WTM - Bro Tony Hutson "Dont Never Forget"

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the told me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh freedom Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh soundman y'all do the best you can and we'll do the best we can I like everything going on and I highly endorse it and I'm for it and promoted and whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell but the Lord knoweth a man I took a whole box of Michael peels I don't recommend that for anybody I've had bad dreams crazy dreams I'm not going to tell you all my dream but I mean crazy dreams man and but I want to try to help you and you pray for me I have belief father we come to you tonight and a crucial point the Sun is setting on his age of grace we're living in perilous times like never before have we seen the perils and I'm afraid that even God's people are getting used to the dark we're becoming accustomed to hearing of murders mass murders it's becoming normal to hear of shootings and and it's become normal to hear of the godless crowd having a voice in this nation God's people hiding away and I pray tonight you'd help me and I thank your brother Tom raising him up from the bed of affliction and bringing him in here tonight and it makes for a better service to have the pastor in his place and how much more relaxed it seems but I stand well the arm of flesh has failed me and no doubt it's evident tonight my voice is weak my body's weak and I need your touch and I've heard brother grab his message this morning what a I mean I just wished I to preach that and I'm going to if you'll let me later on Lord it's a good message and I appreciate everything he said then I heard about brother John's message about shutting the doors and and how we need to shut the door on the devil but NASA my opportunity to speak and I pray you to fill me with the Holy Ghost and give me backbone to say everything that ought to say give me strength to say what I'll to say thanks brother Mark and his leadership you've raised him up in this generation to be a leader for young people and preachers to follow and I pray a hedge of protection on his body as he travels and open the right doors for him close the wrong doors and so many requests as we come we look at the future we don't know when you're coming but we know you are coming and we pray as the Revelator Road even so come quickly Lord Jesus but unduly and help us to labor with intensity help us to serve you like these are the last days we'll be able to serve you because they are sober us to the brevity of life and Lord Jesus if there's anybody in here lost tonight it's never been saved we would make an assumption in a meeting like this that the majority of the folks here know yes our Savior but if there's anybody lost adult or teenager a child I pray old timey Holy Ghost conviction would shake them to their soul and make them aware that hell is real and that there is a way out and save them for it's eternally too late for we ask these things in Jesus Christ's name Amen turn with me in your Bible if you will to second Peter 2nd Peter and then once you find that turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 2nd Peter chapter 1 that's good singing young people I appreciate that I was with them not long ago brother Sammy's 80th birthday and he didn't let y'all say now I wish to let y'all stay and Joe a dead y'all praying for me let's look at that Ecclesiastes takes first chapter 12 page 704 you all want to stand together just a minute you don't have to stand but if you want to you can't stand if you're a teenager you have to stand okay a man notice what it says in chapter 12 verse 1 remember now repeat after me those two words remember now say remember now all the girls in the building say remember now all the boys and Bill's say remember now not later but when let's all say remember now remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth while the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them everybody say remember now turn with me now to 2nd Peter verse 12 chapter 1 page 13 17 look at verse 12 wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in what of these things I notice this phrase though ye know them and be stablished in the present truth yeah I think it meat as long as I'm in this Tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance knowing that shortly I must put off this Tabernacle even as our Lord Jesus Christ has showed me now young people I'm not saying I'm gonna die tonight reading this text don't get any ideas I'm not saying that I won't either and I'm not reading this as my last words and testimony as a copycat of the first pastor of the First Baptist Church in Jerusalem somebody say Amen but I am saying that I'm not gonna be here forever and pop all and granny ain't gonna be forever and your pastor and youth directors not gonna be here forever your life's a vapor which appeared for a short time didn't vanish it the way I I don't know I don't feel like I mean I'm sick tonight but I honest to God I don't feel like I'm dying somebody say man I mean I feel pretty I am when I go to talk about stuff like yes I go to feeling better somebody say man if somebody get me a cold coca-cola while I'm preaching I know I'd feel better so somebody go get me a coke Cola it'll help me you got permission to leave the building at any minute gonna find me a cold coca-cola right now go somebody you gonna get a hundred dollar bill that took a homeschooler to do it all right watch it I'm not saying that I I think I'm passing away I mean I really expect to live a while I expect to hang around a while I mean honestly I got visions I mean my son's gonna get a scholarship play football somewhere and I want to at least watch four years of football somebody say man I mean he's an athlete and I'm excited about the thoughts of it I mean man I thought it was all over when high school was over but they started calling and and I started getting more excited than he was somebody say man praise God it's a possibility and and and I know that life is brief and I don't haven't be better than this but don't tell me don't act like you you just want to leave today you're not that spiritual some of y'all ain't even killed a deer yet somebody say you man if I was a boy in this building that ain't killed a deer yet I pray Jesus don't come back yet somebody say man there's you ain't a man until you've killed a deer somebody help me I don't know that might be the nyquil talking I don't open it I'm not saying I want to leave but I'm going to tell you there's coming a time when the leaders the aged being aren't going to be here and the pastor writes to his congregation where for I will not be negative to put you in always in remembrance and he said even though you already know it I've been labeled well old brother Tony preaches the same thing all the time you don't be seated and they said well everywhere I go I all he preaches a gig preaches against things he's always against things he he's always negative and everywhere I go there bro Tony preaches the same thing you preachers what I'm saying man I mean brother Tony always preaches the same thing they say that Oh be our lake at one time he traveled and preached over to dr. lakyn and a preacher had one to hear him seven or eight times and he went to dr. Lake that message dr. Lake and I've heard you preach the last seven eight times you preach the same message every time dr. Lisa that's something I've heard you preach eight times can't remember a thing you see it raised up hey man thank you for the lab but without apology through divine inspiration Peter says wherefore I will be not neglige to put you always and her members of these things I don't want you to forget it Bobby Robertson is laying in his deathbed tonight unless God intervenes he was an uneducated man as far as academia is concerned but he was God's man still is God man he used a lot of incorrect English his grammars wrong and and he talked double negative all the time I mean he'd always say don't never don't ever I know that's incorrect but but it makes the point brother Bobby said don't never I was sitting by Wilson what's his first name mandolin picker for the primitives I said about Norman Wilson at at Davy Crockett theater in Lawrenceburg Tennessee I preached and they sang and his packed that theater out with people and I mean they was all a bunch of diesel sniffers y'all know what I'm talking about all they came for was the music and I mean we sucker-punched them with a message on top of it and man they sitting up there man I was preaching and I mean they soon as open the Bible and I started preaching that crowd just hissed many a bunch of them got up and walked out and I mean they hated it man they loved that happy music just don't preach the truth and I started busting hide against everything I could think of especially Mason's of the lodge somebody say man I busted that right out of the chute when I got through I was sitting on the front row by Norman Norman died by hunting he died happy praise God he's bear-hunting of it and I sitting by Norman and and I looked over at Norman and my wife Tracy was sitting on one side normal sitting on the other side and I said Norman they didn't like that message bugs did I don't know McGrady by the leg he said brother Tony don't never change don't never well I want to preach a little bit on don't never forget and my text tonight is don't never forget and I want to preach to you for a few minutes young lady on this subject right here don't never forget don't never forget a man we have a tendency to forget 9/11 a bunch of rag headed Muslims about your rag headed Muslims at 9/11 a bunch of rag headed camel jockey genie in a bottle rug riding Islamic terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers cause the greatest national attack we've ever had and in just a few years we vote in a Muslim and for eight years he absolutely destroyed this nation and if you voted for Obama the altars are open for you hey bad somebody say man we don't remember much we're real easy to forget things they're bad when we forget easy I'll tell my son to make sure you water and make sure I give him I mean he'll leave the hose running I get this water bill back that the you know into the month and I'm thinking about what happened did we did Kamel some kind of a caravan of camels come through that we had water the old daddy I forgot I left the hose pipe on for a day help me now forgot to turn it off we easily forget Bible said let this mind be in you Jesus not forgetful only things he forgot was he divinely forgot he said I will remember your sins no more that's sovereignty that ain't gotten to do with Calvinism that's God doing what he wants to do the way he wants good when he wants to do it and if he wants to forget you too he's done he has not a weak memory God did have a weak memory but when he wants to he forgets I will remember your sins nowhere I I'll make a point not to remember your sin always forget easy let me just review some of y'all been around these youth beatings for a while let me let me remind you don't never forget rule number one rule number one solves all this dating and court and talk rule number one solves all this immorality they meant rule number one don't take your clothes off don't never forget this young lady rule number one don't take your clothes off Route rule number one don't never forget go take your clothes off rule number two keep your clothes oh hey man don't never forget they'll be the liberal reality there'll be no unwed pregnancies you won't lose your purity if you'll always remember rule number one don't take your clothes off hey man don't never forget though you already know you already knew that though though you already know don't never forget there is a place called hey don't never forget it it's the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth where the worm never dies and the fires not quenched it's a place of outer darkness it's a bottomless pit y'all listen to me don't never forget that hell hath enlarged herself pales get don't never forget more people's going to hell than going to heaven there's sobered Matthew in the unit's a straight game for straight is the gate and there is the way that leads to life eternally and few there be that find it but broad is the gate lead to destruction and many there be that go in there more people's going to hell than going to heaven don't ever forget don't never forget that some people who thinks they're going to heaven ain't going to heaven that's what he said he said there'll be many come to me in that day say Lord Lord didn't we cast out Devils in your names then we do many wonderful works in your name many wonderful works not just one old bus visitation once in a while ones last time you cast it out of devil but there'll be some say we catch the Devils out in your name some say we test the devils at their name we did many wonderful works that don't you don't never forget that some people who thinks are going to heaven ain't going to have don't never forget that don't never don't never forget don't never forget this don't listen but this might be your last night to be saved now let me tell you if Jesus were to come back and trouble God were to sound oh you're going to be sent a strong delusion you're gonna think it's all a joke that's why you believe in an extraterrestrials all that you like that sci-fi channel there that sci-fi channel there they're just playing your tune like a Pied Piper you believe in that life on other planets and all that y'all okay if there's any life on other planets that had to come from here first because the Bible said even the mother of all living if a city life all other plants had to come from here first - don't never forget that don't never forget and you want when you're in Hell you'll remember it well then let me just parent that'll get throw in a little something right here let me give you a survival kit for the rapture just in case Jesus comes back tonight she comes back tonight and we're all taking up we're translated we're evacuated by an extraterrestrial hi we're evacuated by an extra Celestra harp a so swiftly transferred from one place to another lift it up and out that rapture takes place rescued from in part a so rescued from impending danger as we get that root harpoon I'm King James only but I kind of like that harp a so that's the only Greek word I know but I like this I'm pretty good Hey look here what you need to do if you're left behind in here and all you see is a bunch of glasses and fillings out of people's teeth and wigs and that's because anything that the files start going up yeah that bad and so be laying all around body waste just there on the ground and the saved or gone first thing for you to do is take a deep breath take a drill deep breath if you're left behind because you're going to hell just calm down because you're going to hell the score calm down you might as well take a deep breath and just just exhale because you're going straight to hell because you're gonna be sent a strong delusion that even gods only like we believe a lie yeah but you're gonna go to hell and the next thing you need to do is get the mark of the beast just as soon as you can if you're left behind you've already heard the truth you don't stand a chance you've heard enough truth already and brother dorsey's testimony to condemn you to Hale what you need to do is get that mark on your head you're on your hand here ahead just quick as you can get it and enjoy those three and a half years of peace because that's exactly how it's going to be because you're going to hell or you could you couldn't get saved tonight how solve that problem [Applause] don't never don't never forget don't never forget the Bible is always right [Applause] don't never as long as you live hey as long as you live don't never forget that the Bible is always right you don't have to understand the Bible they're bad you don't have to understand it you got to stand on it i I can't calculate how there's a lot of my friends they won't always try to prove to me about the King James they want to show me the seven seals they won't show a lot a lot of a lot of my Ruffman friends they won't try to prove to me with all this evidence I'll tell what to just shall live by faith I don't have to have Center verse I don't have to I was believe in the King James for ever got saved though I ever got saved I said I believe the King James I need help if I the only one in here I believe the King James was right for ever got saved don't never don't never don't never forget the Bible is always right [Music] you are not a man in a woman's body you [Applause] God didn't make a mistake make you like a woman hey now a God didn't make you open he made you if he made you a man he meant for you to be a man don't never forget the Bible is always right hey man don't never don't never forget they ain't nothing wrong with the red book they nothing wrong with the way we sang don't never let them make thought don'ts don't never don't never don't never forget they ain't nothin wrong with the red book man and my text tonight is don't never forget hey man don't never forget don't never forget don't never forget that you reap what you sow be not deceived don't don't never forget let people tell you it ain't right way you not to see God you stopped them all once you're a man soweth that shall he also reap if he sells to the flesh of the flesh reap corruption if you sow sow Spirit reap life everlasting so let us not grow weary in well-doing for a new season they shall reap if you think not don't never forget you go read watch yourself some of some of y'all right now you think you're just gonna get by or something look at me be sure be sure Tok never forget be sure your sins maybe your mama don't know how to work that phone like you do and you're hiding all that x-rated and things and you think you can delete stuff they got that eye thing up there that iCloud has got it all they're listed in on us anyway I'm not a conspiracy person but later I went ain't him ain't him googled I didn't even Google about my cap I got on his tooth I went to the dentist I ain't googled nothing I if I google it's about a pair of mules and a set of harness or a dog and I was I came out of the dentist office and they had three things recommended for you about caps on teeth hey don't never forget I got you that in the mail you ain't never gonna forget it are you it was that right there it was kept don't never forget you go get by with it mama might not know and the preacher might not know and daddy might not know I think your sister might not know but God knows and you ain't gonna be by with it you ain't gonna get by don't don't never don't never don't never forget don't forget don't never forget this don't never forget listen at me all listed don't never forget don't never forget old-time religion is alive and well don't ever forget it you say well they ain't much of it ain't got to be money Oh Noah no one was pretty much right let me say don't never forget we're right don't never forget we're right and they're wrong these bunch of preachers of the youth beaten with a bunch of untucked shirts and with Lotan britches own little old faded blue jeans pre-wash blue jeans with their untucked shirts they didn't preach them out and you like that on that Facebook they think they send them pictures out with a little untucked shirts I'm doing the preaching hey they got them untucked shirts everybody okay [Applause] they hey want to try to want to try to they want to try to deify man and humanize God they will humanize God don't never forget we're right we're right we're right we're right and they're wrong don't never forget don't never don't never don't never forget serving God Oh ways pays don't never forget we say well it don't look like it I know sir wait a second I got a hole hole Oh second our dividends around this world it sit in this life only we have hope if in this life only we have hope we're about men most miserable if all we gonna gets what's here ma'am we've got much hey ma'am we got boats if in this life only we have hope in Christ Jesus let's see our dividends are out of this world [Music] don't never forget don't never forget don't never forget that there's still forgiveness for sins you better hang on to this because you gonna mess around if you live long enough and do something you wished you ain't done hey man and the devil is gonna haunt you if you're saved and he's gonna hover over you and he's going to keep on bombarding you with your past and telling you what a mess you made I hold tell you hey you look at him and say you you're right but don't never forget don't never forget don't never don't never don't never forget there's still forgiveness [Applause] your sins they still forgiveness did I say don't never forget we're writing their own let me let me make sure y'all get that one don't never forget we're right in their own hey man don't never forget don't never forget you can't have it both ways a double minded man is unstable in all his ways leave this old-time religion is right for that bunch of move new new-age bunch of junk straight out of the depths of hell straight out of the depths of hell don't never forget I need another don't never forget don't never forget don't never forget it's always right to do right holy livings right hey buddy don't never yeah you said but I'm getting tired of this I'm not I'm not a bit tired of this thang my voice is getting a little better as I go nobody's brought nobody's even brought me a coca-cola yet or is it I don't know what's wrong with these people can't bring a coca-cola come preach 300 miles from home and you can't get a coca-cola y'all don't want me to preacher y'all go get me a coca-cola somebody helped me in Jesus name don't never don't never don't never forget mr. Thyssen y'all listed come existence' man don't never forget don't never forget to kneel what am I saying what's my text don't never forget greater is He that is in you than he that's in the world Oh knowing them they thought we're outnumbered 120 years approximately in that and alluvion age not a drop of rain he's at their building let are outnumbered I mean man wasn't knowing ham Shem Japheth their wives and knowing his wife ain't them they was right Oh Oh Noah was a preacher of righteousness he's a preacher of righteousness he preached against things he preached against things he preached he named sin called out he preached against things hey which brings me to this point y'all keep me hooked up on Noah watch this hey don't never forget that you can't be for something and not against something that crowd that brother grabblings taught me that blended crown they don't want to be against nothing so you can't be for old-time religion and for contemporary you can't be for authoritative Bible preaching and for the blow sermonettes for the Christian that dressed like the majorette driving that Corvette smoking cigarettes you can't be for a good clean garden and not be against weeds you take me for fresh eggs in the henhouse and not be against apostle you got to be against something before something hey don't not forget don't never don't never don't never don't never forget that nice talking about Noah he's off what but eight of them but greater see that's in us we look like a minority don't we I mean we've always been that crowd embarrass their approach is always been a minority you know we still believe in preachers dressing like preachers hey man watch this don't never forget a lady I'll always look like a lady don't never forget a lady I'll always look like a lady don't never forget don't never forget don't never forget don't never don't don't don't don't never forget lady always look like a lady don't never forget a man don't look like a man [Music] don't never forget the people that die without Christ don't never forget this you're gonna meet them at white throne judgment I don't like to think about it that's one of those things I don't like to think about I still ain't got a Coke what do they have to do go bake the thing sir I'm at the end of my message I'm a sick man sir I'm borderline dehydrated and I'm I'm seeing things now flying by as a sign says don't never I got some nyquil hitting that coat if y'all gonna push me to it don't never forget that it revelations we're gonna stand and this words gonna be a judge and a witness against the lost Bible is going to be a witness against the lost and the Holy Ghost there's gonna be a witness against the lost and you're gonna be a witness against the law don't ever forget why do you think it says in God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes there's no tears in heaven but there's gonna be some tears at that white throne because some of your friends you go to school with we're gonna look at you across that bar and say wait a minute I mean my locker was just my Locker was next to your locker and you never one time told me about Hell and you knew and you had a preacher that said don't never forget that hell is real and you had a preach that told you one time don't never forget that not everybody's going to heaven and you got a preacher one night that said don't never don't never forget that more people's going to handle then go into heaven and you forgot to tell me I know I know what parents think well I don't want to offend and you know I don't want to offend them where you gonna send them to hell number two your loved ones that are lost or going to hell your classmates that are lost or going to hell your neighbors that are lost or going to hell well if I say something to them it you know I'm scared oh wait a minute they're already going to hell heads are bowed and eyes are closed I wonder how many in this room we're all quite lean and oh he pulled me promised or told me I would say even I could stay to heal in this upgrade [Music] I've even paid I don't read them all that much I know you
Channel: Fellowship Baptist
Views: 13,436
Rating: 4.6204381 out of 5
Id: hWaCHy-i9zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 39sec (3159 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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