Wu Tang Collection - Mantis Fists and Tiger Claws

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[Music] the praying mantis is a tiny insect resembling some prehistoric monster or mythical dragon first possesses from alarming qualities it can live 24 times with own body weight and human terms this would need a man of a hundred and twenty pounds being able to easily shoulder a ton the praying mantis is carnivorous by nature even consuming their own kind during the act of meeting the female will turn her head around not only killing the mail but devouring him as well digesting him bit by bit these uncommon attributes makes a species remarkable the following story shares many of the same disturbing elements [Music] ah well I do like that Jeong Jeong Jeong thank you thank you I'm sorry holding your hand Jeong Jeong you want me pass yes yeah Zhang Zhang you better check these bills I've no head for figures you I don't we believe now whether the bill I mean coming ah hey $24 that hey what's going to be reserved for me could I be lazing in for half a day I've been waiting Harper day and we mister paste it down you can have the best well alright [Music] I don't want no argument you understand this tables ours it's not I came here first no I didn't I came fast so you claim this tables yours waiter uh coming I can't mean I was what is it who really came first do I have to spell it out for you hmm actually this gentleman did arrive but but that goon fool it cannot compare with yours you can't be bad man we've been waiting here the whole day oh you Zhang Zhang Hey oh wow this restaurant is our only business we can't afford trouble you've got a chick lady daring to talk to me like that who do you think you are huh though you are cute [Music] [Music] [Music] miss are you alright come here Xiang Xiang coming mr. what you are the one sure [Music] get over here uh yes comingcoming and what he did I can do for you mister those a girl who spoke to me uh she's my daughter some Jones is cultural Joe guys alright our boss wants you to come and serve them as one personally yeah move yes get your daughter over here we're doing you and honor you know that so you talk Rama it so she'll come over here quickly ah I'm not free Oh master she's busy now oh thank you you mustn't annoy dehang family in your fetishes or some wine father wine sister is you drink not now you drink first come on all of it mister she doesn't drink my daughter doesn't come from the orchid house she's a good girl come on now go kiss the bus go on [Music] [Music] what's going on what what [Music] Oh [Music] Alvar didn't scare you I'm not at all as at all I'm most grateful you save my family from dishonor Shoshone good would say thank you to the man thank you sir there is nothing sorry I broke the place up a part no sir forget it forget it I must warn you you're in hot water though the home family won't leave you alone they can't ignore the insult mr. no need for you to worry but I must go I miss you perhaps you can help me is there a nugget house nearby well yes where is it the end of the street on the opposite side stop staring clean up the place now come alright I know kid huh so it's like all of them this is ha ha [Music] hey my friend this young girl appeal to you then my darling I would very much like to protect you Jean Loup laughs hey hey hey and I fancied its young ring here and here this way everybody went oh good name mmm here's a kid young this is Charlie Oh mother 100 what is our day oh [Music] wow lovage and they told me thank you baby you a bit a sensible choice Oh Charlie cries my father's been oh but my colleagues have told me she's a wildcat in bed but is no fun afterwards the night you waken Z Omega Tasha isn't medicine ready its mouth that's better chunking with live noise Outsiders now what on earth was going on we defied in the restaurant it was by some Sun he's revolting we'll have to be careful they could make much trouble I did nothing wrong it was then I started it Chung Chung you will have to learn to calm down your temper ma I understand are you better now yes thank you I'll go and get some flowers huh lovely [Music] be careful tre Marris will bite you not your business aren't you scared of it girls memory still you know I'm sorry I didn't intend to insult you if you're so scared of the insect why don't you run away you shouldn't be here alone it's a dangerous place for a girl aren't you afraid that something might happen yes I don't see anyone you're the only one here but surely you don't think I look like I do you harm you don't have the face of a crook hmm but then you don't look much at all [Music] I've read rumors around that many young girls have been abducted from this town and never returned more than likely they were sold into prostitution at least that's what I've heard what's wrong had you guys left you bid so - hey wait [Music] the other day at the restaurant that passive interfered but now I've got it to myself yeah let me go are asking now on I haven't done anything yet and anyway I'm gonna gag you okay [Music] like this girl is really not a bad-looking boss naturally she gotta be top quality before water yeah and then if we sell this go to the old kid health we're brown a fetch a good price we'll be rich we'll drive all local girls into the orchid house come on let's devote all right if we can force all the local girls was gonna be making no Forks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] haha sit down sit down pop ya see ya come on boss today damn your surface ship is just too good huh huh taken alive ah anyway terrible news terrible news faster terrible news the third master said my special one in it on an awesome time eating cruelly [Applause] [Music] fallenness [Music] put him down [Music] open it up now it's right [Music] big back to the car and been to O'Connor said I know every man with you - its understate - I've no idea what happens no does anyone else who's maybe Bob maybe what they said this your third so into the restaurant today and got into a fight with a guy called by hi mr. piece again plead to death welcome you six you mind if I ask your name I'm PI you go firing boom Quadra ahead of me oh no you just steps a million haven't I met you before I don't think so Mike sighs busy well sir welcome I guarantee you won't be disappointed here please have a drink [Music] big master second master some news uh-huh what time at the guy called pie is right now at the orchid house ah what am I gonna do let's go and kill him now he's right in our hands Chacho mr. Kiwi stop joy to service you [Music] charge it mr. pie let me serve you now naturally do you ever have Jade bend around a neck do you have one I do how do you know about that please show it to me tell me where'd you get this from my mother gave this after me before she died she said there's another hat given to my sister who disappeared and all the time my mother searched high and low looking for my sister then she found she'd been sold as a prostitute courts out to solid after my mother died I pledged to go and find my sister and take her away with me now at last today I found you sister please ever do it with desire mr. Pyatt are you quite sure you're willing to buy a shower out of this place yeah budget ray is one of our most popular girls here so the price would be quite high I'm not name it all right and let's say 20 goals in 20 tail too much you can't afford it john of that i think it's all that it's enough it's here all right I can take it with me [Music] Oh master honk oh you gotta see the dog big master second master who's this guy oh he's mr. pie I playing songs he does pdaboy sorry I was here I'll introduce you to our forces to hyung he's the eldest time and second son master ha ha ha very good my dear friend have a seat so tau try has found a man at last I'm most pleased we should have a drink to celebrate it ha ha bring the line sir I must say I appreciate your kindness but it's getting late I prefer to leave now but hard it please drink with me my friend take the bottle [Music] bird price wine [Music] [Music] I stabbed my friend huh is a line too hot for you tell you what use a fly or death that comes [Laughter] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hahahahahaha Oh God my friend now why now let's just shut down and drink together master huh I'll never met you before I accept your offer I agree to drink ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I drank it God very good you take these 20 taels of gold I'll take her out now way my friend these 20 gold towels you've paid is only enough for one of Chow Chows arms just what do you mean by that I will tell you if you want shall try to live money is not enough you must apply more Lamott see you on I watch your life and my life I am oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh I sorry I'm not drinking and why is so insistent who are you he got away through the window but he drank all that poison he's quite a constitution I thought find him bring about [Music] come on that [Music] [Music] what you [Music] brother Madden I Briella and it is great for myself now y'all right now shout eyes in our hands my wife bangs power to come and get her so don't slit her throat yeah we'll use it as bait follow me [Music] have some soup missing some I must thank you for saving me don't mention it you fraud or a girl in the orchid house happens all the time you're not the first man you made all alike Sungjong you misunderstand do i why did you go to that place to have a cup of tea I traveled a long way to get here to save my sister from prostitution your sister when my mother died I found out from her that my sister and he told the prostitute to the other house so then have sold my profiteth got some cash to get Jamie to buy a ride I don't know why but the tax do you think I made one of them I didn't even know so why should I kill her so you came to buy your sister out of it I misunderstood mission to believe me another kind of man or I will I will believe you but although I have managed to escape I'm still very worried about my sister's safety [Music] - I don't hear gap here a customer is here get up now what is wrong with you lady girl hmm you hurry up [Music] is this charge or it should I throw yes mister she's the one hot toys oh so it's really her and she's a lovely girl just as I heard from the others very pretty well if you wanna press your time over the whole night ah whole night ah yes yes it is settled and enjoy yourself sir [Music] you're chattering yeah my name is consumption I dressed as a man to get close to you ah you're a girl that's right your brother wife ain't bad II heard he's at my hands is your place yeah but he's getting better and it worried for your life I'm going to get you away from here away from here oh you're leaving so soon yes we're in a hurry hey wake up just wait goodbye oh c'mon Dobies get follow me [Music] how about that everything that I go to no alcohol I'm sure I'm most grateful please don't mention it come inside you friend I think I'd better be going how men are looking for me everywhere so sure it's alright we'll leave at dawn I'll take my sister with me are you sure you want to leave then I'm sure [Music] are you feeling tired yeah let's go given [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] look [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] let's battle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you come on port right directory surrounded come on [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] but they go they are after the planet fair times and by this time [Music] Oh Chuck don't you move huh what do you want with me if you can't move at all Carrie you don't eat who do you think are so keen on Carrie in here hey who are you I'm afraid I can't reveal my face to you why not because I'm far too you're handsome girls have a habit of falling in love with me at first sight nonsense hey where are you going out of your business it's me how'd I answer man why are you following me I'm following you for a very good reason your life is in danger and I've come to save you ah you only want to save me so you can take advantage of me forget it Hey [Laughter] hello sister - I'm good [Music] you think I'm glad I met you so I could help you home anything but give up on catching you badly um hurry hurry [Music] my sister [Music] a whole mr. Hong so it's you so early please come inside that bastard tells our murderer it killed my brother and you as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha [Music] [Music] I did [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] haven't you heard they have accused you of murdering hunks third son who are you who do you think whereas my guess is certainly out one of those men [Music] what do you do where you go this guy did anyone who gets in my way better watch it mom's powerful is too many men if you go you'll be killed [Music] well we'll see a good lady fair just like a cat moves like an animal master perhaps you'd like more like a master where he shouts sure got two now that's right look at this now but she vanished here are some sounds in the woods huh let's together that's strange where's this blood come from hello [Laughter] something to be coming from over there yeah you're right we've got a look come on [Music] [Music] [Music] mom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Master my lord mustard was I pop about second master he [Music] [Music] ah it's my Salukis hello hi mr. Bennett he died just like your third son [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] hi oh hi [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah I see you have a warrant from the magistrate let's get straight to the point sit down please concerning the murder of the two hyung son have you found out who's the murderer I've already got information we have established that the murderers name is pi and he's only recently come into town but I have made no arrests I disagree I don't reckon it's him hmm who is behind the murder of the two hyung sons my guess it's somebody else hey hey hey Minister you're right that's right come on have a drink it's good for you and concern will become a star attraction even though maybe filling avatar was worth it wasn't it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Payan Fang home to cow I've been looking for you expecting you to show up here ah funny the world really is a small place oh you're right there hung long wise me back yet did he perhaps offend you in some way I want him to pay for my sister's life so what about my two sons you have to die twice for them and I must take revenge from you seong-jin pl you cannot blame this crime on me i mistake revenge for your sister but for my two sons Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] hmm you've taken two lives I strike a bargain our sister's life and return now it's my turn [Music] [Music] if this bamboo trees had not gotten away you'd be dead by now ah 100x but thanks what what what you're specially designed glove doesn't scare me you had better start seeing your prayers this is the tiger leap a tiger claw hi tiger teeth that tiger is the strongest it's my turn Wow the deadly talent oh good telly topic doc goodbye hi oh ha ha and you're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh sir are you all right this time both Chungcheong and pay young Fang are alive they have avoided death it's wonderful news they've been through a great suffering and now love each other they make a handsome couple there's a story about Yong Chun they're telling it in the town really what story is that it was a long time ago many years in fact only one morning tired after a day's work in the field Chun qiangs mother fell asleep beneath the tree a huge praying mantis crawled over her body and somehow the insect entered her she was suddenly phased by unconscious later she found she had to go pregnant Oh when Chun Chun was finally born they found a dead man teeth in her mouth it's unbelievable no one's been able to find out if it's true or not but everyone in the town believes the story a praying mantis laid with Shan Shan's mother that's how she was born captain it's too late now it's all over Oh Commissioner have a pleasant journey and take care [Music] [Music] hi my sweet [Music] oops [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but he is your husband and you still want to kill him so strong yeah yeah yeah ready shrimp all right you really a showstopper from if it happened and I pray medicine at her mother the result were shell-shocked ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] you say I'm sure you think I really don't want to kill you can't control it oh thanks oh I can't blame you for it but I can't allow you to live if I die in your own and I happy so soon I love you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 2,586,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja, John chang, Dean Shek, Goldig films, Mantis fist
Id: iZdUn4tEJo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 45sec (5745 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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