9/26/18 Wed PM What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do (Tony Hutson)

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let me say that if you have a question in life I think we could all concur and come to the same agreement at all being one Accord that the Bible has all the answers I don't care what what question you have Jesus is the answer to all the questions he's the answer but Paulo the Damascus Road no doubt he had an encounter with God Almighty I mean a head-on collision with the God of the Bible God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and he got saved by the grace of God I mean the greatest thing that could ever happen to an individual is to realize that you're lost you're lost you got to get lost for you get saved to realize your loss and realize that Jesus Christ paid the penalty at Calvary and that he died for you and by grace through faith accept that payment and believe on the free pardon of sin and get passed from death unto life they ban yet read I'm just talking about being saved y'all stay calm I'm just talking about get regenerated amen and amen and born from above and born begin and saved I like all those terms engaged to be married to Jesus adopted into a family thank God it's a real thing salvation is real it's tangible if some of you can feel don't tell me that something because God moved in you and you not feel him every now and then oh yeah you're gonna feel God he's real and here no doubt he's not only having an encounter but he's having a conversation when he met God in these days of open vision there's no complete cannon there's no finished New Testament and in these days I mean he's got a recorded conversation in fact later in the book Acts it's pinned at this story and it's given to us by inspiration of God and he's talking with God Almighty and he asked him a good question Lord what what they have me to do now that question is a weighted question a lot of people don't want to ask it because there's accountability to the answer too much is given much is required I've got church members who just don't want to know truth because when you have truth then it's on you then there's an obligation to respond the truth then there's an obligation to react to truth hey man there's there's an editor said there's there's a way to you responsibility when you propose a question to God because God might just answer you and then what you're gonna do I know people who go over the will of God because what the will of God comes to accountability and then I've got to do something what I know and and they'd rather just live in ignorance and for a time God will wink at ignorance but hey in these days with a with a Bible that's go divinely inspired and Holy Ghost men that are preaching the truth they'll work that listed hey I'm talking been praise God he's got the answer for the question Lord what wilt thou have me today I really believe tonight that they're Christians who've been saved for a long time and and maybe members of a Bible believing Church and and they're still in question they're still not sure about the plan of God after conversion now let's don't blame God for being unclear they banned God's clear God's out of confusing goddess Bibles not some kind of a complicated book it's a book if you read it the Holy Ghost will be there with you and he will show you truth they meant John 14 said he'll be another another I'll send another that is the Paraclete that is the Holy Ghost who teaches us truth if you want to know what to do God will show you what to do and in this generation we've got some white haired Saints as well as teenagers and young people who I believe are idly waiting for the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ we saved yet often but I don't think we really implement it when we sing o land of rest for the I side when will the summons come when I lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home and we get on that course will work till Jesus comes well I got a lot of 3s Christians at Middleton C Baptist Church they just sits oak and sour they ban their great armchair quarterbacks they're real good backseat drivers well I would have done it like that and everything they're experts well I woulda done it like we wasn't done it like yeah well why wouldn't you in business being then voted on it somebody say man where were you hey man what will that me do he asked some questions and I believe the same questions that he desired the same question that he that he asked the Lord Jesus Christ every saint of God ought to be inquisitive about the will of God the Bible said in Ephesians let us not be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is God's got a plan for our life I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service it can be not conformed into this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may prove that that which is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God God's got a perfect wheel yeah over there when I quoted that passage let us not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is one of his wheels it's evident he said speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs by the way we fulfilled the Lord's will and we got to singing tonight the old account was settled long ago he's not willing that any should perish he asked you what wilt thou have me to do I believe there's three clear answers that are applicable to every single believer here I'm talking if you just got saved last Sunday or if you've been saved some 40 or 50 years hey listen you need to be awakened tonight let us be revived and refreshed that there's a perfect will of God that a perfect will of God there's a divine purpose there's something for us to be involved in what wilt thou have me to do notice first of all in verse number 6 the latter part these red letter words of our Lord Jesus he says arise and going to the city and it should be told what else you doing that when he went to the city he went to a place called straight street that doesn't say it right here but what it what it means in verse 11 straight street independent fundamental premillennial missionary King James only slobber slang and sweat whopping blood-pressure stamps Baxter singing a bus run an old-time Baptist Church a man's what a men I believe the first clear answer that we can make application for this hour is we ought to be involved in a place be involved what do you want me to do Lord Lord won't that have me to do I believe he said every young person every teenager I'm talking about every child they can its conscious enough to know right from wrong he wants us to be involved in the work of God you don't have to pass some kind of a new converts class and get to be graduate from Christian high school to be used of God when you expect a candle to give off light after it's burnt halfway down or when you put the match to the wick you'll be involved man then be involved in a place New Testament Bible even Baptist Church he sent him down to straight Street Baptist Church that's where Ananias was ministering that's where that New Testament church at Damascus was gathered together in one Accord in one place now they worked at Baptist Church what were they doing and they're spraying this one in Souls they had Sun they had such a reputation that Saul had letters of authority from the Sanhedrin that you found anybody that old-time religion anybody that old-time way bind them get rid of shut him up they were doing something there but I somebody hey listen Fred I'm my pastor people hey I mean listen I don't know what they're doing I mean I'm talking about man they're there there's dry and dead where there's life there's motion in him we live and him we move and in him we have our beans where there's life sometimes commotion get busy be involved be involved in a place upon this rock I'll build my church I like that word church leadership on this rock I'll build my worship center my outreach facility know my church if it don't say Church I doubt it is one somebody they're everything I know I got saved I got born again in a church I got baptized happy by abortion and the authority the authority of a bible-believing Baptist Church I learned the Bible in church I am and I answered the call I yielded my friend of the call of preach in church I met my wife in church that man I'm talking about we got married in church I'm not going to put my approval he's jumping out of an airplane get married stuff somebody help me now I always something new to Bull Riders holding hands while they're getting married god help us I don't be gods within a thousand miles of that doing somebody help me now the church friend they've been not a community center a church not a Bible College have a church on a Christian school but a poem is shrunk I'll build my church get involved in the church be involved in a place I believe the nucleus of every single Christians act I'm talk about the nucleus I'm coming I'm talk about the hub of every single by believers activity ought to be a New Testament church check the calendar for you before you go on your vacation see what the church is doing amen I've had leaders we'd have a calendar out and they know when we have it revolving the way well we won't be there and everything we've took this week off in all but he look at the calendar how come everything Trump's church I never seen everything Trump's church yeah man I mean Groundhog's Day Trump's church I can't come my daddy was knocking on doors one time in Atlanta Georgia he came to the door knocking fella came to the door and he said I won't invite you to Middle Tennessee Barrett oh yeah I can't come over he said what can't you come he said well I got a quart of milk in the frigerator and then he said a quart of milk in the refrigerator he said what's that got to do with going to church he said nothing but when you don't want to go one excuse as good as they're banned why don't you prioritize why don't you make Jesus first why don't you put Church first hey bad Matthew 6:33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things all these things that you're worried about raiment and housing and clothes and food to eat all these things shall be added unto you I don't care what's going on Church about it man it ought to be it ought to be it's what's happening if they have an aqaq fight at church bring a shorter rooster somebody say man I ain't a man be in church Sunday morning in church Sunday night be in church wins tonight be in church every night of the revival go down yonder Paul were Lord what wilt thou have me to do go down yonder to straight street and get involved in a place the Bible said then Anais heard about it and verse 13 in a nice answer the Lord he said man I've heard much many I've heard by many of this man how much evil he has done to the Saints in Jerusalem and there he had the authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on my name but notice what the Lord answered Ananias he said but the Lord said unto him go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me notice these next few words to bear my name we all not only be involved with a place where I'll be involved with a purpose their band I've been a divine purpose not some not some legacy to leave behind not not some personal agenda but a purpose beyond us to bear the name they were first called Christians at Antioch why because they suffered much persecution because they carried the Word of God beyond the boundaries of the Jewish race it went to the Gentiles with truth thank God they went to the Gentile you wouldn't be here tonight if they had to come over here to us somebody say man how they live yeah hey they were involved in a purpose what purpose going to all the world I preach the gospel to every creature baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and teaching them to observe all things what's up commanded you in love with you always even to the ends of the age may get involved with a purpose I'm a Christian that name was given in mowry that name that name was given in hatred but I gladly bear the name Christian my glare I gladly happily by the approach of the company's old-time religion man people say they make you mad but they always side listen I put it on I wear it like a star hey man I would I would rather be I heard a young preacher say why come you reckon and they won't have you to preach over will over so and so and then he answered he said well because they know what you're gonna say I said well then why are they having you because they know what you ain't don't say I'd rather be labeled for what I'm gonna say I'd rather be shown for what we're going to stand for I'd rather be ostracized I'd rather be a distance from I'd rather be sit apart for what we go to stand for that do we be embraced to be loved to be accepted for what I'm not gonna say hey man and that's good for pop oh and granny to be involved hallelujah be involved with a purpose some of your grandchildren on their way to Sunday there on a slick road to hell and you hear just you're just being lullaby well and everything we go to church you know do you really call what they're going to a church then he got a Bible if you ain't got the King James you ain't got hey let me just say that ain't bothered a few you educated people if you don't have a key chain you don't have a Bible you better get out you better get an authorized version praise God hey man there's a purpose the inmates that arise and go to straight street that's a place there's a purpose he said wait a minute to by my name under Gentiles verse 15 in Kings and the chief resident will be able to be involved with people I heard one preacher in a recent day I was at a fellowship meeting and he said you know the ministry brother Tony be alright if it wasn't for the people I said well ministry is people it's all about Gentiles and kings if I could pick my crowd it'd be easy to pastor everybody have a f250 with mud tires on it dog barks in the back a crimp down co-op feed hat look like I need oil change somebody help me NIR firing over Yun Yun's is y'all I can't stand this Yankee guys guy that nothing sounds more effeminate to me that I hate to hear a southerner talking in Rick it by saying hi guys it ain't guys it's y'all and the possessive of y'alls is at Chavez and the plural of y'alls is that that's all y'all somebody help me now everybody all right I don't know what that had to do with the message but if I could pick my crowd but I passed her in a college town Middle Tennessee State University over 29,000 enrolled students I have more students enrolled than the University Tennessee in Knoxville when we go door to door it's inevitable knocking on the door and somebody's gonna come and I I've totally Hudson will meditate about his church and they'll say well I am professor so-and-so in the psychology department at Middle Tennessee State University and immediately I'm intimidated dont you judge me no I judge back don't judge me I mean I get intimidated ooo you probably already have a church okay no I'm an atheist oh don't listen I'll never forget one Sunday morning my daughter was taught by dr. back fee and that was the president of the college's wife she is an educated doctor with a PhD and the press of the University Sidney McPhee he's dr. McFee and our church was located right on the same Road Middleton Middle Tennessee Boulevard right there across the college I'll never forget it one Sunday morning man here came dr. McFee walkin he lived right across the street in the in the presidents mansion he walked across the street and they came in through our foyer and his wife came in I mean she's dressed fit to be killed I mean a big old hat on I mean just look like Easter you know I mean here they came walking down an aisle and I was going who is that I said Lord I immerse yet some of my fees and they set down right in front of a shouting Baptists woman and I said I know Lord lord please and then I got to thinking well just I started praying Lord just let it be dead Lord Lord give us a little Bob Jones music this morning glory be to the Father and to the son to the whole as was in papa get you miss Devon without you that's dead man I said give us a little dead music don't let it get on Lord please for God's sake they're sitting in front a shouting Baptist woman man I was worried sick that man that I'll never live it down she teaches my daughter in school choir got me singing there's a name hub of all other wonderful to hear bringing hope and she looked right right behind that hat and I saw some fingertips coming up tis a lovely name of Jesus ever more the same whoa about that time I heard law and about for filling her with her man I don't wanna make eye contact all the time I got on a sick of Versailles levitating shouting with them then I've done left my text went to Luke 16 preached for an hour on the rich man died and in hell he lift his eyes being told me man I had a good time it morning it's in the service are shaking hands in the back as tradition he isn't I extending my hand the family after family and finally I notice to make feast coming I sold stuck my hand out when I did I heard and I looked they miss Mack fees makeup looked like cloud for us coming down her face and she's wiping her nose and doctor like these eyes as red as a fox his tail and I said well I appreciate y'all coming over and but before I could say another word they said old pastor said you don't know how bad we needed that this morning you know what we gots good for the rich it's good for the educated it's good for the uneducated hey we have a purpose we're to bar his name on the people the ministries about people find somebody and tell them about the greatest data you have you'd have no exemption that's not a church member here there's no there's no health issue listen to me hey there's no age limit there's no mental capacity hey that gives you some kind of an exemption from telling somebody about the greatest day that ever happened in your life hey we ought to tell somebody about getting saved and how Jesus died and how he died for the old my friend be involved what what what to have me to do well the Bible tells us after he got to straight Street verse 17 Ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother so by the way that's evidence right there you don't be baptized to be saved brother saw Amen brother saw I believe in scriptural baptism but baptisms because you have been saved I'm ten thousand miles from a camel lighter and apostolic somebody say Amen he said brother Saul said the Lord even Jesus has appeared under the in the way as thou camest and hath sent me that thou mightest receive thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost I believe this the answer number two to that great question proposed by Paul on the road to Damascus was not only to be involved to be indwelt being dwelt man you're supposed to be filled with the Holy Ghost you're supposed to receive thy sight you're supposed to be strengthened by me and go further for God hey we ought to be in debt with a perception we're all to see things different a save man a born-again man a mature Christian listen at me now hey something been said we ought to see things there when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things children don't see anything we've had some newborn babies born in our church they can't focus they can hear but they can't focus can't see good that's what I hear all the time about church we have been safe 40 and 50 years I just don't see anything wrong with you now this preaching time now I just try to make ya'll like me while I go and I don't care whether you do or not is everybody okay they're mad I feel like preaching now praise God hey hey I just don't see anything wrong with ya that's how babies talk Ben say 50 years still dressing like Lady Gaga and Madonna ain't bad for him I just don't see anything wrong with it no get quiet now y'all ways happy while ago what happened now earth to the congregation I just don't say hey when you get when you get food you get into it you'll start seeing something yeah man you'll start seeing something wrong with some things you start seeing something right with some things you'll see the value of some things don't Joe bow on me hey man you'll start saying hey ma'am you may run your home but you don't run this pulpit what I'm preaching look up in here hey hey hey hey I'm talking about just don't see the importance of some things you get into well time total start getting important to you preach and it get important to you Sunday school to get a man congregational singing you will be popping your gum telling a joke looking at your cell phone you'll get involved in corporate worship hey baby you lift your voice towards the Lord and praise and thanksgiving hey it'll change the way you look at it I sitting on the front row with a preacher not too long ago and I've laid bumps of the heart the mouth speaketh and he said well y'all got a bus finished I said year Lord blessed us he said well I had a meeting them that had 16 adults saved nice mask 16 out dollars he said yeah sixteen adults and y'all know her tack for lamb because I don't want to offend anybody and I said I hate to hear that he did just like y'all did he got tight I said man I hate dinner he said man you hate sixteen our dogs got saved I said no I hate that they waited there's out dogs suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such as the kingdom we're warning children to have adult experiences when Jesus said Sipsey become as a child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven os preach in town man you start seeing it different you start seeing the bus ministry different you'll start seeing this children's ministry different into it with the perception and dwelt with a power said the Holy Ghost I'd like to talk about the person of the Holy Ghost but he represents power acts 1:8 but she shall receive power at that holy we've got a powerless Church today we have me we can't have victory over social media our marriages are absolutely under attack over the over the social media there's women in here they'll pet their dog and talk to their dog and look at that phone and one day morning kiss their husband don't bow your head and bam I'm not ready to pray yet first thing they do in the morning last thing differently go to bed look who lie how many lights the head how many like to my post such pride got to go live all the time that's tacky far as I'm concerned everybody I don't care what you think about I was invited to preach here take it up a brother John when we get through pack might take it up a brother John he asked me to come tomorrow I never seen nothing like it pet the dog talked to the doll make sure the dog gets fed in the husband they had breakfast in two months wood for the waffle house had starved to death hey man but you've got special food for your dog got the toenails painted got Twitter Tweaker and Facebook Instagram real bat phone old timing helped your husband's hand he's over dying for some attention hey old life oh you won't do a serious business now there's pie if the phone's ringing pick it up and say here is a bad friend hey we got a problem we got a problem we ain't got enough power to control a phone we got enough power to get sober without some kind of programs I still believe or you get saved an old fashioned altar and get up sober I'm troubled you can get up a dope addict get up dry clean what they say clean their bed drunkard get up dry I believe if I didn't I'd quit preaching tonight I'd quit preaching and I go making some money somebody say man y'all all right hey I'm talking about friend they got into it with him they had power the holding of Holy Ghost power most churches ain't got enough fire to him with chiggers feet most preachers ain't got enough power to blow off the fuzz on the peanut mama called and Papa sent man we're living that society it's become a profession everything's professional churches professor some of y'all ain't liking this I thought y'all drivin how come to preach in your lap man hey hey everything's professional I used to preach get lover now you got to sign 1099s and call three or four lawyers everything professional powerless Oh God God I got to seek somebody so somebody with with it we got to have this got a we can't have song bleed mornings they got a degree in music don't you get mad at me it's not wrong if you songs it has a degree in music they'll help it but God help what about what about spirit led people got have some kind of credentials and some kind of a sheepskin hanging somewhere on the wall ain't no more called than a J birds call they're bad neighbor that man sister amen brother powerless but we need been drilled with a power y'all be able to control your body all this adultery and fornication going on it's a shame living like dogs and animals what their power power power being dwelt with a power being another person being dwelt with with with with the person the whole coast obviously to receive much strength after he'd eaten meat he got powerful but he got into it with a person can I say something right here just and I'm hurry and I I'm gonna be through in about two minutes watch me real fast my sermons are like a fat woman crawling through a barbed wire fence a few more points and I'll be through somebody save me watch this that's funny right there buddy that people can make fun of that be it's amazing to me and it's on which we live how that we we try to serve and we played down the Holy Ghost we're so scared to be identified charismatic we're 10 today nobody cares Matic in here we're Baptist we saw Baptists it's pitiful man we're big be Baptist we independent babies we're independent babies we're independent values we Independent Baptist I said I said we're independent babies rooster crowing his own barn y'all to ring his dick make chickens dumplings out of him somebody say man but man we got some we're scared of the Holy Ghost he's not the third person of the Godhead all through all through Bible College you try to cram it down the third person what do you come up with the third person who got it like he's some kind of barefoot stepchild trying to find acceptance within the Godhead he's God these God the Holy Ghost he's Christ in you he's Christ in you the hope of glory he's coequal with the Sun he's co-equal with the father it's God the Father God the Son and God they're co-equal coexistent don't you minimize the power of the Holy Ghost the hey that's the person we don't need to grieve grieve not the Spirit of God what about your sealing of their did Quinn stop the Spirit resists host Steven getting stoned right there preaching against the sins of Judaism and the false teaching of the Israelites hey while they were stoning he said why do you always resist the Holy Ghost these Calvinist says irresistible that's false doctrine Calvinism I always tell him Calvinists I hate it for y'all even know what all Calvinist says looked at me I said I hate it for y'all Jesus didn't die for y'all he said what do you mean I said well he came to seeking to say that which was lost Gordon dear doctrine you say for the foundations of the world put that you're popping smoke it somebody saying man Court their own doctrine a they can't even get saved help me now that's good preaching man I'm feeling good man it's time just be involved well what you want me to do in rural whole North Carolina 2018 once you be involved more involved it was should be indwelt notice system through Bible said in Saul increased the mower verse 22 salt increased him we only wants to do he wants to be increased grow in grace his message increased the more he learned the more he wrote through the divine inspiration man you got the New Testament half of it Paul wrote our message all didn't hear he didn't change his message he just increased his message I got one my our message is basically this moreover brethren I declare you the gospel had Jesus died according to scriptures and has buried and how praise God he rose again the third day according to the scriptures now that's our message we preached Jesus Christ they crucified risen and coming again that's our message but we show what should we do with our message tell it more often then propagated to the foreign soul hey pray for Bibles over all foreign lands huh hey send the gospel to every creature every creature increase increase in his ministry the ministry is an outreach of a local church local church ain't a ministry it's a church the church is an organism churches are organization the church is alive we're an organism when I say stuff like you don't want to get happy I'm talking at the local New Testament visible baptized body of believers that stuff all to get you get you a little bit like yes when I talk like that you go yes that bad for the church not that not Nate not the cone hunters Club the church not the lodge the church they're bad hurts me to say it not the football team but to charge that hurt me to say that but to church headband for the charge but a ministry isn't outreach of a church you ought to find something to do man and do more of it you can't pray too much pray without ceasing y'all pray some more he's increased in his message is increased in his ministry I believe he increased his his methods and straightway he preached praise God for preaching I know y'all appreciate it it's proven your loyalty to the pulpit you're backing preachers through the years but man let us never get over the chosen medium I'm scared I'm scared that there's a few children here and younger folks looking at me like you know what's wrong with this is son this is called preaching that's preaching at a meeting and fellow walked up said now you dr. Hutson I said well Tony he's what kind of degree do you have I said I got a RB AP degree and he is educated he won't he won't act you know ignatow k like he knew he said what kind of degree did you say you had I said they got an r v AP degree oh oh yeah I got ya I couldn't see it finally said look he's what is an RB AP degree I said it's a rare back and preach the great you know what I ought to be going on at every Baptist Church leather long Bible preaching when the world in its wisdom knew not god it pleased God through the foolishness not foolish preaching the foolishness of preaching to save them that would believe let's stand together all over house you've been good list
Channel: Freedom Baptist
Views: 9,391
Rating: 4.8347106 out of 5
Keywords: freedom baptist church, nc preaching, Tony Hutson
Id: RLo7CrQAw1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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