camera are you trying to give me a fucking migraine the lighting is so shit here that they could fuck up even the easiest of scenes just because they threw everything into the 3d software and we're like fuck it that's good enough those are using 3d to make this show a lot of the potential impact from fight scenes is lost because like in traditional 2d animation you could have smears and other line work to make it look like there's impact you can't do that with 3d unless you're someone like arc sis who can actually do some mirror animations with 3d models but do you really expect someone who does this to be able to do this I don't think so just look at guts his face right here you can see there's infinite more motion and impact because this is drawn and they have the creative freedom to add depth and shadows which they can't really do with 3d models unless they want to have this fucking scratchy shit overlay like they look like they're using fucking color 20 from Street Fighter 4 it looks terrible why is the scratchy texture over every single character actually wit them it looks like they're in a fucking chowder episode I guess it's I've been railing on 3d animation this whole time as you preface this by saying that I don't particularly hate it if I have the option I'd much rather have a 2d animation but 3d animation can be done right just look at Goro or any of the three first Jojo openings like those are all amazing and great and also 3d and don't look like shit like this just gets so frustrating when you could see good scenes like this right here which is in CG and doesn't look like utter dogshit but then it's just hampered down with all the awfulness around it look I feel so bad for people left acclaim they're like yeah I drew this while the drawn scenes do look infinitely better than the CG they still are pretty bad because every time they do it it's just shot reverse shot and only their mouths move and their bodies are completely frozen and stilted because it's not animation at all you draw the body once and you just have three frames of the mouth open mouth semi closed and then mouth fully closed and bam and they don't do that it's just a panning closeup of a drawing it's also incredibly jarring when they have CG characters and drawn characters in the same shot it's even worse when they're interacting with each other I just noticed but has there been a scene where guts escape is not flowing in the wind I don't understand why they would texture all the demons and spirits with this ugly rough texture really conflicts with the smooth look of other characters they're trying to go for it's honestly an aesthetic nightmare makes it look sheer than it actually is oh my fucking god they can't even get fog right why are they painting skull nights and guts his face while you can see both of them standing there lifeless Lee in the same shot every visually interesting thing they could possibly do is ruin by their utter incompetence but you know maybe that just berserk can't be animated there's an entire video on this and you could go watch the link will be in the description below but like they stated in this video that it's just so picturesque that there's so much painstaking detail in each panel of the manga and you can't possibly have this transition to anime unless you want to be like Red Lion and then take you know seven years to make and then be a commercial failure even though you were a critical success oh great now you get to watch them ruin Moe's Gus - probably one of the strongest villains next to Griffith and being memorable in having understandable motives that even maybe you can get behind or understand why he thinks that someone you truly hate for the detestable things he does against humanity and his utter hypocrisy but hey fuck all that we're just gonna cut everything memorable about him he's just some asshole with a book No Deal Cohen what's your name okay this back to the topic of more cut content the story that Moses told Farnese while she was airing her concerns and worries of what they were doing was actually right it's completely removed from the anime understandably a lot of the graphic images from the orgy ritual or removed because this is aired on TV sadly a lot of the cool visual trickery from the hallucinations were also lost due to this censorship it's so touching to see such a motherly role taken up by Luka for her band of prostitutes it almost brings a tear to my eye feeling is stopping me is how fucking robotic they look like at least draw some fucking wrinkles on their face like goddamn and that's at least better than this this sequence is so shitty that all the faces are actually melted together if you freeze-frame this it's not like we're it's a smear animation to make the illusion of motion that people post in quality anime threads it's just noticeably bad I'm seriously getting a fucking migraine from all this shaky cam goddammit it's like taking me an entire week to watch 12 fucking episodes because I get so sick from looking at this Wow when it's drawn and not CG you can actually see facial expressions on characters what a novel concept I do have to admit that there is a noticeable improvement in quality in Episode seven but then again that's not really saying much every ghoul is actually the same character model look at this nice more censorship just what I needed my hyper ghor anime yeah guys it's a great idea just have them pan around his body when he's on a cliff just have the camera go directly into the rock what could possibly go wrong it definitely doesn't look terrible at all also at the end here you can see the rock actually warp around Serpico at this point I'm starting to think that the show creators are just trolling us and seeing what else they can get away with the pacing is just so off with these episodes why wouldn't you just cut it here once they have Kostka taken away by the soldiers instead of having it meander for another three minutes like this is where the chapter ends in the manga why not just have it cut here and then continue in the next episode wouldn't that make more sense and flow better are those sesame seeds I'm being tortured just as bad as these people in this scene by looking at it I'm really starting to think that they're just having all this panning to mask the fact that there is literally no motion at all these are just still images I'm looking at it's super jarring that the goo is moving at six frames while everyone is at least moving at twelve this has to be the most bland flat fight that I've seen yet guts is practically tea posing right now man you really get to see how shit skull night looks all that JPEG fire around him his fucking armor looks like has a tinfoil texture around it sick frame the shot just so you can't see any gore from the cannon I love it why would I ever want to see anything that's actually going on on the scene that's just silly if the end of the staff has spikes on both end of it then in this shot then the one side should be completely in guts his neck since the hilt is clipping into him and the other side isn't around his neck at all what is that derpy looking expression on guts his face supposed to be and the manga he doesn't have any expression at all he's just blank faced honestly if you're going to have 3d and drawn characters in the same shot just say fuck it and have them all 3d because it stands out too much when they're not both the same thing you honestly could just cut away from this scene instead of going straight to black and ruining the flow of it like watch this [Music] BAM and I instantly improved it look that flows way better hey Zod where'd you get that scar in your head and why is your horn missing we'd probably know this if they didn't cut that from the anime um where is the ground for this shot were they so rushed that they couldn't even drag and drop something in do these guys have any understanding of how to frame or distance anything in this anime at all you can really see where the studio strengths lie when they're doing the chibi mo a blob gag stuff because that doesn't look like complete shit and it actually flows pretty well it's almost as if all they've ever worked on is fast paced high-energy anime with a messy art style to complement the comedy and have no place making a dark depressing slow and sombre show and that's just my opinion Mae it'd be really nice if we could get to see the action of guts beating Moses but they have him framed outside of the shot not to mention he's spewing so much jelly it's even harder to see what's happening on the screen open with your hands to ensure water reaches the eyes Wow they use five character models this time I honestly think that guts was miss casted for this anime this guy does a serviceable job mind you he's okay but I don't think he has what it takes to do the guttural screams of pure anger that is required for this character I also don't believe a lot of times when he is trying to sound like he's in pain or he's swinging his sword a lot of the lines come off stilted in a way but that's just my perception I can't 100% say for sure because I don't understand Japanese so just based on inflections this is just how I feel maybe have him do one or two more takes of him screaming at Griffith because boy do I not feel anything from that sick more unnecessary sheer conclusion yes this is just what we need it ties everything together perfectly oh my god what did you do to Zod he looks like a chia pet wait a second skull Knight wasn't holding his sword here playing metal over this take a deep breath take a deep breath just calm down calm down it's not that big of a deal it's okay they are completely incompetent we know this we understand no one knows how to tell a story on this team nor not had a Framus scene on this team no one knows how to use correct music for a scene no one understands tone at all it is okay it's okay but on a serious note why did they think it was a good idea to cut character development characterization and so on do they really expect me to get attached to these characters when they're all so robotic and lifeless but you know what character got the worst treatment in the show guts and that's a big fucking problem and that's the main character of your show literally every instance and I've been going over this for the whole fucking video so this is probably pretty redundant at this point every instance they have a characterization and telling his background and his motivation it just completely cut from what you can tell from watching this as guts is just an asshole who just kills people and doesn't give a shit about anything but an actuality guts regrets most of his actions he hates what he has to do he hates the life he has to live he's a product of the misfortune of his upbringing orphaned at Birth from his mother being killed and hung from a tree miraculously being born only to be rescued by a passing mercenaries being taking in by a prostitute that's part of the gang only to witness this now foster mother died to the plague and have his foster father the mercenary leader blame him for this growing up on the battlefield knowing survival of the fittest is the only way you're going to make this out it's kill or be killed the only thing he knows what to do is fight his abusive foster father later selling him off to one of the other members of the mercenary group in being raped by him later than killing his rapist during a mission and his now alcoholic disabled father trying to kill him he ends up killing him in self-defense the rest the mercenaries then blame him for the death of their leader and chase him off trying to kill him after this he is completely shut off from all interaction of other people and does not let anyone else even touch him later to find acceptance in the band of the hawk making a best friend out of Griffith and a love and Casca later to leave and to go his own separate way and basically fucking everything up to come back to find things are changed for the worse Griffin's lost his body pretty much he is of husk of who he formerly was and then losing everybody to the eclipse or Griffith then sacrifices everybody to get a new body InnoCentive a god hand along with you know gouging his eye out and raping Kostka in front of him and then leaving Koska as an empty shell of who she formerly was now he has left marked with the brand of the sacrifice which will then leave him to be chased by demons and otherworldly spirits until they take his soul and drag him to hell and suffer for the rest of eternity but after hearing me say that would you have gotten any of that from the anime fuck no and that's the animes biggest issue we can complain to the end of time about these shitty animation the hit or miss voice acting the complete misuse of the music and the all-over-the-place tone but this is just terrible storytelling you can see mirrors brilliant still shine through in this sometimes but it's just hampered down because it is at the end of the day a bad adaptation but now it's done and over with I never have to talk about this fucking piece of shit ever again and hopefully it won't get any sequels wait wait what there's another season you're shitting me there's no fucking way [Music]
Channel: Cvit
Views: 2,809,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berserk, Berserk 2016, Anime, Anime Analysis, Video Essay, Cvit, Guts, Casca, Griffith, Manga, Bad Anime, Review, Critique, Everything Wrong With, Golden Age Arc
Id: oMPQqYAAxg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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