Writing Episodes for EVERY CUPHEAD BOSS PART 1! - A Cuphead Show Theory and Discussion!

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well cuphead has a great cartoon it's on the flicks of net but there are still some characters that we have not seen yet i'm upset [Music] i am i want to see more okay okay you can all save your comments i know what you're gonna say good golly gosh finn you must be a doctor of contradictions cause this is the biggest hypocritic oath i've ever seen thank you thank you you've been a wonderful sound effect yes i know in my last video i said that the main charm of the cuphead show for me was it's off the wall cartoony zaniness that doesn't need to rely on lore and deeper meanings and theories to be entertaining and yet here i am making a theory about it we can still be friends right that's for you and you know what for all right all joking aside there was never any chance that cuphead videos were just going to be a one-and-done deal on my channel this franchise is my freaking jam and ever since the phantom was reignited thanks to dinner and the show i've just been having so much fun again binging the episodes three times playing the game to completion rewatching old let's plays and animations from years ago i've been shooting back cuphead content like some schmoe shooting back irish coffees at the bar somebody stop me i gotta drive home tonight so with my ch fever running at an all-time high and a second season less than a month away i simply had to scratch that itch and talk about the show some more but what should i discuss what's something that the show still has yet to include something that the game absolutely excels at which makes it so memorable in the first place oh yeah more freaking bosses bosses are cuphead's bread and butter the most interesting diverse and also common thing you'll be facing if you ever picked up the game i mean a full playthrough can pretty much be summed up as talk with grandpa spend his pension fight someday strolling beat that dice guy his boss but aside from the occasional episode the cuphead show really has yet to utilize its source games incredible rogues gallery i'm sure they've got more bosses planned for upcoming seasons but for the time being i've really been wondering what kind of vibrant personalities they're gonna give to these crazy characters and what sort of weird scenarios will ensue when the cuphead bros eventually meet them well during this not so epic two-part video i'm gonna discuss every single boss in the freaking game and try to propose an idea for an episode where they play a significant role you know a story that really introduces us to their character their quirks their flaws etc some of these are better and more fleshed out than others i will admit but at the end of the day these are just some fun concepts i had off the top of my head but first let's lay down some ground rules for this video number one no repeats if the boss already got their own starring role i'm not gonna include them on this list unless maybe i want to put them in a supporting role or something and obviously bosses in the main cast like the devil are out as well since they appear all the freaking time number two no dlc bosses yet i haven't heard or seen any evidence that delicious last course will even be included at all in season two so salt baker and his glorified shopping list are gonna take a backseat here maybe i'll make a part 3 someday if the dlc bosses are confirmed for season 3 but for now ogch bosses only number 3 none of king dice's 9 mini bosses i doubt that we're gonna be seeing any of kd's club staff in this show mainly because they seemingly axed the whole idea of him owning a casino in the first place i guess it makes sense i mean could you imagine seeing an ember spewing cigar bud a pure wedding roulette wheel and a sentient kendrick lamar song appearing in a kid's show nowadays yeah i didn't think so and most importantly number four i know the creators have confirmed that there will be a story arc in future seasons but i don't expect it to be anything super deep this is an infinity train or arcane or some other third pain it's a goofy 1930s style cartoon with surreal slapstick silliness i think it's going to be something overlapping but still simple and if they do decide to incorporate the game's main plot you know the whole gimme a souls are affiliated with holes quest i still think most of the bosses should have their own introductory episodes to show off their personalities first instead of just introducing them right away and then immediately killing them off like the game did as usual these are just my own wacky ideas off the top of my head and if you have any concepts for episodes centered around cuphead's big bads feel free to leave a comment below but for now let's discuss every in-game boss that our show bros will hopefully come across let us begin [Music] hildeberg is 100 troll that that's it there's no other way of putting it from the second she's introduced with that smug as heck grin and that i'm better than you pose to the way she freaking laughs to attack you to her rude rude rude victory quotes just shut up hilda you're so mean i'm gonna go fight cal maria again however this mischievous personality of hers is pretty much perfect for a high jinx episode where she just thoroughly screws with the cuphead girls and i came up with an idea that not only works in her constellation transformations but also brings up the cuphead duo signature planes in a natural and fitting way heck i've even got a title for it ladies and gentlemen what's your sign so the cuphead bros are speaking with lucian you know that little light bulb guy and he's currently teaching them all about astrology while at the observatory where you fight hilda in the game he not only shows them all the different stars that make up certain constellations but also talks about how civilized society has utilized these constellations for things like travel calendars and of course horoscopes he says that by using a combination of a person's birth month and the position of the stars and planets you could potentially tell someone's future lucian gives both cuphead and mugman their horoscopes based on whenever their birthdays are and both bros especially cuphead are blown away by this cuphead asked for another prediction right away but lucian says that's not how it works they need to wait for the planets and stars to shift significantly before they can do it again they both leave the observatory talking about how cool that was and how they hope they can get more horoscopes in the future and as luck would have it hildeberg just happens to be floating by and sees this as a prime opportunity to troll these two unsuspecting brothers the next night cuphead is alone on the roof looking up at the stars and trying to keep a close eye on his constellation let's just say taurus for now since that's one of hilda's main forms he desperately wants it to move so he can get another prediction but as luck would have it a physical manifestation of his sign comes floating down from the heavens which is obviously just held in one of her forms she says that she's heard cuphead's plea for another prediction and she's decided to give him one whenever his heart desires and cuphead being the doof that he is completely falls for this he decides to get a prediction every single night which hilda gives to him but these predictions are pretty much just set up so she can play pranks on him like oh stand under this tree and it will rain free money on you but instead she just puts a beehive in the tree and then bees just swarm cuphead or run down this particular street there'll be someone special waiting for you but the street is covered in wet cement and cuphead just gets cement shoes for the whole day you know just a bunch of excuses for hijinks mugman eventually gets roped into this too but with a little more explanation since he's a little smarter one night the bros tell her that their futures keep coming up sour and hilda says that shouldn't be happening the universe is never wrong this must mean that the bros are cursed for all eternity and after leaving them on this ominous note she causes a lot more pranks without restrictions this time driving the bros more and more nuts until eventually they just locked themselves in the house out of fear and hilda is just laughing at this whole thing eventually after not sleeping for days the cuphead bros decide to take matters into their own hands and they figure that the only way to stop the bad luck that the universe has cursed them with is to literally go into space and just blow up those constellations no stars no scopes that's kid logic for you right there so they talk with canteen hughes the mechanic from the game who built them their planes to build them their planes they fly all the way up to the sky at nightfall but then hilda floats right up to them in one of her forms changes back to normal lets out one last hearty laugh and reveals that the whole thing was her prank all along [Music] [Applause] but maybe the bros are so sleep deprived that they still think she's a constellation even in her base form which would lead to a cool aerial fight and some much-deserved comeuppance for hilda once it's over and then after they shoot her a bunch of times and chase her away they both agree to never read horoscopes again overall i think this sounds like a cool story good use of hilda a great excuse for wacky hijinks and a way to organically introduce the cuphead bros signature sky vehicles nothing super crazy just a fun adventure that could really turn hilda into the stars she was meant to be [Music] well this should be an easy one warner worm in the first which i swear must be an intentional reference to world war one is a decorated hero with three confirmed awards to his name si pinnacle of german vermin if you will you wouldn't know that fighting him since he's easier to kill than an actual rat in a can but in the context of the game this guy is a war hardened boss he's also a character that pretty much has an episode concept already mapped out for him i'm not kidding if you take all the elements of his boss fight and retool them a little bit you'd have the absolute perfect plot for an episode of the cuphead show picture this cuphead mugsy and elder k are all sitting down at a table getting ready to eat a very fancy expensive looking cheese they even mention in the dialogue that they've been on a waiting list for that cheese for a long time kind of like how bob belger was on a list for that brook farm's heritage turkey and bob's burgers but just as they're about to chow down on that cheddar the cheese gets up and walks off the table upon closer inspection they see that a rat is making off with their food cup and mug try to fight him off which only leads to them getting hurt instead and the rat escapes completely unscathed with their precious cheese in tow elder kettle is left in complete disbelief from what he just saw not because a rat stole his food that happens all the time but this particular rat looked familiar that helmet that cigar that crooked smile it can't be the cubs ask ek what he's talking about and he tells them that he might actually know who this tiny food thief was general werner worman an old foe from back in his military days a notorious spy for the enemy's side who was well known for getting away with top secret information a literal rat in the system ek tells the bros that he's a dangerous and crafty beast despite his small size but cuphead says i mean general shmami general he took their cheese and he's gonna get it back so they follow a convenient trail of cheese crumbs all the way to a normal looking house everything from the doors to the windows is locked and the only way in seems to be a small mouse hole so the cup bros somehow managed to shrink themselves like in the game maybe they bought something from pork rind or they asked quadratus to make them tiny i don't know the point is they're small enough to fit in the hole now they continue to follow a woman's trail sneaking right past some soundly sleeping cats and when they finally enter his home they realize that he's not keeping the cheese for himself he's actually using it to feed some other rats that have come to trust him as their leader the cup bros asks what the heck is going on and worman says war war is going on and he tells the bros about how his people are trapped in this house by those hungry cats they saw he's been sneaking outside the house for years looking for food and supplies to bring back to them for survival and he doesn't settle for scraps he brings them back the best stuff he can sniff out like that expensive cheese that he took from them and any time the cats attack their safe hole he fends them off all by himself heck just as he says that one of the cats bursts through the wall and worman defeats it single-handedly in his little soup can tank it even grabs and eats one of warman's people so it's clear that this thing is dangerous everything seems legit at first just a selfless guy trying to provide for his people but then the bros realized that some things don't add up like if worman is able to escape the house so easily why doesn't he just call for help you know get his people out of that horrible place for good or maybe they start noticing a few strange tics about the so-called cats that are keeping them prisoner and eventually after some detective work the cup bros realized that just like in the game the entire song and dance worman is putting on is completely fake those evil menacing cats are fake this idea that they can't escape is fake his comrades getting eaten is hopefully fake and when the bros confront mormon about this he admits that yes he was a big phony this whole time but he only did it because he missed the old days when he was actually a war hero and he was getting the praise heaped onto him the other rats say that he was always a role model in their eyes and he didn't have to lie to prove how incredible he was but they now realize that he's just a great big greedy jerk and they basically run him out of town with his tail between his legs heck maybe they should set his pants on fire with his cigar as a nice ironic punishment overall this is a pretty simple plot but it would definitely be fitting for the character and a good excuse for some classic cuphead action when fighting the cats also since he does speak german in the game maybe get a german guy to voice him with subtitles along the bottom that'd be kinda cool [Music] ah yes her royal highness bbb a monarch of munchies that makes queen frosting look like freaking gloppy she's another pretty easy one to write an episode for and similar to ghost and real it could actually be a direct homage to her silly symphony's inspiration i'm talking about a cuphead show version of cookie carnival cookie carnival is a short about a parade of different confectionaries competing to see who will become the next cookie queen a friendly gingerbread fellow helps to dress up a poor gingerbread girl so she has a chance at competing she actually wins chooses the gingerbread guy as her king sadly ever after the end now if the cuphead show did their take on this idea i could imagine bon bon holding a similar kind of festival where a beautiful winner is crowned but maybe there isn't really much of a competition anymore since bon bon pretty much sweeps every year to the point where nobody even bothers since they know they're not gonna win but when the cuphead bros actually come to her domain to watch the parade and maybe feast on some confectionary decorations when no one's looking they're disappointed that there are barely any contestants this is supposed to be a competition it's no fun if no one else is going to enter so maybe the bros play the role of the gingerbread man from the short and actually encourage other candy ladies to dress themselves up and try their luck there would be peppermint ladies coconut ladies jelly ladies all kinds of flavors heck throw mugman in there as a contestant if you want my guy's proven that he can rock a wedding dress and drag was all the rage in the old cartoon days so why not in the end one of the contestants they helped ends up winning bon bon gets furious maybe she chases the bros down in her castle like phase three of her boss fight and in the end bon bon goes full on sore loser and bans the cup bros from ever entering her domain again you shall never set foot on my tongue tantalizing turf ever again okay y'all never come back now toodle-oo a pretty simple idea but it has the potential to be a really sweet homage and when it comes to the visuals having a variety of confectionaries playing dress-up in a sugar-coated land would just be pure eye candy that's the last part of the video i promise don't kill me [Applause] [Music] what am i supposed to do with this guy no seriously like what the heck do i do here he's a mike tyson blob of nickelodeon gak that may or may not be ripping off dragon quest in a boring forest that desperately wants his gravestone to become mine if you know what i mean there's almost nothing you could derive from a character like that unless maybe you want to talk about steroid abuse yeah sure whatever that's his episode an 11 minute drug don't do them rights kids i did and i ended up dying now you know and knowing is one-third of my battle glg [Music] i don't freaking know just go to the next one [Music] ladies and gentlemen the illustrious sally stage play a woman so devoted to theatrics that she made it her last name like warmin she's another boss that doesn't really belong on inkwell owls 3 since her fight is laughably easy and yet she still ranks among my personal favorites just because the whole stage play presentation is super unique obviously the whole play aesthetic is something i would want them to capitalize on if she ever appeared in the show but if you ask me how i personally would orchestrate her episode i got four words for you full on stage musical there is no face in the cuphead cast that would be better suited for a musical episode than her and something like that would be the perfect introduction to her character but this wouldn't be just any ordinary play this would be a production personally funded by the devil himself let me set the scene cuphead and mugman are shown some kind of cool family heirloom by ek like a bracelet or a pocket watch or even some kind of cool looking decorative handle he tells them not to touch it and then goes to take a nap since he's got tickets to a show tonight they think that his heirloom looks really cool on them though so they decide to take it out for just a little while and then put it back when they're done things start off okay with people commenting on how cool they look but eventually the heirloom gets lost they start searching and searching thinking they might have dropped it on the sidewalk or something then they see a long lanky woman with a parasol pick it up and then book it they follow her to a theater and confront her about what she stole she says that she didn't steal anything it's a finders keeper's world and this little trinket would make the perfect prop for her next play the cuphead bros warn her that they're gonna tell the authorities but she tells them that no one is gonna believe two kids over the isle's most illustrious rising star fame and money always win is just fact she tells them that she'll give it back to them if they do something for her the play that she's starring in tonight is short two actors if the bros fill those roles she'll return their little trinket once it's over they both agree to this and ask if there are any lines they need to memorize beforehand she says no just step on the stage when it's their cue and everything will be taken care of the play starts up a few hours later and the second the cup bros step onto the stage everything starts changing the props start to look like real objects the special effects become real their feet feel like they're almost glued to the stage and they start singing every word they say in a beautiful singing voice heck even when they try to yell for help because they don't know what's going on the crowd just thinks it's a song in the show then the bulk of the episode involves the cup bros just going through the motions of the play all with a bunch of original songs and really cool visual effects the animators and composers can just have a lot of fun here then when the play is finally over the crowd gives a standing ovation and sally gives them their trinket back because the deal is a deal but uh oh guess who was in the crowd watching this whole time yup elder kettle turns out that this was the show he was gonna see tonight the cup bros get taken home and punished for disobeying and then at the very end we get an interesting reveal as sadly relaxes backstage we see that not only did she sign a contract with the theater to do more nightly shows but she also signed a contract with the devil to make her plays super realistic and engaging dun dun dun and there you go if you really wanted to do the whole everybody sign their soul to the devil plot in future seasons this could be a great way to show that the soul contracts exist and what kinds of things they'd be capable of a tiny taste of what these ceramic simpletons might be up against if they ever owe the devil another debt heck even if you scrap the devil's involvement and just make it a normal play you'd still have the cuphead bros in a freaking musical that's a premise which is just prime for entertainment especially if the songs end up being as fun and jazzy as cuphead's best [Music] okay i'm gonna be honest here there really isn't a ton i can see happening with the phantom express i mean not only do the various cars of the train have almost no personality other than taking joy and killing you which could be said for any boss but we've already had a grand spooky horror episode with ghosting rio in season one so what could these guys possibly offer maybe they could do the classic mystery on a train story like murder on the orient express but instead of figuring out who killed someone the bros need to find out who brought someone back to life like a reverse murder mystery a resurrection mystery the train could be full of skeletons and ghosts but there's just this one flesh and blood guy among them and you could also have the alive guy be in total panic that he now has skin and then when the lights go out other guys start coming back to life and doing the same thing and you know this sounded stupid at first but the more i talk about it the more i like it reincarnation on the fandom express make that an episode i'd watch it [Music] and now the moment you likely clicked on the video for let's talk about the goddess of the sea calamaria hands down one of my favorite bosses in the entire game and no it's not just because hips her fight is fun her theme is awesome the quick way her stage scrolls is really epic her little minions gave me a laugh when i realized what they were supposed to be she's a complete and total flirt which is adorable as [Music] and her design is coolness incarnate look at her it's like if you combined a mermaid a siren and cthulhu into some kind of bombshell abomination it's freaking epic also hips so if it wasn't obvious i really want an episode centered around her and personally i think i have a pretty good idea for one as we saw in season one a lot of the devil's methods for stealing souls are currently out of order his carnival is busted roll the dice is probably getting low ratings since the king is gone soul acquisition is starting to decline a bit so the devil needs to hire some more help in order to keep him in the black and who could be better to turn to than a 50-foot tall ocean mama who slurps down stairs like spaghettios and literally burps out their immortal souls for offense she's perfect so the devil makes a proposal to her all she has to do is provide him with like 40 or 50 souls a day which is her daily fill of sailors and in return he'll provide her with something like no pollution in her ocean or maybe creating currents that draw all the ships towards her or something like that and there's an extra special bonus for her if she brings him anyone on his most wanted list alive so he can personally rip out their souls himself she accepts this offer and goes about her day chomping down ships to her heart's content and sharing the good news with all her aquatic friends she gets to about 38 souls with half the day left so she only has two to go and who happens to show up on a nearby beach but cuphead and mugman with old ch being number one on the devil's list oh this is just too easy she's still got half a day left so she decides that she's gonna mess with her prey a little bit you know as sirens do turns out that cuphead and mugman came to the beach to help mugsy get over his fear of the ocean maria swims over to them and tries to be as sweet and charming as possible and mugman falls for her pretty much instantly yes i'm aware that i'm catering to a popular ship all the cool kids are doing it all right she asks what the two of them are doing there and cuphead says that he's trying to help his little bro conquer his fear of the ocean and she says that the ocean is nothing to be afraid of come on i'll show you she takes them both for a ride on her back across the sea at first mugman is completely terrified but the further along he goes the more comfortable he gets he even starts to make friends with some of maria's little sea creature buddies and even compliments her on how well she takes care of them maria notices this and is actually really flattered by how gentle and kind he is she's so used to gross rude pirates being on the high seas she didn't expect her prey to be this kind as the hours go by both mugman and maria start having genuine fun with mugman completely forgetting about his fear and maria completely forgetting about her quota and cuphead is just kinda long for the ride i mean come on a free ocean tour from the not so little mermaid what's the complaint about eventually the day comes very close to ending and the devil realizes that hey that new girl is two souls behind on her quota what's the holdup he teleports over to her and sees that she's actually playing around with cuphead and mugman he goes over to congratulate her for completing her quota and bringing him his most wanted soul but when he tries to take the cup rose away she completely refuses in fact she actually hands the cuff bros over to her marine friend so they can make a quick getaway the devil tells her that that is the biggest mistake she will ever make he manifests two electric eels that bite her on the hips and transform her into a gorgon completely stripping her of her conscience and basically turning her from jekyll to hide cue the epic water chase scenes set to high seas hijinks where the cup grows right on sea creatures while gorgon maria tries to hit them with her stoner vision eventually her body gets busted up leaving only her head just like in the game and that's when mugman tries to appeal to her good nature saying the usual stuff like i know the view is inside there maria you gotta fight it cliched yeah but again it's based on old cartoons so it would kind of fit the devil says that there's no way she can hear you since she's under his power but she actually breaks through it and even chomps down on the devil to distract him she keeps him in her mouth until the cup bros make their escape the sun goes down and because she didn't bring the devil enough souls in time the deal is officially off this leaves maria with only her floating head and the devil still without cuphead's soul and probably covered in gross gorgon spit so yeah pretty tragic story all things considered we haven't really had any kind of romance in the cuphead show just yet so a cute love story of mer meets mug with everything ending in tragedy could actually be pretty interesting in fact if she does end up being stuck as a head after her debut episode maybe that could be the reason that she sells her own soul to get her body back so that her marine friends can still have a mama to take care of them man there's some irony for you the woman who cost the devil his most wanted soul now owes him her own soul that's gotta be rough honestly i don't really mind what they do with cow maria in the show i just want netflix to make her part of our world if you know what i mean and know that two second cameo in the theme song doesn't count hey guys a quick little spoiler-filled editor's note here skip here if you don't want spoilers i'm aware that there was a table read of a season 2 episode called the devil's pitchfork where it was revealed that cuphead's sold debt had actually expired at some point but the production number on that episode is 108 and if the numbers end up going in order just like last season it's likely going to air somewhere in the middle of the season i'm just going to say that my episode takes place sometime before that one heck maybe the whole soul shortage and almost getting bored by maria could be some of the humiliating setbacks that the paper is referring to in the review you never know already guys i think that's all i've got for you today so far we've made it through six bosses and i plan to tackle the remaining ones at a later date don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss part two and if you have your own episode ideas for the bosses we've looked at today feel free to leave them in the comments below thanks for tuning in everybody and i hope to see you all real soon [Music] you
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 567,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead show, cuphead show season 2, cuphead dlc, the cuphead show, cuphead delicious last course, delicious last course, dlc, cuphead bosses, bosses, cuphead animation, animation, cuphead song, Netflix, Cala Maria, Werner werman, hilda berg, sally stageplay, goopy le grande, phantom express, baroness von bon bon, mugman, elder kettle, ms chalice, season 2, season 1, theory, cartoon, cartoons, funny, comedy, devil, cuphead devil, song, game, review, analysis, writing, gameplay, boss
Id: LE8Ae2mK1-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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