Wu Tang Collection - Shaolin Red Master

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la maza ms the Buddhism practiced in Tibet this type of Buddhism is the Indian Mahayana Buddhism intermingled with elements of Asian Tibetan religions Lamaism came from the Tibetan character Han a character which means high person high person indicates great stature in the Buddhist religion a noble man of much wisdom and good works standing higher than all others therefore a high person a Tibetan Buddhist Lama is like the abbot's in Chinese Buddhism habits are the monks instructors and they're really teaches they pass on their wisdom in the same way as any other type of teacher Tibetans don't use the term Lamas they say check chi air she chews or sometimes Manchus that means the holy teachers that teaches a Buddha Lam ism developed in Tibet in the Tang Dynasty and then passed into Mongolia in northeast China there are two factions and two branches one faction centers on the Dalai Lama at Lhasa the other is the Panchen Lama the rival sect the branches are the red branch and the yellow branch the red branch's name comes from the red color of the monks robes the red branch can cast spells and perform such things as sword swallowing in many ways a little like witchcraft in the yellow branch monks wear yellow robes and keep a strict discipline they are Orthodox Buddhist and maintain a formalized incomprehensive religious doctrine both the Dalai and the pension Lamas belong to this branch the following story concerns such lamas those of the red branch of a great red master [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You teacher young master young master it's me say Chung that's right young master it's more than two years and how are you hmm I'm fine and you I'm just old and useless young master you're getting more powerful all the time [Music] tell me do you remember what day this is young master although my memory is sometimes poor now I know what today's anniversary is master mistress on this day ten years ago your birth died so tragically it always out on your servant bow to you [Music] your master there is something perhaps you you should hear know about what is it what's on your mind are you that in these few days Flying Tiger Chiba it's going to be released from jail cheap huh hmm it seems I've heard that name before ten years ago when both your parents were cruelly killed a hermit rescued you took you to the temple hadlen in a secretive man wouldn't give his name but before he left the temple again he did mention a name somebody was involved in the fate to attack on your own that day this Chi pal hmm so he was the killer no I don't think he was why not because your father's fighting skills we're much better than his in that case it was someone else hmm but still I'm certain that she was involved in some way right then I shall stop with him you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was pretty rough did you have to they would have killed me [Music] you've been dead for seven days in two days the cops will be met Oh take you home because he wants me to bar you there in your hotel and when you get there you have a proper view it's not good thank you [Music] now Joe bring us some wine yes hey why the pole Oh didn't you know that his stepfather just died oh you don't say that it's for my master he just died so your bosses died then huh listen you ever see it mistress I know I didn't Hey look come now Oh such a young thing and she's all alone now hey just look those beautiful eyes she has slim waist and a wonderful rounded body there it's enough to drive a good man crazy mm-hmm very sexy no one day died what do you think a woman like that isn't gonna be along for too long she's gonna be a real Merry Widow just relax there's no need to lose your temper come on let's go find another place all right come on hmm wait coming excuse me excuse me Kevin hey my wallet seems to have gone mine till and that should teach you waiter coming coming he went aroma just a food wanna see Ching Tomo you want to see our boss I do well you see he's dead he stayed that's right who's running the business its mistress well you tell your mistress that Flying Tiger Qi Pao is here [Music] mr. Choo have we met no but jinzhong hi I'm afraid he's dead why did you want him I came for $50,000 $50,000 that's what he owed me what was it for for something he bought for me what was that ancient ginseng ancient ginseng hmm that's right it was an old thing well rather an old debt or not or new one you say that chin tongue we owed you I guess you have documents some sort of papers to prove that he did no no mr. Chi now $50,000 is a great deal of money this ancient ginseng must be very precious but you've no sort of documents this must be some sort of joke I warn you miss home I haven't come here to play any kind of jokes you listen let me make it clear I'm a girl but I'm no ordinary Girl and nobody dares to make trouble with me here you want to scare me eh oh you can't [Music] not so fast nobody's gonna cheat me I'm not dumb and I'm tougher than you oh it's you so we meet again then now be smart keep out of this well no and if I don't all right you win this time miss home we're gonna meet again tell me your name my name's sue Thank You mr. Hsu that's all right it was nothing it was that man is dangerous so be careful I will [Music] Basti d Chloe not lonely I like being alone it's quiet yes right listen I hear madam Wang has has a nice new girl very pretty maybe you'd like to meet her huh don't move the blades very sharp a careless move could be so painful don't recommend it peace have no kids yet please don't do anything rash please sir you wanted to have this yes yes I said no no that's how the truth I I'll tell the truth I came here to take your purse but still it's the mistress she wants to know who you are so then why does she want to know that I don't know since the master passed away the mistress she wants to know who every stranger is what did he die of no one knows I mean I mean the master he just collapsed drop dead now tell me that man who came today he a friend of your masters I think it's what brother sworn brother all right don't you that's all I want well then I guess I'll go hold it yes sir hey what now take this it's for you [Music] you sleep well can I give me a kiss yes yes yes I'm coming I'm coming let's go to the mortuary what you know at this late hour I'm tired listen to me do you work for me I work for you if you want to keep on with your job yes yes yes yes yes yes yes baby I'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] door you wait here [Music] you see everyone believes me and they tried to cheat me like today this man named Qi Pao came and tried to make me pay him 50 thousand dollars he said it was with some ancient ginseng tell me what should I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] money sir morning tell me where statue then oh he's sick huh he's sick that's odd he seemed alright last night seems he had a scare he saw a ghost saw a ghost yeah tell me where is he living I go to inside edge of town tell me what happened just had a bad show listen I'll prescribe some herbs once he takes them [Music] [Music] I have a message for me from our man in CMC bring it [Music] we have some information about the ancient ginseng I imagine it ought to bring the old man out you two captains yes sir you leave immediately make your way to Shanxi sir once there if you can find that old man then you must kill it sir listen he'll be easy to spot left hand there's only three fingers [Music] [Music] goddamn you it was a trap I'm just taking precautions you can who are you you need to know that but still something you can know you're my enemy your enemy then why save me that's simple don't want you to die [Music] yeah few dishes I hope that you like him and my wife made him she's too generous huh how can you say a thing like that after all you cured me when I was so sick today you enjoy it just eat up these men here belong to us I'm sorry we're sorry sorry sir now then want some food we want some rooms why of course that you go and clear up some room to these gentlemen right [Music] [Music] how can you leave me alone like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] today do not Dania I think the old devil sent them a lie I think we ought to leave well if they were sent here by the old devil then leaving isn't going to be so easy to do well do exactly as we plan when the buyer comes right we'll do that [Music] [Music] well you find out well it looks like there was some sort of quarrel some sort of dispute and like in tone hi he got the chin sang-jin done hi is dead though I faked it just keep cheap pal and the other side showed up not yet but the baits already that's good now then we'll sit and wait for them to come [Music] now then this time you're not going to get away well if I'm a fat pig then what are you well you're pretty thump yourself huh you're a little piglet this mess no you don't you can't kid me give it to me give it to her personally you you got real nerve all right door [Music] where's this man waiting he said he'd be waiting a ten-mile Hill [Music] waiting for someone I don't think it's you mistress the account books are here ah thank you our man and I have this for you mistress do you really have to leave I'm afraid I have no choice your masters body has to be escorted home today when are you actually leaving late tonight when the cop sweepers arrive hey mr. Fung thank you that's all right how do you feel that seemed to help but still I'm afraid the drugs effect won't last oh are you a doctor my father was not me Oh when my father was killed I found all of his medical books and when I've had time I studied them and so I know a bit oh I've had this problem for years it's unusual that sort of thing not the usual sort of heart disease but still I have heard of it too much Kong full practice is probably the main cause the breath control over extends all the heart muscles you're absolutely right many doctors have examined me but didn't know the cause you're only the second man who could diagnose it who would your father dr. Hsu Chien Fong what you're the son of huge info can that be true it is and you I'm one who took you up to Linnaean temple that was you that's right at that time your father tried to kill me after much effort he got me some ancient ginseng however before I got back your parents were both murdered at that time I was being hunted myself that's the reason I left you at Linnaean temple and who killed my parents do you know afraid I don't oh I do know that the ginseng was held by Qi Pao that may be so but I'm fairly certain that he doesn't have it now it seems likely chin tongue high and his mistress have got the stuff mm-hmm just two months before Qi pals released with Chu Kingdom who somehow found out where the ginseng was kept hidden he wants to sell hope did he make a fortune so then I posed as a buyer hoping to see the stuff well do you mean the killer's chindan hi oh no it's not him I think he just plays a minor part [Music] mistress went out I think she's got oh she's gone to the mortuary thank you I'll see you hey don't go stay a while and have some tea the body is God's are coming here they're lucky ha I don't care I've never seen them before I'd like to see just what they're like thank you I'll see you listen stay a while my things to do ha ha see you off see you soon [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Rajon heaven lords over very soon you'll be reaching your home they're waiting [Music] [Music] we'll protect you on your turn you go in peace never [Music] this bro must be Trog a [Music] [Music] it's time to go [Music] you killed him a my son I I want all my money or else [Music] it seems that I won't die they brothers friends are arriving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] the ancient [Music] it's hen this old devil you know him yes I know him we are both old sex brothers have the meetin branch to meet young branch he's Tibetan his hand name is choten singh and of all the brothers he can fight best he fights viciously and he's cruel beyond belief that's him but why though did he tell Qi Pao to steal the ginseng mainly to harm me he really wants the Jade Buddha Buddha that's right symbol of authority in our branch [Music] affect Jing Chang Chang teacher gave it to me just before he died he said I should take his place and rule effect - you didn't say I was jealous of me and while practicing he wounded me and that caused by sickness he did that to me but I don't hate him for that but still you have good folk [Music] I asked you tell me where the ancient insane is hidden if you don't tell him how can you every brave now listen you should watch this very carefully it will interest you you were to pour this over you you can easily imagine what the result would be so you do know where the didn't saying is hidden condition I want $30,000 you won 50,000 thats the sum the cheapo betrayed me for 10 years ago by it's a deal now where is the ginseng hidden you're not dealing with a kid let me go I'll show you the money get your stuff alright right but I wouldn't advise any tricks though release her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] mr. Don mr. ha the the Jade Buddha's hidden [Music] that's him you're a choten Singh that's right I know are you you have no idea who I am like those people that you killed ten years ago you had no idea they were ten years ago he mean he related to surgeon phone suchan phone was my father oh I see you're that young boy who survived that's right and now I'll take revenge [Music] hey hey hey listen don't you move you've been hurt seriously Oh how'd I get here he found you at the roadside yeah here what's that big watch your tongue listen you drink this up while it's hot thank you [Music] [Music] hey you how about you giving me a hand instead of just sitting there [Music] listen why are you up my wounds are nearly healed now hmm you're not pretty good it's your good medicine that not you what medicine do you mean Hey you mean you don't know good stuff you were carrying that I was carrying hmm oh my god the ancient ginseng but you shut up big mouth hey now listen I need to have your help just tell me and I'll do my best [Applause] [Music] it's alright I told him to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] master my wife has cleaned your clothes for you oh thanks a lot oh there was also this oh I'd forgotten it just before he died Oh mr. Fung gave it me there's 1.1 bar and then one stroke cross facing cross Sun facing moon lesson but it mean don't know it sounds like a puzzle yeah that's right you go away do your homework [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey got it hey the brush one dot and one bar then one stroke after that cross facing across across facing across and then we put in the Sun the Sun facing the moon Hey that means temple right the Jade Buddha's in a temple Hey don't know do you right well we do know that it is in a temple yeah but there's no use like the kid just said there's so many hmm which one could it be hmm that time I was being hunted down myself that's the reason that I left you at Indian temple right the Buddha has to be at Linnaean temple because mr. phone den was being chased at the time so he wouldn't want to carry the Jade Buddha [Music] people worship this Buddha for over 10 years now then I shall give it to you and you must then go and return it to the temple of Lhasa hmm I'll do that all these days and you can't find the Buddha you know you said anything yellow chip Mahalo Buddha I've just heard something important so someone's trying to get $50,000 for a green jade buddha from tibet hmm you're telling the truth who told you this my lord it was some big fat man and a little boy where are they now my lord they said if we wanted we have to meet them a death peak they said mm-hmm you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 1,987,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 23sec (5063 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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