Wu Tang Collection - Return of the Deadly Blade (English Dubbed)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] okay yes yes [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] 18 years ago the famous swordsman Master Lee killed his rival cam the Invincible golden rings in a duel with his deadly blade but from that day onwards he disappeared and has never been seen again the story of his deadly blade has become a well-known Legend and now years later the news of his reappearance is causing grave concern [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this execution will make big news our newspaper will make a big problem [Music] execute him now [Music] appears come back to challenge all the top fighters of our time he'll be fighting the famous Dune Brothers in three days time [Music] she won can you explain something what's the meaning of these words on the sword I just wanted to be known that Master Lee has now returned you're not really Master Lee's disciple my main intention is to blow him out by challenging all fighters under my new identity [Music] Master Lee hmm foreign just remember when you're grown up take this use the name Lee Y and look for Mr Lee yes remember use the namely why seek out Master Lee must have been to my father it's where I will two one I'm worried about you Master Lee is an excellent fighter [Music] all right as more people know of your kung fu skills I have prayed harder for your safety he means so much to me [Music] C1 keep this butterfly token of my love I hope you'll bring you luck foreign thank you take care of yourself you see I can't look after you anymore I'm going two one one moment two one after you've succeeded I will meet you ninthy second month by the river foreign [Music] [Music] Brothers so you've kept your promise are you disciple of the blade Lee why I heard your mentally that's right I'm his only disciple big deal what's your purpose of challenging us it's because I heard your expert Fighters I want to see for myself just how good you really are twin brothers don't have to prove anything to anyone why do you insist on fighting with us I'm curious why you called Invincible hat and shield of eternal glory [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] my Lord you seem to be in another world what's wrong seems you are not concentrating I understand now why they say that you are a genius I really can't hide anything from you can I you've heard what's happening then you mean disciple of the blade you're wrong I mean the man called Lonely winners yes I know the one that's Playboy whose weapon is just a simple wooden sword he's an expert though a great swordsman indeed and he has never been defeated that's exactly what I heard this young man's gold fool is excellent but very strange he wins every fight but he refuses to kill no one knows where he came from what he's after or who is Kung Fu Master was [Music] well my Lord what more do you want to know about him has he upset you in some way um I don't need to know anymore he's the man who raped my wife all I want is Revenge what you mean it I can't believe he would do something like that I can't decide what to do you know I don't want to pull rank it's it's not fair this is personal I really ought to do this on my own damn it black man's insane rapes and unforgivable crime don't consider fairness when dealing with him what do you suggest I do we'll use the town folks get them agitated enough and they'll deal with him for you brilliant idea will you spread use of Israel conduct then just leave everything to me I'll send my best four men to get him but then you must be very careful don't let him get nerdy [Music] oh [Music] throw the famous four are here to visit me I was just relaxing in my bath and enjoying myself how dare you come and disturb me this is gonna be your last batch you think you could kill me with your two-bit kung fu so the old man wants me Dead come on if you did come on I think you guys really need a good bath [Music] pictures [Music] [Music] oh [Music] every day [Applause] [Music] I love you I don't want to kill you I'll let you go back and record to your lordship but it's not easy to kill me [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look who's talking it's your fault now I've lost a rabbit you're the one who's unreasonable what do you want anyway you claim you want the rabbit but you got me now little girl what is it that you won I'm wasting my time I can do what I want mind your own business you better go or I might just shoot you again hey how can one so pretty be so cruel you must learn to be nicer cool we're all like that cheer if you don't like it you better get out of here now all right you wanna poke me do you right we'll play it your way and I'll show you how it's done now come on get up I'll kill you you Beast hey hey watch what you're kicking will ya what do you want for me hey you're really pretty I got a lot of girls in my time but I've never known one with as much fight as you down all right don't hurt me if you've tried come on try to kill me let's see what you can do little lady come on [Music] who are you are you the disciple of the blade who's your master [Music] young manager namely wife what do you want from me what are you doing here don't change the subject just answer my questions how'd you do that are you master Lee no I'm just a [ __ ] the reason why I could catch a flying blades three months ago I saw you with the king of the eastern mountains you are fighting on a deserted Beach and you didn't fight too well you're very quick but not steady and that's your flying blade it's powerful but it needs much more work that time when you killed the tune Brothers you had too many problems foreign [Music] come back fourth of the third month of the heroes foreign [Music] hey please tell me the way to the MOX family Villas oh thanks [Music] if you want to get past me you must fight me you win your past great I love a good fight I really think it's good for your health good practice [Music] but you know not fight it's against the rules if my master finds out he'll punish me but then I wouldn't be much of a man if I let you pass so easy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you're fantastic you're a true expert my respects well done well done you're going first pretty good too maybe a bit Rusty well what do you expect from a monk come on let's fight it's fun [Music] [Music] you want to fight with weapons now let's see who'll win shut up all right oh wait my Master's calling come on stop in I said stop fighting Master just flipping up the rubbish get lost remember to get to Mark get butter first [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] man but you're the one who's kind and I mean that sir there is ample proof I respect you but since I've got Buddha maybe you should keep to your promise what do you think you are brave and clever you have my word did the monk give you any trouble uh nothing to worry about I escaped without much difficulty tell me what's your purpose for coming here to see me hmm I want you to answer my question very frankly I really must know if someone can ever defeat me you want to lose sort of I've won every fight I've been in it seems no one can defeat me makes life kind of boring for me you know hmm it all depends on how you look at life nothing we have Everlasting you're not an ignorant man you must understand what I'm trying to say master don't talk in riddles with me give it to me straight do you know of any good swordsman good swords money well there were many great Swordsmen some 20 years ago there was calm the Invincible gold ring and then [ __ ] King the old prophet of course it was King Mo Ming to name a few Teddy they all seem to have disappeared who knows they may be dead huh I've heard of another a woman called Moon Goddess a first class fighter that's right they say she's a beautiful girl who lives in a remote place no one has ever found out who taught her martial arts according to Legend she has never been seen she hides in her lunar World her Gung fu is fantastic one time she sent out 3 000 fighters to search for the potion of everlasting you of course they never returned was too tough a task there's only one person who might have succeeded in this but unfortunately long ago he was finally defeated she was left on her own knew nothing lasts for eign [Music] he was killed by Master Lee in a fight that's a Pity I'd love to have challenged him it would be interesting people say Master Lee's deadly blade never misses that's hard to believe though I know it's only a legend it might not be true I've heard rumors that someone else uses flying blades nowadays have you thought of challenging him hey there are many such fighters who think they are experts he's just one of thousands don't be too sure about that three days ago his blades killed the tune Brothers I heard that his style was in line with a legendary Master Lee well if such a man really exists I must go find him right away thanks a lot I'm going um is something bothering you tell me what's wrong [Applause] now that you're back maybe you can stop fighting and lead a peaceful life from now on you must go home go home you don't mean it I don't want you to send me away like that it's okay you'd only suffer if you stay with me don't care I'm Not Afraid don't send me away I only want to be with you [Applause] two one please no more I'm not the same as you won that you're used to know don't say that it's not true I want to follow you no matter what thank you take it back I have no need for it be a good girl and go home now I'm not coming back [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] it's useless now she's wasted all my effort is alone it decided to find masterly himself we can eliminate her now I don't want it to be known that sutay was sent by me to keep an eye on Levi also I want you to get some information on the lonely winner my lady foreign I can't wait any longer hurry up your ass what's wrong with you then can't a man do anything in peace all right then you bring her you blocked you oh what a skank here you'll kill all the fish in the water mind your own business there's nothing to do with you what are your Miracles doing our name I can't acknowledge forget it stay out of my face listen don't you go and tell father what happened he'll be furious and I'll be loving stuff but what do you take me for anyway I'm your brother I'll kill that bastard he can't bully my sister I don't care who you are leave me alone I can handle it I'll deal with that bastard in my own way there's no point you killing that man you might need maroon after a while he might have got you and oh my God damn it he's serious ate too much again we've got to let something out [Music] [Music] hurry up will you um we've got a long way to go [Music] mm-hmm [Music] hey what's going on huh no hey everybody what's the matter oh no what are you doing what are you doing here [Music] yeah that's me you can keep this [Music] [Applause] sorry I'm in a hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey hang on wait wait for me I'll catch the next one hey why did you wait for me what's wrong my money not good enough for you I come such a long way already how could I have turned back yeah stop making excuses pull that rope foreign [Music] oh [Music] hey someone's just sit there come on give me a hand now [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] hey you bastard you come back hey Mister what's your name hmm the Kung Fu is good do you have any idea who I am [Music] that fire is too weak you can't dry your clothes with that you maybe you'd like to fight me if you can defeat me get rich because my head's worth a hundred Tales of silver goodness [Music] Grace my public I'm gonna kill your horse you've done ah so it's you again calm down let's start things over after all we're practically in love thank you [Music] hey why don't you ever help me hey hey again [Music] sir would you like some rice I will have some I'll take some with me make it hard all right sit down please help yourself [Music] [Applause] come on over there over there [Music] push it up [Music] I got a fire [Music] inside a child you're inhuman tears that young boy I must protect myself my friend I should kill you first before you murder me I have never met my match yet I've yet to see I'm sure I can handle you but don't forget you are in my territory it's not easy for you to kill me thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] hahaha [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] fourth of the third month Tomb of the heroes you must be exhausted now thanks for delivering the letter to me nice bird you can go home now hmm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but I'm so hungry if I don't eat you I die of starvation but to keep me alive you have to die I'm sorry huh [Music] damn it I forgot to get water hmm hey don't you go away see why I left you Tay he's already killed the two brothers and the god of fire can anyone get close to him my lady we can't get anywhere near him he was such a proud man you're all useless if no one's by his side you'll never know if Master Lee's contacted him pose I have to do this myself hey stop I'm back there stop come back come back you hear me foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] your tail of here anymore I don't know anything mister listen yesterday somebody in a red coat came here and he burned the house down you notice if your chair was there I'm a shooting I'm not sure of course a few people were killed burned to death in the fire but I couldn't tell you who they were I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you for saving my life sister thank you so much here this is yours where are you going my father is dead now I'm all on my own I'm no one to take care of me with you big days I'll kill you if you follow me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh hey what's up what the hell are you doing [Music] will you get me out of here you got my word of Honor I'll marry you if that's what you want all right [Applause] hit me this week it's just my way of showing you my love you know [Music] [Music] I hate you I hate you I'll kill you you're a naughty girl you'll never find a man right don't move that's Micah Now give me a kiss come on hey come on give me a kiss good oh let me love you yeah you'll like it come on let me go around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] you got an appointment huh you must be joking it's not in my nature you uh want to see me here to kill me I could kill you if I wanted to let it be no problem but I better get rid of you first take it easy there's no need to rush you don't even know who I am huh makes no difference I know you've killed many great Swordsmen guess you think it's my sunshine all that you're being very foolish let's make things clear I am no I am the genius from the north I know everything that goes on I never get things mixed up in my opinion you're the biggest fool in the whole world hey you old man you really are no match for me hey you're the one who's stupid first I'm the greatest genius owner not a fool at all second I'm not old just mature and most important the third Point how did I can't beat you you're just wasting time old man you wanna fight I'll oblige you all right I'll teach you a lesson come on watch it you've broken my sack you're better but I'm a good fight or you lose more than that yeah [Laughter] take out every sack on you I'll burst every one of them yes [Music] what are you doing here I already have a fight on my hands [Music] [Music] you're really funny you're really trying my patience not really fight for yourself and I'll do the same mind your own business [Music] [Music] you two who made the appointment with me you blocked my way intentionally no I didn't it was an accident [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] where's he gone [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you mister are you all right [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] Mr keeping unconscious you want something to eat leave me alone oh Mister all right if you really don't want me to be near you I promise I'll leave as soon as you've recovered [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] where's your family [Music] my family They're All Dead [Music] do you know what the date is today second day of the third month [Music] Tomb of the heroes and this is Lonesome fast I guess it must be about 10 miles from here [Music] I think the best thing is to deal with this myself my Lord that's a good idea I've enlisted the help of one man for sex thank you [Music] thanks I have come from either I'm a ninja I'm extremely pleased to meet you this Japanese man is extremely good at darts impeccable aim he can kill his enemy even at a great distance with his help we can soon be rid of the Lonely winner foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I waited so very long oh should have guessed at you you and me you should have approached me earlier you need to have sent someone else to Ambush me you're gonna save yourself some money to be honest with you I didn't want to fight you myself but for the sake of all the people here I want to make sure you die hey hold it let's fight this out but I better warn you it's gonna be a hell of a ball from here so you better be careful [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] God damn it he really wants me dead [Music] hahaha sit down right now we have to talk it's about time we settle this matter the cops keep running from me what listen I would love to settle down too but I'm I'm badly wounded I'm useless as a husband I gotta go now I don't care what you think of me but I'm not going to stop chasing we must talk these overnight no I can't thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sister can you tell me where you live where's your family I don't have anyone I'm sorry will you always keep wandering sometimes we have little choice [Music] but you're not on leaf you can think for yourself a leaf knows when it's time for it to fall [Music] Mister do you like butterflies I'll get this to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love them they're so Carefree a Pity I have such a short lifespan [Music] [Applause] and they don't realize that freedom is short-lived goes for everyone [Music] you should face up to all that you have done only winner do you think you can deceive us forever you make sure that everyone knows you as the Playboy you want them to believe you are but I can assure you that I've made it a point to find it all I can about you you are one of the Disciples of the Great Master wyling four years ago you murdered him and you stole the sacred Shaolin book called yourself the lonely winner but in actual fact your lungsu and son what rubbish I know what your purpose is for doing all this you have to take revenge you want to kill Master Lee to avenge your father that's nonsense although I never kill I shall make an exception today you're wasting your time you killed many great Swordsmen to build up your reputation [Music] it's true you're very famous now but it's not done you much good has it you've not found Master Lee yet and isn't that the whole purpose of your disguise stop talking nonsense they're already injured by the poison dart if you keep moving anymore the poison will get into your system and kill you surrender now before it's too late [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign wait a minute leave him to me he's mine the full daughter of the Tau family yes you are correct this is my Affair keep out of this tell me is this man a relative of yours [Music] none of your business let me tell you something he's taking you for a ride he's a real womanizer you're better off without him take my advice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] I will kill you after I have found Mr Lee foreign [Music] conscious you kept calling out her name that's how I came to know about her I'm sorry do you love her very much why do you alone where is she I don't know I must go now hey hey [Music] and he's on his way to the Tomb of the heroes just as I guessed he's once he went son what about mocks Villa the master of Mozilla is also on his way to the Tomb of the heroes but Lee White him he didn't tell me I know everything well done I'm pleased with your work so it seems I can soon get my revenge [Music] hey you what is Master lead to you master Lee Master Lee I must kill him [Music] what about the man who's confined to the wheelchair who is he I don't know him only winner I'm not here to play games or do you understand you better tell me who you really are [Music] who touched that tell me who does this belong to and who are you me I don't really know I'm a monk my darling tell him I'm a monk come on darling yeah tell you something want to know a secret my father's the famous lands you went you're crazy you're not a son no then who am I hey tell me who is it hey you don't tell me you're his son too huh laughs [Applause] [Music] don't push me too far [Music] time you came now that I'm here [Music] nice day it's you foreign I don't want to lose I don't want to die yet I remember what I told you nothing we have is Everlasting our time on Earth is limited love and hate and fame they will all he forgot our life like a dream nothing is real I hope you can understand what I'm saying to you bastard I understand now huh but what a Pity it's a bit too late [Music] your time has come and what have you learned who was the deadly blade you are mastery only Lee can do that only Lee can [Music] have you ever heard of the winter freeze and spring night Longley vowed to be brothers watch our relationship with longshuan mind your own business I don't want to tell you who I am anyway you shouldn't have used the deadly blade oh you you can't you can't be you can't be I must avenge my father I want revenge Oh My Darling oh oh my dear no dear you stay here go to sleep and dream my dear I must find Master Lee yeah I must blind Master d ude yeah [Applause] hold it you better tell me who you are I don't even know [Applause] but I must kill Master Lee iron Wheels who are you really [Music] got us we'll see you now where's the moon got us now ah mistress said if you want to know the truth you must come with me I'll take you to her at Luna world what do you think [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah right my lady right you may go yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey take it easy just to relax [Music] [Applause] why did you ask for us what'd you want follow me foreign [Music] of course we can see most people believe that they are able to disguise themselves with just clothes so they can hide the truth but this is a special mirror it sees through everything and everyone the gentleman in white is natural fact as long as you run some you hurry I've not finished it the man in the wheelchair because actually Master Lee [Applause] [Music] if you really want to know I'll show you something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Master Lee do you remember this [Music] Master Lee is here right beside you he is the one who killed your father what are you waiting for [Music] be right you can't kill me you've got no reason to why not you murdered my father speak up tell him the truth tell him about all the murders you've committed you're afraid what's wrong let's take a look at this how did you get it you think you could hide in March Villa you really thought no one knew this thing here we're stolen from Mark's Villa I'm the one who stole it what is it it's evidence and if you see it you're one in dead right away you don't have to sit I want a better one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can the invisible golden rings daughter didn't I tell you just now close disguise I'm not who you think I am not Coco nor the moon goddess I'm Invincible Golden Ring starter shankoons you sin not like father he kept running from things but at the very end he did manage to kill links he won and he even got his why so that's enough why should I stop you're wounded now and you cannot walk your kung fu is better than Lee wise so I wanted to see you fight each other put on reflection I think it's better if I did it myself [Applause] what do you mean by that don't you know yet take a look at yourself [ __ ] the time has come to reveal the truth you must tell your son whose real name is Lee White are you my father [Music] that's right yes he is your father in fact the lonely winner belongs to you and son [Music] I wanted to see you and your father hide each other and I wanted you to kill each other [Applause] [Music] [Applause] isn't this strange it's been 10 years of my life looking for a place like this this is a Magnetic Hill with strong magnetic field this hill here is made of pure gold and Crystal it was the only place Sally can be killed foreign [Music] that's what I said 10 years ago it was your father's fault he forced me to kill him I don't care all I know is you're the one who murdered my father wait yeah [Applause] excuse him she said what what is it come here I want to tell you my Greatest Secret no one on earth knows about it all right tell me that [Applause] I'm always ready to listen to a bit of Truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] ending can be a crippled because [Music] I didn't want to kill anymore today you forced me to kill once again pectins you plan to kill me with this wooden sword but I must get revenge for my father even if I have to die [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 776,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Id: NyLPla_cKtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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