Wu Tang Collection - Master of Death

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[Music] a he he he he he he he [Music] the [Music] pole that's hard hey he he [Music] he [Music] you are ready [Music] now you have been teaching me Gung Fu for 18 years thank you I'm most grateful many years ago Gung Fung brought you here so I could teach you about Gung Fu now I have carried out his request you're ready you've learned everything that I have to teach you Kung p is living in jinlong town go [Music] there [Music] oh [Music] oh you he [Applause] [Laughter] a young fellow pretty good you you're Gung if I have done something wrong please accept my apologies who are you young man I am lean cha Leen [Music] le le [Music] Atlas Mister tell me are you Mr Gung ah yes am Kung [Music] Fong Mr get up get up I'm I'm very happy what a day I I've waited such a long [Music] time I appreciate what you've done how is your teacher he's as fit as ever he asked me to give you his regards oh very good been 18 years since I saw him seems like yesterday did you you've grown up as strong boy you've LED your Gung Fu well and now you can Revenge your father I really missed both my parents but the time's come to avenge them bye-bye I sent you to learn Gung Fu not just for your revenge but also for your country firstly you must honor your parents and then Fight for Your Country so you'll be remembered as a good man now come with me these clothes were were left behind in this house by your parents after they [Music] died 18 years ago your father Lee Chowan together with Kim M King were Generals in the Imperial Army later Kim turned traitor and surrendered to the Ching your father refused so he resigned and then less than two weeks afterwards both your parents were murdered by three famous assassins one of them is known as La Min ten and the other is known as the Ching tiger I remember well that night 18 years [Music] ago [Music] [Music] dad I was the one who saved your life but the man who's really responsible is the traitor Kim mang he ordered them murder Kim M Kim M what do you want here Kim and [Music] [Music] King who's making all the noise excuse me a man's demanding to see the Marshall why does he want to see the Marshall for [Laughter] Revenge listen to me I am the Marshall's Chamberlain he is not here if you want your revenge then fight me huh hey he he hold [Music] [Music] hide [Music] now you tell your Marshall I'm lient chiao and I will [Music] return damn what's a joke commer coming [Music] what's been going on here uh nothing much sir a man was looking for you a troublemaker where where is he hey he's gone he's a fighter well skilled in Gung Fu so that so that saw that you were defeated by him what's his name lein Cho h letter all the man right away hunt him down and kill him understand yes [Music] sir [Music] hold it bastard would you happen to be the son of Lee then that's right and who are you he huh since you're going to die today I don't mind telling you who I am and what have done gotam punk I was the one that killed both your parents [Applause] hey [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] hi he speak up who ordered you to kill my father what difference does it make if I should tell you you're going to kill me anyway aren't you if you do tell me then I will spare your life master you sure you're not liar of course I'm not all right I'll [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] miss the Marshall wants you back no I'm missing my mother Marshall's orders you are not allowed to see your mother at all it's a private family affair you stay out of it h what are you trying to do now miss you must come back what if I refuse then we'll have to take you back by force you dare let me go come let me go come on help help me let me go come on you come on somebody help me come on help come on you bit you leave the Girl Alone how dare you kidnap her don't you Nots against the law the law we're officers of the law you better watch out keep out of the Marshall's business we'll arrest you understand oh so you all work for Marshall Kim huh right I'll teach you a lesson what's that what did you say h [Music] now you go back in can tell Kim that he can start quaking in his boots when I've got rid of all the killers he hired Leen cha will come after him e in ch all right you can go now thank [Music] you Mr thank you for rescuing me don't mention it since they've all gone you better go back home Mis I don't know how to thank you perhaps I can invite you to our house and you could have a meal with us would you like that please don't bother it was my duty I have other things to do maybe we'll meet again excuse me I'll go now [Music] [Music] ma my girl why you looking so flustered what's happened I was on my way here earlier today but then father sent some of the men to take me back home I tried to run away but they finally caught me and held me by force I shouted for help luckily a young man was passing by and heard my shout he came running up and rescued me oh but his name be praised the man seemed to know father because he gave him a message for father he said that after he got rid of the killers he was going to come and get father what did he say his name was he's called letin cha lein cha I wonder if he's the son of Lea Nan H what are you talking about who is he Almighty Buddha's name be praised many years ago when I was carrying you in my womb your father said to me if it's a girl she is to be married to Lea Nan's son daughter the man who just rescued you is really the son of Le chaan you had better tell him he must not seek himim Kim is much too powerful far too wealthy he has hired many fighters they will kill him if he sees Kim ma it's coincidence don't worry yourself daughter I don't know why but I have a bad feeling quickly go after him you must run away with him forget this place only death awaits him daughter please hurry up M I dare not in Buddha's name they have already murdered Lea Nan now they know his son's alive they will kill him too for sure daughter please go to him quickly [Music] for excuse me I'm [Music] sorry the casino where in coming Mister what would you like to have waiter what kind of food do you call this mck it's terrible bring me something else yes sure something else something else I always like to meet a man who speaks bluntly I don't like wasting any time either matter of fact you're quite right the food is not very good at all would you join me in tea this Wine and Food M they very very good it's not just the Wine and Food what about [Music] me watch yourself lady what do you think you'll find I'm not unattractive I'm high home h a woman's woman anyway lady you're nothing [Music] special [Music] are you looking for trouble don't beat about the bush what's your reason for coming here maybe I'll go a bit easier on you if you tell the truth I'm Le son of Le so you're the guy who killed the Ching tiger and you're next to die really it is a small world come on [Applause] he [Music] come he [Applause] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] what h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] manager you wouldn't happen to know with you if there's a man called Leon CH in you Lan cha that's right a tall goodlook guy oh yes Miss why are you looking for him I I'm his sister oh really he's staying in a room around the back thank you very [Music] much [Music] [Music] hey it's you it's rather late what are you doing here at this out I I came to thank you oh is that all you have thanked me enough already no not properly This Time It's Different oh after you rescued me that day I learned from talking to my mother that I'd been impolite at the very least I should I should have insisted you come home so I could introduce you to my mother I told you then it was nothing but we are so indebted to you don't you see if you hadn't come when you did perhaps those men would have killed me Miss look mother said because my life was saved by you I'm now in your debt forever I'll do whatever you want she said it's the proper thing to do huh look Miss don't do that get up now unless you agree to let me stay otherwise I'll never get up look miss your mother's wrong I'm not a very lucky man stick around with me and you'll have bad luck too I don't mind I'm willing come on get up will you let's talk this thing over shall we mister I understand I know you want to get revenge however you should know too the men you're after know all about you as well and they intend to kill you first why don't you and I go away to some place where they can't catch you where we we can be happy together H who told you to come here Mister believe me I came here of my own accord really I'm telling you the truth I have your best interest at heart look miss you better leave right now mister I won't go I want to stay here and serve you I'm sorry to make you upset why not why not rest you Mr go ahead oh no that's [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the [Music] e Mister hey oh Mister what are your orders CH mentin he living here he's rich and Powerful surrounded by Fighters and he runs a casino as well but they cheat people there oh I'll send Chun in there tomorrow morning to cause some confusion and so give you your chance to get your revenge with him master I ow take it easy you need to have a good rest now go home and sleep you'll have a hard fight tomorrow yes thank you master [Music] hey you're a b lady out of here I got plenty of money oh all right they coming all right gentlemen Place those bets get your money down color your money there the more you bet the more you got a chance do it the way you all right come on there if your hands above the table gentlemen all right now let's see your money all right it all right now on next round next round here we go all right open you B all right against the dealer big [Music] winner hey lady you want to gamble too all right place your BS gentlemen come there let's see the color of your money Place those BS on the table all right hands off that's it jackpot I'll raise mistake again lady there all right then let's see oh Bo you're missing again open oh there you go sorry there bad luck you there a smell of rotten fish rotten fish it's her rotten fish brings by a lot yeah I reckon all right gentlemen hey you got any money come on get your money down get your money down we a got time to waste hereone hands up that's it P yes set one more to win that's it gentlemen open [Music] all right all right pay out pay out Banker that's it now another round gentlemen that's so put your money in come on ready to open me see all right gentlemen open those D we going to have it there come on there all right open seven points waste no time get your PS down place your all right let's see the guards that's it ready hold it hey you want to gamble against me why not all right how much far 5 500 oh boy open him up he's got the big one oh the guy won it again's that game right but this time 5,000 5,000 got that we only play for cashier lady hands up deal them up all right open card nine wins nine points win you lose lady bye again well some up well how high do you want to [Laughter] go how much have you got 10,000 oh little lady let's just get this perfectly clear if you win happy 10,000 but what if you lose you can have me right it's a de all right hands up deal them up there open the map all right you both ready open he open stand back open it up they G you lose you lose he can do anything he wants with it now now your mind you're gonna come with me back come and that's right wash my [Laughter] feet hey what you doing I noticed that you like to cheat be cheating what's that now you be washing my feet huh yes yes you're a bunch of swindlers yes Miss I'll pay you back your money I want her de or laugh hey Master but Master it's bad news it's terrible what the hell's the matter with you someone has busted up the casino [Music] oh h who the hell are you 18 years ago you killed both my parents I'm Leen oh you must beat the BR we didn't kill that's right good good he hey get ity more out [Music] t [Applause] a [Music] [Music] die a hey [Music] he die [Music] [Music] he sh in if you want to get away then go now he [Music] [Music] h [Music] he if you can tell me who ordered you to murder both my parents then I'll make a deal I'll spare your life you're lying to me I'm the man of my word rely on that it's Lo nonsense it's long CH he promised to give the three of us a thousand bucks and so we agreed nonsense I know damn well Kim told you to do it talk [Music] no it's long why should I lie to you I swear it I'm telling the [Music] truth all right I'll let you live for [Music] now [Music] tell me what are you doing here why have you come here [Music] [Music] sister [Music] oh I found you I've been looking for you old fellow who' have thought after all this time you're still trying to get the Marshall why do you persist he's a traitor and an outlaw I am going to get the lot of you all right go ahead for the moment at least you're still alive say what you want but tell me 18 years ago did you you save letin cha that's right right so you're the one well today you're going to die [Music] hey [Music] master master leave him alone [Applause] youy who are you I'm an old student of Master Kung Fong who killed him it was it long long 18 years ago ltin hired three killers to get Le chaan and his wife as well at that time my teacher was passing by and saw everything that happened he got there in time to save the boy and sent him to learn Gung Fu and now the son of leonan Has Come For Revenge those three killers were killed by him Hong was afraid that Kung Fung would tell the boy the truth so he decided to kill him and his men before he could talk it's not a pretty story is it no it's not Kung Fung told me before that the three killers were hired by Kim before my teacher died he was able to talk his last words to me were that lard forced him to say that so is to frame Kim because Kim is a powerful man now an imperial Marshal he has many men if the son of leaan challenged him he would be killed he planned it as a perfect solution Mister what's your name oh lean ja I never asked Kung fun to save me as a boy and now he has died for me I've vow to avenge his death longtin is very handy with the sword I think he'll slice you apart I don't care what happens to me I'll honor My Vow no matter what very well you've got guts I'll do whatever I can to help long 10 is staying at lingow Le Valley thank you [Laughter] [Music] h [Music] master that old beggar Man's dead along with his girls I killed a lot of them they did a good job I did just what you told me to I dressed up as a beggar and I even fought with Lee in chiao I must say that bastard Gung fu is good very good he defeated me however I did tell him that the guy who killed Kung Fong was really Mr ly tin so that now he's going to be going after him good Master what's the matter now 18 years ago I made a bad mistake I let three guys live now look at the trouble it's caused me master you're right there those three couldn't be trusted they weren't even any match for that old man I reckon Chang Chang how should I deal with you tell me boss you treated me very well really if you you hadn't helped me out when I was thrown into jail I would have died a long time ago if I tell you to do something will you do it for me yes I'll do it what do you want me to [Laughter] do good good good brother very good Master what are your orders you were the one who killed the old man and he had too many followers Le inch knows who you are so I could be setting myself a big problem in the future therefore I want you to commit suicide understand once you're dead no one will ever know and tomorrow I'll kill ly tin and lein CH I'll see you get a proper funeral do you agree what K you're a CL [Music] you Marshall you did a good job [Laughter] it come out of there oh so it's you what were you doing hiding there dad Leon Chow is innocent I beg of you please let him go mother told me when I was a child you promised me in marriage to Leon Chow it's a long time ago no dad once you make a promise I'm B to marry Lee you can't stop it you are dead let bygones be bygones I don't know what happened then but now dtin cha is innocent tell me those three killers who murdered his parents that was on your orders wasn't it and what if it was Dad why are you so cruel come [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] do doctor what do you think he's very ill it's lucky I'm here with my secret potion this should do the trick give him some of it he will get better soon thank you doctor I don't know what we would have done without you I'm sorry oh there's no need to Bab me forget it consider it free you take good care of your husband Dr L you save my husband oh it was nothing don't mention it let him take his medicine I'll go thank you Doctor take care of yourself long that is your name isn't it that's right what's the matter defend yourself I haven't used my sword in ages the only thing I carry around now is my medicine bag who are you I'm a stranger you don't know me and so what do you want with me I gather that you are pretty good with the sword I want to find out just how good you are at sword fighting I've no quarrel with you so let me pass forget it no take out your sword you're going to have to fight me doctor you've pushed me too far young man all right I agree to to meet you in a fight not here it's not the time nor the place tomorrow noon up at Sunset Hill you won't fail to come huh I'll be there I always keep my promises good I'll be there [Music] too yuku when did you get here I've been here a long time Dad why did you agree to fight with him he challenged me I could not refuse him dead when mother passed away you made a promise to her you gave up your sword and took up healing instead but all right that's [Music] enough dad let us go home now H all right let's [Music] go [Music] a [Music] I [Music] ah he wait see hey hold it if we keep on fighting both of us are going to be hurt there's no quarrel between us so why continue there's no quarrel maybe you forget about the Lee family who were killed 18 years ago Lee family you mean Lee Chan and I am his son D so you are the son of Le D It's You [Music] [Music] uh [Music] H dad dad dad dad I badly hurt you don't cry now Ginger you come here I I want to tell you [Music] [Music] your father and I were very very good friends 18 years ago I heard that Lee and his wife had been killed I went to his house but it was too late I found out that LE n young boy had been saved I looked for you everywhere but I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't find you but you were looking for me to kill me didn't you so you think that I killed your parents do you that's right you paid those three assassins to murder my parents and you also murdered Gung Fong bastard those three Killers I never met them who told you I was the one who paid them hi Kim Min King you you are Kim Min king that's right you bastard I may as well tell the truth since I'm going to kill you Baston that Gung fool you've been learning for 18 years won't do you any good now you don't scare me none your time's up so get ready I used you to get rid of long seat J now I'll get rid of you too so he wasn't the one who killed my parents wise up the three killers were paid by me I did it all I'll kill you I swear I will you really think you're going to take me [Applause] hi he H die [Music] hey [Music] h [Music] die [Music] [Music] die hey [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] he he he [Applause] hi [Music] d h h [Music] [Music] hi hi [Music] die H [Music] [Music] die [Music] [Music] Uncle L Uncle L dad dad Uncle L are you all right are you okay it is just as well you struck me in the ribs otherwise I wouldn't have been able to help you kill Kim thank you Uncle L I'm sorry Dad easy I'm not going to die I'll tell you though when you were just one year old your father patrols you to a young girl oh who is the girl she is the daughter of kinman King [Music] kuming Uncle L we better go [Music] oh
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 1,088,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Id: tS99xxiGn8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 15sec (5355 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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